I have no problem admitting I watch far too much television. As a child (latchkey) I was one of the kids (as Dave Chappelle said recently) who could tell you what time it was by seeing what show was on. The reason I never learned to play basketball can be directly linked to having cable in the 80's. In Kindergarten I remember coming home at noon and solving mysteries with James Garner on Rockford Files. In Elementary school I'd get home and watch a two hour cartoon block followed a three hour sitcom block until Primetime. In Middle School I'd add in the 3:00 soap opera (Santa Barbara or GH) before an hour of cartoons and then sitcoms/game shows into Prime Time. In High School I started to miss the 3:00-7:00 shows due to sports and girls but I was a Prime Time Warrior throughout. I could notice the slightest variation in a show's theme music and I always was ready with Alan Thicke trivia (which show's theme music did he write?) And speaking of theme music I get a lump in my throat when I hear the Hill St. Blues theme to this day, not to metion the smile that uncontrollably comes to my face when I hear the theme to L.A. Law or St. Elsewhere. I have fond memories of shows like V, The Misfits, Sonny Spoon and Stingray. I could go on for...well years.
I went through a period after college that was pretty much television free. Yes I watched, but I didn't have the obsessions that I grew up with. Sure I could tell you what the general storyline on Days of Our Lives was (no big feat) but I no longer set my watch by Prime Time. I'm not entirely sure why this happened but TV and I had "taken a break" (I actually know exactly why this happened but since this isn't my personal blog - stop snickering- I'll just move on).
Come 2001/2002 I found my love for television again. Slowly I worked myself back into the relationship. Then came DVR and now I am almost as bad as the adolescent who would wake up at 6:30 to watch G-Force on WGN or fake an illness to watch the premiere of the new Black soap opera Generations. But I really should stop and get to the point.
What is your relationship with TV?
Tell us some of your favorite all time television shows and memories.
Tell us some of the shows that are currently in your tv rotation.
What is that one TV gem that you watched but no one else seems to remember?
If you have DVR/Tivo how has it changed your TV life?
What kind of TV do you have?
Do you own TV trays (do you even use your dining room?).
No pressure to answer all of these questions in one comment, feel free to return throughout the day as things come to mind. And while you are reminiscing and regaling us with these TV tales don't forget to tell us, of course, WFL?
You take the good, you take the bad, you take' em both and there you have
The Facts of Life.
(and, he wrote it with Gloria Loring, who also sang the song, and of course played Liz Chandler on Days in the 80s)
I'll get to the rest later, I just wanted to be the first to answer.
Gloria Loring, who with Carl Anderson sang one of the best duets of the 80's "Friends & Lovers".
OMG - you're scaring me :)
I don't know. I never was evolved enough as a child to do much more TV watching than the Transformers, their precursor Voltron, Gobots (are you getting the theme here?) So I'm pretty sure I'm damaged in some way.
I don't just DVR I own it. I built my on Home Entertainment computer. This of course after modifying (henceforth "modding") my friend's G1 Tivo by sticking a network card directly in it and realizing it is just a PC.
Why am I the Typo King (TM)?
Don't forget that Friends & Lovers was Bo and Hope's song on Days, as well. In fact "Liz" sang that song on the show many times.
"Ray(notwitty) when someone asks you if you are a God you say YES!"
Manimal was great television.
What about all the great PBS shows? HT and I were waxing poetic about The Frugal Gourmet. I loved Square One, Reading Rainbow, Degrassi (I admit I'm still a fan), 3,2,1 Contact and of course the obvious Electric Company and Sesame. I think I even watched a little Ghost Writer...
I named the Misfits in my original post (i left off the 'of Science' part".
That was a great show for a comic book nerd like myself. Too bad it had such a short shelf life.
I've relayed this at many a happy hour, but I was not allowed to watch Electric Company because it "made me hyper" according to my mom. I suppose this has some creedence as it once led me to believe that I could pick up our tv set (which I did - and promptly dropped it on the ground. Oops.).
Of all the PBS shows, 3-2-1 Contact! was by far my favorite, followed closely by Mr. Rogers. Neighbor Aber lived in my town growing up, and he was an active member of the Presbyterian church in town. He and Handyman Joe Negri frequently performed at the services there. (not that I went to a Protestant church, but I heard from some of Purgatory-bound friends)
I will get no work done today, I can already see it. I LOVE tv and always have.
