So as I was google imaging the word “lunch” for some inspiration (do to a friendly reminder by Spam Kitty/LC) I was reminded of lunches back when I was a kid while not at school. Dipso can attest to this one.
My mom has been a soap opera fanatic for probably 40 years or more so guess what was usually on? Young and the Restless. As a kid I got into this shit. I’m sure dipso and I clucked about Ashley and Victor or whether Catherine and Jill would ever get along (I always hated Jill…bitch!) like a couple of 8-year-old hens. These days, I don't have a fave and probably won't until i retire but i loved staring intently back in the day and savoring each bite so it would last the entire show.
So my question to you is, what is or was your favorite thing to watch will diving into your grilled cheese? Do any of you sneak off to the break room during lunch to watch Dr. Phil make you good?
Oh, and WFL??
(sorry for the brevity…kinda forgot today was my day)
Peter Bergeron couldn't hold Terry Lester's jock strap.
I never get to watch daytime tv, except on weekends, which doesn't really count. Although, I will say that I am very excited about bloodies, beer, chips and sandwiches on college football saturdays. That's some good lunchin!
I'm going here today, on the company. I'd love some thoughts on the menu and ordering suggestions. Looks pretty effin good:
I'M SOOOO EXCITED ABOUT THE CONFERENCE!!!!!!!! i think i'm goign to have an early lunch.
Bergman, apparently. I'm not too disappointed that I got that wrong.
Not that there is any problem with that.
But I'd have to go with good ole porn. I'd go in and steal some really sleazy porn films from dear old dad. I'd stick them in and watch a much younger Ron Jeremy do his thang!
Maybe that is the reason why I was skinny as a kid, I couldn't keep my lunch down.
PeeP - Buffy the Vampire Slayer?
Well first off, today is my first day of unemployment. Earthquake and I were considering driving up to Chi town for the conference, but after good sense caught up with us, we dediced against going halfwy across the country. If I had income to replenish what i spend, i'd be all over it, however, I fear the conference could wipe out all of my survival cushion money.
But since I'll be unemployed until the right job finds me, I'll be dining with the Television a lot more often now. Great post and wonderful discussion topic.
Rockford Files.
Price Is Right.
Days of Our Lives.
Assorted other gameshows.
Not sure about lunch yet today.
Very tired.
Come on out Sunshine!
Maybe you will find your next job during the journey...
My daytime TV has changed over the years. My earas have been like this:
As a child: We weren't allowed to watch certain shows because our parents thought they were dumb and if we watched them we would grow up retarded or something. These included love boat, fantasy Island, Married with children, hee haw and several others. SOmehow though I was allowed to watch the Jeffersons. Well one terribly banned show was 3's company. In the summer that would come on in the early after noon and me and my sisters would watch it. This began a battle with my dad who tried many things to control our summer daytime tv viewership. He tried disconnecting the cable from the back of the TV, we figured it out. he tried disconnecting the cable from the main line outside the house. We figured it out. he built a box with a lock on it and put a timer inside so the tv would only get power at certain times of day. We learned how to pick locks. It was a good bit of cat and mouse, and all for 3's company.
In college part 1, it was all about animaniacs. We'd get high and watch that cartoon like it was the funniest thing on ever.
In college part 2, I lived alona and I'd come from class and turn on PBS. I would see the end of Arthur, then Zaboomafu, then Rick Steve's Europe. I love PBS.
Today I am at Lady Sunshine's place using her internet to look for jobs, but me tumby be grumbly so Ill probably just hit up the chipotle on my way to the Metro.
You're unemployed now Mikey? My bosses are all out of town tomorrow. You up for some early afternoon lunching and gaming at chez nuevo-ton tomorrow?
My sisters watched General Hospital, so I was all up in that show for a while back in the early 80's. I recently caught it on TV, and was surprised to see all the same actors were still on the show, and still on the same plot line as they were 20 years ago. I was all like: WTF!
What's wrong with The Jeffersons Mikey?
Did anyone else watch Square 1 and Reading Rainbow in High School/College?
How about Where in the World is Carmen SanDiego?
Please tell me I'm not the only one.
Jo, I was totally hot for Carmen San Diego, though we could never find her!
The Rock-A-Fella's made me want to punch the TV though.
Was Reading Rainbow the one with Jordy LaForge/Kunta Kinte?
Watchdog, I might could be up for that tomorrow. however, I have to take the lady to BWI around 1:00. Maybe in the early afternoon like 3:00 or so would work.
