you saw HT's summary. much of that night consisted of drinking followed by booty shaking followed by more drinking. i walked home that night from chief ike's and ended up drunk dialing my dad. yeah, i am wierd like that.
the best photo of that night is here where we have mystery man in the back flashing us his mean gang sign...grrrr

great eats at parkway deli:

enough mayo on those tomatoes, jo?

and then of course, the glutton-fest eat/drink off at rosie-que's:
with tasty sangria

a revisit from the hamburger that is supposed to look like a hoagie

all in all, i know that everyone had the best time. thanks for those who hosted, cooked, flew out, and partied their ass off. i expect next year's conference to be even better than the first.
oh, and of course, how could i forget to ask you fine people: WFL?
Original photo edited huh? Anyhoo, the conference was indeed a blast. The conferees were enthusiastic and we even talked about blog business after our 10th drink or so.
Thanks for the photos LaChoi (not sure what the new handle means, or is). All it all a very fun weekend that I still seem to be recovering from.
TAFKALC - the artist formerly known as...
anyone remember TAFKAP? i stole it from him since he is the original OG.
lunch today? probably another fields and feta wrap...gotta get my veggies somehow.
I am contemplating skipping lunch. To show some solidarity for my non-lunch eating friends. Yesterday made me realize I kind of miss those days. Mmmmmmmm... gum and caffeine....
And, in case some of you don't read my post for today, I want it to (again) be known: I hate the effin' schedule.
Two days in a row we had amazing scheduled virgin posts. Quit yer effing complaining for chrissakes. It lowers you. And annoys everyone else.
Actually working a lot today. Was planning on having a big fun lunch with co-workers at Rosa Mexicana...not gonna happen. Depending on when I finish up my shite I may just run over to Cap Grounds and get some sort of deli sandwich. Maybe honey ham and swiss? Perhaps with some avocado. I'll report back later.
The Bride sums up my feelings perfectly. On all points.
All hail The Bride!
(it only annoys you Jo, because it challenges your Czarship. I voted at the conference against the schedule, but the majority ruled the other way. I would think that you of all people recognize the value of continued dissent, opposition, criticism and nitpicking by the "losing" party)
Wow. I just wrote three different long acidic responses and didn't post them. It was therapeutic and I feel much better now. But not nearly as good as I'm gonna feel after I eat lunch.
I'm definitely going with the honey ham and swiss on a soft sub roll. LTO, avocado, and mayo. Lemonade to drink.
Another reason for optimism, no rain yet today! (knock on wood)
It's beautiful out.
i may just eat half a bagel and banana for lunch and go work out. i am poor people...bagels were free this morning in the office kitchen.
check out my 'ode to easter' likey???
Yes, thanks for letting us KNOW that you wrote 3 responses, but were able to rise above it and not post them.
I think I'm going to change things up a bit and go to Cosi for a salad. I know I said I was skipping, but I too am going to the gym later, and I don't think I'll make it on caffeine, gum, a hope and a prayer (oh, and my vitriol re the blogging schedule).
Had a salad for lunch and ate outdoors. The day is ricockulously nice.
I'm a strong advocate of instituting "sun" days much as we have snow days. The first work day that is cloudless and exactly 75 degrees they should shut down operations. That may have happened already, but that means I was working that day.
Who's with me? Lets start a movement!
I am a HUGE proponent of the schedule and stand in solidarity with Jo. I kinda thought this matter was handled at the conference and we were going to give it a go and revisit the issue later, but it doesn't seem to be that way, so I'll throw my two cents in and support the Czar. Wow, I never thought I would say that.
I am so hungry. I need veggies and copious amounts of water.
Maybe all the schedule talk should be put on the post specifically about the schedule. Or maybe, just maybe, people should suck it up and shut up.
No revote. As I said before (there is a whole post about the schedule) it was decided we would try this for awhile and see how it goes, then we can make a decision on how to continue. I'm sorry that some of you weren't there to discuss on Saturday night, but we did come to a decision to see this through for awhile and I haven't heard any new arguments come up today that weren't discussed that night.
I'm gonna ask that we move the discussion over to the actual schedule post so as not to clutter up toaday's post with argument.
You can always find the schedule post on the sidebar of the main page under "always pertinent posts".
Big Falun Gong rally out in Farragut Square today. Well maybe not that big, but it is loud. Between the loudspeaker (that is going back and forth between English and a Chinese dialect), an empty stomach and all this blog rancor work is taking a backseat...again.
