I wish we could do what they do in Katroo.
They sure know how to say “Happy Birthday to You!”
In Katroo, every year, on the day you were born
They start the day right in the bright early morn
When the birthday Honk-Honker hikes high up Mt. Zorn
And lets loose a big blast on the big Birthday Horn.
And the voice on the horn calls out loud as it plays:
“Wake Up! For today is your Day of all Days!”
I figured this children’s classic is the most fitting way to kick-off the birthday wishes to our beloved Josephus who is still…young at heart. Actually, I can’t think of birthdays and not think of this book, as my mom used to read it to me every year. In all honesty I never cared much for it, but I tolerated it anyway. Perhaps because on some subconscious level I identified with that other Seuss creation: The Grinch.
All I ever REALLY wanted to be when I was younger was Kira from Xanadu. I was never a “girly-girl”; but I loved her outfits, her roller-skates, her powers, the music she skated to (dear GOD bring back ELO), everything. I would have given anything to get sucked through a tacky mural in heroin-infested Venice Beach back in those days. But ultimately I guess I should have known I would never amount to anything other than The Grinch.
So on this special day let’s think back to a more innocent time. Before we all headed off to save the world as corporate middle-men and have power (boozy) lunches – we all had dreams of being someone else. Today is the day to reveal what character in a movie (or I guess a book – for those weirdos) you REALLY wanted to be when you were a child.
As for our dearest lunch czar – I wish him a birthday filled with monsters and demons - - and the superpowers to conquer them.
And to everyone else still unaffected by time: “a very merry un-birthday to you!”
P.S. In honor of the day I am trying to put the hate aside, but please don’t give me that crap you think is cool today and pretend you always liked it – give me the ugly, embarrassing truth!!
Wow, I assumed this post was going to be Jo's & then I got to the part about Xanadu . . . relieved to see it's the bride!
Hm. I always wanted to live in a Seuss-house with the crazy non-angular stuff. And I had a major thing for Bo Duke. Oh, and Garfield. Different kind of thing, but still weird. Hm. But that's not exactly what was asked . . . . I'm going to have to think about this one.
Thanks for the birthday wishes hater-bride.
Believe it or not I wanted to be President when I was a kid.
Lunch Czar is the closest I've gotten to that.
Lunch plans haven't been settled yet.
aries rule.
i wanted to be sheera from that cartoon or cheetara from thundercats.
i don't know about today's lunch. yesterday's salad isn't as appealing, but i want to save money. i may succumb to cous cous and curry chicken.
tonight HT and i are going to the korean market to buy beef and whatnot for this saturday's WFL feast. I'M SO EXCITED I COULD BORF RIGHT NOW!
I really really really wanted to have big hair, wear leather jackets, drive around in a ghetto transam, have chest hair showing, and save the day all the time.
Oh and I wouldn't have minded the talking car either but eventually I would have kicked the dash board enough to kill kit.
Happy B-day, oh wonderous one.
Its good to be an aries.
Happy Birthday Jo!! Can't wait to see ricotubbs give you your b-day spankings this weekend!!
I wanted to be Sarah Jessica Parker in Girls Just Want to Have Fun, Jennifer Connolly in the movie Labyrinth, Atreyu in The NeverEnding Story so i could ride that pink flying dog-dragon thing, the girl gelfling, Kira, in The Dark Cyrstal...ha ha ha...and who would've guessed...the unicorn in The Last Unicorn that resuces all of the other unicorns from the wretched King Haggard and the Red Bull.
I loved the Sweet Valley Twins/High series growing up...I always saw myself as an Elizabeth...but really wanted to be Jessica!
Today I'm just doing my soup and sandwich combo from home. Boring boring boring.
I really did want to be President. But I also really wanted to be a superhero. In the comics it was Spiderman. In cartoons I wanted to be a member of G-Force or Voltron.
T o tell the truth I still have these fantasies but the characters have changed. I don't know any guys who don't secretly want to be 24's Jack Bauer. I'd love to be Val Kilmer's character in Spartan.
