Greetings fellow Lunchinators! Hope you’re having a nice Thursday.
While we’re all smart, independent, autonomous lunchers; there are a myriad of lunch choices out there, and they all want your lunching dollar. While we here are a forum to share ideas and perspectives on and for lunch, we all face a blitz of stimuli in the form of advertising, hoping to influence our decisions.
Food advertising itself has become entertainment in many ways, though it can also be a source of immense and inscrutable annoyance.
Some of the ads may actual get through to us, and despite our own better judgement, soon we’re lining up for the slop they’re peddling. Others may only sicken and frighten us.
Many people have opposite reactions to the same ads.
I love those Quizno’s Furbie thingymabobs, but some crazy folks hate em!

Some things may only puzzle us. The Arby's Oven Mitt? I guess its more appetizing than their food, but try a little harder Mr. Ad Man!
Share your thoughts and opinions on the ads that make you laugh, keep you up at night, work for you, keep you away, or leave you drooling for more. Also, what ads and products are you wishing were true?
I for one am waiting with fingers crossed for someone to gin up that SNL Taco Town! delicious creation. Just picture it: A crunchy all beef taco smothered in nacho cheese, lettuce, tomato, and special Southwestern sauce; wrapped in a soft flour tortilla with a layer of re-fried beans in between; wrapped in a savory corn tortilla with a middle layer of Monterrey jack cheese; wrapped in a deep fried gordita shell smeared with a layer of special 'guacomolito' sauce; wrapped in a corn husk filled with pico de gallo; wrapped in an authentic Parisian crepe filled with egg, gruyere, sausage and portobello mushrooms; wrapped in a Chicago-style, deep-dish, meat lover's pizza; rolled up in a blueberry pancake; dipped in batter and deep fried until it's golden brown; and served in a commemorative tote bag filled with spicy vegetarian chili.
arrrggh I now have indigestion and I haven't even had my first cup of coffee yet.
I used to have this roommate who would get all hot and bothered and aroused when the BK commercial with Hootie and a bunch of cow girls would come on and sing about the bacon chedder combo or some such nonsense. Don't know if he ever acted on his desires. How 'bout it Watchdog? What do you think?
The KFC "everything on our menu goes into a bowl topped with cheese and gravy" got my hunger juices flowing.
I know we mentioned this in the past, but I loved the old timey Lil Ceasar's ads, in particular the one that advised the customer not to think of it as a pizza, think of it as a pizza and a box, " what am i supposed to do with a box?" Ever hear of Origami?
mmm.mmmm Pizza, Pizza.
Lunch today is on the company while we do a session working out thank you notes. It could be anything, but it will probably be Chili's or some such.
Back when I used to smoke every day, I would be a sucker for a coke commercial. Just seeing that bottle coming out of the ice or splashing around, or whatever it would do, would send me to the store within 5 minutes... Usually I would come back with doritos and nestle crunch too.
I'm moving off food commercials a tad...How do people feel about the "800" that has been added to the Empire Carpet commercials in our adulthood?
And who else loved the Eagle Man Car insurance ads?
In DC we have Easterns motors and the "kiss my bumper ads" which are pretty good.
No idea wfl yet.
Yes Sunshine, I still have flashbacks about that BK commercial. It made me feel dirty...but in a good way. So I did get the BD Tender Chicken Bacon Ranch, and it was indeed good. I wish they still had that on the menu, cuz i'd totally be there today
How about those french fries photos and images? Those things look so freaking good in the pictures. Hmmmm..french fries...
Peep, to get this straight, you promote commercials? i.e. you advertise advertisement?
What does that ad look like?
Watchdog, today would be a great day to do a reunion at the old crib. Fresh Patomac Pale ale from local micro brewery on tap in the new kegerator. 9 new boards for Halo, 2 new Jedis and 3 classic boards on Star wars... Paul stopped by the other day too.
Reunion time indeed.
Hmmmmm....very tempting indeed Sunshine, i'll see if that arranged can be...
The big-headed Burger King King scares the bejeezus out of me and pretty much killed any latent desire I might have had to eat there after many, many drunken late night BK runs during the college years.
Jo's mention of Empire Carpet reminds me of a local commercial from childhood for Sun Bubble hot-tubs that has left me traumatized to this day. No, it is not a hut-tub dealership, rather some sort of horrifying hot-tub bathhouse where you can go to enjoy "quality time" with friends, family, and loved-ones. Thanks to the most annoying jingle in creation (Sun Bubble/ The place to be/ Hot Tubbin'/ For you and me), I still know that if I want to catch a nasty case of Hepatitis, all I have to do is "Dial 262-0123." *shudder*.
