Your fellow OWFLers have thrown their suggestions out but nothing has you drooling yet. You even checked out your coworkers and friends lunches and still nothing sounds quite, what now?? Who do you turn to for lunch advice?? Do you have a backup plan?? Perhaps....a favorite cookbook, magazine or TV cooking show??
Does Rachel Ray's new '30-Minute' spinach panini sound good?? Did that shrimp pasta 'Emril' ccoked up last week look too good to be true?? Are you intereted in finding out if 'Iron Chef' Morimoto's saffron-caviar-mint chocolate chip ice cream (ok, so I made that last one up...but I wouldn't be suprised to see it on the menu, they put together some WEIRD combinations) was as tasty as the judges made it out to be??
Who inspires your lunches when the rest of us just aren't pullin our weight??
And WFL????
Alton is my boy.
Rachel is my girl.
The Iron Chefs are my posse.
When I don't know what to eat I scan the OWFL board, and if that doesn't help I start looking at online menus, if that still doesn't help I wait until my body starts to shut down from hunger and order the first thing I see from Mom's Kitchen in my building.
Today I am either going to Naan & Beyond or Soho for lunch, it depends on how hot it gets.
i also heart alton brown. i learned how to make the most fabulous scrambled eggs ever.
i usually hit up HT's office when i don't feel inspired. it really helps to have a coworker that is an OWFLer. reduces the chances of cheating with other sites.
dramatic drawn out morning for me today. i dropped my phone (while drunk of course) last night and broke it into two pieces. i just spent the entire morning at the verizon store only to find out that my insurance doesn't cover this kind of damage. so, it would cost me $50 to send in my phone to the manufacturer and be without a phone for several days (no way! it's my only phone, i said!) so, instead, i bought a brand new motorola razr b/c with a $50 rebate, it comes out basically to be the around the same price. i have a fancy new phone that i just paid a shit ton for. i'm an asshole.
LC, what happened to your FOB-bylicious phone accoutrement?
Miu, I actually hate the phone. And, people who like to chit chat on the phone. I never answer the thing.
So, for me, Phone People, do indeed, suck.
I think yesterday I saw the last weird phone thing. I saw a girl, RUNNING, with a cell phone held to her ear and talking. Not running cuz she was late, but going for a run, and chatting away, while still running. Maybe i'm jealous because I know I could never carry on a conversation while running.
Anyhoo, when unsure what to eat, my mind just does a little mental roledex thing, scrolling through the nearby restaurants, til one catches my fancy. I'm in that mode now. Usually I just end up going to the cafeteria or the buffet next door. So I guess my muse is laziness
Oh, and I wanted to point out that HT had the last comment on yesterday's blog, and she said how she ate a fish taco. he he
frozen peas and beer....
I don't think I'm going to list all of my would be lengthy to the point of embarrassment. I spend way too much time watching the foodnetwork and printing recipes off of numberous foodie sites.
WatchDog - Haven't I spotted you smoking a cigarette while talking on the phone and riding your bike at the same time??!!
Miu, I did watch it, and I texted unicorn to make sure she watched it. That was one of DC's finest competing (and losing) to Iron Chef Flay.
Feeling pangs (pains?) of hunger.
Just so the entire OWFL family can enjoy it, HERE is the link to The Bob Lamonta Story. It also is the origin of the food craze that is sweeping the nation, "Beer and some frozen peas".
I'm so tired. And I have no inspiration for lunch - I didn't think I'd be hungry until much later b/c I had a croissant at about 10:30. Fuck, I'm tired. I'm seriously averaging about 5 hours of sleep a night the past week & a half. God, I'm going to bed as soon as I get home tonight. What inspires me? Unfortunately, not much around here. I'm so bored with the restaurants. At least the take-out ones. I suppose I could order from an actual restaurant (which adds like 3 places to the mix), but man that takes a lot of fore-sight. I get inspired when a friend meets me for lunch & picks me up. It's like the whole world opens up for me then.
So speaking of being uninspired - I need help. I'm debating the merits of the personal pizza from Listrani's that I didn't get yesterday. Except that it's so gross & muggy, pizza doesn't really fit. Help me, Obi-Wan OWFL! You're my only hope.
Yes Uni, you probably have seen me talk on the phone while on my bike. But when I do that i'm coasting. Not the same as running.
The other bad phone thing I saw recently was a guy talking on the phone while in the stall next to me in the bathroom. I felt like I had to be more discrete about certain noises so as not to disturb his phone call, but then I thought HE'S the one sitting on the toilet I let er' rip.
Guy: Oh, that was thunder I think...
Was that Iron Chef the one with the guy from Abramoff's restaurant, Signatures? That was a really good restaurant - I went with my mom for restaurant week once. And, damn, I meant to watch that.
