-Mitch Hedberg

Waiter: Excuse me sir, you are with the club
Fletch: No, I'm here with the Underhills.
Waiter: The Underhills? They are left Seńor.
Fletch: Oh they'll be back. He went out for his urinalysis.
Waiter: Would you like to order something, sir. I will put it on the Underhills' bill.
Fletch: Oh, yes. Very well. I'll have a Bloody Mary, a steak sandwich and a... steak sandwich.

For a nominal fee, I provide a service where I will eat and describe pork to Kosher people.
-David Cross
I have no idea, people. Here's some stuff sort of loosely based on lunch. Kind of a metaphor for this blog, no?
I'd also like to direct folks again to the Conference Post as that glorious event draws nearer.
So, have at it. The topic is Lunch. Annnnnnnddddddd............. Begin.
I bagged a cat today bow-hunting in the alley behind my building. Going to take it down to Chinatown and have them cook it up for me. The buggers aren't the best eat, they have a lot of bones and their meat is very stringy. Still, I like eating things that I have bested in mortal combat. Its like those Hemingway short stories.
Uh...welcome massive delts.
Has anyone ever had a dagwood sandwich?
I loves me the club sandwich. and for just the reasons that Mitch mentions. I love three breads, i love the bacon, the triangles. It is a wonder of lunch engineering. But make sure to order it the way you like it. You can't just get it standard and pick what you don't like off of it. It is too carefully crafted to have ammatures wanking around in it picking tomatoes off or adding pickles. Once you pull the toothpick, the sandwich must be eaten immediatly. it's like a hand grenade.
I think I have made my own Dagwood sandwich at home with a variety of ingredients. Isn't that what a dagwood is basically?
mikey is spot on with the club sandwiches, I get nervous when I eat them.
I've got a hankering for olives today, and immediately the comic strip sandwich eaten by Dagwood entered my head (olive garnish on top).
Maybe I'll hit a salad bar.
And for the record massive delts, The OWFL does not endorse the murdering of and/or the eating of domestic cats. Unless of course we are facing some sort of world ending event, in which case all bets on lunch (including cannibalism) are up for discussion.
Yeah my understanding of the "Dagwood" is an everything on it sammy, but I was wondering if anyone had ever had one in an eatery.
Welcome massive delts. Is it just me or does any one else have trouble recognizing if someone is actually new to the board or has just changed their name? Either way, welcome. I've never eaten cat. But I do have a bulimic cat who throws up on my carpet for sport. Good times.
I've never had a Dagwood sandwich, Jo. But Dagwoods is one of my favorite bars in East Lansing/Lansing. I am massively homesick right now. I found a bunch of pictures of defunct EL restaurants last night online and I actually shed some tears over Bilbo's and America's Cup and a picture of the old door to El Az when it was in the basement on Albert. I need to go home soon.
I'm not sure about lunch. I have had way too much coffee already today.
I recall having a discussion that included roadkill stew. I say Cat hunting is not out of bounds.
My question is, if you hunted the cat, why not cook it up yourself?
Mmmmmmm, cannibalism. Now there is a topic I never tire of.
I hate ending sentences in a preposition. Whatever.
Hm, then I guess my little brother made Dagwood's all the time growing up - he would put everything he could find on them. PB&J, ham, turkey, cheese, honey, sliced nanners, LTO, ketchup, mayo, mustard - all on the same sandwich. Even our dog who was like a canine garbage disposal (he would eat my broccoli under the table!) wouldn't eat it. Ugh.
Massive delts, your picture disturbs me. Is that you??
Not sure what's for lunch today. Here's my problem. I need to eat healthy. And tomorrow I was going to go to California Tortilla & get a 2 for 1 burrito coupon with my purchase of an entree. However, most entrees are enough for 2 meals, but I have Restaurant Week plans for Thursday & I'm out Friday driving down to the beach, so it will sit in the fridge until Monday when I'll probably throw it out. Hm, or I could get the burrito bowl-style & pick around the rice & beans. Hm. Maybe I'll do that. Which still leaves me with a problem today. I have very little money, so I either need cheap or credit card-able. And something small so I won't have leftovers (see above). Ooh, unless I take the leftovers home & eat them for dinner. Although I have stuff at home I should eat before I leave for the weekend. Man, it is a delicate balancing act this week. Maybe I'll check out the new (and probably not cheap at all) cafe in the Olsonn's (Ollsons? Olssons?) next door. Or the new noodle place. Nah, that's not healthy at all.