I've decided that Lost is my emotionally abusive boyfriend. Last night we had hot make up sex.
V for Vendetta is from a Comic Book. One that I haven't read...
I want to mention that abs' Law and Order obsession is such that, the fact that it is on TV pretty much 24 hours a day, on one channel or another, she actually owns the dvds.
i don't even know where to begin about tv. my love affair with it isn't as deep or passionate as some of you. but i do have to say that growing up, it was all about sesame street, mr rogers, mr wizard, and reading rainbow.
later on, i tuned into saved by the bell. when i was in junior high in drill team, i marched in a parade in whittier, ca where zach morris was the grand marshall.
i was devoted to days of our lives for years until college. then i got waaaay too busy. then i didn't watch tv pretty much until a few years ago. now i'm getting back into it, though i much rather be out and about with real people laughing, eating, drinking, etc. than on a couch.
i think i'm going to have my leftover curry laksa from yesterday even though i know that some DC WFLers are trying to rally a lunch. i can barely fit into my pants now as it is thanks to my grandmother's divine cooking last week.
Anyone remember Square Pegs with a non-sexed-up Sarah Jessica Parker? Loved Facts of Life, Growing Pains (had such a Kirk Cameron crush - didn't realize he was a 5'6" religious freak), Differ'nt Strokes (where did they put the apostrophe?), Family Ties (remember Tom Hanks as the alcoholic uncle? He drank the vanilla! another side note: I still get a little sad when I hear the song 'At This Moment'). All those mid-80's sitcoms. I used to wake up at 6am to watch the cartoon block Saturday mornings. Anyone else from DC area here? Anyone remember 'Captain 20'? I loved Little House on the Prairie - I read all the books, too.
Ooh, another sitcom that I thought was really funny was 'Working Stiffs' starring Michael Keaton & someone else - Jim Belushi maybe? I never saw it when it was actually on, but our crappy little video rental store in Germany had the entire series on VHS. It was like 5 episodes. Really funny.
Not sure WFL. I think it will involve me going home & taking a nap as I seem to have caught a cold. Dammit. It better be gone before I leave on Saturday.
E-que - I saw Lost! My mom & I laughed so hard at that scene with Mistereko & the knife. Reminded me of that scene in the first Indiana Jones with the frog-looking guy & his hanger.
ooh, and i LOVED LOVED LOVED double dare and you can't do that on television. ah, those canadians. they funny.
LT, you've hit many of the highlights of my formative years.
One thing I was blessed with that many of you were not, having not grown up in the 'burgh - Dennis Miller used to host a local morning children's show that I really liked.
Oh, and Kids Incorporated was another favorite. I can still sing the song, but won't.
"You Can't Do that on Telivision" was great. I loved when they would be in the lockers.
"Hey Moose"
"Yeah Lisa..."
Does anyone remember Dangermouse which also aired on Nickelodeon. And the kids' show Pinwheel, which I think was the home of Simon, who loved to do "drawrings".
Great episode of Lost last night.
"Pinwheel, Pinwheel spinning around..."
I never watched that Double Dare thing or the other one. I actually hated those shows.
i loved dangermouse. that and old school mighty mouse cartoons and inspector gadget were off the hizzy.
diz, i feel you on the gobots/transformers/voltron obsession. i too loved those shows along with gi joe. this was was when i got teased for being a tomboy.
yes, it's true...i was in drill team. i was also in colorguard. we were top 5 in the state. i used to twirl rifles too.
i'm torn about lunch.
Hi everybody! I'm back after a wicked bout of food poisoning. Unfortunately, I am making my reappearance on a post that will not make me too popular.
I don't really watch TV. Almost never. I watch college basketball and I like the Sunday morning political shows [but I sleep through them] and I love the Sopranos, but I go days or weeks at a time without even turning the TV on. I have a TiVo that is not hooked up. I get free cable from my building, but I don't have it properly hooked up and only get like 15 channels. I feel genuine disdain for people who organize their life around more than 1 or 2 TV shows.
People ask me *all the time* how I do as much as I do, and I think one of the biggest factors is I don't watch TV. I get really testy when someone makes a snarky comment like "I wish I had the time to read like you," or work out or write or knit or talk on the phone or whatever crazy shit I am up to. I'm sorry, but I just listened to that jack ass with the ever expanding ass recount to me how they had at least 3 hour long TV shows on the agenda for that night. You know, you might be able to fit a book into your schedule or lose those 15 pounds or do something creative and productive if you didn't come home and zone out every night in front of the tube.
