Listen.....I went out and got shit canned last night. Came home and I know my ass ate something. For some reason, we lose all sense of time and think "hey, it's 2 am, it's time for LUNCH!!" Now, we also take these careless eating practices into the next day, picking up McDonalds or that meatball sandwich that you SWORE you'd never eat again for lunch. We all do it! Shit, I know most of you are going to do it tonight!!! So, what kind of crap do you feed your drunk ass and why can't we just just have a nice salad and a V8? fuck, i'm already late for work so deal!
So while you're trying to trace those faded memories of misplaced lunches gone wrong, tell us........WFL???!!!????
Are you still drunk Peep?
For some reason I feel violated after reading that post. And methinks peepy may still have been a tad drunky when he wrotey.
When I lived in the DC neighborhood of Adams Morgan, I would routinely wake up after a night of heavy lifting to find half eaten jumbo slices from Pizza Mart. With almost the same frequency I would wake up to find a plate with two half eaten empanadas from Julia's Empanadas. Along with at least two varieties of the side salads. I made a trip back to Julia's on the thursday night before the conference and blame the late night empanadas for some very seriously awful gastrointestinal issues that lasted throughout the weekend. Rico can attest. When I first started drinking in bars me and "the crew" (sorry jade) became intimate with Panchero's in East Lansing. This is before it became a pseudo healthy burrito joint offering black beans and tofu. Their biggest draw in the old days was the "2 LB Burrito" which I would order nightly during summers home from college. "A steak and pork with everything, extra jalapenos, avocado and sour cream". The words would sing off of my tongue...
Not sure about lunch today yet. Is there anywhere around here where you can get a 2 pounder?
filth flarn filth.
And I'm sorry to say it, but if you squint your eyes and look at that picture...E-QUE!
in my adventure wednesday night, i had julia's empanadas and shared some lovely philosphical conversation with jorge, the dude that worked behind the counter. he has a glowing multi-colored cross tattooed on his forehead. and though he looks somewhat like the latino charlie manson, he is actually a very cool mellow dude.
last night, i got a huge ass burrito from chipotle to help me make it through my night closing the wine store. but of course, instead of going home, i went to my friend's bday party at townhouse tavern (a TRUE dive...DC OWFL-ers, it's got a rockin' patio!) there was strawberry shortcake being served. i had to have a slice.
of course, to continue with my disgusting eating habits as of late, i'll be grabbing a potbelly sandwich for lunch or perhaps a fields and feta wrap at ABP.
My new late night craving is falafel and a side of fries from the new place in Adams Morgan...it has a huge fixin's bar. I love any place with a fixin's bar.
Lunch will be on the road today. Heading down to NC to celebrate my parent's 40th anniv. I may grab a turkey sandwich from Jack's Deli at the corner of 19th and K. GREAT turkey sandwiches there for you locals, they carve warm roasted turkey fresh for each order!
I always like a good egg sammich. However, I usually don't have english muffins on hand. Or eggs. Usually I'll have cheese, though, so I settle for some version of a microwaved quesadilla. Yum.
At the conference we went to the Amsterdam Falafel place & I think what I thought was hummus was actual some kind of garlic sauce . . . despite my best efforts, I got it all over HT's car . . . just so she could have a little reminder of Conference '06 forever. I could still taste that garlic like 2 days later. Man, sorry HT. I need to come over with some cleaning supplies. Nobody should have to deal with my garlic crap.
Not sure WFL. Had a lottalotta food yesterday . . . should probably have a salad. But I'm a little hungover, so there's that grease/carb craving, too . . . . plus it's cold. Maybe I'll do Mr. Hibachi while it's still cold out - spicy peanut sauce & all.
My after drinking cure all is Sprite from the fountain. However, my favorite coming home from the bar food is the Go-Go taquito at 7-11. Quite possibly the world's perfect food.
Lunch today is the all I can eat sushi, seafood and japanese food at Todai
Ima put a hurtin' on them fishes yo!
If I need something really fast and I'm already at home, I'll reach for the ramen.
I do love me some 7-11 microwave food chicken sandwiches, biscuit breakfast sandwiches, nachos with sauerkraut...
I almost never eat late night after drinking, but I think I should as it might ease up the WICKED hangovers that I get. I certainly should have eaten on the Friday night of the OWFL conference, and am still pissed I didn't get a burger at Angles.
I have said it many times before, Peep, but I'll say it again McDonald's has the FUCKING GREATEST COKE EVER! It is amazing, and the best for a hangover. All Coke is good for a hangover, but McDonalds is hands down the best. I think the really wide straws help too, because you can suck it down. [That's for you, Jo]
But Jade...can you suck it down like a man??!!