JO, there is nothing wrong with the Jeffersons. I just thought it was arbitrary how we couldn't watch some sitcoms and we could watch the others. This was when we lived in Mexico and I can't for the life of me remember if the Jeffersons were on in English or spanish. That may have been how they slipped through the parental filter.
Um and I do believe it was rock a pella.
Whatever you called those singing dorks on Carmen Sandiego, I wanted to put them in space ship and shoot them into the sun!!
OK it's time for me to puton some pants and get out into the world. SInce I have no interweb at my house right now, I think this will be farewell for a little while. At least until after the conference. Have a good time, lunch like royalty and take photos and tell stories.
Take care team.
WD- Reading Rainbow was indeed hosted by Lavar Burton/Geordy LaForge/Kunte Kinte, or "Toby" if you ask Sunshine...
The Jeffersons, in English or Spanish, was fine television.
How do you say "Weezie" in Spanish?
Just had a 1st lunch of room service breakfast.
Howard Hughes was a nutjob.
Sure, dipso, I'd be happy to help you navigate your lunch menu. Now, is this anything goes? Can you drink?
Well, I don't know actually, dipso. I'll take my cues from my bosses. I'm thinking maybe a salad and then some ravioli or pasta.
The carpaccio sounds good.
Yes, I was thinking of that, too. That or the arugula. The lobster ravioli sounds good, but so does the farfalle with confit.
Tough one.
True dat.
Don't forget, there could be specials.
Excellent point. I guess I'll just have to wait and see...thanks for letting me bounce some ideas off you. You're the best!
dippy we're apparently a "drinking and hangover cure blog" anyway.
what did you expect?
mmm grilled cheese, happy days, lavern (sp) and shirley and the price is right.
all on a 12" black and white.
being sick as a kid rocked.
I just got over being sick as an adult and it involved hallucinating on the drive to work and vomitting in the third floor bathroom.
ah well. it's not the 'little death' i was hoping for.
WFL-> NOTHING, other people's incompetence has taken that small joy away from my life.
E-que, perhaps an early afternoon newton invasion is in order, they do have a keg of pale ale on draft over there.
there was a soap with midgets?!?! HT has to know this one.
jada's doing something with my butt(cake) and i wonder what it could be? conference related, i hope.
Oh, man, I've been so busy since I got in. I usually get bored & start checking for a owfl post by 10:30! Not today. The best part of being sick was sometimes Mom would roll the tv into your room & bring you breakfast *and* lunch in bed. But that was only when you were really really sick and couldn't move. I looooooved the Price is Right & I got into General Hospital for the 2 years of jr. high. Then we moved to Germany & it was on, but it was like 6 months behind, so I was all "whatev, Jack & Felicia totally make it back from hiding from the law with the circus" so I stopped watching. In Berlin (4-6 grades) we only had the one channel, so you had to get up by 9 to make it worthwhile. The lineup during the morning was: Family Feud, Price is Right, Donohue, maybe a lunchtime-news break, General Hospital, Ryan's Hope, then kids cartoons & 'educational' shows. Hm. They must have had Sesame Street on before the game shows.
For lunch today: another salad with chopped ham & sprouts. I also put some onion on & put some olive oil & balsamic in a small container with thyme, basil, oregano, and garlic to marinate all morning before pouring it over the salad. It turned out better than I thought it would! Oh, and a pita & the remains of my hummus. Mmmm, that was good hummus. Although I think some asshole has been partaking, since I've been leaving it in the fridge. Hm. I must set a trap.
What's for lunch for the next couple of years you ask? (I'm sure I heard someone ask) Ramen and water for me, b/c I just put a bid in on a house yesterday and they accepted!! I'm vaccillating between euphoria and abject terror. It's a lot of fucking money. This will be my challenge: bringing lunch in most days and not being bored by what I bring in. Gah!!!!! It is an awesome house, and I hope everyone can come to my housewarming party, which will probably be combined with my annual Christmas party. Save the date! First weekend in December!!
Oh, in jr. high, we finally got cable & when I got sick, one of the things I loved watching during the day was 'Closet Capsule Classics' or something on MTV. Hey, that Jim Morrison is pretty sexy. Whaddya know!
I had to watch all soaps (General Hospital) and cartoons like He-Man and She-ra in secret because my parents considered them "secular". I could've watched all the 700 club I wanted though...
