It's hard to believe it, but we've made it a whole year.
Later today OWFL Historian Unicorn will be unveiling a "very special lunch post" that details the history of the blog's founding from the mouths of those who conceived it. Can't wait to see the final product of that.
But that will only tell the creation story of the blog. The reason OWFL has sustained is because all of us made a decision to commit some part of ourselves to making this blog a better place.
We want you to share your OWFL story. What brought you here? Why have you stuck around? What have been some of your favorite moments in the year long history of OWFL?
Feel free to get as sappy as you want.
Later you will hear the story of the blog founders, but first it's you're turn.
And then tell us how you will be lunching on this very special lunch day.

Aw, OWFL's the best! I need to think about my tear-inducing OWFL story first. I will be lunching with Madame President, the Czar & bunches of other DC OWFLers! It should be a fabulous lunch & I'm breaking my no-drinking-during-work rule & getting wine! Oh, yeah, I'm out of control.
Holy crap, Jo - that pic is so fantastic I might die.
I too will be lunching with the DC OWFLers - and it figures that the office is having pizza today - during a week when I can really use the free food. Damn. Oh, well. I'd rather lunch with yinz guys who know the true spirit of Lunchmas!
More from me later on how great this joint, and its patrons, are!
I love Tom Waits! I'm jealous. I will drown my sorrows in beef.
Merry Lunchmas!! Happy New Lunchyear!!
Looking forward to a day of celebration of lunch
Happy lunchmas all.
Peep, there used to be a ricobene's right around the corner here, but it closed. There's another one somewhere downtown (original in bridgport?).
Breaded steak sandwich is their specialty. Heavy duty, man. We could probably split one. Want to figure out where it is and meet there? Might as well mark the holiday, eh?
222 N. Wells -- that wasn't very difficult
Breaded steak sandwich? Wow, that sounds good...
Oh, yeah...it's definitely a chicago classic. Conference attendees would be wise to seek it out while in town.
Oh lunchmas, and here I am dining alone by the pool. What a waste.
I came here I'd say 4 months ago. I had been vuagly aware of the existance of the OWFL because Josephus occasionally sent posts as forwards. I didn't read them when I was working in the middle school because I didn't have the time or access to sit back and read, think, then write. Once I landed back in an office in April, I ventured to the site and decided to participate. I have enjoyed the community and if I have either a job that has me in fromt of a computer all day, or no job at all, I pledge to continue for another year. It all depends on how the job search goes... any of you hiring?
And of course, I am celebrating by eating a hand crafted sammie on great bread and drinking a few of my new brother in law's beers down by the pool.
mikey, there's an opening for a senior seminar coordinator here...want to move to chicago? you do meeting planning, right?
I was actually downtown over the lunch hour, and so I had a chance to observe Lunchmas by getting out of my suburban rut and try someplace I had never been before. I went to Lawson's--I've always been mildly curious--and the sandwich was pretty tasty.
I was initially drawn here by HT, and, as a special thanks to her, I ordered her birthday present today--I know it's months away, but I found it and it's AWESOME! And for those of you who mocked her Hawaii gift for me--it was one of the best presents I've recieved in a while (although it would be a ridiculous and sucky gift for anyone else)!
Happy Lunchmas to all! And to all a good afternoon!
Grooooooan . . . food coma. 2 wines at lunch didn't help either. If anyone wants to know what to get at Jimmy's on K (or the original Jimmy's in Boston when it reopens), the lobster roll was fantastic (not too much mayo) & the tuna tartare appetizer was fabulous. I want to put my head down. Oh work, when will you recognize Lunchmas & put it on the official calendar?? Seriously - next year I'm taking the day off. Oooh, it should be a Thursday - maybe I'll take Friday off.
next year there will be serious thursday night boozing er... lunching.
Dipso, I am a very experienced meeting planner. Send me some info if you get a chance. mikeysunshine@hotmail.com
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