Over the past few weeks, PeeP's company has been going through the guts of a corporate merger. (sounds hot, doesn't it?). This has entailed a lot of conference calls with folks in NY, Dallas, LA, Memphis, Louisville, Boston and Chicago. Some of these folks i've met and like. Some i could care less about. But there is one person that has recently reemerged into my "business life" (just puked in my mouth) and i really can't stand her. She's one of those people who complain to get what she wants instead of being proactive and pleasant. Right now, she is the bane of my existence.
What's lunch have to do with this? Well, let me tell you. Today i have a meeting with said person right about lunch time. I have zero appetite because of this. I haven't had a drop of food today and i know i have to eat something. She is making lunch a chore.
We all have some sort of task that creeps up in our jobs that makes eating no fun. It makes eating a chore rather than an escape. So my question to you is, what do you eat on these hopefully rare occasions? How do YOU survive? Please help.
Oh, and when you're done taking your 3rd glance at my crotch this morning, tell us, WFL???
Lunch should never be a chore! Run out now and splurge on lunch. Go to the closest "gourmet" buffet place and load up.
You owe it to yourself and to OWFL to not let that horrible woman dictate your midday meal!
I will stand in solidarity with you and pledge right now to order the exact same lunch as you, or as close as I can get.
What say you?
I would feel sorry for you PeeP but I am numb to your plight now. I work with a metric ass-load of those people.
It gets them what they want around here.
So, I usually supplant real sustenance with highly caffienated beverages. This makes me really edgy and hard to deal with.
I like getting back at the man sometimes.
When I have to deal with ass-clowns at work and I have the luxury of seeing it coming, I like to have two beers at lunch. It's not enough to make me feel like an oil tycoon back in the glory days of petroleum, just enough to allow me to shoot my mouth off a little.
I like to escalate situations with the annoying and banal.
For lunch today, I have a sandwich of sliced pork loin on whole wheat and some more leftover pasta salad.
I would suggest not eating until afterwards. Then it will be a little respite from the evil. B/c you can either eat during the meeting and have it taste like bitter or, since you'll be miserable anyway, just be hungry (let that tummy growl!) & afterwards it'll taste so much better what with the relief of the meeting being over and all. Personally, I hate the mandatory office lunchtime meeting - b/c they are always brown bag. Which means you have to remember to go out at 11:45 for lunch, which is far too early. Ugh. That is such a pain in the ass.
Now here's some guys who are working way too hard for their lunch. Maybe I'm just a snob, but I read the whole article with a disgusted look on my face. I could feel it.
i agree with diz and EQ -- go caffeinated beverage or beer. either way you'll be in an altered state. i'd go for the alcohol though, but make sure to bring some sort of tape recorder since you'll probably pay no attention and then have to have another meeting to go over what you didn't get that first time.
and of course, treat yourself afterwards with your favorite comforting food. then take a nap at your desk for the rest of the day.
When I eat lunch with an enemy who I would like to kill but custom or law prevents me, I cut the whiskers of a tiger into pieces so tiny they are undetectable. Then, when the person isn't looking, I sprinkle the tiger whisker pieces onto their meal.
They cannot taste the whiskers but later, as the pieces travel through their dietary tract, they will inflict thousands of tiny cuts that will infect and cause great great punishment on your enemy.
Today, I eat fajitas pre-prepared last night thanks to my wonderful girlfriend.
Ok, well peep I ain't in solidarity with a coffee or two beer lunch. But I could do sushi and soup.
Lunch as I mentioned yesterday is tuna salad. I wish I had toast. But I do not.
When in stressful situations, I often get an upset stomach, so I always want a lunch that is fairly easy to digest. For the lunchtime meetings, I often head down to the cafeteria for cereal--sounds sort-of odd, but it's filling, comforting, not horribly bad for you, and it's unlikely to come right back up when I'm overcome w/ feelings of disgust and anger.
