1) Favorite Celebratory Food: What do y'all eat when its party time?? Do you go for it and eat the richest, most decedant foods you can lay your hands on? Or do you treat it like just another day?? Personally, I like to do it up. I am having dinner with my mom and her boyfriend (this is weird for me, but theres food and Bonzai (equal parts rose wine and saki) so Im sure I will survive) at The Plum Garden which is a tasty Japanese Hibatchi Grill. Mmmmmmmm....
2) Do you celebrate with lunch or dinner?? I go both ways (hehe) here. But since I am planning of busting out my drinking hat at dinner, Im thinking lighter lunch....maybe a little chicken salad sammy or a pb&j. Also, I have an interview (keep those fingers crossed people!) and I don't want to feel bloated and squirmy while talkin myself up to my next employer. Suggestions??
3) Cake. We all know Uni rocks the art of the cake (hard), but if you are sans-Uni on your own personal holiday, whats your favorite?? I am goin for a little bit of everything. The OtherMom (not to be confused with the EvilStepMom) already sent over a plate of her world famous chocolate cupcakes of which I have already had 3. I fully plan on ordering the tempura fried cheesecake at the Plum Garden, and Saturday I will be partying in NYC, so I will have my pick of yummy yummy baked goods....I don't even know where to start!!!
Alright, well I have lots to do before my train on Friday, so I am going to quit talking about myself now...but have a fantastic fuckin weekend everyone, and don't forget WFL?????

You totally got over-posted by HT. Shame on her.
In the spirit of being poor (and Well's Fargo being total bastards). I am going to eat bag lunch today.
Happy Birthday! Even though I love to bake homemade treats for others, for my own b-day, all I really want is horrible preservative filled grocery store bakery cake. You know, the kind w/ the slightly crunch icing made from sugar and crisco. My mom didn't bake at all, so to me, that just says "birthday". Unfortunately, most grown-ups turn their noses up at the stuff, and buying a big ol' sheetcake for yourself is both pathetic and a recipe for dietary disaster. *sigh*.
Good luck with your interview!
indulge to your heart's content. whatever strikes your fancy is what is allowed on the day of your birth. sounds like you have a good weekend lined up, so i have no further suggestions.
except maybe getting laid. that would be the "icing on the cake" so to speak.
Cumplianos feliz Miu
Favorite celebratory food = Doritos. Momma never got them for us so they were always special. It takes me back to pizza parties in Middle school. Sure pizza is great, but Mom let me get that. Bring on the Doritos, any flavor will do.
Celebrate with an early dinner. It's like lunch, but you get soup.
And cake ain't my thing. that's why I ask Unicorn to bake me a pie for my birthday. She even does it when I don't ask.
Lunch today will be at a place between here and the bank. If it's on the way over there, then Discount Joe's Semi-digestable taco stand. If it's on the way back, it's at Morton's steakhouse.
I want a cake made out of donuts for my next birthday. Miu, if you are in NYC this weekend you should go to Donut Plant. It's one of my favorites. And very Happy Birthday to you!
I think it's funny that no one suspected me of posting the X rated birthday cake picture.
Oh, and Honey 1 was and still is my choice for birthday eats. I also agree that getting laid on your birthday is a priority. Just don't do so with Rico's friends.
Happy Birthday MIU!!!
Man this was confusing.
We need to talk about time stamping the posts...
Oh yeah, I used to enjoy a good mongolian BBQ on my birthday, but the charm wore off when I was there for my 30th in December. Perhaps as an old man, I ain't hip enough for it any longer.
I'd settle for anyplace that the staff doesn't have to force out a "cheerful" and trademarked rendition of Happy Birthday
1. Usually a great steak, so yes I try to do it up.
2. Absolutely do both lunch and dinner, milk that mutha!
3. Absolutely cake, especially if you can get a special order into Unicorn. Best birthday cake EVER.
For lunch today I am following the orders on the OWFL calendar and getting my favorite sandwich from Best Sandwich Place. The Ham & Chicken Club.
And special shout out to a former OWFLer who shares a birthday with Miu, happy birthday goldfish, wherever you are...
I didn't read through the entire post...If you can't get a special order Unicorn cake, then don't bother...or go to carvel or baskin robbins or coldstone and get a second class (but still serviceable) ice cream cake.
The time I spent in IL this summer coincided with the birthday's of no less than 4 of my coworkers' birthdays and that heatwave. I had icecream cake 3 days in a row for b-days, then, just like Elaine on Seinfeld, the office had gotten used to the 3:00 pm sugar rush that on the fourth day, somebody got us a Happy heatwave Icecream cake.
I just thought that is what peeps in IL did for celebrations... Icecream cake.
In light of have your favorite sandwich day, I may have to take the hour long ride in to the city and get a tasty chix sammie from the Pollo Sabroso. By the time I get that taken care of, I should just not return to the office. I am without exception, the only person on my entire program in the office right now. No boss, no boss's boss, no cdolleagues, no supervision or accountability. What would you do?
