Hey baby, want a ride in my flying saucer?
Do you need a trip into outer space?
Well, just eat this hear [insert food item] and you'll be taken away from the heat, away from the stress of getting into work at 9am (arrrgh the stress of 9am), and taken into a floating-air-conditioned-luxury you have never known.
Does anyone ever have a near religious experience with food? (only to be cheated by friends and aliens getting in the way)
Have you found your true love (of food)? Was it always right there in front of you? (what does it smell like?)
So, it really does suck out there in this weather. Its like god forgot to turn on the heat in Texas until this last week. Now that we're literally "cooking with gas". What do you eat (or drink) to drown those sorrows and really take yourself to another plain (plane?) of existance?
ooooo, we're #7 on the google term: "what's for lunch?"
I think we're still getting our asses kicked by Meeta though: http://whatsforlunchhoney.blogspot.com/
wow, that post was esoterror-ific!
usually, i like downing at least one or more of the following cold beverages: diz's killer margaritas, a glass of ursay olivier (HT's people reprezent!), or a tall (spiked) glass of jamaica.
food-wise, i am unlike anyone i know and am always hungry, even in this heat. but even i won't have a hot lunch, so i'll settle for a cup of gazpacho, a chopped salad with the works, and one of the beverages above. preferably all of this would be in a chilly walk-in fridge.
heaven for me was this past weekend was when i went down to the mt.p farmer's market and bought some heirloom tomatoes, thick slabs of free-range pork bacon, farm fresh eggs, and a loaf of homemade breadline multigrain.
it was hot as an oven, so i hurried home to my air conditioned abode. i then proceeded to make myself the best breakfast sandwich ever! (all of the market fresh items above plus lettuce, eggs and mozzarella slathered in ali oli mustard) i devoured it while lounging on my couch curled up with my cat angled directly underneath an a/c vent. close by my side were my modern necessities: cellphone, tv remote, sudoku book, laptop (with internet) and ipod.
if it weren't for me having to work at the store that night, i don't think i would've left my apt all day.
today is some microwave shit and some leftover rice & beans from lauriol plaza that are several days old that i just couldn't get myself to throw out. i am not a waster.
I just visited that "what's for lunch honey" site and I am filled with rage envy and nonchalance at the same time.
If only we had the will/time/expertise to build this blog up!
As to beating the heat with food and beverage, I find that the heat always wins, only way to beat it is through air conditioning. Getting drunk, or gorging oneself in this oppressive heat only leads to more discomfort. Get in the A/C and any food or booze'll do.
Today I'm thinking chicken salad sandwich with bacon.
PeeP was on the receiving end of my rant about people whining about the heat.
That said, apparently the heat + no a/c + vodka/fresca = PeeP in a wifebeater, so seriously - who can hate on the heat??
I had long sleeves on yesterday, and today, though I'm sleeveless, I have the heat on in my office. It's going to be 101 out there today. Yippee!!
I already ate lunch: cold fried chicken, sugar snap peas and a piece of gouda. Now I'm going to the gym. My day is all mixed up!
Heaven for me is a meal of really good sushi. It would start with a seaweed salad & this tempura shrimp roll (the whole roll is tempura'd, not the shrimp inside) & served with special sauce (soy-mayo) and sprinkled with chopped scallions - so good and the only place I've ever had it is my former fave sushi place in Bermuda. Then I would move on to having 2 Rainbow Rolls from Sushi Taro (my fave sushi place in DC). No one else's rainbow roll will do. I would also have some sashimi (no mackeral, thank you!) and at least one order of super-fresh uni. Top it all off with some premium unfiltered (and COLD) sake. Gaaaaaaah . . . . I am lucky I will be having most of that meal tomorrow night (except for the tempura appetizer. :-( Poor me!)
Lunch today = the rest of the burrito bowl I got yesterday. I made a plan to not eat the whole thing so I wouldn't have to go out in this oppressive heat. I am soooooo glad I did that. I will also have another Moutoux peach & maybe some tapioca. And water. I've been drinking too much soda lately. I'm looking forward to my burrito bowl. I hope the guac isn't too brown. Ugh!
peep, do you wear them jean shorts when it's hot out, too?
That site has some good points. I need to look at it more. What the hell is up with this postcard thing? I'm confused. What does that have to do with lunch??
the easy to read layout and the dropdown menus...it just looks so clean.
something smells funny around here.
oh and fiona apple had boob sweat last night (that's for jadey).