I am an advertiser’s wet dream. I have been known to be propelled up, off the couch to the supermarket, the department store, the computer or the fast food restaurant immediately after seeing a commercial. I’ve actually bought products advertised via spam email.
On the topic of food, I hate, hate, hate the Burger King guy – he’s nothing but creepy. I liked those spongmonkeys or whatever they were called, that Quizno’s had – but now they have talking babies, and I do not approve.
Since I’ve gotten DVR, I don’t actually see that many commercials, and I can’t think of any that are currently running that I love, or hate. However, I’m going to move this to Always Pertinent Posts (or maybe All Stars) later tonight, so that we can always have a place to discuss commercials.
Yesterday I had a FREE lunch at the United Nations Delegates Dining Room. Nice view, mediocre food. And, little known fact: anyone can make a reservation and eat there. Though, like I said, the food ain’t that great. They had this pistachio jello mold type thing though, that made it all worthwhile. Totally weird. For dinner, I had vodka. Really, really, expensive vodka. Overpriced even for New York. (6 drinks came to a bit over $100) Yay for trendy hotel roof bars! Also, I was involved in a minor boat crash and have a huge knot/bruise on my thigh. It was an eventful day for HT.
Today I was starving when I woke up, so I skipped my recent early morning gym routine in favor of my couch and a baked potato. It was wonderful. I don’t know what’s for lunch, but I do have the components of egg salad in the fridge here, just waiting to be made, but I’m thinking I’ll just have a diet coke instead. For now, at least.
I LOVE the Quizno's spongemonkeys. "They got a pickle bar!" I hate the big-headed Burger King. I hate the BK commercial prominently starring Hootie & Carmen Electra's ass. That commercial so didn't work on me, but I guess I wasn't the target anway.
Speaking of old local commercials, anyone from the DC area who does not know these should be bothered. "When you take Joon-Rhi self-defense, then you, too, can say: Nobody bother me! Nobody bother me! Call USA-5000. Joon-Rhi means might for right! Nobody bother me! Nobody bother me either!" Rumour was one of those kids at the end of the commercial was killed & they wrote on his body (in his own blood!) "Somebody bothered me" Apocryphal, apparently, but funny! In a way that Massive Delts would appreciate, methinks.
That KFC everything-bowl commercial is disturbingly alluring. Almost any pizza commercial gets my saliva glands working. Especially when they slooooooowly pull the piece out & there's all the gooey, stringy cheese. Oh yum. I hate Papa John. The man and the pizza. I miss Dave from Wendy's. I missed the whole origami pizza box thing b/c I was out of the country. Does anyone remember that Little Caesar's commercial where the kid got 3-d glasses & he goes around looking through things (the only other one (aside from the punchline) that I remember is he goes past a guy being a tough-ass coach for a Pee-Wee football team talking about how "You've got hit HARD, son!" or whatever & he looks through his pants & he's wearing boxers with big hearts on them. Hee hee!) and then this attractive lady with a bag from LC comes walking up & his glasses go crazy & he looks through . . . the bag & into the inside of the breadsticks & he says "You sure got a lotta pepperoni in your breadsticks, lady" or something. That kid was so cute! But I don't even know where a LC is to order from, so I've never had it. Sad!
Spongemonkeys are my do you spell taradactyle...what with a "P"??? NO way!! HAHAHA!
What is up with the new Domino's weird brownie dudes...they should back to the Noid!
Pluto just got dissed. Big time.
Soho for lunch.
I went heavy on the sausage and peppers.
Vitamin water to drink.
Had a turkey, ham and provolone sandwich, with lettuce and tomato. Also had those "dirty" chips with roasted garlic and herbs. Pretty good, and i'm burping it all up now, revisiting!
I'm surprised no one has mentioned the "where's the beef?" ads. Perhaps those were too ubiquitous, that's my favorite new word, new to me anyways.
i got stuck in a meeting and thus delayed lunch a bit. aforementioned evil catering conglomerate downstairs is only offering a bastardized sausage and peppers hoagie. First of all. If you are serving sausage and peppers in a hoagie roll why would you cut up said sausage into 1/2 medallions? Arg. They truly are the spawn of satan.
