So...yeah...I have a serious case of the Mondays today...if I could be kicking the crap out of some sort of office equipment right now, I would be. Or if the f'ing windows in our office would open...something would definitely be flying out of them...and if anyone tries to even touch my red swingline...I'll staple their ass cheeks together with it!
I have no idea WFL...but if anyone has any good ideas or any news, stories...something...ANYTHING to make this day go by a bit faster...please please please help a girl out!!!
Wow, no responses yet? I got into work late (had a 6am flight from VT this morning) & have nothing to do yet. I am sooooooore. Not skiing for a year will do that to you. I don't know if this story will do it for you Uni, but it has food, high hopes, tragedy, and bitter irony all in one, so here goes. So we're skiing all day yesterday at Stowe. Now Stowe has really long lifts & no mid-slope lifts, so you have to ski alllllll the way down. Not like our little slopes in southern PA or western VA, where you can ski & then catch a short break while you ride the lift back up. Not good for the out-of-shape person. So every time we took the gondola up, we were drooling over the smell coming from the wafflehaus (that's 'wafflehouse' in english - and no, no relation the southern chain). So we're going up the quad lift which does not take you to the wafflehaus. My one cousin (we'll call her C) said that her feet were hurting - something about her bindings, so we decided the other 3 of us (me, D & E) would go up the quad lift, come down, meet at the gondola, then all 4 of us would go up & we'd have a nice waffle. As we get to the top of the quad lift, the D & E say "oh, right I forgot there was a cafe right here! and they sell crepes!" which wasn't exactly what we were looking for, but could have been a good substitue. However, C was waiting for us at the gondola. So we went down, met up, went up the gondola (after some debate as there was much leg-burning & thigh-pain going on). When we got to the top there was a guy in front of in line for the WaffleHaus. He kept turning and smiling at us & I was thinking "Perv. He's clearly trying to hit on my cousins, who are much younger than him." So we got up to the window & were debating on the chocolate topping or just carmelized sugar, when the WaffleMan says "We're out of waffles." ?????????????? Are you kidding me??? We couldn't believe it. And we realized that guy wasn't hitting on any of us - he was smirking because he got the last waffle!! And the bitter irony became apparent b/c it took forever to work our way allllllll the way down the mountain, so we had no fuel left to go back up the quad to the crepe place. Isn't that sad? It's like Romeo & Juliet, but with sweet breakfast items.
Well done unicorn.
You'll be happy to know that I overdosed on dinner from The Rib Pit last night. So I still have BBQ residue in my mouth. I'm thinking salad today. Perhaps a disciplined trip to Soho.
Good post Uni,
I am back from a week of spring break couch surfing. In reality I didn't do any of that I spent all week trying to pull the bits of my life back together that have fallen apart or been neglected for the last 6 months.
That said, today there will be no lunch except that which I can located in transit to the hatafat dam breit.
miu, I think you need a new dr! A week is ridiculous.
I totally would have thrown down with that guy, but a) I was with my cousins & didn't want to set a bad example and b) my thighs were jelly, so I couldn't even have sucker-punched him & run away.
Lunch was a surprisingly good chicken panini from the Euromarket, which was chosen for it's proximity to office. Not only are my thighs sore, but I didn't bring my coat in from my car. Der! Man, that was a good panini. I think they buttered the bread or something. It was full of all kinds of oily goodness. Oink.
Miu! That sucks! I agree with LT, a week is unacceptable, ge tthee to a new doctor immediately and keep gobbling the pain killers in the meantime. But for goodness sake don't mix with alcohol. But smoking a little something if you got it, would be OK by me. Hope you're feeling better soon, hun.
I just ate 2 girl scout cookies [one shortbread and one shortbread-like with choclate on one side and "Merci" on the other] and a couple of cups of coffee. I'm still hungry but need to eat something substantial for lunch. I kinda feel like guacamole.
hi all! just a quick note to say thanks to the ideas of how to stay full on a low budget from my last week post, i brought all kinds of snacks to work: granola bars, extra cold cuts, etc. i also spaced out my meal today, and now i'm nice and full and didn't spend a dime extra.
you all rock!
sorry miu to hear about your doctor woes. and noTwitty, i think a noble sacrifice to give up master cleanse for the cute neighbor. ahh, i'm a sucker for romance...
giggle - love your new pic...you kinda remind me of a pokemon!
