You know those fantasy games where you choose who you want to have dinner with or go out drinking with for a night? You can pick anyone famous, alive or dead, and create a little hypothetical ultimate round table. I thought it would be fun for us to play it, but of course we all would be having lunch with our objects of fascination.
Mine is easy and really shouldn't come as any surprise:

Just Mr. Yorke and no one else at my fantasy guest lunch. I would even forgo meat and eat vegetarian as to not disturb his delicate sensitivities.
So who would you ideally dine with today? And WFL?
Ugh. Jada - I love you, but that picture has made me lose my appetite. I suppose I should say then that I'd like to dine with Thom, since I'm trying to drop a few pounds before Hawaii.
Today, given the choice, I'd dine with my best friend. I'm in a terrible mood and need some of her sage advice over margaritas.
Instead, I have no idea WFL, since my best intentions of bringing lunch didn't materialize, so I'll probably run to abp for soup and a salad or something. And, I will eat it at my desk, accompanied only by my own anger and hatred. Perhaps bile and vitriol will swing by for a visit. That would be fun.
good topic.
I think my fantasy lunch partner changes daily.
today I would love to lunch with Zinedine Zidane formerly of the French National Soccer team.
That guy has got a story to tell. I think I'd even buy. I expect lots of alcohol would be involved.
Today I am either going to the salad bar at Soho or getting a salad from Cosi.
What has you in such a foul mood, HT?
Who is that guy in the picture anyways?
I think i'd have a world religion roundtable. Jesus, Moses, Mohammed. I'd ask them, do you have any idea what your followers are up to these days? They crazy!
Today is most likely a salad from ye' olde' cafetorium.
This is my lunch group
Listening to Radio Head rocks!
Eating with RadioHead is a different thing, "No thanks Hollywood, I'm not into that."
So telling ya'll this is a big "tell". I can't play poker with any of you anymore. :")
So today I brought the lunch. We made some badass Sangria this weekend. I sliced up black cherries, strawberries, oranges, and pineapple and put it into a pitcher ... I added some honey and slurried it .. then added a cup of orange juice and two bottles of chianti.
Have you EVER seen a flattering picture of Thom Yorke, Miu? I love him more than I can express in words, but the guy is one of the oddest looking individuals ever.
great post jade.
HT, since i ate your kabobs yesterday, you can have my chicken vindaloo frozen thing from TJ's since i forgot that i have that leftover curry laksa from friday that i will have to eat today. let's dine on the rooftop to brighten your spirits.
poor zidane! i'd dine with my grandma who passed away because she was so damn cool. i never got to tell her that before she passed so it would be great to do it over some korean bbq.
WD, ever read life of pi? your world religion roundtable reminds me of a scene in that novel.
i had a "discussion" with "the boy" this past weekend about radiohead...he told me that they were not innovative. we exchanged some words.
mmm, i want sangria de diz for lunch!!!!!!!!!!!
Wookie, come on down to Tejas and you can have all you want. I'm getting free lunch this wednesday.
On second thought Wookie, I started calling the Sangria the "Top Dropper". I don't know if you want to be involved in dat. :)
I'm cranky re work and some other junk. Mostly work stuff though. It'll all be alright. I'm just especially riled up.
HAPPY BIRTHDAY PEEPSTERITO!!! What are ye, 84? 85?
My back kills. Today I would eat lunch with an epidurologist. I took Advil, but it ain't working.
Ah, seriously, though. Hm. My dream lunch is the DC OWFL crue. Someday! I will find you! In DC! For lunch!
No, really. Dorothy Parker would be interesting. Or maybe that lady who started all the stuff with the Mommy Wars. Or Masahru Morimoto if he's cooking. Oink oink. I ate at Nobu in London & I'd loooooove to check out the spread in NYC. Hell, I'll throw Beethoven & Mozart in there for shits & giggles.
Ugh, my back. Lunch today = more Advil + a walk to sushi place + sushi + probably soda (even though I've been drinking too much of that lately). Guests for dinner tonight? My old friends I haven't seen in awhile - D. Cluttering & Mr. Clean to assist in their specialties. Oh, and Mom's bringing leftovers. Yay! Mom! Yay leftovers!
Happy b-day Peep!
May you live a thousand years
May you drink a thousand beers
Get plastered, you bastard
Happy birthday to you
(courtesy of my college roommates dad - a bit more interesting than 'you look like a monkey . . . ', eh?)
I also made my famous Margaritas.