As for commercials
talking babies: Evil and any motherfucker without teeth should not be attempting to sell me food.
childhood commercials: Jim "the Hammer" shapiro, '546-7777, 546-7777, 546-7777.. i may be an s.o.b. but i'm your s.o.b.'
other commericals: Has anyone seen the new chickenfries commercial from one of the fast foodie places? it not-very-subtly deals with rather extreme generational gaps in racism that i do not feel are appropriate when you are selling something known as "chicken fries"
oh and lunch is water, nacho Cheese doritos (1.75 oz), Strawberry Nutrigrain bar and a plethora of twizzlers
(and yes el guapo, i know what a plethora is)
"Jefe, who is that?"
"That's Paco"
"Hey Paco....hold up your hat.......Higher!"
Any Michiganders remember these great ads?
"And they can't fly eitherrrrrr..."
"50 watts per channel baby cakes"
"Hey doggy dogg tells you to go down to Tel -eee - graaaaph roaaaaad, rigggght nowwwww, gettt a gooood deal. Yeeeeeeee HAW!!!!"
That 50 watts commercial was a classic! a classsic I tell you!!
Has anyone noticed that Discount Tire Company has been using the same ad for 25 years and they are apparently a national chain now?
How about the old President's Day sale commercial where Ben Franklin and George Washington get in an "old sayings" contest with Ben Franklin finishing with "Uh...Never eat spinach with a stranger!"
Oh, man, I loved those VW commercials they had on for like a month earlier this year. "It's time to unpimp ze car. Ja, vee-dub in da hoooouuse."
I also missed 'Where's the beef?' & the Michael Jackson flambeed Pepsi commercials b/c I was overseas. Siiiiiigh!
"Big Mac, Filet-o-fish, Quarterpounder, french fries, icy Coke, thick shake, sundae & apple pies, you deserve a break today!"
Lunch today was QUIZNO'S SALAD QUIZNO'S SALAD QUIZNO'S SALAD QUIZNO'S SALAD QUIZNO'S SALAD QUIZNO'S SALAD QUIZNO'S SALAD QUIZNO'S SALAD QUIZNO'S SALAD. I had the flatbread chopped chicken caesar. It was actually a little meh. The chicken tasted like it might have been a day over it's useful period. But the flatbread was awesome.
I'm always sad when they have a commercial with a gorgeous amber-hued liquid being poured into an ice-cold glass in slo-mo . . . and then it's fucking Bud.
Okay, FL = heavily stacked corned beef and swiss on sourdough from the joint across the street that I didn't give the full tryout to yesterday. (They've done well so far, and the chick working the counter today is WAY cuter than her dad who was working the counter yesterday.) Cranberry juice to drink.
First off, let me say that those fucking Quizno's commercials actually put me off of Quizno's for at least a year. I don't know that it had much to do with the commercial itself (I was working 100-hour weeks with sixth graders and wasn't watching much TV.), but a couple of the chicks I was working with latched on to that commercials. Hearing that shit come out of one particularly noxious mouth again and again made me associate my distaste for that individual with the commercial. It still makes me mad. Even reading about it here today got me in a bit of a snit.
I'm in with jo on the KFC bowls. That is definitely the biggest looming commercial for me in recent history.
Of course, the most successful campaign I ever submitted to was SmurfBerry Crunch ("is fun to eat. It's a smurfy breakfast treat..."). I remember BEGGING my mother to buy that shit for me. I put it in my mouth, and I immediately recognized: 1) I had no interest in having that shit in my mouth any longer, and 2) I had to get down an entire box of it in order to justify the lobbying effort I had successfully deployed on my mother.
Wow. That just made me very sad. Emotion is running high for me today. Perhaps I'm premenstrual.
There was also a Georgia Power ad when I was growing up that was this sort of modified reggae song: "Push de button. Here come de music. Flip de switch, mon. There go de light..." When I get together with folks from back home, that usually comes out between beers #7 and #8.
PS - If there's a house reunion, keep me posted. I have blown up any aliens in far too long, and I have a couple of projectors that aren't doing nothing but gathering dust at the moment.
Oh, wow. I'm jealous. I knew better than to ever try to get my mom to buy sugary cereals, b/c it never happened. Except for a couple times when we went on vacation & she bought a bunch of single-serving cereals that would always have a Frosted Flakes & a Honey Pops in it.