I can suck it down like it is my job, Uni.
Take it as a compliment, e-que. We obviously have our finger on the pulse of what is happening.
Oh i've been there, nice post indeed Peep. The worst one that I don't remember, was when I lived in Adams Morgan, and the only thing open at 4am when I came home was Il Padrino, the mexican mafia front operation.
I was in my brand new suit, and went out after work for a looooong night.
I woke up in my suit with beans and salsa covering the whole front of my jacket and pants. The remains of an Il Padrino togo box was on the floor. Bet that shit was goooooood...
Or on the old roomie's lady...
Oh, man, I rarely eat ramen noodles that night, but they are the best hangover cure for me, usually. They have carbs (for soaking up excess booze), salts (for all the salts you lost after peeing like a racehorse and/or vomiting), and water (for rehydration). Quite possibly the world's most perfect hangover food. Mm!
Lunch today will not be Mr. Hibachi! It will be a spicy chicken pad thai from Sawatdee. Yum. I love the vermicelli. I really hope they mean it with the vermicelli & I don't get those big fat rice noodles. I mean, I like them & all, but when I'm promised vermicelli, dammit, I want vermicelli.
Not sure what's for lunch today. Really busy at work and may have to delay it. So that may cut out the cafeteria. Think its ye' olde market to market which has the whole buffet of goodies lined out.
I always tend to gravitate to the non-healthy stuff, like onion rings and general tso's chicken and what not. But I throw a piece of broccoli and asparagus on there and its all good after that...
Yum...Sawatdee...yeah Pootie...Sa Da Tay
I just spent 25$ at the Soho lunch buffet.
I filled one container of hot food, then thought I should get at least a little bit of cold food.
Oink Jo Oink
I was all disappointed with my pad thai until someone pointed out it didn't have the two pepper heat-indicator next to it on the menu like I thought. My bad! It was a *huge* portion, though. I will bring in the red cock sauce on Monday & make it a spicy pad thai.
Have a good weekend everyone...I'm off to Chocowinity! I'll try and get some blogging time in at night since Mr. uni and I have to sleep on different floors of the house due to the non-marital status. I get the room with the computer and pool table...he gets an air mattress in the living room outside of my parents room....I WIN!
Bride, Mmmm Pokey stix.
i was waiting for that . . . .
Pokey stix were good. But who from the E.L. group remembers Hobbit Sticks from Bilbos?
That place had the best food and the worst service of any restaurant in town.
My favorite service story from there was after sitting at a booth for 20 minutes without so much as a "hello" from the staff, I finally saw a waitress and said "excuse me, can we see some menus?", she whipped her dreaded head around at me and said "first of all, i'm not even your waitress..." and then proceded to walk briskly away while I wondered what second of all may have been...
Lunch today was super fantastic. I ate octopus, shrimp, clam, muscle, crab, crab impersonators, 2 types of japanese pig, cheesecake, Saporro, several green bean style veggies and squids. Man, Todai is a great lunch experience. Except that you have to work out where I do to get there. Imagine the city where you live and work. Then, drive west for an hour and a half. that's where the Todai is. But My lunch value was way better than josephus' I paid $20 for all I could eat and a 24 oz beer.
Now Sushi is not in the top 85 of my favorite after drinking foods, but with the kegerator in the house out of order, I wasn't hung over today.
What are pokey stix anyway?
Pokey stix were a product of Gumby's Pizza. I don't know hoe it was in the E. L. but in Gainesville, the pokey stix were... Well imagine a pizza crust dusted with butter, herbs, and some parmesian and cut into little strips that were like an inch and a half by like 4 or 5 inches. They also gave you some sauces to dip your pokey in.
Tee hee, dip your pokey in
Pokey stix are bread sticks. Like a pizza without all the sauce and cheese and shit. But with extra grease and dippin' sauce on the side...
Denny's on Grand River in East Lansing circa 1995.
"First of all this is the No Smoking section. Second of all there is no marijuana smoking allowed anywhere in this restaurant."
R.I.P. Bilbo's Pizza. You're missed.
One thing about those late night eats, is the day-after-burps.
More than once i've burped on a saturday morning, and was overcome by pizza fumes. I'd think, "oh yeah, I DID have a pizzamart jumbo slice last night."
And as noted before, White Castle may be the worst. There is something about those burps that make you realize how artificial those white castle burgers are. I think they're 30% saw dust, 40% potted meat food product, and 20% wheat extract. The other 10% is mostly nail clippings and pubic hair...
