So fellow WFL’ers have you ever taken the time to see if the Virgin Mary has appeared to you in your tomato soup? Was that really just sauerkraut on your Reuben, or was it the Madonna coming to offer you a saving grace?
As you eat your lunch today, take a good look at your ham sammie or the bag of frito lays you may be noshing on. Let us know if the Virgin Mary makes a cameo during your lunch hour and what food are you eating that may have inspired her to do so! Or give us reports on past sightings of iconic images in a slice of cold pizza or hidden in your kung pao!
My cheerios were talking to me this morning. They said "OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO..."
I think they were trying to say something important but got too excited about it.
I was once eating something and a bear appeared and gave me a puzzled look. But he didn't seem religious or anything. Maybe I read your question wrong...
Birthday lunch for a co-worker at Bertucci's. Love that Bottomless salad!!
And great post unicorn!!
I'll watch my pizza carefully.
And now is as good a time as any to announce a DC tee shirt exchange/HH @ BB tomorrow.
nice uni. i am usually so hungry that i don't really care what shape my food is in. and since i'm not catholic, i could care less if it looked like ms. mary. in fact, i'd probably eat it, head first.
today is left over angel hair pasta with a doctored up sauce i made with some zucchini, garlic stuffed olives, and lots o' extra garlic. delish.
jo, we'll have to do a kimchi/t-shirt exchange at a later date since i'm working thursday, friday and saturday night at the wine store. gotta make some extra $$$!
sorry to divert the convo but i just HAVE to post this link. let's say it's just an hommage to the conference a few weeks back. a friend sent it to me, and it's just great.
i also promise that i'll get around to posting those AVI files of our peep fights.
I can't believe that Angel hair pasta didn't produce more 'searching for the virgin' jokes
I think it was the summer after high school graduation. I once was eating with some friends and pulled slice of jalapeno off of my sub sandwich and the seeds and stuff seemed to make a smiley face. I started talking to it and making it talk back to me. (Yes, we were…) I then popped it in my mouth and I think my friend Kathy started making noises like it was dying as I chewed. Anyway, I thought that was pretty funny and proceeded to snort/laugh the thing right up my nose. Ever have a jalapeno up your nose?
To segue, I’m reminded that I actually put some jalapeno in the last batch of Utilitarian Stew, which I’m having for lunch.
I'll be keeping an eye out for the ghost of Scott McClellan in my chicken fingers today. However, he's no virgin. He just got it up the poop by the administration.
I once saw Richard Nixon in my scrambled eggs . . . .
Leftover lobster ravioli with a spicy-a sauce-a for-a lunch-a today-a. Ok, I'll stop. I'll be looking for weird things.
How come nobody ever claims they see Satan in sandwiches or Doritos? What's with the Catholics, dude? If I ever thought I saw Mary I would totally put it on Ebay. Hey, it's not my fault that someone's a total sucker & would pay hundreds, if not thousands of dollars for something. Ah, I guess this is why the heathens never see the Blessed Mother.
I will try to stop by HH tomorrow - we have a a baby shower at 2 (with champagne), then a work HH at 4 (outside! yay!) & then this & then dinner with sake. Man, I will be blotto by 8. Any takers on a HH for Friday?
There was an episode on the show "Bullshit" about people seeing visions in food and whatnot, pretty funny.
Basically they said that with billions of cheezy poofs and grilled cheeses and whatnots made per year, a few are bound to have likenesses to images. And people instinctively look for faces in things, especially people desperate for some meaning in their life. so viola! virgin mary snacky cakes.
Wow, what channel was 'Bullshit' on? It cracked my shit all up in there a couple years ago when that guy got arrested for breaking that hospital window that "looked like" the Virgin Mary. Ha ha!
Watchdog, I keep seeing your cheeries post out of the corner of my eye & laughing at it. Funny!
The History channel was showing a lot of religious themed shows this past weekend and in the "Mary" episode they talked all about aparitions. In fact they had so many stories that they had a name for the phenomenon. I wish I could remember what their term was.