Oh no, Peep! Are you a nevernude??
I would lick the boob sweat off Fiona Apple. Not sure that would beat the heat though, might make things hotter. Heat kills my appetite, energy level and my will to thrive, but it doesn't kill my libido. Strange.
I am just dying for a Slurpee today. When I was a kid I would ride my bike down to the 7-11 on Albert Ave. get a huge coke and cherry slurpee and then hide away in the cool and dark of Pinball Pete's. I could go for some air hockey today, but I think I will just get a Slurpee at lunch.
fiona was good, she gets really animated when she preforms. kind of nutty. great voice though.
the missus is a big fan. what is the sister's name?
miu I used to love hibachi in college, there was a place I used to go that had a shrimp appetizer they'd make with what I used to call "cholesterol sauce". It looked like thick bright yellow/orange egg yolk. you could feel it clogging your arteries as you ate it...and it was delicious.
The nevernude! Arrested Development is my favorite freaking show. And I know it will probably be heresy around here, but I do think the guy who plays Tobias is the weak link of the show. Michael Bluth may be a fictional charcter but he is my dream man. I would take Jason Bateman as a consolation prize though.
Consolation prize ... hee hee.
We called the cholesterol sauce "heart attack sauce." Close.
Did someone just say David Cross was a weak link?
He is the weak link on that show.
Oh God, I love that show, too! I used to yell at people to watch it! I'm so pissed it was cancelled. Siiiiiigh. I've got to buy the dvds. Hm, my b-day is coming up! I will mention it to my mom. Forcefully. (But not in a yell-y fashion. She was one of the good ones who watched it.)
Isn't the entertaining japanese chefs called 'tepanyaki'? Mmm. I love that stuff, too. Food and a show! Can't beat that! I want to try that heart attack sauce.
I thought of another meal I could eat forever. Fondue . . . like at Melting Pot. And I could totally do away with the middle course. It's all about the cheese and chocolate. More cheese than chocolate. Yummmmmm. And molto vino, of course. I guess I would say fondue is my ideal winter meal (with lots of red wine) & sushi (with lots of sake) is my ideal summer food. Or a nice salad nicoise with fresh crusty bread accompanied by a light & fruity sauvignon blanc. God, I'm hungry. May have to eat early. Oooh, it's almost noon. Close enough.
I've heard David Cross is amazing on stage. I wouldn't know though.
(I'm ignoring Jada's comment, as she is my friend, and she ignores my feelings vis a vis RHead, so I will ignore hers on this subject)
Oh, and eff that other site. A review of a Robbie Williams show? A picture of a WATER LILLY? I mean, I admit to owning a Robbie Williams cd, but what the eff does that have to do with lunch? And does she think she's some modern-day Monet? Whatever. The bitch is effing GERMAN, for Christ's sake.
Well, I suppose that explains why LT might like her, but otherwise, eff that hoar.
i wanted to see fiona in concert. she is awesome.
there was some serious hot pepper in my beans and rice...i feel sorry for my officemate today.
I didn't admire the german girl's content HT, I admired the organization and the clean look.
Back to boob sweat, hey peep, fiona was very cat powery, not quite as crazy but close, and she was just as hot (temperature wise).
Back to David Cross, I will not argue his merits with the person who claims to hate television and who hasn't seen a single episode of Mr. Show.
And he's great live. HT may not have seen him live but she has HEARD him live, via my David Cross cd.
Now I want a big caesar salad with anchovies.
PeeP, I will cut you.
And, I'm bringing my jean shorts to Chicago, along with a beater, so we can be all matchy matchy out on the town.
Yes, from seeing David Cross live (twice), my face actually hurt from the constant laughter.
As for lunch, today is salad.
As for dreamy lunch on a hot day, how about one of those orange creamsicles things, melted over some rasberries...
Goddamnit JO! I didn't say I don't like David Cross or that he's not funny, I said he's the weak link ON THAT SHOW! Reading comprehension is a wonderful thing.
Sweet, sweet jada, I am saying that I will not take television opinions from someone who claims to hate television.
Do you comprehend that sweaty tits?
Deadbeat Lunchers forced to eat cheese sandwiches.
Oh my...
Welcome shorty!
Off to Soho for a sampling of salads from their buffet.
