You wake up one morning, and its not just the usual where am I? Who are you?
Its "Who am I" as well.
Since we've had so many issues with identity loss around here I thought I might ask the question
If you lost your identity (and memory), what would you do?
More importantly, What would you have for lunch?
I just finished a delicious bowl of chicken salad made by the missus. I'm thinking that I will go for a second lunch around 2:00 from Julia's Empanadas. I'll get a Chilean and some potato salad.
Oh, and if I woke up a blank slate I'd immediately go back to college and start doing all the things I wish that I had done back then. How would I rememeber those wishes? I have already tatooeda list on my body.
I'm pretty sure I would end up in Michigan or at the Nordstroms shoe department because I seem to be like a homing pigeon with those two places hard wired into my brain.
My dad has a friend who is an alcoholic. Back when he used to drink, he would go on benders and black out and disappear, but he would wake up one day and mysteriously find himself in Cheyenne, Wyomming. He would have no recollection of how he got there, why he went there and he knew no one even in the state of Wyomming. He'd call my dad and my dad would wire him money to get home. It happened several times.
I'm not good with embedding links, but you need to check out Lisa Rinna. We discussed this before, but this deserves more. http://fadedyouth.blogspot.com/2006/03/oooooooooooooouch.html
Brown bagged it today. Tofu, eggplant, lentil stew. I made a vat of it on Sunday and have been eatin’ off of it since. It’s kind of a preachy, holier-than-thou, lunch, but I like it. Maybe I’ll spice it up with the Cholula that I ripped off from Baja.
I got tricked into Fallafel and Gyro. I was eating my sandwich and then someone offered to by me lunch.
So of course...
buy me lunch as well
Personally, I don't know how or what I would do.
My sense of "self" is firmly rooted. Matter o' fact I've been accused of being so full of "self" that the "shit" spilled everywhere.
I don't think I was able to grasp the whole innuendo (sp?) but I think I didn't completely miss it.
As it is I think I would curl up in a ball and suck on my thumb ... and then go out and get a dark beer and a fluffer nutter.
Well, I would still be as unfunny as I am now. Peep backwards however made me laugh.
Why does discussion of truckers and alcoholic blackouts scare me?
and yes I'm just trying to build up the number of posts so I don't feel like I'm really bad at starting dicussions.
I do however have a special power, [superHeroTag]I AM INAPPROPRIATE MAN!!!![superHeroTag].
I have special powers to end whole fun and rewarding conversations with a single foul comment. Repeatedly!
Diz good job on the post today. By the way you beat my post by one minute. Yours was better than my self aggrandizing one with a castaway theme (look for it within a week or two!).
Listening to the World Baseball Classic. Just finished my second "lunch" which did NOT include an empanada. Instead I got a Vitamin Water and some potato salad from Mom's downstairs. reese's peanut butter cups for dessert.
notWitty - sausages and hot dogs? The only way to fly .. for anything else ... beware.
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