Had some Scottish food for lunch just now. Despite great efforts I could not see anything of note in my Happy Meal. The pickle I pulled off my burger had potential, but the only ghost it looked like was slimer from the Ghostbusters.
I have to skin a cat in anatomy lab this afternoon, so I think I am going to skip lunch today just to be sure I don't experience my lunch twice. I am in general good with dissections, but the skinning is the hardest part for me. The rest is all downhill.
Are sunshine and mikeysunshine the same person? Or do we have another hater and hatertot situation? I'm confused.
I didn't know that I had a Blogger login from a previous failed experience, and I forgot what my login was so I went with the old standby and it worked, but not exactally. I've got things sorted out now. but I am both of us.
I was just going to ask that, Jade. I think they're the same... someone in the know, please correct me if I'm wrong.
Lunch is salad and I actually managed to boil some eggs last night.
I'm very cranky and frustrated today. I want to beat things up, or maybe hug them (you know, assuming I was a "hugger"). Wonder what lunch suits that mood?
Hater, I've got the soultion for your lunch dilema. What says both hug and punch? Those two tone hershey's kisses and a glass of HI-C. Hugs & Punch.
Snap, I should write the jokes on laffy taffy wrappers.
That actually sounds tasty, Mr. Sunshine. But, it's because I love me some artificial flavoring. I may make a CVS run...
I've got a work HH at Chotchky's, I mean Chili's, tomorrow. Perhaps I can catch up when the HH migrates to Angles, as seems to always be the case.
I'll be there for HH tomorrow...I hear Jo is baking cookies...
I'm a dork. I had to refresh my browser to get the new post to come up today...
That said, The Madonna or not, my lunch often talks to me ... but a little toilet paper and some library time usually takes care of that (requisit poo poo joke of the day is now over).
Today was Beck's Prime
This was a good greasy lunch and has left me feeling like I need to curl up under my desk and fall asleep.
Maybe I need to run in place for a minute or two.
I just got back from Bertucci's. And LT I don't know if this counts as a Satan sighting, but I saw the Spear of Destiny in my slice of pizza.
Jo, you're going straight to hell. How can you joke about things like that?!?!?
Is it true what they say about cookies tomorrow night?
And I have to say, before I read that Wikipedia thing, I totally thought the Spear of Destiny had something to do with He-Man.
Did anyone see Scrubs last night where the guys were painting the nursery with Optimus Prime? Classic!
Lancea Longini sounds like an Italian Porn Star's name. And it was in your pizza
It is possible that you may have been thinking about the Sword of Omens. Which unfortunatly is not the same thing as He-Man's Sword of Power.
the Sword of Omens was the mythical weapon of Lion-o from the Thundercats.
instead of my angel hair and sauce, i broke down and had breadline salad today. it's been a while so i figured why the hell not? unfortunately they didn't have curried chicken, but i switched it up with some lentils and nicoise salad, which was quite tasty!
also, i was treated to lunch...doesn't that just make your day?
I will not be bringing baked goods to HH, but I may bring some creamy potato salad.
How cool would it be to get a lapdance from a stripper named Destiny Spear?
"Baby I like the way you move...where'd you get your stage name?"
"I killed Christ."
OH MY GOD, JO. I can't stop laughing here. Isn't that quite the conversation killer!
I guess it would depend on the guy's religion how good a tip you got.
"Baby I don't care who you killed, but I believe your destiny involves my spear tonight!"
And scene.
Not sure about satan, but when I eat deviled eggs, people around me often would prefer to be in hell where the sulfur fumes would give them a respite.
I love them deviled eggs, but they are evil to my intestinal track. (didn't think one poo joke was enough for the day)
Mmmmm . . . devlied eggs. Next time I make them I'm going to put little horns on the yolk . . . and garnish each one with a Tums!
And scene.
Jo, you have so many hidden talents .. who knew you write film copy for porn.
You done some classic work in the past bro.
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