And, of course, Wolverine from the X-Men. I used to want to be Hawk from Spencer For Hire.
Lunch with co-workers is at The Austin Grill.
I understood the assignment! I just had to think about it, so I could come up with one that fit the parameters. Which I still haven't really. Hm. I guess I used to want to be a Wonder Twin, not just so I could become anything I wanted, but so I would have a brother who was nice to me. Wah! I used to watch Little House on the Prairie, but I don't really recall wanting to be Laura or Mary. Having to share a room! Gah! Hm. And I can't even remember any movies I wanted to be in when I was little. Man, no imagination or it's so embarrassing I've completely blocked it from memory.
And, of course, happy birthday Josephus. I do hope it's a good one! How many does this make?
Lunch today = leftover second half of burrito. Although, dammit, I want sushi. Siiiiigh. Maybe tomorrow. I need to be less spendy.
thanks for all the happy wishes. This makes 31.
I wanted to be a kid secret agent. This was way before "Spy Kids" so not sure where I got the idea, probably James Bond. I figured no one would suspect a kid, and I could have fake spy parents who went around with me, all part of a family cover.
I think "Agent Cody Banks" somehow retroactively ruined that fantasy of mine. That kid is such a fucking dork. Grow some balls Malcolm!
Happy B-day Jo. And I'm looking forward to the OWFL DC Convention this weekend.
I had some shrimp stir-fry for lunch today, yummy
Liar. What about the year 6? Or 1006? Or 1906??? Anyhoo...
Thank E-que, I'm fucking older than Jo.
I was a spy kid growing up. It's not all it's cracked up to be. You don't get to skip school or kill your brother or anything.
Miu, you totally reminded me! I wanted to be Cinderella, the Disney version, b/c she had that pretty shiny blue dress with the weird things on her hips! For the longest time, that's how I drew ball gowns. I also wanted to be Queen Elizabeth, b/c (this isn't giving too much away anonymity-wise) I already had the name, so I just had to become Queen. I was Queen Elizabeth for Halloween once! And my friend (who was a guy) wore his sister's Wonder Woman swimsuit & put bean bags up top. We have a picture together & it's one of the most classic Halloween pictures ever.
As long as I don't have to be Gobo.
Anyone know where HT is today?
Bride - Helen Hunt was WAY cooler than sarah j....but I totally knew I wasn't cool enough to pull that roll off!! But if I was HH in that movie...I would've kicked that rich girl's ass who almost ran her over at the dance contest in her sporty red convertible!
I was also diggin' on the snorks way back when also...I'd love to live underwater..which is probably why I'd prefer to be aqua man out of the superfriends gang.
If anyone watched Dr. Katz ever on Comedy Central, Dave Chappelle had an Aquaman skit that my sister and I laugh about to this day.
Austin Grill for lunch.
Had the Carne Combo. Ate about half of it because I stuffed my face on chips, salsa and ritas beforehand. The leftovers will be lunch tomorrow.
I also wanted to be Staker from GI JOE and Matt Tracker from the cartoon M.A.S.K. (no, not Rocky Dennis).
I'm BUSY BUSY BUSY BUSY today. Too busy to read the comments or really comment myself, but I just wanted to wish the czar a Happy Birthday!
Snorks were Smurfs, but underwater.
Love Charmed, but rarely watch it.
And I meant Stalker from GI JOE not "Staker".
HT is a huge Buffy fan...wherever she is...
I watch all the old Charmed episodes that come on at 5 and 6 when I can catch them...next to the Foodnetwork that is my choice program to watch while I'm on the treadmill. I don't watch any new episodes though...I loved the movie The Craft also...I would love to have witchy powers...I think that scares my Mr. Uni sometimes...
I watched Buffy for entertainment and I loved Angel as well.
The Unit is on at 9:00 tonight.
Thief is on at 10.
I loved Buffy too. Something about Joss Whedon and SMG just kinda went together. You felt her angst.
