Can anyone honestly tell me that they have woken up on a Monday (not on vacation) and had a smile on their face? What is it about Monday's that cause us to get the Sunday evening Blues? Why do Monday's suck? What is it about Monday's that cause us to state things like, "on Monday I'm going to start eating healthy" or "on Monday I'll start going to the gym"? Is there a cure for the Monday blues?
Sorry for this depressing post. It's miserable in NY this morning and today I am starting a detox program to rid my body of all toxins, and hopefully jump start a healthy new me (and to bring my blood pressure and cholestorol down). I feel as though the gloomy weather is a precursor to what the next few days hold for me if I can maintain the will power and finish this program. Started at the gym at 6:00 a.m. Got to the office for a glass of hot water and the juice of a lemon. Ate a banana. Am only allowed to drink water (at least 10 glasses) and eat a few pieces of fruit today. Have to cut out red meat, wheat, dairy, shellfish, caffeine, chocoloate, alcohol and smokes (yes basically anything that is good). Supposed to do this for 3 days but I'm starting with Baby Steps and shooting for 2 days as I have a big dinner on Wednesday night to attend in San Francisco.
Has anyone else ever tried to detox? Any good recipes or plans to share? Could this healthy post possibly get positive responses from this lunch crazed crowd lead by the unhealthy czar Josephus? Talk healthy to me WFLers? And if you can't, well...just go ahead and tell me WFL and I'll live vicariously through you for the next few days.
Personally, I don't think your detox thing sounds very healthy. I'm (theoretically) a big proponent of eating lots of veggies, a good amount of fruits, and less of the bad stuff - you know, the pyramid! Of course, I don't actually follow this myself . . . I don't think I could ever do a full-on detox thing with just the cabbage soup or whatever. Gah! I'm gassy enough as it is.
Lunch today = Friday's pad thai with the red cock sauce. Not bad, but still too sweet. Why didn't I get drunken noodles?!? What a maroon.
Poor JV. I already ate my roast beef and honey turkey sub. I'm thinking about a 2nd lunch at 2:30. maybe a bean & cheese burrito from the vendor at 17th and K. good stuff.
And normal Mondays do suck it down like nobody's business. But there is nothing sweeter than a holiday Monday.
or the holiday Sunday night drinking!
I loves Sunday drinking like you don't even know.
I love holiday Sunday drinking. It's one of my favorites, right up there with snow day drinking, "hurricane" party drinking, first warm day cutting out of work at 3pm drinking outside... well, you get the picture.
I am the detox Master (Cleanse). As I told JV off-blog - it's great. The first three days are terrible, but the rest are a breeze (though all that evacuation is a bit much - but you're a better person because of it) I highly recommend it. I've done cabbage soup too (I love the detox cabbage soup - but I love cabbage, so it's hardly a sacrifice)
I'm drinking plain water today, with a lemon - some of you may realize what a big deal this is, as I hate H2O. But, I've been managing the healthy eatin' (so I slipped with the fried chicken this weekend - it was homemade and I only had 2 pieces) and frequent gym-going - so now I'm incorporating Satan's Juice.
Anyway, lunch is hardboileds and gorgonzola. Maybe some tomatoes. I ate some cottage cheese this morning, so I'm not hungry yet - but that's what I'm planning.
How's Jo's "new" workout regimen going, by the way?
And yes, JV - I'm referring to that one (Floyd) and the one in '03 (or was it '04?) - Isabelle. I ended up sick from Mystery Illness after Isabelle. I'm sure it had NOTHING to do with taking a raft out to row through the streets of Baltimore's Fells Point neighborhood and wading through flood water from the Harbor. Yeah. Not a thing. Floyd though was the same scenario, and we committed ourselves to a 16 bar crawl - which was the one and only time I've ever completed such an undertaking. But it was a great freakin' day.
Lunch is hard boileds and gorg, but on a salad of romaine hearts, red peppers and tomatoes. Tasty. And, more water. Not so tasty.
As soon as the doc tells me to detox, I will. And he won't have to pay me, and I won't cheat...
The workout regiment failed miserably after one 5:30 am workout when my back started to feel like it was on fire for 45 minutes. I'm gonna suck it up ease my way back in.
Hey JV, I am a big proponent of the ocassional detox and basic every day healthy living. Although I do smoke. But that's ending soon, I actually haven't had one since Fri night which is huge for a pack a day+ of Reds smoker like me. But I digress. I like to do water and juice fasts. The first day is pretty much just water and lemon and then each day I add in more like ginger, beet, garlic, carrot, apple, celery, watercress and cabbage. Some of them taste pretty nasty but I swear it cleans your whole system. Enemas are good too but probably not the right topic for the lunch blog. Just be sure to not binge on a rich, high fat meal when you break the detox. You should slowly introduce foods back in and the earliest ones should be like rice and fish and chicken and of course fruits and veggies.
I am SO PROUD od HT for drinking water! That is amazing! I think I am almost as proud of you as you were of me when I released the hate last week on my blog.
just finished a workout, which helped avoid a 2nd lunch today and work off the delicious mushroom, onion, swiss burger i had last night...with onion rings AND fries AND a yingling. damn, it was tasty.
i used to hate water when i was little, and refused to drink it. instead, i drank a ton of milk. but now as an adult, i refuse to drink milk, but drink a lot of water...especially my favorite of all things, zazz. HT can attest to the fact that, despite a hangover, i managed to walk to the giant, pick up 6 1 liter bottles of black cherry and raspberry zazz. i wanted it that bad.
oh, and a mistake black cherry vanilla coke that made me want to throw up later.
