I love the frozen treats, although I must admit to not being a huge fan of the creamsicle. I think it is the cloying sweetness of the artificial orange flavoring that I most strongly object to. But it got me thinking of a history I have with frozen confections, particularly at lunch. As a student at Hannah Middle School many a year ago I used to love to buy a Jello pudding pop in the cafeteria to supplement the brown bag lunch that I brought with me every day. Once I moved on to East Lansing High School [I love my hometown] I was thrilled to discover that the cafeteria sold Good Humor Strawberry Shortcake bars, and I promptly switched my alliance. I didn't eat in the cafeteria often, favoring instead Taco Bell or Bell's Greek Pizza, but when I did I always had a Strawberry Shortcake.
So what is your favorite frozen goodie on a stick? I suggest you incorporate one into your lunch today in honor of this important holiday. I am going to walk down to the White Hen after lunch to procure something for myself. As soon as I get rid of this hangover and actually eat lunch, that is.

I can't take credit for adding the Special Days. I believe that's done by a little calendar fairy named Uni.
I was rushing through the Safeway (or some union friendly grocery store if that offends you Jo) on my way to work yesterday... yes work on Sunday (I can't wait for unemployment) and something caught my eye so much so that I had to stop and stare for a bit.
Rootbeer floatcicles.
I am so intrigued that I may give it my best try to track one of these fellows down.
However, I lost my identity, access to money, metro smartpass, Social security, and office entry pass on Saturday while tubing. My walet is somewhere on the bottom of the Shenandoah River. This means that I will have difficulty purchasing anything for about a week or so.
In light of my no purchasing holiday, Lunch today will comprise of all the free snackycakes that magically appeared in the breakroom
You're close, Sunshine, but the best frozen treat is the brown cow. Stewarts root beer and vanilla haagendaz. Heavy on the haagen. Oh my, I must have one.
Shit, jada, you're going to kill my diet.
I only had a grilled cheese sammy all day yesterday, then I drank a bunch of booze. I need hangover lunch today. Something greasy and cheeseburgery. Ooh, maybe I'll go to the billy goat!
Dang, I guess Monday's are tough around here. The east coast is entering acceptable lunch departure time and we only have 4 comments.
I have friends headed to your fair city on Wednesday. They are staying near Navy Pier and are in town to watch baseball and be tourists. I repeat: Be Tourists. They are looking for places to eat (at least one "nice" restaurant, and a couple of other moderate type places) near-ish where they will be. I don't believe they will have a car, and I don't think they're looking to venture too far from their base of operations, with the exception of their excursions to your city's fine ballparks. Any and all recommendations are welcome and appreciated.
I don't know anything about being a tourist in my beloved city other than Navy Pier is strictly for tourists, so they are starting out on the right foot.
Dipso mentioned the Billy Goat today, I would suggest that. Tell them to go to The Signature Room on the 95th floor of the John Hancock for drinks. Dinner if they *really* want to splurge. Uno's or Due's for deep dish pizza [blech] but NOT Giordanno's.
Push ups are hands down the best frozen treat "on a stick".
After that I am a of Haagen Daz bars and Dove Bars. I chip off the chocolate first and and then eat ice cream on the stick.
Lunch today is at noon with LT, bonbon and I'm not sure who else at OYA.
I know we have a few open slots so if there are any interested parties speak immediately.
I liked the platform that was left over when you were done with a push up. I used to use them as coffe tables in the barracks for my GI Joes. Those little guys always had plenty of places to put their lil drinks.
The things that they put in the middle of your pizza box to keep the lid from impacting the top layer of cheese also made a good coffe table, but I usually used those as stools.
I sprout wings and wand at the beginning of each month...I think it's called needing a new j-o-b.
I frequently eat fudge pops now (no jokes please), but when I was younger I would enjoy those eclair bars with the crumbly coating or I'd get the frogger ice cream bar.
It will be a salad of some sort today. I'll save my frozen treat for tonight!
Any way, didn’t get a burger. I don’t know what happened, really. I was just sitting here and the hunger gripped me all of a sudden. Then it just popped into my head: veggie fajita burrito, easy on the rice, black beans, pico, hot salsa, corn, sour cream, cheese, guac and lettuce. I stood up, walked out of the office and down the street, placed the order, brought it back and now it’s inside me. I barely tasted it. I don’t really know what to say.
HT, what’s the story on your friends? Is it a couple? Guys? Dolls? Shoppers? Drinkers? What? I’ll need more info before making recommendations.
HQ, I ALWAYS got the red, white and blue from the ice cream man -- I believe it was called a "three stage bomb" on the van-side menu. The lemon/white was totally the best, and for a time I did not even like the blue.