Am I being self righteous? Maybe a little. But I honestly don't feel I am missing anything by not being able to distinguish a cast member of The OC from that of Laguna Beach or that I have never seen an episode of Desperate Housewives.
When I was a kid though, my wicked, insane, insatiable crush on Jason Bateman started when he was on Silver Spoons. It grew when he was on It's Your Move and has finally culminated into it's current incarnation as my belief that he is the perfect for man for me in his role as Michael Bluth on Arrested Development. As a note, I have only seen AD on DVD, I can't make a commitment to watching something in real time. I also like 24 and watch it on DVD, as well.
As I recently noted on my personal blog as a kid I LOVED public access, even though we had cable,
and still in fact do appreciate public access more than Hollywood slick for the most part.
quantum leap!!!!! that show was spectacular. they just don't create shows like that anymore. lil' choi and i loved that show, but it also used to scare her i think. i can't remember why.
i wish my sister wasn't so against blogging because she would so be into this conversation. she was obsessed with tv and actually took posterboard and made a schedule for all her shows and when they were on so she could watch them all as soon as she got home from school. she was in elementary school people! she even knew when saved by the bell was on west coast, midwest, and east coast channels so she'd watch them back to back to back. now that's deep dedication.
Jade's post was confusing in that she basically spat in our tv loving faces (like on the last episode of Flavor of Love) and then lauded Silver Spoons, Lost, Arrested Development and the advent of television shows on dvd, which is basically the same thing as Tivo/DVR (which she strangely owns) in that it allows you to watch tv when it is convenient to you, which I do, proudly.
I was about to burn her in effigy, now I'm not so sure.
jade, i used to be anti-tv too. but now there are so many reruns of things that when i do watch tv, it is at my convenience. because i too hate the idea of people rearranging their lives around what shows are on that night. tape it for god's sake! and go out and live life!
but now i embrace tv, because there are just too many good shows out there right now. and yes, that last episode of flavor of love was hilarious! i loved it when they replayed new york shoving pumkin down and her head ricocheting off of the camera lens. i was dying with laughter.
NotWitty, are you on Prosac?
There are some good shows. Some of it is very entertaining, some it is informative, some of it is inspiring. There have been many, many Sopranos episodes that have fired me up and sparked the creative desire in me and left me thinking about them for weeks. I often [albeit somewhat jokingly] think to myself "what would Jack Bauer do here?" when confronted with a difficult situation. But what I object to is people whose only source of entertainment is the TV. I am obviously a reader/writer and it makes me want to kick people in the shins when they can't name the last book they read [or it was the DaVinci Code three years ago] and they blame it on a lack of time, but they watch TV every day.
You make time for the things that are important to you. If you say you don't have time to work out, eat right, talk to you friends or family, read books, or pursue your creative/artistic dreams, but you do have time to watch TV, well I guess you love TV a little more than those things. Your life is the sum accumulation of your choices.
I own a TiVo Jo, because I thought it was a phenomenal idea. Like you said, to be able to watch what I wanted on my time. But, I couldn't be bothered to set it all up when I moved because as I discovered I don't care enough to figure out what is on when and what is worth watching. Renting whole seasons of things I like on DVD is easier. I do love my DVD player and am an avid movie watcher instead of TV. But I am more likely to be found with my stereo on and dancing in the living room than I am to ever be seated on the couch watching TV.
Point taken Jade.
Here are a few things you're missing.
A very good season of 24.
The Wire is probably the best show on tv (when it's on). Seasons 1 and 2 are available on dvd.
The Shield is fucking incredible this season (Forest Whittaker is a beast).
The Sopranos new season starts next weekend. I assume the season 6 dvd will be out at the end of this year.
Homicide was for awehile the best show on tv. It's available on DVD.
I would peg you for a West Wing fan Jade. I'm sorry you missed it. But you can catch the final 6 or 7 episodes starting next Sunday.
They look like they will be amazing. I suggest you rent the first two season on DVD and cancel all your weekend plans. They were that good.
