I don't have anything in my fridge really, as I've not been grocery shopping, or even had anything delivered in weeks. There's the mediocre leftover pork pad-ped, but it's just not appealing. I'm thinking of making something with eggs (shocking, I know), but I'm just not sure what.
I am staying inside my house today and being lazy because I am exhausted, so there will be no running to the store for supplies. This will force me to be culinarily creative, so be warned.
How about everyone else? Recovering from St. Paddy's? (myself, I met up with TheFormerRoommate at Giggles' store and bought more wine than I need, then swung by Madhatter's to have a few with Uni and Mr. Uni and SheWhoComesToHHatBBbutDoesn'tEatMeat, then back to the Hill for a pitcher of margaritas and texmex at La Lomita II. (Sonoma was packed) There was much talk of Cap Lounge, but I was way too tired.)
What's going on out there in OWFL land?

I am rehydrating, reevaluating and recouperating. Last night took a toll on me. I didn't even drink that much, but I did it in a very condensed period of time. I met up with a friend of mine from high school at a Big 10 bar after the loss and Rico was supposed to show up, but didn't. He called this morning and didn't remember talking to or texting me. He was legitamately hammered at the time, though. Now he wants to convince me to go out tonight. I don't really want to go out drinking, but I could be talked into getting some ribs or trying that fried chicaken place PeeP was talking about recently.
I need to clean this apartment, I have to go to the grocery store, I have to do laundry. Those are priorities today.
I've done nothing today except watch dvds of nip/tuck (season 2) and eat a couple of girl scout cookies (tagalongs).
I have one more dvd (3 more episodes) and then I think maybe I'll take a nap or something. No ideas for food.
I too need to do laundry and grocery shop, and I might do the former later. The latter will wait until tomorrow.
NoTwitty - I should write more, but I can never think of things to write about. I'm actually not very interesting at all. But, I'll try to think more creatively and maybe I'll come up with something, soon.
And, my horoscope for today:
Today you might decide to get some annoying but necessary chores done, NIKKI. You have the energy and stamina to get them done and probably will, though you may go crazy from boredom in the meantime. Your mind should be especially active right now, so don't be surprised if during the course of doing your chores you find the answers to questions you've been asking yourself for a long time!
That is soooo... not happening.
OH MY GOD! I got new panties! They are fucking awesome! I love HT! I think I am going to have to take some HNT pictures this week and post them. You rule. I love you!
It's hard to come up with interesting posts all them time. I've discovered that the less I try to be interesting and the more I just write about things that interest me, the better it is. It still surprises me though when people respond to my musings on cleaning products or shampoo or chicken feet or whatever, but they do.
I need to get moving. I just ate some bacon, scrambled eggs [cooked in bacon fat - yummmmm] raisin toast [I'm still amused HT had never heard of cinammon raisin toast before last weekend] orange juice and coffee. I think I have the strength to get started with my day now. I haven't done much more than lay in bed and talk to Coco on the phone for 2 hours. My momma is the best.
Did your horoscope actually say Nikki? That's kinda creepy.
They FINALLY arrived??? Jeez... that took FOREVER. (I love that company, it's where I have all my t-shirts and whatnot made)
Oooh... I just realized I violated my own anonymity. (it comes to my email that way - my name didn't just mystically pop in there... )
This place is a regular lovefest today. Part of my problem is that I live so much inside my head, that it's often difficult for me to translate that in a way that others will understand. I amuse myself with my thoughts all day long, but I'm pretty sure that the public-at-large would not only be disinterested, but also quite possibly horrified, and most likely, not as entertained as I am by myself.
Does that make me a narcissist?
I don't know, I don't think you are a narcissist because I think your raging superiority complex is totally justified. I am endlessly amused by your little wittisms. I do think you are more emotional and a little less rational than you think you are.
Why don't you take your own advice noTwitty and write yourself?
I agree with Jada, NoTwitty. Why not write?
I love my job and I am very happy with my life - maybe that's why I have such stubborn writer's block?
My raging superiority complex aside, I wonder about my intense self-involvement, though not in a bad way, I guess.
I can handle Jo. He likes to play at lunch czar, but he's no one to be afraid of.