I drink alot of water. More than I drink anything else. I used to love Crystal Light too. I know it's bad but I admit to not wanting my friends to quit smoking. It really puts a cramp into my social smoking style. Of course I'd rather they not smoke and live than smoke and die...of course.
Watchdog quit smoking about a year ago. Too bad he isn't around to share...
I have had three large (like 16 oz) glasses of water today. Not a big deal for most, but way more than I ever have. I figure I'm back to eating right (99% of the time) and in the gym 6 days a week or so, so I might as well start in on the hardest part - water intake. So far, so good. (well, as good as possible) But Miu, does the crystal light count as water? It seems like it wouldn't count toward that 8 glasses "they" always talk about.
But, drinking water is not nearly as big an accomplishment as not smoking! Congrats, Jade! I have never been a smoker despite the best efforts of my mom and her friends and my friends. That said, it would be weird if most of my friends were no longer smoking. I like smokey bars. I like the idea of smoking and the commraderie it produces now that smokers are cast out to the sidewalks. I think if all of my friends quit, I would probably start.
I loved when Watchdog quit and was smoking those herbal things. How long did that last?
Mr. Uni was the biggest promoter of those nasty herbal smokes, and I think he tried to push them on watchdog. Alas both of them are back on the real stuff.
Jell-o??? Oh, wow. If that counts (and, I eat the sugar free kind) then I'm doing better than I thought, as I just had some raspberry. I also had some sort of weird sugar free Kool Aid over the weekend. Wow. This is fantastic news.
Of course, the twisted part of my brain tells me that if I enjoy it that much, it's not as good for me - so for a week, I'm going to try to suck down more of the plain stuff (but maybe with lemons and limes and cucumbers, like they have downstairs). Do the people who drink water actually enjoy it? Do you just do it because you're thirsty? Do you like the taste?
I mean, I'm with tafkalc - I do like the Zazz, and drink a lot of that - but I feel like it's somehow not as good for you.
I don't really enjoy drinking plain water, but I do it. I do enjoy drinking bubbly water. And I like saying it in italian even more: aqua frizzante, per favore!
Hee hee, Miu - you said 'spite' counts as water - if that's the case, then I think most of us WFLers need very little else!
I do prefer the fizzy water. For awhile there I was buying cases of Gerolsteiner at TJ's, but then I read that of all the bottled waters, it has the most minerals (read: flavor) I thought maybe it wasn't that good for me after all. Of course, drinking as much of the fizzy as you're supposed to is really expensive after awhile and seems wasteful when there's unlimited free of the other stuff.
Ew. Emergen-C is terrible. It's a crappy imitation of these things we used to have in Hungary, that were like big flavored, vitamin-rific alka-seltzer tabs. I miss those. Actually, I had some in my office... wonder where they went?
Yeah JV, there is a whole line of "herbal" cigarettes that are supposed to be nicotine free.
Aren't clove ciggies worse than regular smokes? God, they were tasty, though. And your lips would taste so good after sucking on the filter! Sigh . . . I'm with Jo on this, though. I'm a bad one who doesn't want my friends to give it up.
Yeah, Miu, I've heard that - stupid parents who are terrified of the water supply! Like, didn't you grow up just fine on the city water? Moron! That being said, I think the thing about bubbly waters is that they have a lot of salts & minerals in them, so maybe they're not good in high quantities if you have high blood pressure?? Mine is 120/80, so I'm fine. That's good, right? I can see where you're coming from, HT, but you can't get bubbly out of the tap - that's why I'll buy bottled bubbly, but not bottled still, generally. That's how I justify the cost. Else I would be spending a fortune on Diet Coke.
Hey, that counts as water!
Nicotine isn't bad for you. It is addictive, but it's not the problem. It's the tar and crap that is bad for you, so smoking herbal smokes doesn't make much sense. I'd like to just not smell bad all the time and it is so expensive at 8 bucks a pack in Chicago. And well, I don't want to die. And I REALLY don't want to get wrinkly and leathery. Vanity always trumps health with me.
I LOVE to drink water. I love the taste and it is so refreshing. I especially love Fiji water. Peep and I were talking about it and he said it is just the packaging, but I think it is more than that. Althought the packaging is smooth.
I love how Jo is sucking up everything lately.
jade loves sucking down that fiji water.
I am going to have several drinks with dinner tonight.
Just wanted you to know.
I am drinking my water from the office water cooler, out of an old school UMD cup. With the old mascot, which is a smiling turtle. Before we got all tough and were all about Fearing the Turtle. This is more like the Turtle and I having a friendly drink down by the watering hole, than the Turtle trying to scare me into drinking water.
I don't like Fiji. I tried to drink it one other time when I was trying this water thing, and I couldn't hold the bottle comfortably in one hand.
Maybe if you didn't have midget hands ...
Or, maybe if I had a midget to walk 10 steps behind me and carry my water, and then pour it into my mouth when I felt parched. Yes, that could work, too.
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