Maybe you know the kind...
"Hey Janice, wanna grab lunch with us?"
-No thanks, i'm going for a jog.
"Say what?!"
"Steve-O, let's hit that new thai place up the street?"
-Thanks man, but I don't eat lunch.
"Excuse me, you don't eat WHAT? WTF?"
Sometimes you never believe it until it happens to you, maybe i'm the only one who has ever observed this phenomena, but the two above examples are real life stories (names changed to protect their punk-ass identities) where I was just blown over by the response.
There took some getting to the bottom of things, but sure enough ol' Steve-O did NOT EAT LUNCH. He just didn't do it... Then there's the exercise freaks like Janice, who think that the whole Noon to One hour is best spent jogging/walking/swimming or whatever the hell else they do.
Whatever happened to lunch suckas?! How did you let that go from your life?
And I'm not talking about people who occassionally have to grab a late lunch (or skip one altogether-blasphemy!) while sitting at their desk because we know work-life can be hard sometimes. I'm talking about people who just don't think lunch is that important in their lives, the bizarro lunchers.
Perhaps when they go home at night they wear gloves on their feet and get their information from Fox News, but otherwise the only truly bizarre behavior these people exhibit is skipping the best meal of the day.
So if you know of someone who doesn't ask "What's for lunch?", but rather "What's lunch for?". Tell us about them, who are they and what do they do instead of lunch. And while you're at it, tell us what you really think about all them.
Some questions to consider:
Are the joggers better than us?
Do the non-eaters get their energy from the sun?
What else are these upside-down nut-cake people doing with that time?
Do the bizarro lunchers have their own blog?
If they're not eating lunch should they be allowed a "lunch break"?
The good thing about this topic is you can talk all the smack you want about these anti-lunchers, cuz you KNOW they're never gonna read this...
And of course...WFL?
Ha - you and Miu have done an excellent job. The last two posts have been terrific!
Now, for a confession: I was once one of Them. Up until, say, 2004 or so, I NEVER ate lunch. Never. Not ever. When that 11:30ish IM would come from Jo, "What's For Lunch?" I would inevitably reply, "Huh?"
Nor did I eat breakfast. I got through my days on caffeine and a prayer. Maybe a handful of gummi bears or similar. I honestly never felt like I was hungry, either. I never got that food headache (I still don't get these) or any of the things people who eat three meals a day talk about. Truth be told, I still don't get that stuff - but I've come to see the joy of lunching. I still like that feeling of being a little bit hungry (it motivates me and makes me feel hard), and sometimes I miss the good 'ol days of being a non-luncher. (I was certainly thinner and spending less money)
But one day, something changed. It started with a sandwich at Casey's Coffee downstairs from my office. Then a week later, a grilled cheese from the New York Deli around the corner. Then some Pho from the Vietnamese place across the street. Next thing I knew, I was lunching all over town. And, I couldn't stop. And thanks to you fine people - I hope I never do.
That said: Fuck breakfast, man. I hate that shit. Food before 11am still disgusts me. I love breakfast foods, but I prefer them at say, 2pm. The last time I ate early in the morning was flying back from Chicago in December. I was starving and really, really drunk, and I ate a McGriddle. And it was so good and I was still hungry - so I got another one. And then, I promptly "deposited" both of them in a trashcan at my gate at O'Hare. While there were admittedly other factors at play there, anytime I eat in the morning, that's how I feel. Blecch.
But lunch. Yeah, lunch pretty much rocks. Today's will probably be a salad and some hard boileds, if those bastards at abp have them today. I really need to remember to boil some up tonight, for the rest of the week. Buying pre-boiled and de-shelled eggs is dumb.
Oh, I do eat pretty late, most of the time, though. 3pm isn't an unusual time for me to run downstairs for a bite. I hate going right at noon, because I hate people, and I try to avoid mixing among them when they're out in their largest concentration. 2pm is my ideal lunching time.
Stellar watchdog!
