This is a picture of Japanese hospital food. This looks better than my lunch for the last week (remember its passover). How is this fair at all?
So I'm moving to Japan when I get older so I can at least enjoy my hospital lunches.
Sorry for the late posting today but we had some health issues with some family members that put into perspective the Quality of Life that diminishs once you hit a hospital. Its not that you're not already pretty down and unhappy because you are sick/hurt, but then American hospitals add insult to this by serving people gruel and paste that tastes like liver and onions (liver and onions can be good but the paste thing just isn't working for anyone).
Considering you're paying the staff and hospital more for an hour than Donald Trump does his latest "wife", why can't you get a good bit of knosh to sooth the pain?
Great post diz. Sorry to hear about your family's medical issues. I'm sure the entire OWFL crew feels the same.
To be in solidarity with you and yours diz, I will have a liverwurst sub for lunch.
When I came home from the hospital after my concussion, I remember really missing the daily grilled cheese and tomato soup. Probably because it was the first food I could eat once my brain started working again.
I've been lucky enough to avoid hospital food. But you'd think for $1000 a night they could at least get you some take-out or something.
Guess its all part of the big health care problem in this country. Big money for small services.
Welcome mikeysunshine,
Where is the hospital I need to check in :)
my cuz is a master chef.
liverwurst & salami sub.
all for you diz.
Thanks Jo. See with friends it even makes bad food almost tolerable.
I've got Salmon on matzo and macaroons today.
aw, diz, please send ro-esq my love.
hospital food does blow. i've unfortunately had it on more than one occasion, and always wanted to throw up afterwards. when my sis was in the hospital, we snuck her in some sushi. she was so grateful.
today is turkey and swiss again but with some left over veggie stir fry that i had with my wrap last night. (i posted my veggie stir fry wrap recipe in the recipe post last night in case you all wanted to try it...it's tasty as all get out)
Where's Dip/ster/op whatever? He eats bad food all the time, just for fun...
You know our thoughts are with you and Ms. Diz.
I will say, after my surgery, I got to call down and pretty much order what I wanted for breakfast, almost like a restaurant. I think I got an omelete with tomatoes and spinach and some cheese. And jell-o. The thing that was upsetting though was that they did not have brand name diet cola. Of course, the morphine more than made up for that.
I don't know what lunch is yet. Busy, busy day. Probably salad and cheese that's in the fridge, but I think I need to go to abp to supplement with hard boileds. I swear tonight's the night that I'm boiling some of my own damn eggs.
The term "as all get out" has got to be one of my favorites. Yet I really can't figure out what it means or it's origins.
If someone has an idea please share.
Funny you should mention, HaterTot…
Today I’m once again having what I like to call Utilitarian Stew. Basically, it’s a bulb of garlic, couple onions, green peppers, carrots, lentils, garbanzo beans, eggplant and tofu all chopped up, thrown in a pot, and cooked for @ 1 to 4 hours while amounts of cigarettes and alcohol are consumed. (I can put this into a more formal recipe format if you like.) I eat off one batch for a week. I take my little Tupperware bowl out to Millennium Park, wiggle my bare toesies in the sun, and read a little Harry Potter. I just finished the first one.
Someone should make a movie about me!
Oops. 1/2 lb or so of domestic mushrooms, too.
Hang in there diz, you're in our thoughts!!
Hospital food is a bit disturbing to say the least. I basically feel the same way about school cafeteria food that we offer to children. This country could basically be seen as an all you can eat buffet...and what we offer in hospitals and schools is the best we can do??! Pshaw!!
But what may be worse than hospital food and school food is prison food. The only reason why I know how that tastes are from case studies that I did when I was taking social work classes. They make prison food extra fatty and greasy (and disgusting) because it helps "sedate" the inmates. Not saying we need to step it up with making sure they need to eat like kings and queens in there...but it could be seen as cruel and unusual punishment.
Eating leftovers from last night: steamed tofu, broccoli and greenbeans over some brown rice with seaweed salad.
Dippity Do Dah!!
JV you are two blocks away from Dipso!
Sorry to hear about the med issues, diz.
When I had my appendectomy, I was in the hospital for like 2 or 3 days & I was starving at some point. So my mom smuggled me down to the cafeteria & I had some day-old donut. Let me tell you, it was the best tasting donut ever. I would imagine mostly due to the fact that they don't let you eat for like a day and a half after having an appendectomy. I was so thirsty & they gave me ice chips, but I had to spit them out! It was awful! I highly recommend this method of dealing with hospital food. It makes it all a lot more palatable. Ugh, I just remember that when I could finally eat, I got Coke after Coke after Coke & when I finally got up to brush my teeth, my tongue was black. Man, I just grossed myself out! Again!