Hm, good suggestion, Miu - the only problem is my mom brought leftover chicken salad to my place a couple of days ago & I've been eating that for dinner the last couple of nights! That probably would hit the spot if I hadn't kind of overloaded on it recently . . . thanks, tho!
WD: I hope you added a few straining/grunting noises. Seriously. Who the hell talks on the phone in a public restroom? Moron. And - gross!
Lunch today was sweet and sour chicken at Eat First Restaurant, along with a spring roll and hot tea. Final cost: $5:75. And it was nice and crispy and D Licious
LT, go for a salad...lots o' veggies. then grab a bit o' caffeine to juice up your afternoon!
funny story: i had to call this 1-800 number for the phone insurance company from the verizon store this morning. i guess i dialed 1 number off of something and it took me straight to a porn hotline! i was like, what the hell is this?
Yes to your question LT.
I once saw a woman backing down a residential street, honking her horn and talking on a cell phone at the same time.
And I've told some of you about the woman I saw driving down 16th street with her hazzard lights on because she was eating a platter of food that she had balanced between her knees and the steering wheel.
as for the fobby phone accessory...i had to leave it at home today. and it looks like there is no way i can put it on my new phone. how will people know that i'm asian if i don't have my fobby asian accoutrement???
wookie - start talking rike this.
My old roomie was japanese...her middle name is Risa...I used to joke around with her mom by saying "I know her middle name was supposed to be Lisa...they just misunderstood you because of your accent"...she then proceeded to tell me that Koreans were seen as the west virginians of Asia...D'OH!
ruh roh.
the phone has no hook thing for me to strap on my fob-u-lous phone charm. (sigh) oh well...i guess i'll just have to be just like you other americans.
oh, i had a herb turkey sandwich with swiss. i'm going to be hungry again in half an hour.
Oooh - snap. You should have stared at her like "what?" & said "But I'm italian."
Can't you do it like Uni (I think? am I thinking of someone else with a phone pretty-fier?) and put it around the whole phone where the hinge is? Or does it not stretch out that wide? I don't know...
Speaking of stretching wide, LT I haven't seen you do a blowjob in quite sometime. When is the next HH people?
Jo, you can dream, but you ain't never seen me give a blowjob. Wait - was that you outside my window last weekend???
I propose tomorrow at BB, b/c it's supposed to be muggier than the Mall after dark. (ooh, snap!)
Will, HT & Wookie's co-worker be there??? You know who I mean!
I hope's for everyone!
I'll be there!
HT and Wookie's coworker? The one dating the future Congressman?
Well, lunch was disappointing. Boston Market, which is usually quite satisfying. The chicken was overcooked - the wing had almost no edible meat on it & the skin (the best part!) tasted burnt. Siiiigh - moral of the story: don't go to Boston Market after normal lunch hours. The creamed spinach was still awesome, though. Mmmm. Someday I'm just going to buy a big bucket of creamed spinach and eat the whole thing. Oink. Maybe for my birthday.
That's the one! I can't remember her alias. Or if she ever had one. Huh. Let's call her Mrs. Future-Congressman.
lc, what kind of porn was on the hotline?
I call her TheCongressman'sWife - never mind that it's not wholly accurate.
Lunch was parmesan crusted grouper at Cafe Soleil with the events lady. The service was shit, but the food was okay. Not spectacular, but pretty okay.
I'm tired now. I might go to the gym and then leave for home. Probably not a good idea since I took a 4 hour lunch yesterday and came back at 6:15 - and yes, I had FISH TACOS.
Actually, speaking of FISH TACOS, I was on the phone one night with someone who had FISH TACOS earlier in the day and everytime he said FISH TACO I dissolved into uncontrollable laugher. For some reason it was particularly funny, and I had to get off the phone to stop laughing because my stomach hurt so badly.
Good times, people.
So, are we doing HH@BB followed by my euchre lesson tomorrow?
LT - be careful eating a large serving of BM creamed spinach...especially if you combine with a large serving of mashed taters....not that I've done that before...err..nor have I ever eaten an entire can of sauerkraut in one sitting....
Oh, wow, that is funny. You totally should have been like "They put me on hold" & then hung out on the phone for awhile. I guess I didn't read your post closely enough - I thought you called the porn # after you got back to the office! Which is funny in it's own way! Seeing as how ethical you are.
thanks, miu! I'm glad someone noticed my little joke. :-( Hey, do you ever go into your bank and "accidentally" mis-dial the phone from one of theirs? Hm, they probably keep the phone behind the desk & dial it for you. Damn!
Right, abs. Gah! My brain is going. But also she hasn't posted in 4-EVAH! She is still alive, right wookie? HT?
