According to myth, the Earth was created in 6 days.
And on the seventh day, the creator rested.
One day it may be written (probably in wikipedia) that this great blog took a metaphoric six days to create, and on the seventh day the creators lunched...and blogged about that lunch.
Today is officially the first anniversary of the First day of Lunchmas week, the six days of creation that led to the birth of this wonderful place where we have all found a lunchtime home. It should be a time of great joy, gluttony, merry making and imbibing.
At least I think it should.
Since this is the first time we'll be celebrating the birth of Our Blog, I'm kind of at a loss for what we should do. What traditions should we start? Should we create a special week long Lunchmas menu? Should we write lunchmas carols that we can pass down to the next generation of lunchers? Should we be opening the windows on a little cardboard lunch house on each night of lunchmas or lighting some funky candles? Should we create some fake lunchy characters who only come out around Lunchmas and do really lunchy things? Are there special Lunchmas season colors? Should we say "Happy Lunchmas" or "Merry Lunchmas" or something entirely different?
I have no idea.
So let's spend today's post coming up with some shit. It's our new holiday and we deserve some silly traditions to go along with it.
How do you think Lunchmas should be celebrated?
Share your ideas and naturally the best ones will find their way into eternal Lunchmas lore. And who knows, one day, say 50 years from now we might all be sitting around the nursing home drinking our lunch through a straw and watching the youngun's run a lunch flag around the lunch pole. Or perhaps they'll be enjoying some traditional Lunchmas sushi while wearing their old timey Lunchmas horsecock t-shirts. Or maybe, just maybe, they'll be gathering at Bravo Bravo as the ladies compete in the 50th annual Lunchmas blowjob shot drinking contest.
The future is in our hands.
And, of course, don't forget to tell us...WFL?
jo note: For the casual OWFL visitor (rico tubbs included) "Lunchmas" is a term coined by miu for the blog's birthday and is celebrated on August 9th.
OWFL t-shirt update.
These are the shirts I have left (excluding wookie's):
1 XL
1 L
1 M
And maybe 1 Small but now I can't remember.
On the first day of Lunchmas
My true love gave to me
a sandwich called a Bee-ee.L.Tee.
On the second day of Lunchmas,
My true love gave to me,
Two Turkey Clubs,
And a sandwich called a Bee-ee.L.Tee.
On the third day of Lunchmas,
My true love gave to me,
Three French Dips,
Two Turkey Clubs
And a sandwich called a Bee-ee.L.Tee.
On the fourth day of Lunchmas,
My true love gave to me,
Four Pot Pies,
Three French Dips,
Two Turkey Clubs,
And a sandwich called a Bee-ee.L.Tee.
On the fifth day of Lunchmas,
My true love gave to me,
Five Golden Fries,
Four Pot Pies,
Three French Dips,
Two Turkey Clubs,
And a sandwich called a Bee-ee.L.Tee.
On the sixth day of Lunchmas,
My true love gave to me,
Six Cheese and Hammies,
Five Golden Fries,
Four Pot Pies,
Three French Dips,
Two Turkey Clubs
And a sandwich called a Bee-ee.L.Tee.
On the seventh day of Lunchmas,
My true love gave to me,
Seven Salami Sammies,
Six Cheese and Hammies,
Five Golden Fries,
Four Pot Pies,
Three French Dips,
Two Turkey Clubs,
And a sandwich called a Bee-ee.L.Tee.
On the eighth day of Lunchmas,
My true love gave to me,
Eight Burgers Grilling,
Seven Salami Sammies,
Six Cheese and Hammies,
Five Golden Fries,
Four Pot Pies,
Three French Dips,
Two Turkey Clubs,
And a sandwich called a Bee-ee.L.Tee.
On the ninth day of Lunchmas,
My true love gave to me,
Nine Latkes Frying,
Eight Burgers Grilling,
Seven Salami Sammies,
Six Cheese and Hammies,
Five Golden Fries,
Four Pot Pies,
Three French Dips,
Two Turkey Clubs
And a sandwich called a Bee-ee.L.Tee.
On the tenth day of Lunchmas,
My true love gave to me,
Ten Dumplings Steaming,
Nine Latkes Frying,
Eight Burgers Grilling,
Seven Salami Sammies,
Six Cheese and Hammies,
Five Golden Fries,
Four Pot Pies,
Three French Dips,
Two Turkey Clubs,
And a sandwich called a Bee-ee.L.Tee.
On the eleventh day of Lunchmas,
My true love gave to me,
Eleven Tittiecakes-a-Baking,
Ten Dumplings Steaming,
Nine Latkes Frying,
Eight Burgers Grilling,
Seven Salami Sammies,
Six Cheese and Hammies,
Five Golden Fries,
Four Pot Pies,
Three French Dips,
Two Turkey Clubs,
And a sandwich called a Bee-ee.L.Tee.
