There are some Lurkers out there of the vegan sense...step up bitches!! I know you're out there!!! This is the weekend of participation not observation!!!!!
Holla with some love, YO!!
16 servings of cheap pilsner last night? Attracted to a 6” seafood sandwich you saw being ordered and need someone to talk to? Feel like something pasta-y, but not exactly? This is what terrorizes our nation’s workers every day. It is ever-present, in the back of our minds--riding on the train, up the elevator, in that meeting. But these are simply facets of the one great question. The answer to which must be provided before we can ever grasp contentment. What’s for lunch?
I might still be drunk. LT is here and we're going to get bloodies. And then I'm going to the gym.
I have mysterious bruises from last night. And, I can't decipher the texts I sent to LT.
Call me The Vigilante.
(this is esoterrorism, even to me)
love the song...playing as i type. i slept for 14 was divine. but it sounds like i missed a rockin' time at auntie's balls.
i'm trying to get a confirmation from a friend whether she wants to meet for lunch. she won't respond, and i'm growing tired of waiting. i hate it when others are not as loyal to lunching.
I want to get drunk tonight! WHO is with me!?!?!?! I'm looking at YOU Chicago!
I would say I'm still drunk from last night, but I think it's more like I'm drunk again. I had 3 bloodies (Miu, I think I had that one you asked HT to drink for you - she only had one as she was going to the gym) & now I'm home & dinner reservations are for 9:30, so I have plenty of time to get in a nap & maybe even shower & do my hair in case I run into this guy who works for the restaurant group. Long story. And wow, stream of consciousness. Yes, I am definitely tipsy.
Nap time!
Oh, and lunch was Eggs Benedict! Yummmmm.
Peep, that picture is fucking hysterical.
I had two bloodies, went to the gym, inspected the full damage to my leg (more on that in a sec) and only worked out for 45 minutes because I thought I was going to vomit. Lunch was migas, which was weird, but not bad.
I think I fell last night. In addition to the GIANT bruise/bump on my leg, upon closer inspection, my knee is fucked up too. Does anyone remember any more details about this?
Wow. We were not sober last night.
At least you're not stuck in class. I passed my 3rd MCSE exam and still have 4 more to go this week. I've been in class all yesterday and today.
On the up side they have Emer Gen C for free here and I finally tried it. That and a red bull really gets you going.
i'm a fan of the Emer-gen-C, diz. however, the tropical fruit one tastes the best. raspberry (which i have a shitload of, unfortunately) is the worst tasting...tastes like acrid ass.
yo, i be one rested mo'fo' this weekend. i sat around on my sofa looking at the beautiful spring day. now i'm sipping on a tasty glass of verdejo watching the food network. ooooh, time to eat!
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