Mikey, I would go git yer drunk on.
Happy birthday Miu! Yeah, definitely don't spend it at a chain restaurant that has their fake version of the birthday song. Man, I hate when all the servers come out clapping. Ugh!
Welcome back, James Vernor! You're probably right - girls seem to make a bigger deal (in general) of birthdays. But if I didn't make a big deal out of it, who would? It's not like I have a boyfriend, so no, I probably won't be getting laid this birthday . . . like last birthday . . . and the birthday before that . . . and the one before that. Birthday's suck. The only thing they're good for are free drinks & free food. Yes, my b-day is coming up in a couple weeks. Boo.
Lunch today is at Bistro Bis (for Restaurant Week!) on the hill! I'm looking forward to it - it was so good when I went 2-3 years ago. Mmmm. French food. I mean, Freedom food.
Oh, and I didn't solve the mystery of Ruth's Chris. I forgot to read the menu, aside from the food & wine. :-( Now I'll never know.
I LOVE LOVE LOVE LOVE baking birthday treats...or baking anything for whatever reason. I can try and get something together for you in chicago as a belated treat...I was going to offer to make you cupcakes or cookies to bring with me, but with all the security hoopla going on at the airports I figure it probably isn't the best idea. I'd be really pissed if some airport security guy wound up eating my tits and ass...cakes...
And yes, you should live it up and splurge to your hearts content!
I'm a sucker for Fudgey the Whale from Carvel.
So...so far I have a cupcake bar for nikki, sushi cake for liz..donut cake for jada....anyone else? Anyone?
a horsecock cake for rico. OWFL missed celebrating his b-day.
If you want to start organizing boycotts I can make things really dull around here...
Look, even if I have to do it myself, LT, you'll get laid on your birthday.
I'm not a self-birthday person...I usually prefer to ignore it for personal reasons. BUT not this year folks...just wait for Uni Halloween Birthday Extravaganza!
And sunshine...you are such a selfless person...offering to help LT out like that...
peep, there are soooo many companies that I would love to get you folks boycotting. Maybe I'll start a daily feature "What's Not For Lunch: Jo's Boycotted Company of the Day".
Thanks for the idea peep!
First of all, I posted the help my friend thing at 9:30 LAST NIGHT. So I over-posted no one. Secondly,
Third, if I boycotted all the shit Jo tries to tell me to boycott, I would be sitting around naked, in my apartment, drinking water.
Fourth - Uni, some anonymity, please??
Fifth, "lunch" was oatmeal from ABP, post gym, early this am.
Sixth, I freakin' love birthdays and make a HUGE deal out of mine. It's my favorite holiday. Once Jo got very angry at TheBestFriend and I when we were at EuroW---'s birthday party b/c we kept yelling things about "KAWK" and apparently Jo didn't appreciate it. I don't know why on earth I just thought of that.
Now, you all need to go register on fafarazzi.com - our draft day is in 6 days!
Oooops...wow...I really blew that one huh??
Hey...are any of you DC folk still wanting to do Euchre tomorrow night?
Yeah Uni I just noticed the anonymity breach, bad form.
Speaking of birthday parties, I don't mean to brag but I feel my 30th b-day party (before the blog) was the best ever.
Not because it was MY party, but because of all the folks who made it, including a shitload of people from this blog.
And I blacked out two nights in a row.
How about that?!
No cake that year.
Ok you people are noisy today? Who isn't at work today?
The missus and I are in for euchre tomorrow.
I am going to a work sponsored end of the program lunch drinking event tomorrow, followed by my sister's one week after work has ended happy hour at the lucky bar. Then me and LadySunshine are heading up to the crib. Perhaps if Euchre were taking place around 8:00 up in the hood, I could come and play + 1 guest.
I couldn't do any worse that Bonnaroo #1, night 1. Man, that was awful euchre playing. "What's trump? Why is this guy giving himself brain surgery? Why won't the red dots sit stil like the black ones."
I was dissed by the lady at the DMV yesterday for having a birth certificate in Spanish. It got me thinkng that I should know better spanish. Now I don't know what ENTREPIERNA isnecessarily, but I know Pierna = Leg, and Entre seems to mean in between.
Guess I just learned Crotch in my native tongue. Thanks PeeP
I am in for euchre. What time? I'd like to go home and make that bean and bacon thing I told you about.
My best birthday was 5 days long, at our house in Baltimore, and at some point, a woman walked past our open door (which looked right into our nearly furniture-less living room, because we were about to move out) where we were all sitting, some combination of hungover, under the influence, and asleep, in sleeping bags, and asked, "Are you guys OK? Do you need me to call someone?"