Is the pubic hair human or cattle?
Cause I think it goes without saying that if you're eatin a slider, you shouldn't be surprised by bull curlies.
Watch Dog, How to canadians cure hang overs?
Please try to work in one of the phrases: 'bever pelt', 'canadian bacon', 'hockey mask', 'wannabe croissant'
mikey, i'm not canadian, but even I know the answer is poutine! (uh, how's it spelled?)
poutine sounds dirty. like cooz.
They slip their canadian bacon (in Canada they call it Peameal bacon)under a beaver pelt and shove wannable croissants through the mouth hole in their hockey mask.
A fun trick I play when in Canada is called "push the Canadian over game". What you do is go around pushing over Canadians, and see how many sorries you can get out of them (pronounced sourhr-ree up there). Just yell "American coming through", and watch them canucks fly!
Canadians cure hangovers with pooty tang?
dawg, is it pronounced "sourhr-ree" or "sore-EEE"? On Degrassi I think they use the latter. Do they even eat lunch in Canada? They probably have 'supper' or something. Buncha weirdos.
Welcome stabbermasterarsonist!!!
I had the opportunity to be in Hawaii once during something akin to a Hooters Convention. They serve food?
Actually I was at a Hooters about a year ago with some guys during a Bachelor Party weekend. Our waitress was so bad...she was so bad that she cried out of embarrasment. Okay maybe my friend made her cry, but only by criticizing her table waiting skills. Totally ruined the hooter buzz.
Bilbos! I loooooved that place. But it did without a doubt have the worst service ever, and it was like a point of pride with them. And god forbid if you saw one of those red bilbos trucks on the road, they would run you over. In the summer they had $1 Long Islands, and I ended up falling on my face many a night because of them. For a time my dealer was a cook at Bilbos and I smoked with him in the cooler many more times. Ahhh.... Bilbo's, the memories ...
Rico and I recently went to Hooters to watch the MSU/Illinois game while waiting for HT's plane to land. I ate a lot of wings and Rico got grilled salmon. The waitresses were really not that good looking. The chick from the airport bar was way hotter, man hands and all.
Muscle sushi is of course made with the love muscle.
Hi stabmasterson and welcome! Who are you?
I just have to say I love mikeysunshine and I don't even know you. Although, all the DC WFL'ers said I would because you are such a loveable guy.
Ha ha suckers! I was 69 today!
As opposed to other days jade?
Between you and Spunky...Boy I don't know...
And jade since when do we ask commenters "who are you"?
Welcome Stabmaster!!
Lunch today was the Cosi Florentine salad, with chicken. That salad is fanfreakin'tastic.
My favorite late night food is fish n' chips from this place in Dublin. Finished off with a battered, deep fried Mars Bar. Here in DC it's Ben's, handsdown - though that falafel joint is pretty damn good. I do not eat at Pizza Mart. Nothing good has ever come from that.
OH, and speaking of The Hottest Girl in the Airport Bar... I wore my OWFL Conference to the gym last night, after HH@BB. And, I'm going to wear it again tonight. Should be nice and broken-in after that.
Jade, You were 69 today? Or you did a 69? So confused
It would have been immediately broken in a few months back...
What would have been broken? I don't understand...
You just want to be between ol' Spunky and I, Jo.
OK, it was a little uncouth of me to ask who stabmaster is, but I was wondering if it was our old friend of the constant name change or perhaps someone like Mickeysunshine who is known to many members of the blog but who had never posted before. I'm just trying to figure things out.
I think he was saying the old boobies would have broken the shirt in already.
Brilliant analysis of my breaking in comment Jade.
OH, I get it. Wow. I almost forgot there ever were old boobies.
"Stabmaster", Jade? You must think I've really flipped. (Not that there's anything wrong with that name, Stabmaster...and not that I haven't really flipped.) I got screwed on lunch today. Went to the Dr. this a.m. to get prescription for allergy meds and I just missed the train that would have gotten me DT by noon. So, I got here at 1 and had to head to the office immediately. I got one of those Odwalla (but not Odwalla) drinks. Protein Pizazz or some shit.
peeP, there are too many such meals to pick just one. I do love drunk cooking, though. I'll cook elaborately for hours starting at 2 a.m. and then usually manage one bite or two bites.
Who wants to drink?
Miu, Miu, Miu...mormons, hooters, rat sized spiders...
DC folk E-que and I may be headed to Tonic...
L.L. Confusing J
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