I'm definitely a late luncher also. There was a time where I barely had time to eat lunch and would typically take bites out of something around 2 or 3 to appease the waking beast. I still eat lunch late, mainly because I usually don't eat breakfast until 10 or 11. Like HT, I hate lunch crowds. Being out and about with the entire lunching population drives me crazy. If I actually take a lunch, I want to feel a little bit relaxed and not be swarmed and bumped by every downtown power luncher. Not that my current job actually allows me to take a full lunch break.
Right now I am that person who sits at her desk with a sandwich in one hand and the other on the keyboard.
My most fond lunches were taken when I worked about 5 minutes from my house when I was living in the burbs of NOVA. I used to take lunch at 3pm so I could go home and watch General Hospital. By the time I got back I had an hour and a half left of work!
I don't think I've ever come across any crazy non-lunchers that I can recall right now. I did work with a woman once who literally cried because I didn't invite her over when I bought lunch for my staff on fridays. This woman was in her 40's and didn't work for me...at first I acutally felt guilty, then I just really wanted to bitch slap her for whining to a 23 year old about not getting free pizza from a department that she doesn't even work in.
Not sure what's for lunch yet...
Bravo, Watchdog! So funny. I don't understand those people (yes, I said "those" people - segregate!). The only times I've ever not eaten lunch were because of a) illness (including hangover), b) slept through it (weekends only, usually hangover-related) or c) desperately trying to diet through starvation (no longer applicable). So I have briefly been the non-luncher white-knuckled & vein-popped sitting at my desk saying "I DON'T WANT TO HEAR WHAT YOU'RE HAVING FOR LUNCH I'M ON A DIET AND QUIT USING THE MICROWAVE I CAN SMELL YOUR LEFTOVER PASTA". So, yeah, I've always been a luncher. And pretty much everyone in my office is a luncher. I can't think of a single person who doesn't eat something at some point. There's a guy who works like 6am to 3pm - eats lunch at 10. Someone else who doesn't get in until 10 & eats at 2. But they eat. Hm. I don't think I work in a good field for non-lunchers, b/c I can't think of a single one over the years. Of course, every girl in college was a non-luncher, but that's a different story . . . . Uni, I love the late lunch, so you have a lot less time between lunch & the end of the day! Sigh! If only I could hold out that late anymore - I actually spend a lot of my lunch hours eating & then knitting - I'm almost done with a sweater! Nerd.
Lunch today = tuna I made last night (which oddly, smelled like bacon while it was cooking - ?? must have been all the salt & pepper I put on it?) & quinoa with chicken broth (thanks for the suggestion, Uni!) & soybeans. I {heart} quinoa.
The new recruits are kicking a$$ with their virgin posts! Great job watchdog!
I admit to having a very visceral reaction to people who disdain lunch (very similar to my feelings about non-TV watchers). I don't understand them and want to berate them into submission and then convert them.
I actually remember talking to someone about this very recently and she stated that she has rarely been a lunch person, but eats breakfast everyday without fail. Much like HT I rarely eat breakfast (just weekends) and the idea of a daily brekfast doesn't appeal, because I also tend to feel nauseous when I eat first thing in the morning. I have tried to add cereal into my diet for breakfast and I can't bear to eat it. A glass or two of juice is the most I can handle.
Yet I'm pretty sure most Americans eat breakfast regularly, which makes me wonder if the Pro-Breakfast crowd think we are the crazy ones?
I've lost my train of thought...oh well now I'm hungry and could probably eat a breakfast sandwich. As far as lunch is concerned I heard rumors yesterday of a visit to the Indian Buffet...Uni?
Jo getting shown up!!!
j/k - HT is right.. these last two posts are awesome. Its good to have people that are foodie fanatics and lunch fans.
Now, is it possible to be a foodie and not like lunch?
