E-que appears to be preoccupied with the affairs of Puerto Rico and our beloved Presidente is probably daydreaming at her desk about luaus, poi and the music of Don Ho. So I hereby take the initiative and ask the question that is burning through all of our minds....WHAT'S FOR LUNCH?
Thanks for the off-blog help, Jo.
I'm probably going with the BMT still, but I just might freak out and find myself in the Gourmet Pantry ordering braunschweiger. I wish I knew what soups they had. I consistently like their chili, but that doesn't really go with b-schweig, does it?
What soup is good with b-schweig?
Braunschweiger with salami, jo?
Have you done that at the gourmet pantry?
Hmmm. Not sure. And now I'm afraid I've got a totally incompetent someone working on something that you only need a base-line of competence for...
I'm hungry, but no idea what I want. I'm debating sushi, but not sure. Salami sounds really good, though. Hmmmm.
Something brothy.
Dipso, I haven't done that at the GP, but you could ask. I ask at Cap Grounds and they do it for me.
I had a second breakfast 2 hours ago, which was a ham salad sangwich. I've never really had such a thing before, just chunks of ham in mayo with tomato and lettuce. All I wanted was a damn muffin, but the only food product available was said sandwich.
So since I had a 2nd breakfast, now I think i'll have a light lunch. Perhaps a salad? Not ham though. And to me it seems weird to call anything ham salad. When I think salad, I think greenery.
Could you make a salad out of all meat? like say a salami, ham, turkey, prosciutto, bacon, and grilled chicken salad?
Then you could act all healthy to your friends, "oh, I had a salad", when really you ate a bowl of meat covered in mayo
Sorry - I was in a really, really long staff meeting and not dreaming of Don Ho and poi. What is poi?
The rain drove me into the pedway, which is home to a Subway restaurant. I'll try the b&s at the gp another time.
I'm inspired to make a meat salad sangwich. I am really gonna think long and hard on this one...
We watched The Muppet Movie last night and I have the song "Movin' Right Along" stuck in my head.
WD, may I direct you to the Quizno's Antipasto Chopped Flatbread Salad. It is very close to what you describe.
I feel like shit today. Way too hungover to be out in the heat and humidity. I had to get off the bus this morning because I thought I was going to puke.
Lunch shall be bland today.
It's bacon!!! Bacon, bacon, bacon!!!
Yeah...the meat salad is reminiscent of the pork bbq mess that I ate last night that probably flipped my stomach inside out. I smothered it in cole slaw that tasted like it had sat out too long...much longer than anything mayo based should sit out for.
Mmm...bbq and coleslaw...
Poor Uni! I'm amazed I'm not hungover . . . I had a slight beer headache before even going to bed.
Oh, and that was me with the deleted comment - still can't quite always remember how to make links . . . .
Ooooh, I'm totally getting Red Hot & Blue with slaw at the game on Saturday . . . .
They should have some new food choices this weekend!
Grand Re-Opening!
Red Hot & Blue is yummy yummy Memphis-style bbq. Their pulled pork is the best. Sorry to bring up pork bbq Uni.
Fuck it. I'm clearly not eating lunch today. Fucking work.
I lunched in the bottom of KBR (Kellog Brown and Root) today. mmmmm General Chicken.
Good post BTW.
Third breakfast wasn't quite as "light" as I intended. A crab cake, deviled egg, some asparagus and broccoli, spring roll, and duck.
But it was good.
"I peench" said the crab (cake)
watchdog, what kind of duck?
roast duck, kind of shredded like. Just the meat. But it was greasy and really delicious. Not much, about 2 tablespoons worth.
I love duck...
Hee hee - I was thinking about that commercial yesterday, b/c my shoes "peenched". And in my head I was making them talk like "We're really cute shoes, but we peench. Peench peench."
"My shoes hurt!"
I'd like to see the "I peench" crab guy take on those Quizno's furbie thingy's they used to have.
no peench no peench no peench no peench
Jo, is that Mr. Show or sumpin?
I had turkey from Subway, I'm starting to feel "normal" again.
So I did wind up going out for lunch & I got a blackened chicken caesar taco from CA Tortilla, which apparently has 323 calories and 19 grams of fat. I'm glad I didn't get 2.
Who cares about lunch? I had sex all morning long. All. Morning. Long. Best way to start the day, but it has killed my appetite for anything else.
jada, i think you want theoriginalfuckmeallmorninglong.blogspot.com.
Hmmm...anybody see Horsecock this morning? Me neither.
Jada, I submit that you didn't do it right if you didn't work up a huge friggin appetite. I betcha you did it "lazy style".
I was so hungover this morning..if I saw horsecock I would've puked again.
No Diz, I lose my appetite when it's really hot. Air temperature hot or otherwise.
Nothing lazy style here.
I leave early one day and OWFL turns into a sex club!
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