That reminds me of this commercial my rooommate taught me (must have been another commercial I missed from being overseas . . . .), anyone know it? "Hello, my name is Krispy. How do ya do? Krispy Kritters cereal's entirely new. 'Cuz they're indubitably (indubitably!) delicious!" I don't know why, but that always cracked my shit right up.
Oh, and the all-time classic commercial of "He likes! Mikey likes it!"
"Mr. Yuck is mean. Mr. Yuck is green."
"Can't get enough Super Golden Crisps...It's got the crunch with munch!"
oh snap, a projector would make a house reunion a neccesity!
I too was ensnared by that smurf-berries tune.
The cookie crisp one got me too:
" you can't have cookies for breakfast,
but you can have cookie - crisp
lots of choc-la-ty goodness
lots of choc-la-ty crisp"
I ran all the way home, all the way home, just to say I'm sorry, Sorry ooh.
I can't wait for my next posting day. I've got 3, THREE ideas in the hopper.
If you newtoneers do a trifecta challenge without me I'm totally never making a pie again for sunshine!
I grew sick of the Mikey likes it campaign a loooong time ago.
Working at a summer camp I would hear that almost as many times as I would hear that retched 'you are my sunshine' song. Barf
Better than "Ninety-nine bottles of beer on the wall, ninety-nine bottles of beer . . . ." b/c 30 8-year-olds singing that song . . . I have murdered in my heart for less.
mikeysunshine, I agree, the Mikey commercial got old a long time ago. But no hating on "You are my Sunshine"--my mom used to sing it to me when I was little. In fact, it's one of my first memories, though probably mostly from the trauma b/c my mom has a singing voice that could raise the dead!
Another advertising campaign that has completely turned me off from the product--"The Fantanas!" No, thank you, I don't wanna, wanna Fanta.
The commercial that has gotten under my skin of late is the damn Taco bell crispy unfolded taco wrapped ina tortilla. Oh the crunch wrap, that's it.
I used to enjoy the phrase "good to go" . it was a hip way of saying ready, or all set up, or let's move, or so many things. Then those fucking geeks ruined it by claiming the phrase as their own dumb catch phrase and I have felt like a dork every time I have accidentaly said it.
Incidently, I tried one of those at a Long John Silvers / Taco Bell fusion joint and the jerk thing was not crunchy even a little bit, despite that being the first word in it's stupid name.
I just hope nobody comes along and ruins my next favorite phrase. "I'm loving it" Wait. what?...Fucking hamburgler.
Oh, man, remember those weird Folgers (I think? some crud coffee) commercials with the couple & it was all soap-opera-y? It must have been in like the early or mid-90s?
"Bob never has a second cup of coffee at home..."
Oh my god, I'm so excited! I can finally show people the porny Oreo commercial I was talking about awhile ago!!
Damn, I'm horny.
The thing that really steams me about the "good to go" commercial is that retarded hand motion thing they do. Perhaps if we broke their fingers they wouldn't be so good to go anymore, bastards!
MikeyS - I was fortunate to dodge the disappointment of Taco Bell of appropriating that phrase. I went to a military, Catholic, all-boys high school (Ladies, the line starts to the left.) where the entire JROTC instructional staff - all retired Army - used the hell out of that phrase. To this day, hearing "good to go" or "squared away" makes my sphincter pinch up.
Which is the opposite of what that Taco Bell snack does to your sphincter!
Good heads up blogging LT
Sphincter. Tee Hee
Thanks Mikey! I was typing as fast as that cop's tongue trying to get my comment in there before someone else ruined the flow . . . .
All boys catholic military school. there's a molestation or sodomy joke in there somewhere.
Don't petetion, don't confess.
Molly, there's something sweet when your mom sings you a song and it stays as a cherished memory. it's an entirely different thing when you hear it 17 times a day from kids who think they're the first person ever to sing that damn song to somebody named sunshine.
It sickens me worse than Arby's
How come no one has professed their love for Jared yet??
That picture is beautiful.
I'm guessing b/c we just discussed his porn addiction a couple days ago. Who could love a porn addict?? {hands go up all around}
Mikey--D'oh! I totally did not put the song and your name together. I understand. I have issues with Little Richard.
We have a patient here who's name is Richard Seaman...
Uni, you have to try this meat cake
I guess I mean COM Ass C. Not Uni.
You can bite her ass in Chicago.
Peep is ass-biting on the agenda yet?
Do you think any of the new airline restrictions say anything about ass cakes??
as long as there's no liquid in it . . . ew.
chocolate center...hmmm...
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