I'm torn between getting something like a soup and salad or a cheesesteak. When it is hot out, I usually vary between wanting something light and healthy or ultimately slutty and heavy.
I don't understand why Tampa doesn't charge for lunches upfront. That's how it always was at my school. Ugh, I bet those sammies are with American cheese. Gack.
I had the rest of my burrito bowl. The guac wasn't too brown, but it was really unfulfilling. I've got another peach & that tapioca, but I will probably dive into my bag of goldfish in a few . . . .
Oh my god, I just posted on that lunch is fun website. Do a search for 'bob barker'. I almost peed myself. That may be the worst boss ever!
"not too brown" guac makes me wanna 'url.
Ya heard?
Well, it's not like it was sitting out all day - it was in the fridge! And it was definitely more green than brown. And it tasted fine. I know wookie'll back me up on this . . . .
going back to the nevernude...that show is brilliant...i live across the street from a gigantic chinese restaurant called congee village. it has huge firework light up signs and is jam packed with c-towns finest.
the point of this story is that there is a chinese man who works there who looks exactly like michael bluth. i have coined him "asian bateman." he does not know this. but the resemblance is UNCANNY.
this is how arrested development has infiltrated my life. as for lunch, i ate a leftover dry chicken sandwich and a giant glass of ice water to wash it down. i sat next to my ac and damn that ice water was refreshing! i haven't left home yet.
I don't care where it was sitting all day, "brown guac" is definitely a phrase that can only be used to describe a symptom of intestinal ailment. (Oddly, also a likely cause of said ailment.)
The food item that has historically helped me beat the heat (psychologically, at least) is an old-school ice cream sandwich. I'm certainly not above the rectangular chocolate-wafer-with-vanilla variety, but, with the luxury of forethought, I prefer the top-shelf-vanilla-on-homemade-chocolate-chip-cookie type.
Wow. I just made myself shiver.
I don't hate TV across the board. Some of it I really like. But I do hate mindless TV watching and people whose lives revolve around the tube. This has all been explained before. I flat out will kick someone in the crotch if they complain about not "having enough time" to read or workout, but they sit on the couch and watch TV every night. But I can recognize greatness when I see it, and Arrested Development is great.
I ordered the steak taco plate and the guac and chips from Flash Taco. My guac better be bright green!
I went to Java Green...some vegan joint in the area. I got the bibimbob salad with "chicken". Holy crap this thing is spicy, really good taste but with it being so f'ing hot out...food that makes me sweat probably wasn't the best choice.
Happy Birthday Earthquake!
No, it'll make you sweat more which will cool you off quicker! That's why all the equatorial people eat the spicy food!
Well, update on the brown guac: it's sittin' jes' fine. Jada - was yours bright green? I do hope so! B/c that's the best.
Jada thanks for clarifying your TV hatred (again) but you're still wrong about David Cross/Tobias.
Come on, he's an "analrapist" for chrissakes.
Five Guys Burgers for dinner tonight.
burgers again Jo?
But FIVE GUYS this time.
People who "don't have enough time" for work, TV, the gym, reading, and a social life obviously aren't taking enough amphetamines.
I fucking love HT. Well said, my dear.
My guac was bright green and delish. Chips needed a little more salt, but I rememdied that. Tacos = good.
asian bateman? chibi, next time i go visit you, i NEED to see this guy.
when i make homemade guac, it always turns brown faster than i can eat the damn thing. and i always use a TON of lime juice. any suggestions on how to extend guac life?
yes, HT, obviously not enough uppers. or diet coke.
and shorty, yes. ask HT or chibi or any of my close friends for that matter. my gas is a force of nature not to be reckoned with. however, i do try to be respectful. but my officemate is only here 2 days a week, so i can rip 'em as much as i please!
I've never had that problem, Wookie. As soon as I've made guac, it's gone. Maybe you need a better recipe? ;-p
LT's guac is good...never had LC's...we could have a guac-off!
I've heard that if you place an avocado pit in a bowl of guac it will help keep it from turning brown too fast.
Guac-off! Guac-off! Guac-off!
I think that thing about the pit might be an old wive's tale. But I'm not sure.
Molly makes the best guac. All of y'all's is good, and I like mine, too (mine is creamy and doesn't go brown that quickly), but hers is fantastic. I think she does the avocado pit thing. But, there is never an issue, as it is consumed, forthwith.
And, LC is one gassy bitch.
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