What you are looking at is an authentic Muffeletta sandwich created by Lizturtle yesterday that rivaled the so called original that you can get at Central Grocery in New Orleans. LizT continued the DC OWFL tradition of bringing food to happy hour with this amazing 5 POUND sandwich. It was beyond a treat and Lizturtle deserves the most high praise. Everyone enjoyed it. I want more...NOW.
Several members of the DC crew met last night at our beloved BB for extended HH, NCAA basketball and muffaletta (sp?) diving and the expected good times were had. LT truly set the bar high for eats this week and I feel bad for whoever has to follow her (not it!).
Which brings us to today. Despite having no idea what the origins of St. Patrick's Day are, I have never failed to celebrate with my Irish brethren (I expect the whole "Black Irish" comment no less than 6 times throughout the day).
How will YOU be celebrating this important high holy day? With drink? Food? Song? Colorful clothing? And tell us about any memorable (or forgettable) St. Patty's days in your past.
And of course, most importantly, WFL?
Before I forget, LT we need the muff recipe on the recipe post.
Jo....you will always need the 'muff' recipe....
It really was delicious - and SHE MADE HER OWN OLIVE SALAD!!!
Much fun last night, guys.
Don't know what's for lunch, as it's 9am and I'm running out the door to get to work.
Aw, thanks guys! You make me want to make you another muffuletta! I will post the recipe soon. I need to remember everything in it.
HT - did you get my text about the little people this morning on GMA? I taped it for you just in case. We will watch before the bed exchange (in addition to everything else we have scheduled).
Bravo James! I am 12/16. Unfortunately, I had 2 of the teams that lost winning 2 games each, so I'm semi-screwed. Biggest upset I need today: Northwestern over Iowa. I seriously don't know jack about 64 of the 65 teams in the tourney this year.
Oh, I always forget WFL. Today is 'soup day' in our office. I would have possibly made something if I had had a weekend to mull it over. However, they just told us on Monday & I was all booked up every night, so NO SOUP FOR YOU!! Hee. So I imagine I will have some chili (someone always brings chili), split pea soup, maybe some kind of oxtail thing from one of the Trinidadians . . . . I was thinking about making gazpacho, but I was out drinking last night instead . . . . Hm, I hope someone thought to bring rolls.
So I've been trying to find an image from that old Cosby Show episode where heathcliff eats a sausage hero before bed and goes into some "family friendly trippy dream" with muppet characters...because that muffalatta left me in a serious dream daze...I just wanted one more piece before I went to bed last night!! It was definitely exquisite!
Not sure WFL yet...eating an egg sandwich for breakfast right now...but whatever it will be...it definitely won't be LT's muffalatta *sigh*
St. Patty's day is weak. Most overrated holiday of all. I don't participate. I don't give a rats ass.
It's March Madness and my favorite team ever plays today, so I will be wearing green although it has nothing to do with this stupid "holiday."
I haven't left my secluded office yet so no "Black Irish" Jokes.
Doing a late St. Patty's Day Lunch at Bobby Van's today. I expect it to be an extended one.
Last year for St. patty's lunch I had the tastiest corned beef ever cooked. DC crew, if you have the means and opportunity go to Fran O'Briens for lunch today. It's located downstairs in the Capitol Hilton on 16th street. The corned beef was chunky and melted in your mouth. So effing good.
Kudos again to LT, that muff was really something. Really. The best muff I've ever tasted. And I've eaten alot of muff.
Jo loves making funnies.
LT make sure to put the olive salad recipe on the blog as well.
Jade's pathetic attempts at hating leave me wanting. Where's the bride when I need her?
And J. Vernor I was 12/16 and 11/16 on my two bracket entries yesterday. I didn't think it was possible, but I hate Boston College even more now.
Anyone seen notwitty?
It's not hate, Jo. I'm not a hater. It's disdain, contempt, annoyance. Who cares about a bunch of lushes? What have the Irish contributed to society but an abundance of cops and alcoholics?
I think the jade is trying to get OWFL targeted by the Irish anti-defamation league.
Exactly Jo, exactly. All the more reason to not celebrate this day.
Hey Miu, HT and I were talking last night and trying to figure out if we know you. Are you our friend from myspace?
Yesterday I was making fun of Jews, no one is safe. I am an equal opportunity pointing out of the obvious.
Colin Farrel is vile. Gross.
Irish bars scare me on St. pat's day...actually it's probably not that they scare me...they just annoy me. The reason why I like irish bars is that they are usually low key...some place where you can go hang out with friends, hear each other talk, listen to some folksy irish music, drink good beer and maybe shoot some darts. I'm game for HT's idea by going to go get margaritas and swirls...margaritas count..they are greenish.
Although I do have to admit there is a certain something in the air today...something that is simply alluring and making me want to be out drinking right now...or at home making a shepherds pie and watching "In the Name of the Father".
As a Michigan man, it pains me to admit that for the last several years the very first thing I do when I print my bracket is put Michigan State in the Final Four. It works out pretty well, folks. If you can’t beat the mouth breathers, find a way to manipulate their god-given abilities to your advantage.
I can’t think of anything worse than being at a bar on a Friday night on SPD. Traditionally, I go out to my brother’s house in the burbs to watch hoops, brew and drink beer, play darts and pool, and eat corned beef and cabbage. The goofball’s adhering to Lenten rules, however, which kills the corned beef today. He’s offering a fish fry, but I’m advocating a postponement of SPD observation until tomorrow or Sunday. The beef is far more integral than the date.
As for lunch, this just in from the big boss:
“Because the city becomes a more interesting place with each passing hour of every March 17th, we will close at 3:00 PM today in order to minimize your chances of being accosted on your way home. Likewise, knowing that many of you will choose to honor the Irish in your own special way, we are bringing in pizzas for lunch so that you have something in your stomach should you choose the traditional method of recognizing the Emerald Isle.”