White Tequila (anykind)
Orange Juice (to fill 1 beldner carafe after other ingredients are added)
1 can of minute maid limeaid (small can not the fill size)
1. open Limeaid and dump.
2. add ice to fill carafe
3. fill empty limeaid can 3/4 with tequila (or full if you want to only drink one) then dump over ice
4. fill the rest of the carafe (just under the top of the ice) with OJ
5. Blend on high for 1 minute or until done (my blender only takes 30 seconds for perfect icey creamyness)
6. Pour mixture in glass (3/4 of the way full)
7. add capfull\half shot of cointreau to the top of the poured margarita
happy B-day Peep! Wish I could make a margarita for ya!
I looked at all my typos ... I think I'm "not right" after this weekend :)
HAPPY BIRTHDAY PEEP-FACE! how could i have forgotten my ebf???
ooh, i've had diz's margaritas when we used to live together back in oh man, were they EVER so tasty! too bad there's no decent tex-mex establishment nearby as concluded in two week's ago pathetic irish tex-mex adventure.
HT has denied my food...alas, i was trying to be of help. but we will still rooftop it. i hope that i can get a little tanning on my legs.
Happy birthday peep! I'm not so sure bout Tom Waits though, love his stuff but have you seen "Coffee and Cigarettes"??? If having lunch with him is anything like that movie...I'll pass.
Today I wouldn't do lunch with anyone! I'm so sleepy. I wish I could curl up in bed with my book and a steak and cheese perhaps.
"Coffee and Cigarettes" was indeed awful. I wouldn't want to lunch with any of those people.
Diz that recipe needs to be put on the forgotten OWFL Recipe post.
Soooo hungry. Maybe a ham and swiss instead of the salad.
Happy Birthday Peeperino!
Speaking of Zinedine Zidane, i just watched that clip about 5 times and it looks like an Italian gave him a titty twister less than 10 seconds before the head butt. Anyone who has experienced a titty twister knows that a head butt to the chest is the only proper response. I now forgive the French, for everything...except toilet water, I mean, who wants to put toilet water on their necks?
When I get the tex-mex hankering again I think I'll check this place out -
Ask and ye shall receive.
Turns out TheBestFriend (TBF) is going to be in town for one day on Wednesday, so we are going to have a late lunch. Weird, eh? But, we're like that sometimes. It actually started earlier this week with some Magnum related stuff, but I digress.
Peep, I would gladly drink lunch with Shane. Eating with him though might turn me off food for life. Dude's only got like 3 teeth left. Blecch.
SHIT UNI!!! Goddamn it!!! I can't believe I forgot about that place. But, I don't think they serve booze, which wouldn't have satisfied my margarita craving.
Their food is great though - I highly recommend it.
Ah, thank you Miu. I will give that cocktail a try when I get home. Now, do you put them all in a blender or do you take them in that order? Uh, except for the heating pad, obviously. Hey! I was cleaning out under my sink & I totally found one of those yesterday! Der!! I could have had it on right now! Argh.
Speaking of movies has anyone seen the movie D.E.B.S.?
Man is it bad/wonderful/horrible/delicious!
Well speaking of horrible movies, I'd have lunch with Ben Affleck to let him know what a lucky nutsucker he his. His ass does not need to be in any more movies. Unfortunately, I watched Bounce last night because I was extra lazy and didn't want to move off of the couch or exert any energy that it would have taken to hit the channel up/down button on the remote (spent the weekend with the family...they are some exhausting folk)! All I could think to myself was "this guy sucks huge elephantitis ball sacks!!" and so do most of the movies he is in. Benny boy should cut one of his ball sacks off and give it to Kevin Smith on a silver platter.
If I ever mention breaking down and watching Gigli...I don't know...cut off one of my nut sacks.
I need lunch help. I can't decide what to eat today, just not chinese or sushi. Help OWFL'ers!
Even though it's a million degrees out, I had a salad and chicken noodle soup. That soup really hit the spot. I might recommend the same for you, Ms. Jada.
Have you done the quizno's salad yet Jade? Its all the rage on the OWFL blogsphere. It was tasty, though it may have caused some indigestion, but its all good
Jo, how do I do that? I can find no place to post to the recipe page.
yes, i had curry laksa, which made me sweat on the rooftop since it is a hot sour spicy curry soup with nooooooodles.
jade, go for it! be like us and sweat!
Don't listen to Watchdog. There was no indigestion with the Quizno's salads. Quizno's salads are great! Quizno's salads are the best! They cure incontinence, sexual dysfunction, and obesity! Quizno's is the best!! (still working on that sponsorship deal)
Seriously, the Cobb & Caesar are yummmmmy. Haven't tried the other 2 yet.