As for Peep's questions:
I know a lady here at work that goes down about the same time as me to the YMCA (when its not an eat-out day) on those days I go to the gym and jog\run. However, I do that about 2-3 times a week and when I do I already have a beautifully prepared lunch that I enjoy in my quiet office on the 21st staring out at the Enron building. I still eat and enjoy my lunch. I just do it while trying to catching up on work reading in my solitude. I digress, this lady never eats lunch. I look at her in the halls and on the way to the gym and I think, "if I was dating her and we were at a restaurant and it was french continental or chinese or russian or some other favorite food of mine and she is picking at it ... she won't really eat and enjoy it." I think at that point I'd get so worked up I'd punch her in the face ... and then wen I got the bill I'd kick her in the gut just to make the food she ate and didn't enjoy that much more painful.
I hate people who hate themselves ... and really ... that is at the core of this.
Not that I feel any which special way about it.
I hate to get off topic, but is it just me or is The Washington Post channeling us this week?
That article is hilarious, Jo. It implies that the French actually work!
miu how about a chicken salad sandwich? Or a salad with chicken salad on it (like the DC Chicken Salad at Corner Bakery)?
So in an interesting twist, i've been working with my boss all morning on a project, and he says "do you want to take a break for lunch." And i'm all: "hell yeah", and then he says "well, i'm not actually going to eat lunch, i'm going down to the gym to work out."
Little did I know that my boss is one of those bizarro lunchers, who knew? So i'm off to grab something to eat while he pumps some iron or whatever he's doing.
Don't know WFL, but its gonna be from Market to Market, and its gonna be quick cuz back to work again soon.
Speaking of Business Lunches...
Wow, what a link fest. My stupid internet keeps going down, so it takes me like 10 minutes to catch up. Oooh! It's 12:35! I'm late for lunch!
I eat breakfast too, usually. I don't normally have the nausea issue. Actually, if anything, I'll have the opposite, where I'm so hungry I'm nauseated. However, I still eat lunch. 3 squares a day, people! Didn't you learn anything in health class besides you could get preggers while you were on the rag?
That's awesome about your boss, watchdog. You must have known on some subconscious level . . . .
I am an unapologetic breakfast eater and non-TV watcher. And I know Jo loves me, so he's lying. I pretty much have to eat within an hour of waking and I don't really watch TV unless I can't get off the couch, as HT witnessed this past weekend.
I always eat lunch, as well. I don't like the late lunch because I am too hungry to wait until 2:00 and then too full to eat dinner with Ace at 6:00 if I do.
Bizarro lunchers boggle my mind. But so are meal skippers in general. Particularily if it is in an efoort to lose weight, because it just doesn't work that way.
I'm going to have a salad: romaine lettuce, red peppers, black olives, cucumbers and some goat cheese.
Thanks for the kudos y'all. And BTW, I thought Miu's post was awesome yesterday.
Anyhoot, i'm surprised how many OWFL'ers are not breakfast eaters. I always have a bowl of cereal in the morning, if I don't i'm starvin' marvin' all morning.
And I think its okay to take lunch before noon, or after 2pm.
Its all about what time is YOUR time for lunch. I used to always wait til 1pm for lunch, even if I was starving, that way when I got back half the day was already well gone, and downhill from there.
Just got back from "The Indian Experienc" with the missus. I had a little of everything except the dessert, which was a brown sugar coated thingamabob. I can already feel an evacuation on its' way.
It is true that I don't hate Jade, I just don't accept her television habits. And how come no one gave me kudos (on blog at least) for my brilliant "silently sucking down sausages" zinger yesterday? I was truly hurt.
Supposed to go to the Nationals game tonight but it looks like rain so that may be aborted.
The bride and rico may be the only two people I know who don't eat eggs. Another case where I disagree with their lifestyle choice, but love them just the same.
Oh no! I'm supposed to go to the game tonight, too! Well, I imagine I'll still go, even if it's raining. As long as the game's not cancelled. I think the seats are under the overhang, so we'll be fine. Crap, though!
