"And I don't need any of this! I don't need this stuff, , and I don't need you. I don't need anything except this, and that's it and that's the only thing I need, is this. I don't need this or this. Just this ashtray. And this paddle game, the ashtray and the paddle game and that's all I need. And this remote control. The ashtray, the paddle game and the remote control, and that's all I need. And these matches. The ashtray, and these matches, and the remote control and the paddle ball. And this lamp. The ashtray, this paddle game and the remote control and the lamp and that's all I need. And that's all I need too. I don't need one other thing, not one - I need this! The paddle game, and the chair, and the remote control, and the matches, for sure. Well what are you looking at? What do you think I am, some kind of a jerk or something? And this! And that's all I need. The ashtray, the remote control, the paddle game, this magazine and the chair. And I don't need one other thing except my dog. Well I don't need my dog."
WFL? As if anyone is listening...
I think it is really sad that Jo has to put up the lunch post nearly every freaking day. Of course, Jo's usually are the best posts, but seriously what is the deal with all the new people who have posting privileges who never [or very, very rarely] post anything? I think some people should be put on probation or something.
I need lip gloss, coffee, my bed, candy, Ace, internet access and comfy pajamas.
I'm at home awaiting RCN to get my cable and modem fixed. Yay! I think I will make a chicken salad with grapes, slivered almonds, driend cherries, mayo and curry powder. And eat some strawberries, too. I need to healthy it up a bit after this weekend.
Wow Peep, your office party sounds kinda like our weekend. You are on a roll.
But no, just a little mayo to hold it together. My jeans are feeling the strain.
It's about time on the cable Miss Jade...
I love goats. Especially eating one that has been roasted on a spit.
And you lazy bastards need to start posting...or perhaps it's time for anther round of elevations...and develations..
As Supreme Lunch Czar I reserve the right to make up new words.
Not sure about lunch yet. But it will be hearty and lathered in sauce.
I had some delicious chicken for dinner last night, marinated in a roasted tomato dressing with red peppers. Wild rice and corn mixed with red pepper relish on the side. Good stuff.
I just think Jo is a Posting Whore...like yesterday I was drafting a post...then I get an IM from him rubbing it in that he got his in first! So alas...Jo is King who reigns supreme! Blah blah blah...
Today's lunch is a sandwich made with leftover grilled chicken that was marinated in garlic, rosemary and balsamic vinegar, topped off with lettuce, tomato and spicy sprouts. With a side of a vegetable medley rice that I concocted with leftover steamed veggies and brown rice...threw all of it in a pan with some olive oil and garlic..added some random spices, sauces and fresh spinach.
I do love the post though Jo! I'm going to go home and watch it tonight...I have an old ratty VHS copy of it. The movie is up there as a fave right next to Raising Arizona. Or maybe I'll just make Mr. Uni sing to me..."I'm picking out a thermos for you. Not an ordinary Thermos for you. But the extra best Thermos that you can buy, with vinyl and stripes and a cup built right in".
I'm actually pretty excited to have good working cable. I've only lived here since July without it. It is the return of the Sopranos that has prompted me to get my act in gear. People always ask me how I get everything done and how I manage to juggle the million projects and complicated life I lead, and I think it comes as a real shock to them to learn that I am a consumate slacker. I will live with inconvience and hassle longer than any one I know. But, The Sopranos and the NCAA tourney will cause me to get my act in gear.
I support Jo's elevation and develations [and making up new words] as long as he keeps in mind a specific matter we discussed Sunday night.
By the way Jo, did you set up the little Batman battle that was staged on my dining table when I woke up on Monday?
I'm sorry notwitty. But I love the goat. I also love the lamb. And I can't get enough of the mutton.
I can't wait to see Unicorn's post tomorrow. I'm guessing it may have a Coen Brothers' theme.
Those two Batmen had been eyeing eachother all night. They were itching to brawl.
Soho or Greek Deli?
Ha, PeeP! I don't think HT will mind because she was here too and will know what I mean.
I also love lamb, and veal and baby animals of all kinds. I do not discriminate when it comes to eating flesh because I have attachments to certain animals or think something is cute. It's meat and I unapologetically eat it with pleasure.
I need to go home and dig around my recipe books for those of you who enjoy goat. I made this nigerian stew a couple of times..."Efo"...spinach, tomatoes, ground melon seed, goat and ox tail to name a few ingredients. Pretty tasty.
I neither need, nor care about, nuthin’. Fuggit.
I’m a little post-lunch pissed at muhself. I got all psyched to go for 65 Chinese. My digging of their sweet and sour chicken (sauce on the side) is well chronicled, and that was what made me walk down there. But I remembered that I had quasi-promised myself to try something the next time I went. So I looked around. Their orange chicken looked very good. I’ve been thinking about trying that weird broad noodle and beef, too. Today’s batch of garlic chicken looked amazing. But what did I just finish the last bite of? Kung po chicken and pork fried rice. I mean, it was fine, but it was exactly what I got last time and I didn't want it.