I'm one of those non-readers you despise. Well I should qualify that as a non-finisher. I certainly buy alot of books. I'm currently skimming through one by the bloggers from dailykos.com and mydd.com about Democratic activism/organizing in the internet age. Before that the last book I started was "Devil in a White City".
Tuesday night's episode of The Shield was so good I called rico at midnight (eastern) to make sure he watched it. He does the same to me every other week.
Even my TV viewing is starting to go to computer. I can bitTorrent or download basically everything I want to watch and treat it like a movie. I fit movies in when I can. Which is to say almost never but occasionally I''l get a couch-surf bug.
I am more active now than when I was younger. I have a feeling that if I don't stay this way and I get deeper into my 30's, I'll never be able to do some of the things I want to: Boston Marathon, NYC Marathon, iron man Tri, and Adventure Tour. All adrenaline pumping activities are very physical. Even driving fast requires alot of physical ability.
I see TV as a bloackade to that.
Still doesn't stop me from having a 32" HDTV with 5.1 surround. 'cause I can have friends over to veg and watch a season of Grey's anatomy and make the whole thing a social affair.
I think watching TV alone is tantamount to drinking alone now-adays.
I hope that doesn't hurt anyones' feelings, because I know that if I was living in DC or Chicago or even NYC again (that means you notWitty) that I would record your show and drag your lazy butts along with me just to have you around.
Wanna hug it out?
But you read my shit Jo, so it makes up for it.
I used to LOVE the West Wing. I watched the first couple seasons of it quite religiously. My ex father in law would tape them for me. I think I stopped watching when Rob Lowe left. Did Josh and Donna ever get it on? I wanted them to fuck so badly.
Simpsons is the Big Daddy. Consistently good for almost 20 years.
Sitcom wise the best ones out now IMHO are Arrested Development (which supposedly was just picked up by Showtime for 26 episodes) The Office (US version, the UK version is available on dvd and it's hilarious), My Name is Earl is serviceable, Everybody Hates Chris is pretty good, and...well that's all I can think of.
The Boondocks is funny, but an acquired taste. Kind of like everything else on Adult Swim.
Speaking of Adult Swim, I love watching Aqua Teen Hunger Force, Home Movies and Sealab 2021, but I rarely catch them. I
[wincing] I can't help it but I Tivo Wednesday night Toons.
I have to see Drawn Together at my desk at work. I have an office, can close the door and the Shure headphones on .. noone else need know my obsession with Cartoons.
If you want to see Josh and Donna get it on I suggest you start watching again...
Oh yeah, I think I might have to tune in. I think Josh is HOT! Of course, she also dated that little Republican guy for awhile that is SEX-AY! Donna is such a little minx.
Sorry rosie I don't miss 90210.
But I will never forget the "taking off the wig" scene on Melrose Place. My whole dorm said "Holy Shit!" at the same time.
omg, 90210...it's bringing me back. especially since it was very much like my HS.
and rosie, i LOVE your icon. it rules.
in college, my girlfriends were obsessed with melrose place. that and party of five. i could never get into party of five though...just way to much drama and bad things going on in that show.
i think drawn together is so fucking funny. and aqua teen hunger force is also hysterical, but bizarre.
but does anyone else watch mucha lucha???? now THAT is the best cartoon ever. it's on saturdays at 1pm or so, i think.
Oh, wow, so many memories - CHiPs & Dukes of Hazzard were tops on my list when I was in 2nd & 3rd grade (except for that crappy season when Bo & Luke's cousins replaced them. It was never the same after that). I use to love Law & Order, but totally o.d.ed on it, but I'll catch an episode every now & then. Love Chris Noth. Yum. Even when he was playing the a-hole on Sex & the City.
Simpson's is still good (not as great as it was, but still kickin'), Aqua Teen Hunger Force is awesome, & my roommate got me very intensely into Aeon Flux a few years ago, but I burnt out on it.
I can't get enough of the Muppets! My best Xmas present this year was the first season on DVD. Awesome! And so much stuff for adults that I probably didn't get as a young 'un. My cell phone rings with the Muppet theme. My dream is that one day I'll be on the metro & my phone will ring & everyone will start singing - just like on 'Fame'!
I totally agree. Arrested Development was the best sitcom on tv. Stupid Americans who don't get it/watch it. I can't believe that got cancelled & crap like "Yes, Dear" is still on. Who watches that garbage?!? If that rumour is true, I will be adding Showtime to my cable. B/c I don't spend enough on that already.
