Making the "Kiss My Arse" cake for La Choi's b-day was probably the most entertaining dessert I have ever made! I wasn't sure how it was going to turn out initially, but if I do say so myself...it didn't come out too shabby! So thank you everyone at the DC BB HH for receiving one of my greatest creations with open arms, and La Choi I hope you had a great b-day!!
As I have mentioned before on previous posts, I heart to cook and bake. If I had the balls (and the finances) to open my own bakery or cafe it would be a dream come true! Or I would start some sort of non-profit that offers cooking classes to children, or an organization that works with individuals with eating disorders that would help them attain and sustain a healthy diet through educational/nutritional services and cooking classes that would teach them how to make and eat food that would make them feel better about themselves. Although with the arse cake I think I'm more in the market for a porn shop/bakery...Ahhh..pipe dreams!
What type of hobby or interest would you like to pursue if suddenly you had the option to junk your current job and open your own business? Would you be concerned about turning that hobby into a career? I often wonder if I did make cooking something I did for business instead of pleasure, would my love for it be compromised?
So while you share your thoughts, dreams, and what gets your creative juices flowing...don't forget to tell us...WFL!!!
No comments yet??? For shame!
I would make my hobby of eating & drinking a career somehow. I don't know how, but I would figure it out. Or, more seriously, I would go & help the orangutans in Indonesia. Seriously!
Uni, that asscake was the best piece of ass. Ever. If you did open a bakery, I would totally keep you in business.
I've always wanted to be paid for lying on my couch, drinking wine and issuing edicts and observations on society.
"99% of all women SHOULD NEVER wear shoes with ankle straps - please be honest with yourselves when looking in the mirror, because they make even Lara Flynn Boyle look like she has cankles"
"I should have the final say on who should, and should not, breed and vote."
"I don't mean this to be mean, but you're really not good [at singing] - this isn't the song for you. Try another one." (special shout out to Mr. Uni, who told me that I was mean and that honesty and meanness were not mutually exclusive. I almost kind of felt bad, until the guy started singing again...)
Lunch is cinnamon chicken that I made last night, a salad and maybe some cottage cheese.
Ok, that was weird. I am on a computer at school and just hit post without checking who I was logged in as. Apparently a previous user here is a blogspot blogger and my comment published under their name. So the deleted comment was me. Here is the original comment:
That cake is hilarious! I can't wait to try some of your goodies myself. I loved looking at the pictures from this weekend, and your voicemails had me cracking up when I finally heard them on saturday morning.
I am actually trying to turn my hobby and passion [writing] into my job. It is slow going. I have no money. But I know that if I don't try, I will never really be fulfilled with any other job. My worry is that eventually it will just become a job and my passion will be eaten up. But that is getting ahead of myself considering I';ve never even been published.
To early to tell about lunch, but right now I would just love some steaming hot coffee.
Could I just throw it at the slack-ass Cosi employee who begrudgingly made all the while pouting and sighing to indicate how put out he is just to do his damn $7/hour job?
Jade - did you save those voicemails for replay this weekend? Please say yes...
I sure did save the voicemails. My favorite was some guy [not sure who, Jo, maybe?] shouting "Jada! Voicemail! Jada! Voicemail!" Over and over. Lots of it was indecipherable, but it was all still funny.
Oh and Peep, please tell me you didn't ride your bike to work today. I was so freaking windy and rainy I could barely walk to the el. Thank god for my indestructible umbrella, otherwise I never would have made it. Hopefully the weather in DC will be MUCH better this weekend.
Actually Jade...what's even funnier...is that voicemail I think was both Jo and HT screaming...Jo was screaming your name thinking you (in person) were on the phone...and HT was screaming "VOICEMAIL" so Jo would get a clue and leave a message!
i have often times thought of becomign a sommelier or a food critic.
i ate corn chowder today, and then proceeded to sweat like crazy. i don't know why i have been so freakin' hot today. it's like i'm going through menopause or something.
i have a salad that i made for later too. trying to keep myself healthy until this weekend.
I had about 3 hours of sleep last night, so I said 'fuck it' & went to California Tortilla & got a philly cheesesteak burrito. I only ate half of it, though, though that probably doesn't qualify me as 'healthy'. I also had oatmeal for breakfast (around 11:00, shortly after I finally got my ass in to the office. Argh.).
You know, that burrito tasted good at the time & it was super-juicy, but I don't know that it was worth it. Sigh. Well, I'm hitting the gym tonight, so whatever.
Lt - did you have "oatmeal" for real this AM...or was it really applesauce?
Ha ha! No, this time it was really oatmeal. It was instant oatmeal, so maybe I should "oatmeal". The problem with instant oatmeal is it takes awhile to thicken up & then when it starts, it won't stop. And then you're back at your desk & you just eat it all gummy & whatnot instead of going back to the kitchen for more hot water. Sigh - so lazy!
Where is the lunch czar?
I think I'm going to get a gyro.
The Czar is at Jury Duty. (info courtesy of Uni)
Jury duty is over. I wish I had a witty story like J. Vernor but I was excused before answering a single question. I do believe that had I gotten the opportunity to answer questions that I may have been excused regardless, seeing as how the man accused of cocaine distribution and weapons charges lives a mere 4 blocks from me...
So anyway, for lunch I dined in the Courthouse Cafe and had the salad bar and a ham & swiss sandwich. Suprisingly decent.
The White Sox won last night and baseball is officially here, so I am happy. plus, the big 31 happens at 1:46 am tonight and the conference is mere days away. Things are looking good in Jo-land.
Regarding the conference I think the conf. committee is interested in getting a head count of folks attending. I may be mistaken...
NIce article about FIVE GUYS BURGERS in today's Washington Post.
(thanks e-que).
By the way, my dream business is a sandwich shop/bar on an island in the Dutch West Indies.
miu, you're hired.
I would own the proverbial bar\restaurant that everyone else wants really. I would want to already be independently wealthy so I wouldn't have to worry about the bottom line until a couple of years in.
Is that having your cake and eating it too?
I had cajun meatloaf, dirty rice, and vegies for lunch.
Wow, that story about 5 Guys incorporates lunch, a conference destination and the topic du jour (dream job) all in one!
We got an email at 5:35 that our water in the whole building has to be shut off at 6:00. I'm glad I read it now when I still had time to pee. Although it won't really matter as I was just finishing up a big cup of water. It takes a good 15 minutes for that to work its way through! Dammit!
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