Thanks for the warning Uni. I will take it under advisement & then probably ignore that advice & then curse myself while I'm sitting on the pot. I assume that's the trouble you were talking about. Or were you talking about my fore-arms suddenly popping out to massive size & getting a "i-ki-ki-ki-ki-ki" tic when I talk?
uni - when i read the words BM creamed spinach i automatically thought you were talking about a different kind of BM that was filled with spinach! but i guess you were talking about both.
i love double entendres...
icky icky icky p'tang zoo-boing mutter!
Ew, wookie. That's really gross.
if the OWFLers don't already know that i enjoy talking about farts, BMs, and other non-girlie things, then you all don't know me at all.
hungry again, but got iced coffee instead. now i'm SOARING!!!!!!
I'm so tired.
I don't think you people understand. I've felt this way for a week.
Should I try to go the gym?
The thing is, I'm not just tired, my body just hurts. My shoulder has hurt, with varying severity, for a month. My back and neck ache.
I wonder what would happen if I went home... I could work from there. I might just do that. Ugh.
Are you behind on your sleep? I always get achy all over when I'm really behind on sleep. Like my skin feels all sore like I have the flu. Don't ask me about the gym - I haven't been in a month.
Oh, I know your love of all things butt-related, wookie. I just found that last posting particularly disturbing.
Watchdog - is this your last weekend at the house?
I've always been partial to 'Hershey Highway'.
I ate some great creamed corn over July 4th weekend.
two cans of corn
diced jalepenos
block of creamed cheese.
Cooked up continuously stirred together in a pot.
Drool...that sounds good Jo. What would happen if you threw in a box or two of Jiffy cornbread??? Hmmm....gerbils are jogging in their wheel...
...bake it, top with cheddar cheese till it's bubbly and brown...maybe some chili.
Yes, LT, I am. Though, this last weekend, I slept for 12 consecutive hours, without waking up, except once, I wandered out, drank a diet coke, and went back to sleep.
I have decided to head out though, and finish up some work from home, perhaps after a nap. God, I'm sleepy. And achey. Really achey. Does anyone have a good masseuse recommendation? (Jo need not recommend, as I'm not particularly interested in a Happy Ending)
I recently had a dream that I quit my job and became a professional masseuse.
Uni, yes, last weekend in the house.
Last weekend of living the bachelor life for that matter...
Holy crap...does that mean we should take you to a strip club??!!
*sigh* I'll never forget you watchdog! Fond memories of scrubbing down the moldy newton house bathroom together and almost throwing up as we discovered sunshine's toothbrush amongst the fungus.
Uni, i'm not dropping off the face of the earth or something.
I'm just moving to the suburbs in my mini-van with my wife and two kids.....oh shit...I AM dropping off the face of the earth...
I'll miss the moldy toothbrushes...
Watchdog, the place you're moving to is officially "off the face of the Earth". Big drunk goodbye tomorrow night.
Jo - pro masseuse? You've been watching too much porn.
Yeah, even I can't defend Vienna - grew up there, love it, but, man. It is definitely the 'burbs. Maybe someday when I have kids & a minivan . . . .
LT, holy shit, you might be right.
But I have a feeling we are both thinking about the same Cinemax movie...
I have fond memories of watchdog's new neighborhood...make-out fests, breaking into empty houses, getting my car towed in the middle of the night, chain smoking and drinking coffee at Amphora. Adolescent bliss!
The Nats made a big trade!!! I smell playoffs!
i prefer hershey squirts myself.
farewell watchdog! it was nice knowing you. i hardly got to harass you when you lived around the corner or even when we went to school together. now i'll NEVER get to harass you ever...EVER!
i hardly knew thee.
That'll do miu...that'll do.
Ah, the Amphora! Serving breakfast at 3am! Oh, WD, your new kids are going to have so much fun in Vienna! Don't you go ratting out Uni for spoiling their fun, now.
Breaking into empty houses, Uni? Car-towing in the middle of the night?? You bad girl!
miu, that was an affectionate "that'll do" didn't you see Babe?
Babe was a living breathing creature whom everyone loved.
And he was the cutest little thing on the farm.
If that offends you i apologize profusely.
I'm not afraid to say sorry in public...
I love Babe! He's so cute! I always cry at that line in the movie!
Anything to keep you happy pi, ahem, miss miu...
And the Alton Brown thing is on my calendar.
Uh, notice how it's 6:47 and I'm not gone from the office... yeah. This is me "leaving early."
Notice how it's 1:46 am and I'm still up?
This is me trying to get to bed early.
Peep! Did anyone else get a call from the girl w/ Jada's phone? I just happened to still be up...
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