Eating my lunch now. Mmmmm . . . this tuna & quinoa is yummier than it was last night, even though I had to nuke it . . .
I'm very excited. I just had the make the announcement that my boss lost a silly bet to me & now he has to take me to Citronelle. Mwa ha ha ha ha!!!!!!! For you non-DCers, Citronelle is super-expensive, super-fancy restaurant. I'm very excited. Like I wouldn't know when 24 premiered!
I hate when people hang up on friends. Regardless of their circumstances. But I would forgive them if they apologized.
Are we being esoterrorists?
Ha! I totally missed the "silently sucking down sausage" reference yesterday, and it was even aimed at me.
Don't forget that Rico is also allergic to Butter Pecan.
I changed my mind on the salad and instead made a quesadilla and had some grapes, strawberries and raspberries.
Yeah, he thought that 24 was only in it's 2nd season - maybe third, so it had to have premiered in like 2003. I even explained everything out to him: season 1, Palmer was running for president, season 2, he was president, season 3, he resigned or something (forget), season 4, he came back to help out Logan & season 5, he died. And he still didn't believe! So I gave him every possible chance. And I let him name the stakes. So it's really his own fault. Ha!
Bride - Jo did the same thing to TAFKALC on Monday. I knew she was ill so I purposely didn't call her. But as soon as I let him know she was home sick, he called to harass her.
Our leader is a bully.
I think that most of you don't understand the whole not eating lunch thing. It's not about "skipping meals" or anything like that. It just wasn't something I did or needed to do. Noon didn't roll around and I said, "hey, what should I do... oooohhh NOT LUNCH." I just did nothing - I continued working like I would through say, the 4 o'clock hour. And, at that time, I never made up for it with some large extravagant dinner b/c I was so hungry from "skipping" a meal (or two) - I just didn't eat as much and it didn't feel like deprivation of any kind. I think that most true non-lunchers (not "dieters" or what have you, who skip the occasional meal) just have different habits. Plus, my caffeine intake is high, high, high and was even higher back then. I never missed or even thought about food at noon.
Now though, my eating habits have changed and I can't even say it's for the better - though, I appreciate lunch now, more than I did. I'm pretty sure that given a month, I could go back to my one meal a day ways, though this time, I'd make that meal lunch. I'm not saying I'm going to do this, but I could.
On a personal note, when people used to respond all aghast that I never ate lunch or breakfast with some crap about metabolism, I used to love to blow their "holds true for most, but not all" theory. I don't have a thyroid gland, so my whole metabolism is pretty much regulated by a pill I take every morning. Obviously, this isn't the case for everyone.
Anyway, I feel the need to defend the non-lunchers. I still feel a great deal of affinity with them.
Oh, and TAFKALC and I tried the 60-minute workout - no go. Not possible. I think on our first attempt, we were gone for 90 minutes. I've been going late enough in the day so that if I have to go back to the office at all, I can do so in my gym clothes. Otherwise, I know I have to stay way late at the office.
And the links continue, but this one is more up our alley. It reminds me of the last episode of The Apprentice and our recent post about how much we spend on lunch.
Let me take this opportunity to announce that the bride, TAFKALC and hatertot need not worry about me ever caring about their health again.
HT ... most leaders are bullies.
And now for the further adventures of CAPT OBVIOUSSSSSSSSS!!!!
With fried chicken I have to admit that my bread usually goes uneaten. With bbq you use it to clean up the excess sauce. I suggest you wrap it in plastic wrap and put it in the office fridge. See how long it lasts. Or you could gice it to that homeless guy you step over everyday on your way home.
Hm. I feel like there was some other 'most expensive' thing a year or 2 ago. Maybe like the world's most expensive hamburger? Hm. Can't remember. Whatever. He got his publicity. There's that one picture of the "chef" (b/c come on - do you really need to be a chef to make a sanwich? Isn't that really just assembly? I digress) where he's all seriously cutting it up. He looks like he has no sense of humour.
bride - I KNOW!! Season 1 was totally the best! And then he was saying something about how Palmer was a senator, which I didn't remember!! I don't know. Maybe he rented the season 1 dvd & didn't know there were others out there or something.
