Today I found a topic that has been covered in many posts but never as an opener.
What to eat to cure or help a hangover.
I am sitting here at work. Still sorta weirdly tipsy and queazy. You know, the feeling we all love. I am CRAVING breakfast tacos.

I need grease and fat to get my liver functioning again.
Oh man, who has some aspirin? I need a pillow, blanket, and someone warm to cuddle up with. But most importantly I need something, anything to eat that will cure this crap as I sit here at work. So, what should I eat? And clearly more important Whats For Lunch?
What the hell?
I'm in the hangover boat with you, diz. Actually, I think I'm still in the drunk boat. I can tell because I've been simply beaming since I got to work. I'm gassy, too, and it's GREAT! I have to ride this wave as long as I can.
Anyway, as I've said before, McDonald's in the a.m. is more medicine than breakfast. That's what I do...usually a sausage egg and cheese muffin and a bacon egg and cheese busciut. Oh that sounds good...shit...i think i just crossed the sobriety stomach hurts. Life sucks.
I just got a headache.
I have to go to the bathroom.
diz, my hangover cure is always something greasy. go for a nice cheeseburger and steak fries. that always does me right. and lots of iced coffee.
i actually didn't drink last night. i watched a movie and cuddled up with my kitty and went to bed. i am recovering since the last two weeks have been a whirlwind o' fun now that i'm a totally free woman! whoo hoo for being single!
oh, and i'm not sure what to eat today for lunch. all i know is that i got paid, so i want to eat something sorta yummy. perhaps i'll get HT to join me since we both now are not so cash poor.
i'm feeling burrito, but i'm afraid that it'll put me to sleep.
When I was playing kickball on Monday nights and getting drunk until the bar closed afterwards, I tried that Chaser product from TV. It works, but It doesn't make up for lost sleep.
My morning after go to cure since college has been a giant Sprite from the fountain. As I have aged, I also find that there's a McHangovercure just around the corner almost anywhere you live. Mc Medicine + Ronald's legendary prowess with soft drinks and You'll be ready to get your drunk on again by this afternoon.
Hangover Remedies
Coke. The soda.
A sandwich with grease and mayo.
A cheddar burger from Weiner Circle. (a cheese steak with whiz would work as well).
Ades (lemon or lime).
And most importantly, several bowel movements.
Lunch today looks like sandwiches and baseball watching in our conference room.
Go Yanks. (My baseball loyalty order is White Sox then Yankees the Nationals. Since you asked.)
diz we found that site about a month or two ago...
I don't want to get into it, but I will never again eat an entire bag of Jelly Belly's with Splenda. Last night was miserable. I felt like a rabbit that ate too much cabbage. (look it up)
Dunno what lunch is today. I skipped the gym this a.m. and so feel that my slacker ass doesn't deserve anything too indulgent.
I've oft been intrigued by the strange convenience that seems to accompany your sports loyalties, Jo.
I discussed off blog w/ peep. People are very bad things today...they need to stay away...lunch should be something stinky to keep them know what that means! Gyros! Door...OPEN! Man...I am an ellipses whore!
Hey! Spoilsport! January - August, must mean a hangover is close to due, eh?
spoilsport, what do women in your, um, "predicament" typically eat for lunch?
And what specifically are you eating today?
Peep at least it doesn't have sour cream. [HURL!]
I have definitely identified levels of hangover and their associated cures. My most common, had-two-too-many-last-night hangover gives me an excuse to go for that (continuing the McTheme here) McSteak, egg, and cheese bagel sandwich.
I know I've ascended to Level II, which is the did-I-really-forget-I-have-a-job-last-night hangover, when I wake up in the morning and want nothing more than I want reamining half of a refrigerated, flat Dr. Pepper. Perhaps the most frightening part of those hangovers is that I frequently anticipate those mornings by purchasing and drinking half of a Dr. Pepper on my way home (usually to wash down the two to four GoGo Taquitos I decide are a good idea after six gallons of booze). That usually settles the stomach a bit so I am ready for something hot and cheesy, like an enchilada plate (accompanied by a top shelf margarita), by lunch time.
Memorial Day weekend this year, I discovered (probably re-discovered, but I remember it clearly this time) Level III, which is the eighteen-hour-marathon-including-heavy-drinking-over-four-meals hangover. Turns out I can't stomach anything until it is downgraded to a Level II. The only way to downgrade? Apparently, lying quietly with closed eyes in a bathtub full of cold water for half an hour. What a miserable day that was.
For lunch today, I brought a bag of horse snacks: a couple of apples and a fistful of carrots. I'm hoping they combine with the bowl of Cheerios for breakfast to settle down the beer ocean in my belly. (Not a hangover per se; just the GI results of a good bit of beer last night, which is to say, dipso, I'm in the gassy boat with you.)
Wow. I think a wormhole appeared in the middle of that "I want" sentence.
A fountain coke with some sort of meal that includes egg (yes peep, a runny one), preferably atop a juicy burger.
For a slight hangover, anything breakfasty in the bread family, some coffee, and a big glass of water, and I'm good to go.
If serious damage has been done, it's slightly more elaborate:
First a coke/Dr. Pepper/Mr. Pibb (caffeine and carbonation being the two crucial ingredients). Then, once I'm feeling slightly more human, something with: starch, grease, and processed cheese. So if I'm up early enough, a breakfast egg sandwhich/egg mcmuffin. If I've slept in (more likely), a burger. Either one served w/ some sort of fried potato product for more grease/starch. And a giant glass of orange juice (w/ or w/o vodka), in hopes that the Vitamin C will reverse some of the damage from the night before. Voila-- I'm a new woman!
Just had a "Chicago dog" from Frank & Stein. Filled me up.
Washed it down with an A&W.
3 hours left to do lots of work, yet the boss and some sr. staff are encouraging me to come upstairs and watch baseball.
What's a czar to do?
Where the eff is there a Frank & Stein??
Just had a Well Dressed Burrito w/ LaChoi. I ordered a grilled steak burrito with black beans and guac. However, I received a chicken burrito, with rice, cheese, guac, sour cream and spinach, which was so much better than what I thought I wanted. (LC had the same order as I did, and she actually got it)
It was delicious, but I am now full of burrito and in a bit of a food coma.
For hangover purposes, my father used to swear by (and preach) root beer followed by a pepto chaser. Actually, that's hangover remedy number two. His go to is actually buttermilk, but I can't do that, so he prescribes the latter. Now, that's for a real serious HO, like a college, I drank a semester's worth of laundry money worth of quarter pitchers of Coors Light, followed by 4 Alabama Slammer shooters, chased with 5 Red Devils.
Since those days are, for the most part, well behind me, now it's sugary breakfast food (banana pancakes stuffed with cream cheese with plenty of whipped cream), pain killers of any sort, water, and gallons of diet coke, all followed by hours of couch time and bad tv. Actually, I may go out this weekend and get me one of those hangovers, because that all sounds like a beauty of a Sunday to me.
2 Frank & Stein locations nearby, International Sq and Farragut North (below Soho).
Welcome back e-que!
Great lunch.
e-que .. that lunch sounds badass!
Where were you again?
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