and according to her mother, she was born hungry...and constipated.
at any rate, today is the day that i will celebrate by eating and drinking my face off. for breakfast, i am going to indulge in a fat kid special. for dinner, i will be tasting delicious wines from all over the world and eating Jumbo Lump Crab Cakes with red chili remoulade, sea salt-vinegar potato chips and cucumber dill slaw.
and then, i suddenly realized that i left out a very important meal....LUNCH!
so everyone, WFL today on my day of birth?
PS - for the DC WFLers: HH @ BB, 530pm today where unicorn will be providing a delicious birfday dessert...i'm so excited!!!!!
PPS - here's a picture of me when i was 3 taken from an expired passport. (hence the reason why you see the seal of the united states embossed across my head.) but ain't it cute?

Looking forward to tonight.
For lunch I may be joining some co-workers for sushi and sake...probably not a great idea. I need to be laying down a good base for the heavy drinking that commences at 5:30. Maybe I'll have some carb rich pasta instead.
Saengil chukha hamnida La Choi!
And I would follow Jo's suggestion on the lunching...some carb fest with lots of pasta to soak up all the alcoholicky goodness that you intend to consume tonight!
OH! AND I CAN'T WAIT FOR HH TONIGHT!! My dessert is f'ing hilarious and I couldn't stop laughing while I was making it!
Giggles you are going to LOVE it!!
Oooh, I can't wait to hear the Korean karaoke birthday song compliments of Uni.
Happy birthday Giggles! Looking forward to tonight!! And that picture is the cutest!!
Lunch for me today is the rest of the orgasmic (seriously) mushroom risotto I couldn't finish for dinner last night. It had chunks of black truffle in it. God, it was so good. I can't wait for lunch today!!!! And all our drinks got comped b/c my first glass of wine had glass in the wine! (seriously, shards of glass in the bottom) Hooray for broken bottles!!
For lunch, you should treat yourself & make it a three-stopper.
welcome to your first official comment, RoEsq! and thank you for the well wishes.
that pickle combo move...classic. i wish you could've taped that.
My car got booted today - AGAIN. I'm going to be eating ramen for weeks to cover the costs. Boooo...
Oh, and Happy B-Day Gigs (though, I did this already in person) and welcom RoEsq!!
Welcome star firstbaseman!
Great to finally see you ro esq!
My internal voice is very loud and cheery today!
happy b day La Choi! Sorry i'll have to miss the festivities but i'll toast you while up in the great white north, eh!
Eat a BIG lunch, whatever you do LC.
for me, probably gonna get lunch at the ol' airport today.
Happy B-day La Choi .. I celebrated for you last night already as RoEsq has mentioned above.
Welcome Star Firstbaseman!
I just finished off the last of my vat of delicious (and nutritious!) chili.
Giggles is a freakin' spaz today, people - seriously out of control.
I'm still mourning the loss of my $620. Sometimes, I hate DC... stay tuned for weeks of creative financial mismanagement. Let the fun begin.
my sympathy level for HT is not very high as we have discussed her car situation at length. Specifically her registration situation.
But Jo - my reasons are noble. I need to be able to continue to vote in my home state - and if I sell out and get the DC license and register my car here - I lose any and all relevant representation.
Besides the fact that I will most likely get arrested on the spot if I throw myself on the mercy of the DC dmv, because they will see that I have unpaid violations - parking and moving - dating back to 1994.
HT, having paid for someone else's $1000 worth of parking tickets I'm going to say you get no sympathy from me either.
Happy Birthday, Giggles!
I wish I could celebrate with you, and I might even do karaoke in your honor. Maybe. I was very happy to see the return of the FKS, it's been awhile since I have seen it mentioned.
Sorry I haven't been on much lately. Wed I was rageful. Yesterday I spent nearly all day sitting on the front porch of my office watching Jennifer Aniston and Vince Vaughn film a scene directly across the street. Pictures will be put up on my blog this weekend.
I'm not sure about lunch yet, but decisions need to be made soon because I'm hungry!
Diz, are you in the business of paying others' parking tickets? If so, maybe we can work something out...
The person in question deals with my making sandwiches and playing with pickles at 2 am in the morning.
Seriously the girl has patience.
Hey, Jade, were Jennifer & Vince getting chummy between takes? Did they make any indication that they are getting married? Did she cry over Brad & Angelina & their baby?? Enquiring minds want to know!
I went to my favorite pita place and picked up a fresh pita with some black bean cilantro hummus...yum. I'm in the process of slathering the hummus in the pita and then I'll fill it with some chicken salad that I brought from home.
Diz - How was your pickle sandwich today????
Yeah, that's what I figured, Diz. I want all of the ticket paying, with none of the "putting up with"... Any takers? Bueller? Bueller?
No pasta, instead I had a braunschweiger and salami sub with lto, swiss, horseradish and heavy mayo from Cap Grounds. Side of potato salad from Mom's lunch Counter in my lobby and a dragonfruit vitamin water.
I believe I now have a sufficient base for the evening.
HT I apologize, you are indeed a noble soul, and it doesn't bother me in the least that you are retaining your congressional representation (thorough voting for upstanding men like Rick Santorum) while robbing those of us who lack that same representation through 12 years of unpaid tickets and registration fees.
Nope, I support you 100%.
pickles were good
Mmmm . . . I had my risotto . . . so good . . . even the burps are truffly . . . .
Giggles, W did you wind up having FL??
BTW Giggles, the new nic SUX ... and you totally had a lazy eye as a kid.... but man weren't you cute.
I love it when Jo gets sarcastic.
I am still waiting for my steak tacos and guacamole and chips. Guacamole! YAY!
Aniston and Vaughn looked friendly but not at all lovey dovey. I was honestly shocked at how tiny she is. Just itty bitty teeny tiny. And he is very tall. All in all, it looks very boring. Worse for the people who are not the stars [because they disappeared into big cars whenever there was a big break] but for the rest of the people who seemed to mostly stand around.
I have never voted for Santorum - and you could have retained your state citizenship, but you sold out.
Oh my God. I just got back from CVS (for sugar free Red Bull, thank you, HT) & on a whim (oink) I got those Dibs - the bite size ice cream things. These are vanilla with Crunch coating. Oh. My. God. They are good. They remind me of the ice cream crunch bars I use to get when I was little. Everyone must go out & get some. Each Dib is only 1 gram of fat & 15 calories. Of course, each one is the size of a gumball, but did I mention Oh My God?
Santorum is forever linked in my head with disturbing things that are not to be talked about, thanks to Savage Love.
I bought Ace's guitar from the place you take Banjo classes at Peep. That place is awesome. Metropolis has killer chicken soup, much better than the split pea.
I need a nap. Too much guac, but damn it was good.
I stand in solidarity with the District HT. You stand...well I don't know where you stand.
The cheese stands alone.
Isn't that a Primus song?
Agh, is it 5 yet?
LaGiggles is a drunken kaoroke fiend. "I touch myself... I want you to love me... "
Happy Birfday, LC!!!!!
God this hurts.
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