Lunch today was had at my local bagel joint. I had the usual--chicken salad on a toasted everything bagel w/ spinach, tomato & red onion--but it was extra-delish today b/c I had reached my free sandwich on my frequent buyer card!
Good luck meeting w/ your nemesis.
Oh my god, Massive Delts - who are you? I'm laughing my ass off right now! Note to self: do not eat lunch with massive delts. Or better yet, do not piss him off.
I don't think OWFL uses the word "alas" enough. I'm looking at you HT.
Is this the boob monster, peep?
I'm doing soup and salad from the GP along with some sunshiney toe-wigglin' in the park.
I find that I cannot eat with people I do not like. I *cannot*. My throat constricts. I lose my appetite. I have even involuntarily vommitted up a meal I forced down when on a date with a man who repulsed me. My body just shuts down and refuses. So, I wouldn't be eating if I were you, Peep. But take solace in the fact of your amazing crotch.
Massive delts is violent. I'm not liking the vibe.
I had some scrambled eggs and toast a few minutes ago.
Peep, after the conference I won't be able to tell what your face looks like from looking at your crotch the whole weekend.
Lunch was the "Carolina BBQ" burrito bowl from CA Tortilla. I got my 2 for 1 card & I didn't eat most of the rice. The "Carolina BBQ" burrito bowl has pulled pork, slaw, rice & salsa. It was tasty, but it was not Carolina BBQ. It had more of a regular-style (i.e. tomato based) BBQ sauce, not the vinegar dressing I was expecting. It was tasty, but not what I was hoping for. And now I'm full. I shouldn't have eaten as much as I did. Snarf. And alas (shout-out Jo!) I have more Restaurant Week plans coming up: tonight is Ruth's Chris! Will LizTurtle solve the mystery of why it's called "Ruth's Chris" and not "Ruth Chris's"? Who is Ruth? And who is her Chris? Stay tuned to find out.
lt: You will solve the mystery. They plaster that story all over the menu. You won't be able to avoid it.
Oooh, I feel like Encyclopedia Brown. Or rather, Sally.
eating my solidarity sushi and soup lunch. I can already feel the sushi disagreeing with the soup...
I knew it was Sally!!!
Eff you Madame Prez!
I wasn't at odds with "Sally" I just wasn't sure.
Jo, who needs gossip blogs or 24 hour news channels when we have you?
I blame the sushi
NEVER blame the sushi. It's the soup.
yeah my sushi did look kind of rare.
Speaking of eating rare foods, I have been watching the new Blade series on Spike all summer and the Czar gives it 3 1/2 bloody canines.
On last week's episode we saw a pre-teen kill two people with his teeth, and a 13 yr old girl cradling a baby right before eating it for lunch.
Catch it tonight!
In high school my brother & I watched Texas Chainsaw Massacre & when it was over my mom called us down for dinner and we got to the table and she announced that dinner was "Ribs!"
I’d be happy to watch Blade, Jo, if you could just give a quick recap of the season to date. E.g., what’s the blade? What does it do? Slice, dice, julienne? Who are the good guys? What do we know so far? What don't we know yet?
I hate everybody I work with. Well I do now anywise. I have taken to skipping lunch and leaving the office early. It gets earlier every day.
Friday I left at 3:00, Monday at 2:30, Tuesday at 1:45. and I didn't even show up today. However I had to go in to the field to work with the 10 year olds again. Lil Fuckers.
For lunch today I had a 1/4 lb big bite with chili, chees, Mustard, relish, catsup. I also had 2 Go Go taquitos, quite possibly the world's perfect food.
In the situation of today's post, I would do as I have been doing. Skip lunch, then leave the office after the meeting... then go to the steakhouse and get some goods before they start charging dinner prices.
Two years til 69 dude
I didn't have time for lunch today because I was too busy staring at PeePyWeePy's crotch.
Ooooh la la
biddy biddy bop
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