Jada, it's not just you. It took me a couple of days to figure out who the hell Wookie was & how he/she knew so much about us.
My cat is very skinny! She would not make a good meal!
Jo, you need some of LT's olive salad from the muff to satisfy that craving.
Lunch is ramen, again. Though yesterday I held off until 5pm to eat lunch, I'm already starving right now.
Mmmmmmmmm, muff.
LizT maybe you should have an air sandwich.
Healthy, no leftovers and affordable.
I tried to get the kids talking about cannibalism on the blog another day and there were no takers. I think my idea was to create a lunch menu of our fellow OWFLers. I should go further and stress that you should base your menu upon the virtual identities of the OWFLers and not their true selves, that way we don't have a run on the ladies ordering jo-dogs...if you know what I mean...(pimp music playing in the background).
Ahem, and also jade I fully intend on making my next post about dear departed eateries. So stop blowing your wad and save the nostalgia for then.
HT, spamkitty, bonbon and I ate the hell out of LT's muff on sunday night. It was so big and tasty. Plenty enough to go around. We took turns stuffing our faces with her muff.
I thought you just to hold on the canibalism talk... and here you are gorging on muff.
LT, I didn't get what your problem was...wouldn't it be solved if you didn't go to the tortilla place tomorrow?
I also love a good club, but the state of bread is critical -- sometimes you get that bread that's too hard when toasted so that it: a) scrapes the roof of your mouth, or b) crumbles when you try to collapse it. The bread must be lightly toasted so that it holds its shape, yet remains tender on the inside. I've had too many bad experiences with clubs and poor toast management. I've generally stopped ordering them unless I know the place or get a solid recommendation. Why don't short order cooks care about their product anymore?
Also, I generally don't like sandwiches that are too tall to fit in your mouth. It was a detraction from perry's, in fact.
Also, I have no problem whatsoever with moo shu kitty.
Also, I will be having salad today, maybe with a small soup, from the GP. It's gorgeous out there...i think i'll eat in the park.
Also, welcome delts. I thought about doing some push ups last night...
Hello back! And good for you dipso. Its never too late to start a good physical fitness regime, even if you are in garbage time (70 years of age plus) and can only do water aerobics.
By the way, I am eating tuna fish with bits of chopped celery today for lunch.
Oh, MD - that is what I'm planning to have tomorrow, thus breaking my own rule about no tuna outside of one's own home. I'm thinking I'll put some celery and some green onion in there, and maybe some yellow pepper that I found the other day, if it hasn't gone bad yet.
There is a lot of fat in ramen. No wonder it is 8 pts. Good thing I'm all full of delicious msg. Mmmmmm... msg...
Nah, the whole reason I'm going to the Tortilla place tomorrow is that they are giving away 2 for 1 coupons with purchase of entree. I must get that 2 for 1 coupon! I don't know on what occasion I will want to eat 2 burritos at once, but I will do it, dammit. Or at least eat off the leftovers for a few days.
LizTurtle's muff is homemade. There ain't no deli involved. LizTurtle's muff has salami in it. Mmmmmm . . . salami. And not just any salami - hard salami.
I missed a conversation about cannibalizing the OWFL? Damn it! My computer is still messed at work so I can't check in with yinz guys in the afternoon. I'm sorry I missed that.
I'll just say, in case any one was considering it, you wouldn't want to cannibalize me. I think I would taste very ... bitter.
All this sandwich talk is going to send me to Chutzpa, a real NY deli. Where I can eat some good kosher fare and fill out my application for my replacement DC license and ID card.
How much hard salmi acn you fit in your muff LT?
Half? 3 quarters? Or just the tip?
if i were to be eaten alive, my guess is that they'd make a roast out of my rump.
welcome massive delts!
i had a dagwood at the dinner in adams morgan once...but it doesn't sound like the one jo is talking about at all. it had salmon and horseradish in and was quite tasty.
i had left over pasta and may have to steal a bit of HT's ramen later on since i blew my wad early and ate already.
