Kids don't like to share, I was forced as a child to share EVERYTHING with my brother who was a misrable 1 year younger than me. I thought my name was "the boys" until I was 11. I think it might have made me a (marginally) better person in the long term ... ok not better but more tolerant.
I find it funny that I am going to marry a girl who is an only child. She has no idea about how to share properly. If I offer her a bite of my gooey and delicious low-fat blueberry muffin in the morning, she will take a bite that is literally HALF of the muffin. What happened to sharing correctly?
Ok, today's topic, do you share your lunch? Do you like to share your lunch? Do you feel like punching people in the face (like I do) when they ask ... no matter how much you love them?
doh!!! typo AGAIN!!!!
Ah, Diz. I feel your pain. When I was growing up & my mom bought a box of popsicles (12 per box, so 4 per kid) I used to hide mine in the basement freezer behind chicken, etc. Otherwise they would all be gone when I wanted them. Damn pigs. And my family wonders why it tends towards the heavy side of the scale . . . .
However, I usually don't mind if someone asks for a bite. As long as it's not one of those "HeycanIhaveabite{munchmunchmunch}thanks" Although i do that, so I'm a total hypocrite.
i love to share food. i think it maximizes one's access to different foods.
for example, you are torn between two dishes on a menu...what do you do? you ask the person you're with if they want to get one dish and you get the other and then you split. it's fantastic!
the only thing is i used to try to do this with my sister and she would get very pissy. i always wondered why. finally, she admitted to me that since she eats like a snail (she seriously takes forever) she dislikes sharing with other people b/c they will always eat more than her and she'll be left with less to eat.
so now, if we share, i consciously eat very slowly and make sure i don't eat more of my share.
i'm eating salad (again). i can't wait until friday where i will gorge.
I love "sharing" food with my wife. She eats light so it usually means she gets one bite of my plate while I get about 30% of hers. Sharing is always better when the deck is stacked in your favor.
Now dizkonekid is on the other side of such a deal, half a muffin, I mean damn! Just make sure you get yours yo!
Shortly after I started working full-time apres college, I had brought leftovers in - I was living with my parents & my mom had made stirfry (she makes fabulous stirfry). So, for flavouring, my mom will put in a slice or two of ginger, which she'll try to find & take out before serving, but they don't always get found. This particular stirfry also had sliced waterchestnuts in it (which look very similar) & my new coworker saw my food & said 'wow, that looks good' & I just happened to pick up a slice of ginger, so I said 'want a bite?' & she goes 'YES!' & crams it in her mouth. Immediately she's all 'Gah!' It was so funny. And totally unplanned!
Lunch today is some chicken and quinoa - a new grain to me. And very good! I think I am a convert.
I don't have time to get into it now, but I don't like sharing. I hate the "small plates" trend. It works fine when it's a very, very small group (like, 2) and you know the other person very well - otherwise, it sucks.
I don't know how to properly share, and if I like something, I want it to be mine. Only mine. Get your own, dammit.
(yeah, I'm an only child - and I LOVED it. Not one of those whiny ones who wished for a sibling. Eff that shit, man.)
HT, I think I've coaxed RoEsq over from the darkside with you. Having sibs is a good thing, but I do agree that sharing just plain sucks sometimes, but usually when the other person doesn't know how to share but still wants to.
You attitude is good about it ... you don't know how and damn sure won't subject someone else to your attentions if you know it will only piss them off.
As for the small plates thing? It rocks ... but that doesn't mean you have to share. .. its just means like Miu said, it appeases the ADD child in all of us.
Variety is good.
I'm cool with sharing. It goes along with my eating out policy of no two people ordering the same thing. That way we can all taste eachother's food and we get a sample of the best the restaraunt has to offer.
At home again today, Tuna salad for lunch. Maybe Miu's recipe...
I enjoy sharing food...that's why I love pot luck dinners! Making and sharing food with others is definitely one way that I express myself and my affection, gratitude and fondness towards my friends.
When it comes to sharing individual meals though fair is fair. No huge mega bites that eat half of my burger when I'm taking a respectable bite out of something of yours. I have to watch the Mr. on this one sometimes...there have been a few times where I give him a "bite" and I look over and he ate the whole thing because he "forgot".
Boring lunch of my "organic" burritos and maybe a veggie soup from the downstairs cafe.
had tuna salad. used miu's recipe but added chopped bread & butter pickles and some dijon mustard.
very tasty.
Ha ha - HT & I went out for small plates on Saturday . . . glad she put in the exception! I love the small plates - but it's best if you have no more than 4 people. I like to try all the various things a restaurant has, but more than 4 & you risk not being able to try something at all or, worse, trying something, liking it, and not having enough for a second bite.
I, too, am OCD about ordering the same thing as other people, even when I'm out with people I know won't be sharing (whether b/c they are piggies or it's like a business lunch or something).
Ew. A coworker who would come up to your desk & ask for a bite is just weird.