I think once, actually, I got another similarly shaped pop -- I believe it was mostly red, maybe some green (yellow?), and I'm thinking it had a gumball or something in it. Peep, is this registering? I think we may have gotten them together after lengthy discussion and debate, followed by several summer weeks of talking ourselves into it. I didn't care much for it, if memory serves, and was disappointed that I didn't stick with the three stage.
My friends are eaters and drinkers and sports fans. But, they won't have any tourguide (they're staying in some hotel down there by Navy Pier) or transpo other than public (and they aren't really public transpo types, so I imagine lots of cabs and walking for them). If for instance, I were there, and said, "We have to go to this place called Honey 1," they'd be all for it. But without someone to take them, they'll be more inclined to stick with something good (not like chains or anything, they wouldn't want Uno's or whatever) but not in outlying area, or whatever. Does that make sense?
On the topic of Ice cream treats
HT, I just lunched with your Chicago traveling friend, I think dipso & peep can probably get a list together for you/her.
My contributions are a show at Second City, and drinks at Old Town Ale House.
Uh, peep, who's "Bird"?
Hey somebody suggested a cheeseburger. You got and followed advice and didn't even know it.
It was Dipso, Dipso suggested something cheeseburgery
oya was ok. but they raised the price by serving us non-stop sparking water. those bastards...trying to upsell us during restaurant week!
my favorite ice cream treat was the choco taco. looked like a taco but the shell was that wafer ice cream cone stuff and the inside was vanilla ice cream sorta like a crunch bar and that hard shell chocolate covering the entire outside.
And then I didn't even get the cheezborger! Damn.
"Push-ups, Jo. Absolutely one of my favorites. I was a weird toddler. I remember that I always used to lick the condensation on the underside of the plastic disk when I was done with the push up. It was just water, but I would look forward to it. Then my cousins told me it was horse spit. I believed them…but I kept licking."
-Dipso, May 4, 2006, OWFL
Dang, digging in to the archives.
Which is funny since I've been looking through the archives of another blog today. Check out the sneeze.
Did not go to work today owing to being freaking exhausted waking up after getting home late from Steely Dan. And meal was at Oya, as Jo mentioned & it was a tempura tuna roll, salmon w/saffron risotto (I'm just mad about saffron) & for dessert (and I hadn't even read the blog today yet!) frozen strawberry & pineapples sorbets. Which I didn't actually finish because they had bucket of sugar in them. Sort of disappointing, actually. The rest of the meal was pretty good, though. Even though they kept bringing water after water after water. It was like Fantasia and that little troublemaking mouse & his broom.
So I will try again tonight! The exciting adventures of LizTurtle at Restaurant Week continues tonight with Cafe 15. What will she order? Will dessert be chocolate or will she risk another run-in with overly sweetened sorbet? Tune in . . . tomorrow!
Yawn, now I must go siesta.
I, too, love the jello puddin' pops--do they even make those anymore? I also love, love, love drumsticks--especially when you get to the bottom and there's that nugget of chocolate holding the icecream drips in. I'm coming off of a weekend of lots of food with my dad in town. Then, I had a job interview today that included lunch. Unlike my lunch interviews in the past, there was no nervousness over ordering the wrong thing b/c the interview was w/ a firm where too former colleagues work and they took me to lunch. Ooof, now I'm stuffed!
Choco Taco! And Creamy Brrger . . . yum! Sno-cones were the best. Even with that crappy powdery chunk of "gum" in the bottom. Yummm.
Oh, and my remote control has been located! Huzzah! Thanks be to Bonbon for her eagle eye. Phew! I was going insane.
LT -- gotta be Heather tonight, eh? You called that long ago. Nice one.
dude LT, where was the remote? in the freezer like we thought?
i just had a homemade brownie that was sitting in the kitchen. i also checked my bank account and see i have $1 to my name plus got charged $20 in overdraft fees AND $25 for a bounced payment. ugh.
drumsticks were great molly. i also loved that reservoir of chocolate ice cream juice.
But what a fool believes he sees no wise man has the power to reason away what seems to be is always better than nothing...
The Ice Cream burger (two gooey choco chip cookies with vanilla ice cream mashed in between for good measure) rates up there.
However, in the Houston weather that would make you down right sick. So I stick with the push ups. I figure everything "push up" can't be all bad.
Today was a bag lunch. First day back in school for the dependent so we got up @ 5:00am and I went out running in the swamy bayou city.
Gotta drop some poundage.
I am trying to see what Ro's schedule is like. Any suggestions for a quickie in/out for the conference (insert joke here)? Which day should we plan for?
diz consult the conf. schedule.
PeeP and Dipso - I will consult yinz later re the resto recs for my friend. Hopefully my internet at home is still working...
The crap will never cease:
I had a push-up after lunch. I didn't even really want it as I was stuffed from my cajun chicken sandwich and small Mediterranean salad from Metropolis, but I felt compelled to after writing the post today. And in the end I am glad I did because it was really good. And only 80 calories! Woo hoo!
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