Jo, I seem to remember you passing out in the cab driver's lap that night, and I think I was in the back with Hater passed out next to me. That night is very, very, very blurry.
I heard about the Lucky Bar thing tomorrow. That could be open to everyone.
sigh...bushels of limes to cut...i'll have to catch up later...
Happy b-day, miu!
I might do Subway...it is bmt day.
You can't keep folks out of a Public House. That's the whole point.
Announcing Impromptu OWFL meet and drink.
Lucky Bar, Washington DC, Friday August 18, 5:45 PM
Happy Birthday, Miu!
1 - I know it's getting played out here, but I love a good steak at a good steak place to celebrate, especially if someone else is buying the wine.
2 - I tend to do a REAL celebration with dinner, but I'll do a work-folks celebration at lunch. I do my damnedest to limit work-folks celebration to the people I actually don't mind eating with. (Or, whom I'm interested in eating.)
3 - I've only had one forkful of Uni cake, despite having lived less than 10 yards above her for more than a year. It was after a night or two out on the counter, and I may have been high. Perhaps a proper Uni cake (there's an "or pie" joke in here somewhere)experience, my answer may change. When I was little, my mom would make my brother (whose birthday is a month before mine) and I this white cake that is shot through with Jell-O and iced with Cool-Whip. If I remember the story correctly, she took the recipe off of a Jell-O box when my brother was a toddler. It went over well, and she held on to it for a few years. I remember one year (maybe my 7th or 8th) she didn't do it, and she was genuinely surprised to find out that I was genuinely crushed. I love that fuckin' cake.
My birthday was two weeks ago. I didn't have that cake, although my roommate bought me a grocery store sheet cake (which she clearly bought for herself and her Molly-like fascination with sheet cakes). I did not get laid. I did get drunk. I do not remember getting home. For two nights in a row.
Today, lunch is Chick-Fil-A, and I couldn't be more excited.
Going for a little ride then EQuake? Ain't the Chix a good half hour away?
If there is going to be euchre, there can be no bar first - that didn't work out so well last time.
I just re-read Molly's post, and I am said that she made not a mention of the cake I made her the first of her birthdays that we lived together.
Well, just let me know about euchre. I also heard about the Lucky Bar thing but I recalled a promise made to HT....(cough cough JO!)
Earthquake those are called Poke Cakes (totally insert joke here)!
I've got one that I make with lemon cake poked with lime jello with a vanilla pudding/dreamwhip/coolwhip combo frosting. I think I made one for one of Jo's 4th of july parties. That may have been the german chocolate cake poked with caramel and sweetened condensed milk covered with cool whip and heath bar pieces.
Uni could you make miu a Jager cake?
mikeysunshine - Yeah, it's a little 10 mile haul, but it's worth it.
Uni - I cannot express to you the level of regret I feel in not having referred to them as Poke Cakes for the past 30 years. I suppose I need to start making up for lost time.
BTW, I'm partial to a white cake mix with some manner of red Jell-O.
Oh, good luck in your interview Miu! I know you're not reading this, but I hope good-thought-waves get out to you nonetheless.
Mikey, you are such a martyr, offering to lay me so I don't have to go layless on my birthday! Warning: I will likely be quite sloppy at that point in the evening.
Uni, you remembered my cake!! Wow, this could turn out to be a good birthday after all!
Lunch today at Bistro Bis was: pate (yumm), chicken with tarragon & something else sauce (yummmmm), and passion-fruit mousse in a choco cup (YUMMMMMMMMMMMMMMM). I'm full & in a food coma now. Mmmm.
Peep, how did Rubbermaid ruin your lunch? Did the top open & it fell out? Sorry to hear it, man. Oh, and how about "shaving my crotch"? Just a suggestion.
LizTurtle. I'm just shocked that no other guys on the blog would step up and come to the aid of an OWFL blog girl in need.
Yeah, me too! And still . . . silence . . . . Hello darkness my old friend . . . .
HT--I'm soooooo sorry to leave out the Buffy cake. It was a true work of art, a testiment of friendship, and the moment I KNEW that I had picked the right potential roommate from my city paper ad. That said, cheap-o store bought cakes trigger some sort of deeply-rooted childhood sense memory. Blame my mom.
Also, HT, reading your posts above--if you boycotted everything Jo told you to, I'm pretty sure you couldn't even sit in your apartment. I'm pretty certain those sketchy men The Landlord sends over to fix the HVAC aren't exactly kosher union-wise.
Molly makes an excellent point. So, I'd be naked, out on the street, drinking water (maybe). Yeah, I don't see that happening.
Gah, fucking blogger.
Have a good weekend all! Tomorrow's lunch will be on the I-95 on the way to the OBX! I am assuming my friend will not want to stop at the Cracker Barrel & I will discourage her thusly. Ciao, bella!
I just realized Miu's birthday isn't until Sunday.
Do I have a reading comprehension problem?
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