I prefer the phrase "as fuck-all" as in "I'm tired as fuck-all of hospital food."
Oh, and lunch = salad with maiche lettuce, half an avocado, 2 hard-boiled eggs & my yummy Dad's-recipe salad dressing. Followed by a handful of jelly beans. Which, I imagine, will be followed by a handful of Whopper brand Robin's Eggs. Mmmmmmm.
Dammit, Jo! You posted that comment while I was typing mine!
When I was in the hospital having The Ace the food wasn't all that bad. Nothing I would go out of my way to eat, but decent and certainly palatable.
I am having some of my mom's leftover baby potatoes with new peas and some ham for lunch today.
I could be down for a Chicago OWFL lunch tomorrow. Name the time and place and I'll try and do it.
I think we need LT's Dad's salad dressing on the recipe post.
peep that may have something to do with a particular form of sodomy.
I'm with LT ... I like "fuck-all" also.
I'm thinking that a favorite phrase list describing food is in order:
1. That boy knows fuck-all but he sure can cook.
2. Eating that is crazy as hell.
3. tafkalc has an ass that is crazy as all get out.
So does someone have a simile phrase using "football hooligan".
I also enjoy, "I'm gonna cut ya" or "cut ya till the white meat"
My favorite word from E.L. :
As in Peep's car is janky yo!
I think somebody from Jo's high school invented that word.
In A2, the big cut down was:
"You got Lou Rawls", or just "You got Lou". Not sure why we hated on Lou Rawls so much, but that was the ultimate cut down, or "cap" as called it in the D
Jo, in some countries sodomy is a sport.
How about;
...as bruised as a soccer hooligan who got stuck in an electric blowjob machine.
it's a real saying in upper Gloustershire. I swear it.
I get it:
Like Peep is the mayor of Stinktown.
Yeah, that works.
Huh. I always heard that as 'jinky'. Or is that an entirely different thing? I don't know nothing 'bout these funky saying y'alls gots in the Midwest.
"jinky" sounds like it may be from the "yinz" family.
no relation to "janky".
Or "janktified".
peep runs the Jankytown post office and his nickname is the jankmeister. He reads people's magazines before he delivers them. "Yo it's the jankmeister, yo! Hand over my Highlights magazine!"
Oh wait. I think I'm thinking of 'hinky'.
Jo is the President of LouRawlsistan.
Man, all this talk of LouRawlistan & Jankville reminds me of that old SNL skit with Phil Hartman & his 'Sassy' interview show. Does anyone else remember that? After everything the guest would say he would turn to the camera & say "Sassy" "Extra Sassy" "Captain Sassy of the S.S. Sassy" Ha! That cracks my shit all up in there!
Get Out!
Jinky is not a 'burgh thing. "Jinkies!" was the exclamation of choice on Scooby Doo, though.
I personally do things like nobody's business.
Or things I randomly make up because I can't remember the regular colloquialism. I also make overly complicated analogies to explain really simple things.
Lunch was peach jello and a salad. No time to run out for hard boileds. I've been busy as balls, if you will.
It's fitting that Jo is the city treasurer of janktown, as I hear the account is frequently overdrawn.
I didn't realize that janky was an EL thing.
That rimshot you hear was for Jade's funny.
That rimshot you don't hear will be delivered after she gets dry gulched.
I'm fond of saying "Oh, for fuck's sake!"
miu, I believe that is a "wry mulch". similar, but very different.
Ha! Miu, you got that definition of a dry gulch from my blog. I always thought that's what it meant too, until Jo corrected me.
Honestly I don't know what it means. But I know what I mean it to mean...and on that note, let's all meet online around 11:30 for a group VB watch. I'll show you what's for lunch...
Unicorn's up tomorrow!!!
an old scottish roommate of my best friend in college used to say "for fook sake (insert name), it's 3 o'clock in the fookin' marnin!" was funny as all get-out.
my sandwich was so tasty today. it almost made me feel too full at first. but now, i'm starving again. good thing i've got some choco-chip cookies to tide me over until din din.
another fav expression: it's ____ as balls". for example, "it's hot as balls in this place!"
The thing with "dry gulch" (which still sounds like "felch" to me) is that I think it's a malapropism, though I don't know for what. A gulch is a ravine. There is no verb usage.
There are a lot of places called "Dry Gulch" but I presume them to be named after the arid quality of the ravine in which they sit, or are near.
The only usage of 'as balls' that I can think of is in 'hot as balls'. Do you use it for other things?
Thanks for that Safire article, E-que. I learned many things from it, such as I'm really, really old.
Miu is commenter number 69, dudes!!
That is cool as balls.
aaaaaah, right. cool as balls.
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