The only other character I really wanted to be when I was growing up is optimus prime... I mean comeon, who wouldn't want to be a 18 wheeler\robot?
bride, you should watch last week's episode of America's Next Top Model at 8. Then you will be able to watch tomorrow night's new episode without feeling too lost. Ha ha ha ha, b/c it's such an intense intellectual show, you can't miss an ep ha ha ha ha ha.
Any idea why they moved Amazing Race? I hate when they do that. My DVR is too stupid to switch nights, sometime. I'll hav to double check. Sigh. I love AR. I want to be Mrs. Phil, if he didn't already have one.
Other option (for the .025% of the population that might be interested) I will be watching Duke women beat up on the Maryland "women" on ESPN.
Diz I still get weepy when I think about the scene in Transformers The Movie when Optimus says the words "Megatron must be stopped." and the song "You got the touch" starts to play in the background.
I need that dvd.
Has anyone mentioned Voltron yet...Lion Force rocked...Sven was a total hottie!
I mentioned Voltron and G-Force Uni...copycat.
I finally got a free moment to read and comment, but after skimming I see this is mostly a conversation not meant for me and that I can't add to for the most part.
I will add though, that when I was in maybe 2nd or 3rd grade I saw the movie Mommy Dearest and wanted to be Joan Crawford. I even went as her for Halloween complete with a wire hanger and huge drawn on eyebrows, but I had to explain my costume to everyone. I was eccentric even as a kid, but in retrospect wanting to be Joan Crawford after seeing Mommy Dearest as a child is a little disturbing.
Sorry, I've been meeting-rific today, and it's sad because I was a delusional little child who wanted to be so many fictional characters... Actually, my parents had books made for me (other people had to have had this) where I solved mysteries for Snow White and another one about an Alligator... I have them at my house - they're still pretty sweet.
Moving on... I wanted to be Wonder Woman the most. I wore my underoos everywhere. I'd spin around and disrobe when the mood struck. I've obviously not grown out of this (see avatar pic).
I also wanted to be, in no particular order:
Encyclopedia Brown
Ramona Quimby
Whichever Sweet Valley High girl painted her room Chocolate Brown
Any of the Charlie's Angels that weren't Kate Jackson
Princess Leia
Olivia Newton John (not exactly fictional, though I preferred the Xanadu incarnation - but I was also fond of the Physical days)
Daisy Duke
Nancy Drew
Then there were the other (off-topic) aspirations, mainly that I planned to be the first Supreme Court Justice, who had previously been a geologist, and who was a trashy looking cocktail waitress at night. That would've been awesome.
Just ate lunch... tomato bisque and a cobb wrap.
Jo, what are your big b-day plans?
Nice dinner at home with the missus tonight.
No REAL drinking till Thursday...unless people want to do HH tomorrow.
I can't wait to get tee-shirt cash from you bastards...
Joe, I have it. I can compress it to MPEG 4 and you can download it from me if you want.
I can't believe Uni just whipped that one out. (BigF_inGrin)
Diz you you compress it, I will download it...thanks.
bride, you are a bigger antm fan than me. I only started watching it about 6 or 7 episodes into season 1. Sigh! Adrienne was such a moron!! That is awesome that you saw Gina & Danielle. Wow. Is G still following her around? Poor Danielle. Can't get away from her. D takes fantastic pictures - she gorgeous, if you overlook the gap. Gina - I just can't see past her teeth. I bet Danielle doesn't win it. Why would she dine with the losers?? Especially Gina. She looks like her teeth are so big she can't shut her mouth & you would have to watch her chomping & smacking away at her food. Shudder.
What was the rip-off of the Transformers? Oh, yeah, the Gobots. Any takers on Gobots? No? None? Bueller? Bueller? My bro was a big fan of both shows. I was a little old for both of them . . . but I still watched with him. We only had 1 tv, is my excuse.
I always felt like you could only be one or the other, Transformers or Gobots. Kind of like Yankees and Red Sox. I was a Transformers guy.
I agree. But will anyone admit to being a Gobots man?
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