I'm a moron. I just got it. Both Panty Dropper Margaritas(TM) and Sangria-dizzle dats da Shizzle(TM) are posted ... if someone can find a better name for the Sangria .. please do so.
D.E.B.S. is about a team of secret agent fresh out of high school hot chicks who are chasing another hot chick who is a terrorist. And the hot chick terrorist falls in love with the hot superspy. Think Spy Kids with college girls and hot girl on girl action!
That may be my favorite written paragraph of the month.
How come the Chicago OWFLers hate drinking? I am coming to town Saturday and no one wants to drink with me. Is it rico?
Peep - you share a birthday with Butterstick!
I would like to leave work and go hang out with the Stick. I bet I wouldn't want to beat the crap out of him.
I bought my cat a sweet ass toy yesterday... it's a glove with dangly things on elastic pull strings on each finger. I should put that on and go see Butterstick.
I think I could have a real future as "That Crazy Lady at the Zoo."
$138 R/T flights from DCA on orbitz...thx miu!
Are people seriously in for that weekend? If so, I may book flights soon. Is there someplace for me and the missus?
Ol' Butterstick has exactly 365 days before his ass is shipped off to China for "re-education".
I smell a political showdown coming...
The missus just said we could go. This could be some crazy worlds colliding shiz. I may have to rethink...rethought and I'm/we're still in.
Dipso is preparing an OWFL Olympics.
"baggo, euchre, bowling, darts, pool..."
Could Chicago put DC to shame?
Do the Cubs stink or what?
Ace is with me.
I'm in. LC and I have a four day weekend, so we'll be in Chi for as much of that as possible. We're off from the 1st until the 4th. We could even fly in the night of the 31st and out the 4th...
Do you think they'd let me on the plane with my yard darts set??
Euchre made it in? See, that's hardly fair since Jo refuses to learn anyone how to play...
No, Uni, I do not. I was actually thinking maybe we should road trip, for the express purpose of bringing the jarts...
I think I cam closest to taking Miu's advice for lunch. I got a gyro. Hey, it has a cucumber sauce.
I am in town this weekend Jo, and I am totally down for boozing.
For the conference, peeps are more than welcome to stay with me, and I have a pool!
Oooh an OWFL roadtrip?
Imagine the possibilities...
And yes, the Cubs suck. Not only is Ace with you Jo, but I am, too!
About damn time.
Miu- what time is your return flight on monday?
Uni says Chicago is roughly 12 hours from DC, by car. If LC is up for it, we could be on for it.
A road trip is worth discussing.
I heard I went from suggesting gaming to "preparing an owfl olympics."
Can I get a "hurm"?
I had hot-n-sour soup with an eggroll. It's becoming fairly standard issue.
Okay, fine. Five events might be a bit ambitious, unless two of them are porch beer drinking. Who's working on the overall agenda?
What shall we play, my pretties?
Baggo, euchre, pool, darts, lawn darts, bowling, trivial pursuit, bocce, other?
Sounds like a Chicago committee needs to be formed.
Need I remind you that this is the Anniversary celebration of OWFL so th epressure is on.
You'll learn miu.
Yeah, miu, I think euchre might be the first game in, so you better read up:
(I haven't read this entry, so I won't vouch for everything, but it should get you started. You, too, HT. And, Jo, for shame...why won't you teach HaterTot how to play?)
Euchre needs to happen.
Need I remind anyone of the very ambitious plans we had for the DC conference? 5 Guys anyone? Fuck I didn't even make lunch on Saturday.
poor hungover jadey...
HT has never truly wanted to learn.
Jo is full of so much horse shit I can smell it from here.
I have truly wanted to learn. I even asked a certain other Michigander who we will call, uh, Baz, to teach me so that I could play with you. I have asked you on multiple occasions to show me. And, yet, here I sit - with no more knowledge now than I had when I emerged from my mother's womb, wet and naked and crying.
Jada - I reminded Dipso of our ambitions getting the best of us, but I have a feeling that we have more taskmasters this time around. Uni and LC are still pissed about what shall be heretofor known as the "Five Guys Incident" so I think they will take control.
Oh, and I will be bringing my riding crop, because I goddamned well better be eating some sausage and duck fat fries at Hot Dougs.
Whoa, dude. I didn't know it was THAT kind of party. But in that case, I've got just the thing(s)...
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