See, I grew up with 2 brothers (I'm in the middle), so I experienced the whole eat-'n-hoard-or-you'll-get-none thing. I guess I just decided the rest of the world was more civilized than my family! God, I'm such a sucker.
Cocktail-sharing (especially at martini-bars with fancy girly 'tinis) is mandatory.
Pigged out for lunch. We had a lunch meeting and they actually brought in lunch in - only b/c we had an outside speaker, though. Gotta keep up appearances! So chicken & quinoa for tomorrow - today was a 3-slicer - veggie, meat lovers, & pepperoni. Oink.
miu, gonna have to disagree with you on the pickles thing, but remember there are those of us (Jade) that HATE tuna.
I'm not a big fan myself but its one of the few things that TexEsq can eat because she is a "fishaterian" or "pescaterian".
So I find myself having the drain and rinse and make tuna every other day.
No pickles/relish in tuna. Shudder. I loved those little one-packs you could get with the wooden stirrer & crackers except for the f'ing relish. Gah!
Diz, haven't you tried the tuna pouches? They are awesome. No drainage = (at work) no coworkers complaining about tuna juice in the sink or = (at home) no cat hanging out in the sink licking it all up.
Oooooh...I love pickles and relish in my tuna. I add the relish for the sweet and garlic dill for the salty.
Have any of you ever tried just fresh cucumber? I actually really like that in tuna salad also, it adds a nice light flavor with some crunchy texture.
Speaking of Jade...where is she today?
And where's peep?
And wasn't there a guy named dipso/ospid/lester/retsel on th eblog at one point?
Did anyone know about the total solar eclipse today?
I like to share. I have a tendancy to order more than I can actually eat, and will frequently ask my coworkers 'do you want some of my fries? do you want half a sandwich?' if they happen to be around and not eating when I am.
My only problem with sharing comes when someone wants to "share" because they don't want to take responsibility for eating as much as they actually do. I have a girl friend like this, who is let's say not svelte, and she always wants to share an order of fries or a dessert but if I do I get only a bite or two. People want to share desserts a lot, which is fine with another person, but at a table of people with one wanting "a bite" I end up with almost nothing. I suggest to them to order a dessert, take a bite and give the rest to the table.
The bride said she likes to evenly divide a bill. I agree and disagree. If everyone roughly orders the same thing, it's easiest and most egalitarian to split evenly. I hate getting burned though when I go out with people and they drink and I don't. I usually don't drink, but if I am out with people who have 3 or 4 [it's not unusual to see them have 5] drinks at 7 to 10 bucks a pop, and it's split evenly, I get raped. I'll usually thrown in a good chunk more than I actually owe for my meal and tax and tip and say "I think this should cover my share."
I had a salad and a slice of cheese pizza for lunch today. No sharing because I was at home alone.
And Diz had it right, I DESPISE tuna.
AND, I am hesitant to announce this just yet, but I may be back on for the DC conference because the Ex moved his trip to the 16th.
woo hoo!! (re: jade)
knock on wood.
I used to make an avocado/tuna salad that was delicious.
Bride, I think it's funny you hate seafood but love tuna. I am the total opposite. I LOVE seafood with a passion, except for tuna. Well, processed tuna. Fresh tuna is ok. If it's a spicy tuna handroll then it's great. But like I always say, I see no difference between fancy feast and chicken of the sea. But I would happily eat any other kind of fish and especially any kind of shellfish everyday if I could.
Yes, keep your fingers crossed!
the bride, your friend reminds me of a great Mr. Show skit about "mayostard" and "mustardayonaise". (where's brian when I need him)
inbred I'll try your version of tuna salad this weekend. Which reminds me to remind all of you to remember our trusty recpe post, conveniently located on the blog homepage's sidebar. Take a gander at some of your fellow lunchers' favorite dishes, and leave one of your own.
By the way diz, kudos on the post today. unicorn has once again agreed to swap days so look for a post from james vernor tomorrow.
Then on Friday the birthday girl lachoi/gigglefit will be on posting duty. And that night we'll be getting drunk on the finest Boone's Farm and singing karaoke. Can't wait...
Re: celery seed, I never use it. My aunt uses it in her potato salad. I am not a huge fan...
Thanks Jo, yeah ... I'm not going to make it and neither is TexEsq ... she has to study and help her Mom and Dad out and I just have to make sure we have enough money in the kitty for bills this month.
I was good though, I did contribute to the candidate that HaterTot advised us of. AND I'm getting a T-shirt. I secretly (and of course egotistically) think that Jade is coming now because I'm not going to be there. :P
Regardless, I'll miss getting to meet everyone in person and getting to see my long lost favorite cuddly food-hound giggles. This makes me a little empty inside because I was really looking forward to it. There is nothing better than meeting new friends and getting to find out more about yourself by reflecting off those new people.
Cheers ya'll...
oh and inbred ... if I haven't welcomed you before .. welcome to the blog and the recipe sounds strangely like one I love at the local ~kosher deli. mmmm sounds good.
I make the best chili in the world. I made a whole pot, and I'm not sharin' a bite.
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