Oh, one other question in the original post I wanted to address: I do not have tv trays, although all meals (almost said most, but who am I kidding) are eaten in front of the tube. There's something sad & defeatist about giving in & buying a table dedicated to letting you eat while you watch tv. No judgment on anyone who has tv trays - my grandparents had them. I just can't allow them in my house. So in the meantime, I use my lap or drag a little side table over if I need balance (i.e. for soup) or have multiple plates (i.e. crab legs).
Ah, 90210 - I was an intense viewer for like 3 seasons. Then everyone started leaving & I got bored with all the various ex-'Saved by the Bell'ers that came on.
Loved the wig scene with Kimberly! Awesome!!! And when Jane's sister got kidnapped to Vegas! So great!!
I've seen a few episodes of Drawn Together. If I could ever figure out when the hell it's on I would watch more. God that's funny stuff. I loved the little Pokemon-type guy. Ha!
oh man, and let's not forget the wonder years. i loved that show to tears. it's funny how winnie cooper showed up 20 years later in the west wing. to me, she'll always be winnie cooper in whatever role she's in. just like doogie houser will always be doogie, even though he blows coke off of a hooker's ass in harold and kumar go to white castle. (an excellent movie by the way)
Wonderyears was amazing. As was doogie Howser (thx HT).
LT your tv tray opinons would be seconded if the bride weren't in Thailand. She detests them. I sent two of them to her and James Vernor as a wedding gift...
We have some in the Josephus household but only use them when we have company and can't all eat on the coffee table (our "dining room table" only gets used on special occasions. We're pretty classy, tv trays are our good china...
Why does Foxy Brown on Drawn Together remind me of La Choi?
I just realized that I lied earlier about the last book I started. On my way to Key West, (and at the urging of a friend) I read the first five or six chapters of "The Game" by Neil Strauss. It was fun, but I haven't picked it up since.
This is the best invention for those who think it is abnormal to eat dinner at an actual table with no TV...I can't imagine my life without it.
Be sure to click on both images selections to see the item in all its glory...the ultimate "human trough".
I can't wait for Prison Break to come back on...oh the sweet sweet anticipation!!
unicorn, that table is awesome. and it raises up! that is ingenious. if i didn't know it was ikea, i would've sworn that the koreans invented it.
on that comment, diz, i think it's foxy brown's the permanent THO and ass that probably remind you of me. in fact, HT told me yesterday that if you combined unicorn and me, you'd REALLY have a unicorn and break all stereotypes of asian women everywhere.
Outside of it's two memorable cast members (Julia Louis-Drefuss and the chick from Melrose) I couldn't tell you anything about the show "Day by Day". But the theme song is forever burned in my brain.
I can also say i was never a regular watcher of Webster or Mr. Belevdere.
And Jo concurs with HT's statement Lachoi. Jo concurs.
Now I'm really going to get lunch.
e-que, you know how i feel about the couric. she sucks. as does matt lauer and al roker. the only person that i can sort of stomach is that ann curry chick.
if i had to say what i liked about my body, it would be my bootay. it's my best ASSet. i could do without the perma-THO though. it's really really annoying. with our forces combined, unicorn and i could take over the world.
so, i broke into some salad i brough 2 days ago, and it was soggy and nasty. but i had to take a few bites and at least eat the cherry tomatoes in it because you know how i don't like to waste food and all that. i'm just starting to get a little hungry, so i'll be heating up the curry laksa in a second...i hope the office kitchen has chopsticks.
I wish I had more time to devote to all of this today. Sadly, this isn't the case. However, I will simply make a list of what I'm thinking about, that I don't think have been mentioned, and you can reminisce with me if you'd like.
My beloved Magnum PI
The Incredible Hulk
Facts of Life (the Molly Ringwald Years)
Double Trouble (whatever happened to those twins?)
Kate & Allie
Too Close For Comfort
Who's the Boss?
One Day at a Time
Good Times
Knight Rider
Simon & Simon
Cagney & Lacey
Charlies Angels (this show was life changing for me)
Wonder Woman (worth mentioning again; I recently ordered adult WW underoos...)
The Love Boat
Barney Miller
Night Court
MASH (still on at my father's house, like 800x a day)
Greatest American Hero (wasn't I just singing this theme song with someone??)