Plus, he's out of town and away from a computer. So, while the cat's away...
Actually, if we talk about the Master Cleanse, I have a feeling Ms. Jade will be the first to cry her disapproval. But, I'm feeling bold.
You know, I seriously considered Master Cleansing for all 40 days of Lent. That would have been hardcore. In the end, I realized, it would have been too hardcore for me. So, I'm a few weeks into this no Diet Coke thing. Instead, I've been cracking out on Sugar Free Red Bull. And, I'm proud to say - I LOVE it. When I'm drinking it, I don't even want to eat. It's fantastic. Sadly, I don't have any in the house. That could actually compel me to get dressed and leave today. Hmmm...
Why do you think I would disapprove of master cleanse talk? We've even talked about it before on the phone or on IM. I was considering doing it, but I was afraid I would gain weight when I went off of it.
TexEsq and I are sitting in the office upstairs and both of us are a sight I'm sure. Last night was fun. We went to a private St. Pat's day at a friend we met through TexEsq's kick boxing classes she teaches.
Today we went to La Peep's and I got the breakfast Tacos. I know, breakfast tacos at a french restaurant.
Its Texas people.
We went with TexEsq's Mom after the kickboxing class (and they went to a step class while I ran afterwards). Needless to say I sweat out the hangover and then proceeded to curl up with a book.
I have to get home work done now.
I identify with HT today as we have nothing but Red Bull and soda in the house.
Gonna have to make a trip.
Diz - your house is well-stocked if you've got the red bull already. Sadly, I've got nothing and I just woke up from a lovely nap and I'm famished.
Jade, I just know how you're very pro-health/healthful eating, so I assumed that even though we've discussed it, you wouldn't approve. I think I'm probably a little defensive about it, since almost no one was supportive of it when I did it. But yeah, the weight gain after is something to be aware of, though not as much the first time you do it.
I want a burrito. There is no burrito delivery though. This is a dilemma.
I see that I have some serious dry gulches to deliver...
I'm not afraid of you.
Again, I wake up hungry, with no food in the house. Last night, I ate eggs when I woke up from my nap at 8 or 9pm. I went back to sleep at 2ish, and now I'm up and starving. I have to be in Georgetown (all the way across town) for 3, which means I can leave here no later than 2, to allow time to find parking. Which means that I need to get in the shower no later than 12:30, because I have to look nice-ish for this thing at 3.
So, all of that means that I have 2 hours to wake up and think about getting food, and that doesn't seem like enough time.
Sometimes it just seems to difficult and complicated to eat.
My brother and I frequently wish that we could "python" and avoid the trouble of having to eat frequenly. Like how a python will eat a rabbit or rat and then not have to eat again for days. Sometimes I would love to sit down and gorge on anything I wanted and then not have to eat again for a long time. Having to regularly satisfy those basic necessities of life can be such a burden and a drag at times.
Right as I typed that, I flipped on the TV just in time for the beginning of Real Genius, which very neatly filled the time before showering. There is no food in my future until after 5pm, when my meeting is over.
Oh, and Giggles - if you happen to read this, text me and let me know if you want to go grocery shopping w/ me after I'm done.
hola OWFL-ers. i'm at home and i haven't had lunch yet. i'm meeting a friend at 4pm to do some around town photo shoot...brilliant idea by a friend of mine who is going to take all of our group of friends' pics and put them into an awesome slideshow. HT's seen a sneak preview. it's genius.
i think i'm going to go to don jaime's across the street for some good ole' huevos rancheros and coffee. it all usually comes out to around $5. i'm gonna bring a book and catch up on some me time.
all weekend i worked at the wine store. but i did get to sip on a $150 bottle of champagne on friday night AND a $50 bottle of brunello last night. i guess it was worth it in the end.
HT -- i can't do shopping until probably around 6pm. will that be too late?
Empanada recipe please...
Yes! The best thing about the Cleanse is awesome skin, though, if you're prone to breaking out (I'm not) I've heard that it gets worse before it gets better.
Good luck and keep us posted on your progress!!
i cannot even imagine what the master cleanse would do to me...i'd probably shit ropes.
I love the pic lagiggles...
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