On the twelfth day of Lunchmas,
My true love gave to me,
Twelve Lunchers Lunching,
Eleven Tittiecakes-a-baking,
Ten Dumplings Steaming,
Nine Latkes Frying,
Eight Burgers Grilling,
Seven Salami Sammies,
Six Cheese and Hammies,
Five Golden Fries,
Four Pot Pies,
Three French Dips,
Two Turkey Clubs,
And a sandwich called a Bee-ee.L.Teeeee.
Oh, bravo, Uni, bravo. Towards the end of the day yesterday all that was going through my head was:
We wish you a merry Lunchmas,
We wish you a merry Lunchmas,
We wish you a merry Lunchmas,
And a happy supper.
Hm, that last line need something better. Although I do like the bit about the figgy pudding later . . . .
Hey, Jo, speaking of bj shots, what happened to the big bj shot off you were going to organize last time? Not that I'm complaining about not doing them or anything.
Hm. I need to think about our new olde-fashioned traditions.
Oh, and for the Vernors fans in the house, this lady in my office who swears by it brought me one to give it a try. I will be supplementing my lunch with that. Suggestions? What goes great with Vernors?
LT, coney dogs are the traditional Vernors pairing, or at least James Vernor would sa that if he were around.y
Find yourself a pair of half-smokes.
Chili and cheese if you please.
Hm! I will do my best!
I followed my advice to LT and got two halfsmokes, one with chili & cheese, the other with onions, relish and mustard.
grape soda, Sun chips.
Now I'm sweating.
I forsook leftover pork chops because I needed hot and sour soup today. Been craving it for days, but it was too far (3 blocks?) away to go get in that heat. I feel for you east coasters today.
Man, that was some of the best lightning I've ever seen last night.
Fantastic song, Uni.
Perhaps we should hang paper sacks (without care) on our refrigerators? I don't know...I'm reaching.
Hmmm...did somebody say leftover pork chops?
Nice song. Today was the gutbuster special from James Coney.
That car is awesome!
So I took Jo's advice (as much as I could) & went to the cart outside the courthouse & got a half-smoke (only one!) with onion, ketchup & mustard. Then on my way back I went to California Tortilla & got a cup of chili & a side of shredded cheese. Unfortunately, the chili is turkey, but whatcha gonna do. It's also very beany. So I constructed my own chili-cheese dog (avoiding as many beans as possible - so now the remaining chili is beanerific) and it was goooooood with the Vernors. The Vernors was good. I guess I just like a little more bite in my ginger ale. It seemed to have less than other ales.
miu - i updated my blog. but i shouldn't have - i was very angry when i wrote it. i probably come off psycho and/or bitter and/or evil.
(LT, shhhh...I couldn't agree more about Vernors, but you'll get crucified around here if you talk bad about it. You're coming for the labor day conference, right? You've got to try an Old Towne Ginger Ale while you're here.)
(Dipso don't talk so loud - the others might hear you! I am coming to conference & I hope you buy a case of Olde Towne GA for it! Maybe I should bring some of my ginger beer!)
Uh, ahem. What? I didn't say anything.
Many thanks to PeeP on his excellent post - go there now and discuss.
Uni - fantastic as always. Just, miraculous. I want to think I wrote an inferior lunch song awhile back; I'd have to go back and try to find it.
Lunch was ABP:
Garden Veggie soup (1 pt)
Chicken Caesar (w/ dressing, came to 11.5 pts)
I'm doing something wrong. Jo says Mrs. Jo eats three meals! 3! I do not yet see how this is possible.
Ceasar salad isn't really known as diet food.
I'm aware of that, Jo. But I only had the chicken, lettuce and hard cheese - I didn't eat the croutons and only used 1/4 of the dressing. There are ways to account for that, but I don't understand that blasted system.
Meet LT, me and my "kid" Godcousin tonight at Cap Lounge! I will be the one drinking club soda and eating lettuce! LT and I will be there after 6:30. Come one, come all.
HT--I'm 90% certain you can imbibe vodka (just shots, though). I may join you tonight. I need alcohol. I hate my job and, despite the fact that I have no real prospects for alternative employment, may quit b/f the week is out. Yes, I realize the week is over tomorrow, and, no, I'm not kidding or exagerating.
Yay! Molly - let me know if you're coming tonight, so I can bring your most fantastic, bestest Hawaii presents!!
I'm game. Maybe we could open some sort of lunching place. Inspired by the K St. Burrito guy, I had a brief fantasy in law school of opening up some sort of homemade soup-cart. I already have a crock pot.
Is it pizza night at Cap Lounge?
Soup and paninis. A perfect business plan.
How bout soup, paninis and CUPCAKES??!! I could be persuaded...
Dunno, Uni - but I have HI prezzies for you, too. Actually, I have stuff for all the HH@BB crew, I bought bags of tacky crap, and some not so tacky crap.
I'm definitely coming. I have no excuse not to, except for my bad mood. And I'm sure that can be cured by a few libations and some good company. And the promise of tacky crap sealed the deal!
I read HT's post as "I brought you HI pretzels". I didn't know HI was known for their pretzels.
Don't get too drunk y'all! HH @ BB tomorrow for the DCers. It's too f'ing hot to go anywhere that's not insulated by 20 feet of ground (i.e. above-ground).
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