Family Ties (think it was already mentioned)
Golden Girls
Empty Nest
Eight is Enough
Small Wonder
21 Jump Street
moving into the 90s...
Central Park West
Models Inc.
Remote Control
Dead at 21
My So Called Life
Class of 96 (with Kari Wuhrer (many failed tv shows and Remote Control), Jason "Irong Eagle" Gedrick, and Lisa Dean "Wanda" Ryan, who also appeared in the aforementioned Dead at 21)
In Living Color
Ally McBeal (which I didn't appreciate until it was off the air)
Beavis & Butthead
(the rest of the 90s are kind of a blur; I spent a lot of that time drunk or abroad)
More recently:
Dead Like Me (I LOVED this show, and recently rewatched both seasons on DVD)
Freaks & Geeks
Reunion (I'll never forgive Fox for not letting me see the end of this horrible abortion of a show)
Homicide (can't be mentioned enough)
As I think of more, I'll pop in. I haven't even gotten to cartoons. Or, what I try to watch now. OR, shows that I HATED... which is a long list unto itself.
If LC and I were ever to join forces...you all should run and hide my friends...run and hide...
The ending theme to Kate & Allie is another one burned in the brain.
And now, damn you HT, I'll have the theme to Small Wonder in my head all afternoon.
"She'll enchant you, at first sight..."
you busted out the small wonder! my friend went to school with vicki the robot, and i dated a guy who went to school with the boy, i forget his name. my best friend dated a dude who went to this prep school in pasadena. there were several couples who rented a limo for prom, and one of the girls was sammy from days of our lives. apparently, she was a pain in the ass and annoying as shit.
this is what you get for growing up in LA.
on another note, does anyone remember that show on fox called "herman's head"? i used to love watching that show too.
Oh, E-Que: breadline has Oyster Po'Boys on Thursdays. I'm not getting one today, but just for your future reference.
I loved Herman's Head.
I knew the Small Wonder would get some of you.
Jo - how could you not have watched Mr. Belvedere??????
Loved Herman's Head.
HT I was pretty anti-Webster and I think I associated it with Mr. Belvedere. But I do enjoy the theme song.
"Kiss my grits!"
La Choi, I liked the fat guy. That dude does funny stand-up. Haven't seen him lately.
Sorry everyone, but I'm going to beg at least one more time after this.
I am riding in the MS150 (for Muliple Sclerosis) coming up in a couple of months. I have an e-Donation link. I am hitting up everyone so here it is:
Thanks again.
i may just have an event that we MUST go to on march 15th. i'm solidifying with the boss man from my wine store job if it's ok to bring some friends. but here are details:
free german wine tasting
at equinox restaurant
between 2pm to 530pm
perfect future DC OWFL outting if you ask me.
i'll donate, diz. as soon as i get paid tomorrow though. i be one broke beyotch.
Wine is good.
I'd be remiss if I didn't mention a couple shows that I have been loving lately.
"Battlestar Galactica" (Friday nights on SciFi Channel). A great new version of the classic. Reallllly good tv.
"Hustle" (Saturday night on AMC). A fun British import about a team of grifters.
Thanks La Choi!
I know everyone in here needs their milk money. So don't feel bad. I'm just hitting up everyone so I don't make the embarrassing $400 person list again. (I paid ~$240 last year just to make it up to the limit .. sad huh?)
e-que, I mentioned Hill Street Blues AND LA Law...
Tonight I am going to convince TexEsq to stay downtown to have a "St. Pete's Dancing Marlin Tuna Steak Sandwich". Just as much as a mouthful as the name. The wonderful piece of heaven comes to you from the high quality Sushi Market here in Houston. When asked for they always serve it rare ... but the real way for all Sushi fans to enjoy this sandwich is "black and blue". They quick braise it on the the griddle with a smidge of pesto and lemon butter and then serve it on a hone wheat bun after "dragging it through the garden". Now, black and blue is not for the faint of heart because this steak is 1 and 1/2 inches thick after cooking. So about 1 inch of thickness is sashimi.
I have to tell ya ... this thing is the next best thing to sliced heaven. Its moist and salty and tangy.
Oh and they serve it with steak fries that are hot and super crispy on the outside.
The Tuna Steak Sand with a pint of Bass Ale?
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