9. OWFL Anniversary

8. So I can hand deliver my resume to the Foodnetwork's corporate office.

7. Honey 1

6. So La choi and I can get our picture taken here:

5. Cloud Gate - me likey

4. So Jada can suck these down!


(Sorry peep, I couldn't get your pic to come up correctly so I'm paying homage to PBR. And I thought the green teletubbie was Dipso...but it's Dipsy...whateva'. Rico...well...it's not as schnazzy but I couldn't find the other one)
2. I don't know what this is...BUT it is on West Wacker Drive...heeheeheee

and the number #1 reason to go to Chicago......

To get the hottest girl in the airport bar to sign my f'ing t-shirt!!!

oh yeah....and WFL????
I am in. If I have to prostitute myself for plane fare, I am in.
And, we are going to Hot Doug's. If I have to carjack someone and drive there myself. I will have my sausages and duck fat fries.
"If I have to prostitute myself for plane fare..."
The Return of Spunky?
I would love to come . . . I won't be able to make a decision until closer to the time, though . . . . depends on how house-hunting/selling/buying is going. :-( I will try to get there, though! Hm, how long would Greyhound take . . . ?
By my estimation, it's been 276 days since Nipsey Russell was last mentioned on this blog, which is just a little less than the time that we've been without him on this Earth.
I'm hungover, I'm hungry, and nothing sounds good.
Lunch plans with GLOOWFL.
Cafe Asia
That does it, Uni writes the best posts ever. Oh, and I'll be going to Chicago on Labor Day weekend, or staying, or whatever. I'm there!
We really do need to go to Hot Doug's. Mmmmmmmmm, encased meats...
I want Mexican food today, I want guacamole. Not sure if it'll happen today for lunch or for dinner, but by God it is happening.
I've just been alerted to this place, so if stupid Doug is on vacation again, I propose this as an alternate sausage venue.
Lunch was Cafe Asia w/ Jo, Uni and LC. We shared some rolls and the ladies all had delicious noodle dishes. Well, mine wasn't delicious, actually, it was kind of dry. But all around, not so bad.
YES - Jo, la choi, HT and myself ordered much better today then we did last week. We stuck with the theme and the outcome was quite pleasant. I'm full and ready to go home.
Warm sake!
I don't feel buzzed in the slightest.
yeah, HT's noodles were so dry she had to steal some of my sauce. i'm sure that can be read in several ways.
curry laksa noodles rule. but now i am sleeeeeepy.
i am picking up extra shifts at the wine store so that i can afford to come to chi-town. man, i'm so psyched!
Sorry I missed the DC lunch crew, had plans with a coworker. We hit 3rd and Eats. I got the "VIP", which was turkey (carved), cheddar, bacon, lettuce, tomato, mustard and mayo. Good shit. If you're ever over on 3rd and E NW, check it out...
oh, and proceeds go to help the homeless...
I love the word 'clusterfuck'. There are times when no other word will do.
Had rest of pesto chicken 'burrito' from yesterday for lunch, along with leftover 7-layer dip & cheese ball from leaving-do yesterday.
Am so excited! Found out I can afford more house than I thought! Hooray for mortgage guys who will loan you up to 75% of your gross income!
WD, isn't the food there cooked by homeless, or formerly homeless folks from across the street, there? I seem to recall something like that. I've heard good things, and everytime I'm on the ol D6 I think, "I want to go there."
Oh my God! Pavarotti has pancreatic cancer!! Ugh, how awful.
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