So, i guess that's wfl.
No St. Patrick's day is complete without a viewing of this.
Hi Miu! It was actually HT who figured it out. She's so smart.
Jo - I have to admit that I have seen that awful Leprechaun movie...the best quote from it... "A friend with weed, is a friend indeed"
So is lent really not that big a deal?
"Even Christ liked to live it up at times, Donovan said. "What would Jesus say? He turned the water into wine.""
Thank you Ireland...
Another head hangs lowly,
Child is slowly taken.
And the violence caused such silence,
Who are we mistaken?
But you see, it's not me, it's not my family.
In your head, in your head they are fighting,
With their tanks and their bombs,
And their bombs and their guns.
In your head, in your head, they are crying...
In your head, in your head,
Zombie, zombie, zombie,
Hey, hey, hey. What's in your head,
In your head,
Zombie, zombie, zombie?
Hey, hey, hey, hey, oh, dou, dou, dou, dou, dou...
Another mother's breakin',
Heart is taking over.
When the vi'lence causes silence,
We must be mistaken.
It's the same old theme since nineteen-sixteen.
In your head, in your head they're still fighting,
With their tanks and their bombs,
And their bombs and their guns.
In your head, in your head, they are dying...
In your head, in your head,
Zombie, zombie, zombie,
Hey, hey, hey. What's in your head,
In your head,
Zombie, zombie, zombie?
Hey, hey, hey, hey, oh, oh, oh,
Oh, oh, oh, oh, hey, oh, ya, ya-a...
A true Irish contribution, Mr. Brendan Behan...
"I have a total irreverence for anything connected with society except that which makes the roads safer, the beer stronger, the food cheaper and the old men and old women warmer in the winter and happier in the summer."
"The Bible was a consolation to a fellow alone in the old cell. The lovely thin paper with a bit of matress stuffing in it, if you could get a match, was as good a smoke as I ever tasted."
"The most important things to do in the world are to get something to eat, something to drink and somebody to love you."
I love it SS.
HT writes:
"I hear there’s been some Mick-bashing over here."
"I consider myself a friend of the Irish, and the Irish are friends of mine. Those great people have given us WhiskEy, Guinness, Shane McGowan, Colin Farrell, lovely woolen products, and some of my best friends. Sure, they also inflicted Bono and a few over-zealous priests on us, but it all works out in the end."
"I had the pleasure and honor of residing in that beautiful country back in ’98 (or was it ’99?). Those fine people gave me shelter (over the worst pub in Dublin), employ (and I’ve got far too many sheep-shagging stories because of it) and most importantly: love. Oh, and this amazing Marzipan cake from this tiny bakery down in back of St. Stephen’s Green shopping center. The most delicious cake in the world. Very similar to my favorite store-bought (well, Irish grocery store, that is) Battenburg Cake. But this one, it’s beautiful. The marzipan is dyed green and wraps up on the sides, but leaves the top exposed, making the whole thing look like a head of cauliflower. But, as usual, I digress."
"The point here is that I love the Irish and I love Dublin. Heck, were it not for a trip there last February, I never would’ve met LT and none of you would ever have had the pleasure of the muff-aletta. I’m going to take this moment to wax nostalgic about one of my favorite cities in the world…"
The International Bar (the best pub in Dublin, if a little well lit)
The Stag’s Head (where I’d be right now, were I in Dublin – I’ll say this is second best)
Mulligan’s (third best)
The Long Hall, The Sackville Lounge (tied for fourth)
Late nights, after the pubs close walking across the Ha’Penny Bridge
The Gates of Trinity
Walking down the street and accidentally running into someone you haven’t seen for years, and in another country and popping into the Globe for a pint (happens with freakish frequency)
Shopping on Grafton Street
Book shopping and soup at the Winding Stair
Trinity campus in the early spring
Reading the Irish Times at 3pm on a Wednesday at the bar in the Gingerman
The Oscar Wilde statue in Marion Square
I am the Viking Princess (it’s a long story, involving too much Guinness and a bed sheet and my eternal delusions of grandeur)
Debates at Trinity
Fish and Chips in Howth
Battered and Deep Fried Mars Bars
"That is but a very, very, very short list of things I will always love about Dublin. To me, St. Patty’s is a day to remember good friends, good drink and good times. So, I will raise a pint to my friends, the Irish."
Has anyone seen little Rudy Huxtable lately....
Woah! Rudy's a hoochie mama!
I had 7 different soups (chicken tortilla, some creamy crab-lobster thing, butternut squash w/crab, chicken chowder, italian veggie soup, split pea, and blackbean w/chorizo) for lunch today plus a huge choco covered strawberry at the end. And a small chunk of challah (no poppy seeds, though. :-( ) Mmmm.
Tonight I will be taking the traditional irish plane to the traditional irish state of Vermont (from the french 'green mountain' - clearly an irish thang) to commence the traditional irish hanging out and skiing with the cousins. Hrm. I haven't done the full St. Patty's day thing since I don't even remember when. Seriously - I don't remember. I drank way too much Guiness. Anyhow I'm scottish. We have better accents. And Sean Connery. Colin Farrell is too hirsute. Seriously - his head looks like a wolfman.
peep bwds - that Belfast story is hilarious!
Holy crap! Northwestern beat Iowa! I think that was my biggest upset!
Shit, LT - I'm just really reading this now - I got your text, but it was too late and I missed my little friends. I will be watching before the bed exchange next week!!
And, sorry to all the MSU fans. But, at least you're not a #1 seed in the NIT...
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