Thanks, Jo!
Congrats LT!!!
The weirdo soap, PeeP is Passions and it's still on. NBC.
Jada, I'm sure, is boycotting this b/c we all know how she feels about this topic.
For me, as a kid, my daytime routine included Days, Another World and when I was very young, Guiding Light, then GH in college.
In college, too, I watched lots of Saved by the Bell and Baywatch. Lots and lots of Baywatch.
Post college, I have a whole daytime tv routine, should I find myself home. (I can't believe I actually know this)
7am - Buffy (FX)
8am - Charmed (TNT)
9am - Charmed (TNT) OR Dawson's Creek (TBS)
10am - Martha (ABC)
11am - depends, sometimes Ellen, sometimes ER
12pm - Magnum (WGN - though, I don't get WGN anymore for some reason)
1pm - Days (NBC)
2pm - Magnum (WGN, see above)
If I'm home, I've found that 3pm is roughly naptime, but, if I don't sleep...
3pm - General Hospital (ABC)
4pm - Charmed (TNT)
5pm - Charmed (TNT)
(yes, I have been known to watch 4 hours of Charmed. I love those witches)
This is based on my tv viewing when I was home recovering. I suppose it's subject to change.
YIPPEEE! I'm so happy for you LT! SOO...Details please!!
Or we can talk about it....AT THE CONFERENCE that starts TOMORROW night (officially cause that's when I get in)!!!!
Don't be ashamed HT, I'm a big Law and Order BACK TO BACK TO BACK!!
So between TNT, Spike, FX, and Sci-Fi my world view is a twisted amalgamation of legalese that is totally bogus.
Congrats LT, I was being lazy and didn't read your whole post earlier.
Regardless, of boring lunches, you'll be able to have your own slumber parties ... making breakfast is more fun sometimes anyways.
Lady Amalfia, are you TAFKA Uni? I cannot keep up with these name changes . . . .
Oh, there will be much discussion of the new place . . . and much sadness over my newly discovered lack of funds . . . . Yikes.
And did any DC OWFLer's not get my evite for next week? I want to cover all my bases . . . oh, and any non DCers who may be around?
I watched Springer for awhile, religiously - and Beavis & Butthead - then I got bored, b/c it was the same crap over & over. And this was night-time watching. I didn't actually watch much tv during the day in school. I think I was usually sleeping or napping.
and thanks everyone! so exciting!
More congrats, LT.
Well, with Jada apparently nowhere in the vicinity, I was free to order the halibut special -- seared filet with wild mushrooms and peas over soft polenta with a butter sauce.
It was SO effin’ excellent! It was one of the best lunch entrees I’ve ever had. I’ll not soon forget that lunch. There were probably six types of mushrooms and lots of them. Fish was perfect -- an amazing crisp golden brown on the outside. I also had their soup of the day, chicken vegetable. Eh. Vanilla ice cream filled chocolate éclair was very nice.
I want THAT lunch in chicago Dipso..can you work on that for me??!! :)
And yeah's me Uni. I guess I'm having an identity crisis right now. Although Lady Amalfia is Unicorn related so I'm trying to stick with a theme now.
HT and I have the exact same home from work TV schedule, except I watch the CBS soaps--Young and the Restless, As The World Turns, and Guiding Light (although it kind-of blows now that they have cousins dating--eeeew).
But in college I was part of the cult of Days--it was on at noon in the Chicagoland area, so no one ever had class. I swear, the main reason I joined a sorority and actually stayed in it all 4 years was so that I would have a cozy place to watch Days over lunch with some good company.
Have fun in Chicago guys--if you're flying into O'Hare, wave at Evanston from the plane.
Oh! And congratulations to LT! That's awesome--lots for you to celebrate this weekend.
Thanks! I just ran the numbers. I may not be kidding about ramen for lunch.
I want dipso's fish lunch, too. God, that sounds good. I hope we can get through security quickly so I can get some dinner at BWI . . . I can tell already that pita & salad ain't sticking . . . . Oh, and I found $47 in my suitcase! I don't know how I stuffed $47 in there & then managed to forget about it, but hooray! Free money!
I just ate a grilled cheese. Even though I was not hungry in the least. I figured I should eat though.
LT and LC: we are going to be in the Northwest terminal in the Detroit airport, and therein lies PB&Js. I will be getting a Fluffer Nutter to go. Yum!!
Puerto whatan now? You talk like a man with a rubber head.
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