Is the Dagwood named after Blondie's husband in the comic strip or was 'tother way round?
I know it isn't a popular position here, but I renewed my attempts to like olives again this past week while I was on vacation and once again arrived at the conclusion that I can only tolerate them when stuffed with bleu cheese and dunked in vodka.
Speaking of vacations (and muffs), I just got back from a weeklong roadtrip that took me around the Golden Triangle of DC, Atlanta, and Chicago. YAY! for roadtrips and road food!
For lunch today, I am having two carrots and some pasta salad I made last night to accompany my roast pork loin and sauteed spinach. (I was really proud of dinner last night after a week and a half on the road.) The salad is a little heavy on the balsamic, but can you really be heavy on the balsamic?
PS - Shout out to Unicorn who felt the need to call me out for my recent nonparticipation. Sorry, sugar, I was working on my delts.
PeeP - have you ammended the agenda yet? And, have you found a suitable tattoo artist for the task?
Someone who specializes in horsecocks.
How quickly you forget! Why, our matching "LOOK AT MY CROTCH" tattoos, of course.
ham, turkey and bacon club from the lunch joint in my building.
side of chips and potato salad.
vitamin water (tropical citrus Power) to drink.
I went to the Olsson's (ah, 2 s's) cafe & had the chicken/spinach/pesto/roasted red pepper/sundried tomato panini. Tasty! Only problem: the pepper & tomato were kind of piled all in one spot on the sandwich. But besides that, tasty! And relatively healthy. I think the pesto was the worst thing on there. And not very big. Although there was a small handful of chips on the side. Which I ate while waiting for my two co-workers food to come out. Oh, and a tiny green mixed leaf salad with no dressing. Odd. Overall, I think that will be a good place to add to the rotation! Especially when the weather's crappy as I can go through the garage to get there. Yay! Oh, and even better - the board said $5.25 for paninis (ex. tax), but he rang it up & it was only $4.58! Including tax! So I don't know if he made a mistake or the board is wrong or they're having some special opening pricing or something. Whatever. I do not care. It was good & relatively cheap.
Oh, and to answer Spam Kitty's question yesterday - no, the remote was not in the freezer! It had fallen halfway down behind my side table. If it had fallen all the way, I might have actually found it. Der.
Jo, I don't know how much salami would fit in my muff. I've never tested the limits. I do know that there was salami and ham in there on Sunday.
Ah, the Gourmet Pantry! Great kaizeners of lunch.
They’ve introduce the “lunch box.” It’s a box full of lunch!
For 5.99, you get:
• deli sandwich of your choice (my choice, turkey pastrami w/ swiss on rye, ltom&m);
• bag o’chips (Lays plain)
• side of potato salad or slaw (slaw)
• can o’ pop (Tab)
• cookie (snickerdoodle)
You get it all in this wonderful box with a handle, and then walk out into the sunshine of a cloudless 81 degree day, and then over to Millennium Park where the park orchestra is practicing some Dvorak. Take your shoes and socks off, listen to the music, read a little, look at the other lunchers….great lunch.
Dipso's post reminded of Opus, Milo and Binkley hanging out at the creek in Bloom County.
"No fission".
Potato chips in socks, yes.
You put fries on your burger, too, don't you miu?
I love Bill. I miss Bill.
See, I kind of like fries on a burger, but i have a thing about reopening sangwiches (shout out WD) once they're closed. I'll often completely forgo condiments on a burger for this reason. If I can slide the bottom bun off for a quick mustard and s&p application, I'm happy.
Dipso you should've gotten a cold budweiser with lunch...it goes great with snickerdoodles...I SWEAR!!
You SWEAR, eh? You must recognize that it does not sound like it would be a very good combination. I do not like sweets with beer. You seem so adamant, however...i will make a point of trying it someday.
Uni's got it right. Maybe I'll whip up some snickerdoodles at Jada's for the conference, and you can all see that she knows what she's talking about here.
HT, you can only use my Kitchen Aid with adult supervision.
That's fine - I wouldn't have it any other way. Though, I know how to turn it off now, so you could probably be in another part of the apartment while I was in the kitchen.
Until I scream for you, that is.
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