have you ever went over a friends house to eat
and the food just aint no good
I mean the macaroni's soggy the peas are mushed
and the chicken tastes like wood
so you try to play it off like you think you can
by sayin that you’re full
and then your friend says momma he's just being polite
he aint finished uh uh that's bull
so your heart starts pumpin and you think of a lie
and you say that you already ate
and your friend says man there's plenty of food
so you pile some more on your plate
while the stinky foods steamin your mind starts to dreamin
of the moment that it's time to leave
and then you look at your plate
and your chickens slowly rottin
into something that looks like cheese
oh so you say that's it I got to leave this placeI don’t care what these people think
I'm just sittin here makin myself nauseous
with this ugly food that stinks
so you bust out the door while it’s still closed
still sick from the food you ate
and then you run to the store for quick relief
from a bottle of kaopectate
and then you call your friend two weeks later
to see how he has been
and he says I understand about the food
baby bubbah but we're still friends...
Any really bad meals stand out in your memory?
How did you deal with the situation?
And tell us of course WFL?
When I was 6 years old, my mom & dad were off giving birth to my baby brother & my mom had put me up at a friend's house. I have no memory of this, but apparently one night I didn't like the dinner & the mom caught me trying to make myself puke in the bathroom later. I have never done that since. Like I said, I have no memory of that, and also, how stupid is that? I hate the food, so I choked it down, only to try to experience it a second time? Kidz r dumb.
Lunch today: salad with arugula, spicy sprouts, radish, little bit o' cheese and chicken I roasted last night topped with Dad's recipe salad dressing. Also brought celery sticks, a small cup of Cozy Shack tapioca and pineapple. Mmmm. Healthy.
ugh, bad meals came from my step grandma. she made korean food with waaaay too much grease. i handled it by eating it against my will and then having the d-bomb afterwards. so unpleasant.
today is salad...again! detoxing for la fiesta de la choi.
Well...I'm really not that picky, and like rico said...throw on some hot sauce and spices and I'll typically be satisfied. Or maybe I've just been blessed with many friends who are good cooks!
The one thing that I am generally opposed to though are canned vegetables...seriously...what's the point?? They are usually mushy, bland and come out in some weird grayish color. I did spend thanksgiving at the "in-laws" and they made a HUGE dish of the greenbean casserole with the Durkee onions on top which I usually devour because it is one of my favorite holiday side dishes...but it was made with canned greenbeans. I could barely eat a forkful, to quote Ms. Lachoi, they made me want to borf. Even worse, they insisted that they made so much of it because they remembered how much I said I loved the stuff. But to give them credit, they do grill their turkey and it was one of the best birds I've ever had on thanksgiving!!
Ummm...I also had someone make a stew with a deer that he "found" on the road. He's pretty nature savvy and prides himself on being a "survivalist" (Jo - u know who I'm talkin' about). So I had pretty good faith that his decision to cut into the deer was made under extreme discretion. Anyways...I was half-way into a bowl of the stew when he mentioned that he "lost the spinal cord and it must have dissolved in the stew"...gross...not even the biggest bottle of green tabasco could fix that issue.
GAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!! I forgot about that deer story, uni.
Yeah, I hates the canned veggies. So gross. It's funny - as much as I sometimes hated spending the night at my friend's houses for the dinner issues, I loved it for the 2 week period I was at other's houses (while the bro was being born) b/c of the lunches they packed me - Koolade in the thermos! Twinkies! Wonder bread! All crapola my mom wouldn't give me! And breakfast was often Froot Loops or other similarly sugary cereal! Heaven!!!
E-que - that sounds like the beginning to an episode of "Six Feet Under"...I miss that show!
I have recently become obsessed with these jarred marinated mushrooms from Trader Joes...I can't get enough of them. I can eat a whole jar in one sitting. If I were to die while eating a jar of these mushrooms...I'd die happy!
Yum - I forgot I had chick peas on my salad, too.
I think that canned mushrooms fall in the same category as canned veggies. Ugh. I miss 6 Feet Under, too!
When I was about 7 years old, my older brother (about 9) had a friend over to spend the night. So that night at dinner my bro asked my mom if you could see any difference between salt & sugar & my mom said 'well, no, without tasting it, you probably couldn't tell.' So the next morning we were eating breakfast - I had poured a bowl of cereal & was in the process of dumping a bunch of sugar from the sugarbowl on it & (can you tell where this story is going??) took one bite and urgh! I almost threw up. Yes, my brother had added salt to the sugarbowl. Not that funny, right? Well, when I got to the table, his friend had been eating cereal with "sugar" on it & was almost finished with the bowl when I had my bite! My mom was like "Oh, Derek, you could have said something!" but you know how kids are. Poor guy. Shockingly, he & my brother weren't friends anymore & he never spent the night again . . . .
This is classic:
after you see that look at this:
oh BTW it was a good day today .. just really busy ... worst meal I've had was mashed potatoes .... served to me by me for over 3 weeks.
Thats right kids ... love-struck I "moved" up to Boston and ran out of money very quickly ... I then found a job my 3rd month in but not after I spent almost an entire december with only enough money (for food or anything) to buy a bag of potatoes. Which I then turned into mashed potatoes and ate for the next few weeks. Bland, no salt, no butter, no sour cream ... just mashed potatoes.
Diz, that's so funny. (emceelepracon, not you're sad sad tale of love, heartbreak, and mashed taters.)
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