Sigh. I'm hungry again. That tuna & quinoa didn't stick around too long. I have to try not to eat b/c I heard a rumour there is Red Hot & Blue at RFK now . . . mmmmmm . . . Memphis bbq.
There's a whole new show on MTV about 5 guys who try to do all sorts of stupid bullshit to get in that book.
They really should have just stuck to beer.
Rico loves that show...
They bring for us za sandwich frommm frommm…I do not know from where. To what’s we are deserving this?!?! I ask them this. It is CRAzy!
awesome first post watchdog!!!
can't post much today, but i grabbed a quick fields and feta wrap from abp on yummy wheat lavash. yummmmmm...
i still think a late lunch is lunch. those who skip it all together are freaks of nature i think. unless they've had brunch...then skipping it is technically ok since you technically blended it together with breakfast. acceptable in my book.
hope you are all having a fantabulous day...i've been busting my ass on something all day THAT WILL NOT END!
Welcome (back) Serge!!!
I like mine with zee lemon twist!
Yeah, I think it was the omelet I was thinking of! Thanks, bride! I've never had kobe beef. Or Kobie's beef, for that matter. It seems to me a damn waste to grind it up & serve it on a bun, though.
I was listening to that crap on GMA while I was getting ready for work this morning!! Argh!!! The morning shows really are crap-tastic. Yeah, seriously. Who the hell knows who has clapped more than anyone else? Crikey. I'm going to say I should be in the Guinness Book of Records b/c I've passed more liters of gas than anyone else. Oh, I'm not? Prove it, jackass! Ugh! I never understood why Vanna was some kind of 'it' girl for awhile in the mid-80s. Will any of our male members admit to having had a poster of Vanna White up in their bedroom? Next to Farrah Fawcett's nipples, perhaps?
Beverly Hills Cop, Bride.
Though, I'm not sure what it means that "Serge" is now channelling, well, Serge.
It would be way more awesome if you were channelling this Serge .
He's my favorite Serge.
(lunch was, as predicted, abp turkey "cobb" salad - with eggs, so I didn't need to buy more. Oh, and sugar free peach jello. And copious amounts of Tab. Man, I can't wait until Sunday when I can go back to drinking Diet Coke like it's my job)
We used to have a black & white tv (no, I'm not that old - my parents were just that cheap) & when we got a new color one & Solid Gold came on, my mom was like "Wow, the dancers look even more naked in color." That is my fondest memory of Solid Gold. Ha ha! When is that coming out on dvd??
Bride - Tab is the only diet caffeinated diet cola we have in the office that's not Diet Coke. I'm actually sort of fond of it. Saccharine is pretty good, as the artificial sweeteners go. When I first started here, I thought it was weird that we had it, but I just read that it's experiencing a comeback (regular Tab and the new Tab energy which is pink and nothing like regular Tab) to compete with the array of other artificially sweetened colas on the market. It also has more caffeine than any other Coke product. (I'm a girl who really, really likes her diet, caffeinated beverages)
I used to love Solid Gold. I wanted to be a Solid Gold dancer so bad. My best friend at the time and I used to pull our underwear up really high on the hip [I can't describe it better than that] to mimic their high cut outfits and put headbands on our foreheads and dance. It was awesome.
I did have a friend who used to go to the movies during her lunch break. She worked right next to Union Station so she'd cut out and grab popcorn, a diet coke, something gummy and take her "lunch hour(s)". I have never had a job where I could get away with that!! Especially considering how long movies are now-a-days. You're lucky if you find a flick shorter than 2 1/2 hours!
I had a job that I was trying to get fired from, so I used to do the movies thing, or go get really obnoxiously drunk and then come back to the office and refuse to attend meetings, opting instead to openly download music from Napster.
I miss those days...
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