so yesterday i was making a sammy and i busted out the new jar of organic mayo from Trader Joes to top it off. You know, i'm feelin' a little excited. I mean, any sammy with mayo is a winner in my book. PLUS, it's organic...i'm saving the world with my sandwich making. This is awesome.
Well, I take one bite and i swear I almost dropped dead. DEAD, i said! This supposedly wonderful product I purchased to give my sammy the life it needed TASTED LIKE FRICKIN' MIRACLE WHIP!! I HATE MIRACLE WHIP MORE THAN GWB!!!
I mean, it's not mayo. It's like adding vinegar to my milkshake.
So, what are you a stickler with? What are some of those surprise additives that will absolutely ruin your wonderful dish?
And while your here...WFL????
OMG, the same exact thing happened to me with the TJ's organic mayo. i thought it was just me! yeah, it was so disappointing. i may have to go out and buy a jar of hellman's.
Ketchup - has to be Heinz...I've tried the generics to save a few cents and other name brands that were on sale, but they are just missing something.
I'm definitely a Hellman's guy but I can deal with Kraft Real Mayo though. I need to be in the right mood for Miracle Whip.
Yellow mustard will ruin any and every sandwich for me if it is unexpected. I don't hate yellow mustard but if I taste it without proper warning I completely lose my appetite.
Lunch today will be some sort of turkey sandwich.
Here's a clip from the movie D.E.B.S. I mentioned yesterday.
Nasty runny Buttermilk Ranch is a horrible surprise too.
Oreos - there is a pinch of crack in them...substitutes not accepted.
Having hummus and pita and something that I haven't decided on yet for lunch.
Oh, man, my parents are on opposite sides of this fence: Mom's a Miracle Whipper, Dad's a Hellman. Wow, that sounds weird. I prefer mayo, but can go for Kraft.
I am with Jo on the mustard issue, except more extreme. I HATE HATE HATE yellow mustard, except for the one place it belongs: on a weiner. There is nothing worse than yellow mustard on an otherwise yummy sammy. Oh, actually, the only thing worse than yellow mustard on a sammy is when you specifically requested hot or dijon mustard & all they heard was 'mustard' & so you bite into it & get yellow sammy. Yuck. I'd rather go mustard-less than have yellow mustard.
Damn, there's another ranch dressing I like, but I can't think of the name of it - I even like the low-fat version (and I never like low-fat versions of anything!) - it's usually sold in the fridge case or near the salad bar & it comes in a jelly jar-type of thing. It's pretty good. There's a peppercorn ranch that's yummy.
Not sure what lunch is, but it will be a) soon & b) somewhere that takes plastic.
lunch today is a hastily eaten salad as I have a brief break from training.
I'm down with Uni on the heinz, don't feed me none of that catsup. What the fuck is catsup?
Also, if i'm rollin' cola style, its gotta be coke. Royal Crown cola might be good for big shot kings and queens, but for me, its gotta be 'real'.
I need advice for my flight out of chicago the weekend of the conference. Afternoon, 2ish, 3ish or 5ish.
Take your shoes off during the flight Uni. The pressure of the altitude can cause foot discomfort if you are wering tight shoes.
Unicorn--Word on the Oreos. I once bought Newman's own organic "chocolate sandwhich cookies." They tasted like death.
Oooh - I thought of another couple. 1. American Cheese. The only time american cheese (especially kraft singles!) is edible is in a grilled cheese sandwich. Oh ok, on a egg mcmuffin, too. But on a regular sandwich - ick! So gross! Nothing worse! (except yellow mustard).
2. not a thing, but a method. Microwaving melty sandwiches!! There's this cafe that had the sign up for like 8 months before they finally opened & it looked all nice & everything & the sandwiches were expensive, but I shit you not, to get the cheese melty on the hot sandwiches, they nuked it. For that price, I expect a grill, dammit. Holds the heat longer & the bread doesn't get all chewy.
LT ate a kraft single on a burger at my house. She lies.
Yeah, I forgot about that. I totally put a second slice on, too, after I put the burger back on the grill. No, american is ok on grilled cheese or egg mcmuffins or burgers. But not for sandwiches. The key is that it has to be melted. Unmelted = gross.
My college roommate used to buy a block of the slices & eat one at a time as a snack - all rolled up like a little mini-all-cheese-burrito. Ick! it totally tastes like play-doh to me. Except when it's melty.
What do you expect? Its not like you go out to the street corner and say the the pimp, "I'd like the blow-up kind."
You buy fake ... you get fake.
Now, as for ruining my meals, anything regular green olives (give me calmatta any day), mayo (any sort), or sadly anyone who uses regular salt and not sea salt (I know its weird).
Today was a gyro from Droubi Bros which was magically delicious ... mmmm something about eating lamb ... I just wanted to slather it in mint jelly.
LT- american cheese on a burger (esp ground sirloin) is pure and utter blaspheme.
Chedder, muenster, or swiss ... get with it folks!
udder blaspheme?
I have a seemingly off the wall question, does anyone here use dial-up?
Never udder (hehe) those words again!
how bout a burger stuffed with olives and feta cheese?!
I had a tomato and cheddar on wheat with veggie mayo from breadline. Tomatoes just got back today! (bl doesn't serve maters les' thahr in season) Yum. Had dill pickle potato chips, too. Tasty.
Now I want candy and the gummy bacon LC bought me isn't looking good...
Our printer rep was in town and took me out to lunch at La Strada across the street. I had the veal special, which was basically a veal marsala with artichoke hearts. It was excellent. I even got dessert -- it was called Chocolate Eruption. Dark and white chocolate cake, layered with chocolate mousse, with almonds and macadamia nuts, all in a pool of hot caramel. I’m not a big dessert person, but that was piddy fuggin gud.
Sometimes raisins bug me. People can put those things in some strange places. I’ve seen them pop up in things like bean salad, turkey stuffing. It’s a turn off, man.
My family's friends make a "pie" with spinach, ricotta, pignoli nuts, and raisins. It's sweet though, like custard. Weirdest damn thing.
I like raisins in curry chicken salad. And I love cinnamon raisin bagels and bread.
Don't like prunes.
Or rhubarb.
I put grapes in my curry chicken salad.
sour cream improves just about everything.
I put chocolate chips in my pumpkin bread! It's divine! I also put cream cheese on my zucchini bread!
Next time you make scrambled eggs, put a dollop in them before you fry instead of milk, top with chives.
by the way, that is a dollop of sour cream.
Does anything else come in dollops?
A dollop of marmalade?
The sour cream in the eggs works.
My flights are booked. I'll get in late friday, around 11pm...we'll meet you at the bars I'm sure. Return flight at 3pm Monday, just late enough to squeeze in one more lunch!
Wasn't there some hair gel in the 80's with 'a dollop' in it's tagline or something?
Dammit. Now I have the Daisy Sour Cream song going through my head.
Mmmm . . . all sweet breads (not sweetbreads, ew) are better with choco chips. Banana, zucchini (I would think, never tried it before), pumpkin, spice, etc. Yum!
A little dab of brill cream was allegedly enough to do ya. Is that what you're thinking, LT? I got the sour cream song going, too, it's terrible. I'm kinda doing a little dance along with it, too...
No, something more recent. Maybe I'm just thinking of Dippity-Do. Or maybe Dep? Does anyone remember those commercials? Ah, Dep. What a great gel.
The sour cream song is better than the Taylor Dayne song I had in my head earlier today (long story).
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