Does anyone else just get the utter stupids sometimes when you’re ordering? Those last-second freakouts where as soon as the words leave your lips you regret it? You totally wanted something else, maybe you’ve been talking about that something else all day, and they have that something else on the menu and it looks great, but then you just brainfart.
I get the stupids all the time. Then I kick myself for hours about it. I also get very critical with the missus' ordering and it is unacceptable for us to order similar (or identical) dishes when eating out. If she orders first and does a last minute switch it screws everything up.
No such ordering problem today as I went to an old classic, the ham & chicken club from Best Sandwich Place. Extra mayo and sweet peppers. Good stuff.
I'm usually really good about ordering, and have the strength of will to order exactly what I want in the moment. My problem is after I eat the Italian Beef with hot and sweet peppers or the gyro with extra tzatziki and I am pained with indegestion, intestinal distress and am burping it up for the rest of the day. I hate that. But I have yet to learn my lesson.
I am also not good about putting my foot down and refusing to do shots of Jameson and I hate that stuff. What's wrong with good old Jaeger?
Oh I hear you Jo, I HATE it when someone orders the exact same thing as me. The Ex used to try it all the time, and I had to get tricky. We went to Wildfire once and I wanted prime rib, rare. He heard that and decided he wanted it, eventhough he hates rare meat. No amount of persuasion on my part could get him to change his mind, even though I knew he would much prefer a New York strip over the prime rib. So, I ordered a NY Strip medium [yuck on the medium, I know, but I had a plan] and he ordered the prime rib rare. When they arrived, he took one bite of the prime rib and looked longingly at the strip. I suggested we switch plates, and we both ended up with what we wanted. I normally hate deception, but this was some serious beef we were talking about and I needed my meat.
I use phone books to press flowers.
"He hates these cans! Stay away from the cans!"
Re: the weekend. Suprisingly I had no hangover issues. Just sleep deprivation issues.
I'm with you jade and jo on ordering separate items when dining out with Mr. Uni....but we're pretty good at it though. We'll even go to the extreme of going to two different places if we are getting take out. The other weekend we both wanted a carnitas burrito bowl with chips and guac at Chipotle, but it would be blasphemous to get two of the same item...so we ran across the street to Tono to get a couple sushi rolls in addition. Perfecto!
notwitty, if two people are eating out together what sense does it make to order the exact same thing? It may make perfectly good sense to you, but never has to me.
I'm a little ocd about ordering the same thing. I guess I always have it in the back of my head that we will swap samples of what we each got. I know that's not appropriate all the time (i.e. eating out with your boss, eating with a jew when you got the pork chops, etc.), but I still do it on an almost unconscious level. I'll go so far as to feel quite put out when someone orders what I was going to - even when no one had discussed what they were getting. I've totally changed my order at the last minute when someone orders something else. At restaurant week a couple of years ago I went to Bistro Bis (fabulous, fyi) with a co-worker & I wouldn't let her order the chocolate dessert, b/c I really wanted it. I basically bullied her into getting this pistachio thing (cake & ice cream? i forget). Karma smiled & kicked me in the ass b/c the pistachio thing was far away better than the choco thing.
I will post soon! I swear! I was afraid of posting all the time & everyone hating me for hogging the blogging!
I have sharing issues, so I don't care what anyone else is getting - I'm getting what I want. Sometimes it works out (a shared bucket of rib tips and hot links, side of cheese fries), other times, not so much. I don't care if you want to taste what I'm eating, but I'm not going to change my order for you or expect you to do similarly. You can't change people, dammit! Oh wait, that's a different discussion...
I had fancy schmancy bratwurst on fresh crusty bread with kraut and fresh dijon mustard, side of fries from breadline. And, I was still hungry! But, I didn't eat anything else. Now, I'm contemplating dinner. Maybe Thai. I'm so damn lazy.
Don't forget the shared fried gizzards, HT.
I only ate one gizzard. They were kind of... chewy.
I try to discover
A little something to make me sweeter
Oh baby refrain from breaking my heart
I'm so in love with you
I'll be forever blue
That you give me no reason
Why you're making me work so hard
That you give me no
That you give me no
That you give me no
That you give me no
Soul, I hear you calling
Oh baby please give a little respect to me
Jo, to what do we owe the pleasure of Erasure lyrics? Is my mind tricking me, or were we treated to that at Quenchers on Saturday?
Your mind HT, doth not trick you.
Ha! I always find it far more scary when I remember things that didn't happen, rather than when I forget those that actually did.
Dinner was pork pad ped. Mediocre. I'm going to sleep.
We didn't hear Erasure at Quenchers, it was on at Honey 1 as we were leaving. Jo and I continued to sing it as we walked down Western Ave. on our way to Quenchers. Get your stories straight, kids.
Between Honey 1 and Quenchers...we heard it from a passing car.
Historical revisionist.
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