Bleargh. I just ate a bag of chips. Only 150 calories, but I couldn't even wait until 3:00. Moo.
well so far I've eaten a sleeve of plain saltines...could my monday be any more blecch.....
I ended up just getting a turkey sub from Subway. Sorry, HT! She hates the smell of Subway and all. But I just wanted something quick and easy and I like the giardinere. Mmmmmm, hot peppers.
I too love giggle's new picture!
Yeah, I don't know if the giggler caught my comment yesterday, but the picture is fantastic. I went overboard at Soho and got lots of salads and a small container of fried rice with various chinese foods on top (a piece of orange chicken, a pice of sweet & sour, a piece of mongolian beef...).
We are 18 days out from the confrence folks. I suggest you meander over to the conference post and declare your attendance intentions. Best get your transportaion and lodging settled quickly...
Jeez, I think this is the most wonderful blog. I love food. I'm glad to see people talking about it the same way I feel about it.
I just had some homemade gnocchi with red pepper flakes, marinara sauce, and mushrooms. I'm thinking I'm going to have a piece of pie now, too.
Gluttonous and loving it.
For those of you who haven't ventured to the recipe post, LT put up her recipe for her
muff(elatta)!! YEAH...that totally made my day!
I can't believe it's only 3...this job o'mine is like a dull nail being driven into my head...maybe I should just go home...I think I'm going to have dinner delivered to me tonight...chinese or sushi..then I plan on curling up on the couch to watch Prison Break.
Welcome Julian!
Hi, Julian! Welcome! I love love love pie myself, but usually only homemade. My mom makes the most divine custard pie in the world. I am also very fond of her Michigan sour cherry pies and fresh peach which requires a big old scoop of vanilla ice cream dropped on top while the pie is still hot so it gets all melty and gooey. Heaven.
Ooooooh. Delivery sushi is a fabulous idea. I wonder if I can get that out in my neck of the woods . . . I'll have to check my 2nd favorite sushi place. Hm. Or maybe I'll order it & pick it up on my way home. That would be good - it would probably help keep me from eating anything else before then. Thanks for the idea, Uni!
Grooooan. So sore. Just walked to bathroom & had the worst time trying to sit down. Seriously. I can't bend my knees without pain all over my thighs . . . . Is that tmi? Anyways, that's the only problem with delivery dinner. I'd have to get up from my chair to let the guy in.
Crap. Now I want pie. My mom makes the best (the best, I tell ya!) cherry pie in the world. From the cherry trees in their yard. She also makes awesome pumpkin pie. No one else's will do. My grandma made such good lemon meringue pie. Damn! Now I really want pie!
Kudos to miu & giggles for the unsolicited recipe posts. We have some really tasty ones up over there now. I can assure you that the empanads will be eaten in my home very soon.
And miu that swordfight thing is great.
And miu, around these parts we call "pickle platters" by their confirmation name, RELISH TRAYS...
I prefer pickle platters to relish tray. I think I will be adopting Miu's terminology.
Miu, I know you are already on myspace, you need to add OWFL as one of your friends. That goes for everyone else as well, I just don't know who all is on there.
notwitty, feel free to add comments about your recipes on the recipe post. And if you feel you have left too much out feel free you junk the old recipe and post a new and improved one.
I am already drawing inspiration from some of the recipes over there. The sauteed spinach tonight will have a hint of balasmic vinegar added (drawing from miu and an earlier jade recipe that isn't on the recipe post).
Oh my god, Miu, I love chocolate covered espresso beans sooooo much. At first I thought they were going to be gross and too crunchy, but they're not, they are perfect. I love them! Especially during PMS rages.
You know what I wish? Nah, neverfucking mind.
jade, i detest the subway aroma. it makes me want to hurl.
thanks for the nice comments about my pic! i had fun with the camera yesterday with my friend. that jump was the last out of 5 tries b/c she kept cutting my head off. i think the tourists thought we was crazy.
I was just going to rant about my job, but realized that the amount of time it would take me to fully rant about it, I could instead just get to work and get it done so I could leave for the day. And I just wanted to keep the the self indulgent whining to a minimum.
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