My boss wants hot dogs and I'm tempted because it means a free lunch and I do love those dogs piled high with mustard, onions, relish, lettuce, tomatoes [that I toss aside], pickle, sport peppers and celery salt, and they have great greasy fries, but I have to take off this winter pudge. I have sworn to eat better and god damn it I am going to stay strong.
I thought the Falun Gong was a fairly quiet practice... are they practicing or rallying?
Spinach salad with egg and chicken from Cosi. Not bad. Put the bread in TAFKALC's desk as a surprise for when she gets back from the gym. (I'm going later, and alone, so everyone wish me luck - no more wrinkly balls or golf!!)
The Falun Gong folks are out trying to get some attention paid to the way their fellow ful Gong practicioners are treated in China. Sounds pretty bad. And by "pretty bad" I mean it sounds f-ing awful/crimes against humanity bad.
I want my tee shirt from Jo...and a five guys burger better be wrapped inside of it...(and yes JO...I will keep on beating the dead horse with my bitter stick).
Just grabbed an oriental chicken salald from my new fave place PICNIC. I just helped a certain significant other with his taxes for five hours...there must be some sort of law that states that couples should NOT help eachother with taxes...ugh...I'm starving.
Oh, yeah, the powers that be in China hate the Falung Gong people. It's bad for them over there. Damn commies.
Just got back from Boston Market. They have redone things . . . and I'm not sure I'm happy with it. My standard meal used to be 1/4 dark + side salad + creamed spinach (b/c it's spinach! it's healthy, dammit!). Now it looks like maybe you can only get one side with the 1/4 dark. You can still get 2 with the 1/2 chicken or the 1/4 white. Why do they discriminate against the dark? Hm . . . not happy at all. Also, I didn't see any side salads. Although I went in kind of late. However, the salad I did get turned out pretty well, excep that I wish he'd chopped the chicken a little smaller. It's in like 6 big chunks. Oh well, I have a knife. Mmmm . . . blue cheese & oil & vinegar dressing. God, I love their cornbread. It's like dessert. Oink.
i was (somewhat) coherent during the meeting at the conference. i remember there being a "trial period" discussed and we said it would be for 40 days or something like that...does anyone remember the exact number of days? after the trial period ends, we should re-vote.
i am eating the cosi bread now with some of HT's jack cheese...mmm mmm, good.
The trial period was for one calendar month.
I had my beloved mediterranean salad with chicken for lunch plus olives. My god, I don't think I will ever tire of that salad.
40 days, tafkalc?? I think you're confusing the czar with someone biblical. Poor thing - you were so sniffly!
Speaking of biblical - I caught (not on purpose), the last 5 minutes of the 1st half of the remake of 'The 10 Commandments'. I thought I would die - when Moses is parting the Red Sea, they used horrible animation to make the sea look like it had parted - it was sunny & then it was cloudy - they used stock footage from some National Geographic special of schools of fish darting this way & that & lava bubbling up underwater and (my favorite part) when Moses is getting all into it, they superimposed a mushroom cloud over him. Hilarious!
Why do I feel like a grease bomb after having eaten a salad for lunch??
Wait, Gwenyth Paltrow's new baby parted the Red Sea?
Apple's little brother, Uni. Little Moses Martin.
Thanks for the update HT....ever since Moon over my Slammy moved out and took her In Touch subscription with her...I don't have any celeb reading for when I'm on the crapper.
Too bad you live so far awy Uni, otherwise you could come use my crapper, where I have a lot of bad magazines to keep you up to date on Moses, TomKat, Brangelina et al.
Don't forget Bennifer II! Whatever happened to them? It's like they had their baby (I can't even remember if it was a girl or boy) & now nobody cares.
I think celebs should just name their kids Spoiled Basket Cases, it will take the ambiguity out of what to expect from them...
"This is my baby, Bratty Cruise-Holmes"
"Oh, hello Bratty! This is my new baby, Spoiled Stefani"
Easy on the trashing crazy names ... I have one, too. And so does my son. And we have a goofy last name, as well. And really, does the world need another Jennifer?
I don't think your name or your son's is that wacky. They're unique, but they're not over-the-top bizarre.
And no. There are too many Jennifer's as it is. Does anyone remember the Dr. Seuss book 'Too Many Daves'?
Guess who missed lunch today...thanks ladies!
Too many Daves? Wasn't there a movie about that with Kevin Kline as President?
Bennifer II's kid is Violet. I'm so ashamed for knowing that.
Now excuse me, I've got to get to the gym so that I can watch Charmed while I'm working out and then get home to watch the OC.
My favorite scenes in Dave involve Dave making his special sandwich and when Charles Grodin comes over to fix the budget and they order "fresh bratwurst" from the White House kitchen.
You missed lunch, Jo? Heresy!
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