Ok, this isn't a real competition but let's just pretend it is for the sake of blogland. Your ingredient is cucumber (since it's so bloody hot). Now create a 3 course meal (ok, you can make up one if three is just too damn much)using this ingredient to create a lunch worth bragging about. Hopefully something will come up worthy of an entry on our recipe page. You can make something up or pull from your vast knowledge.
The winner (if i have time today to decide) will win nothing but the pure admiration and respect of Chairman PeeP.
And while you are competing for the recognition of Chariman PeeP, tell us Whats For Lunch????
Did Peep just give himself a lunch title?
Yeah, I'm wondering this too... PeeP?
I would make a cucumber smorgasboard, by the way... cucumber and honeydew soup with lavender essence to begin, followed by a trio of cucumber "salads" - cucumbers in sour cream, cucumbers in sweet and sour and "freezer pickles" which come out tasting sort of bread and butter-y... then we'd have cucumber and sour cream sandwiches...
For desert, I'm thinking cucumber basil vanilla gelato, with lemon curd maybe? Not sure about that...
1st course: cucumber rolls with wasabi.
2nd course: Lebanese cucumber salad with tomato onion and feta.
3rd course: a cucumber hoagie, with avocado, sprouts, tomato, onion, three cheeses, sweet peppers and the requisite mayo.
Funny that the Chairman chose cucumbers...
For starters, a Cucumber Cocktail or two: a splash or two of top-shelf vodka, shaved ice, a little lemon juice, a peeled kiwi, and our hot topic ingredient. Blended until smooth and served in martini glasses. (If you're feeling frisky, toss a little Midori in there for color and a higher sweet note.)
Up next, Cucumber Boats: split your cucumbers, scoop out seeds, lay down a blanket of fresh mozzarella, top with portobello strips and something with a little vibrance - maybe a tomato-basil dice that also incorporates the scooped seeds? (Eat like a hot dog.)
I agree with Jo on the best third course being a colossal veggie hoagie with much cheese. I'm tempted by a cold soup as a refreshing summertime main course, but I'm a little hungover so I am convinced I would find the soup unsatisfying.
In fact, I'm thinking that veggie hoagie is sounding really really good right now. Maybe that's what I'll have for lunch today.
I'd like to get back to this "Chairman" issue...
Hmmm...I'm thinking I take two slices of that shit, lay them over my weary eyes while I have some hot servant boy massage my feet while another feeds me sweet desserts (or maybe fondue) and a belgian white beer.
Wow, there are already so many good suggestions out here. Can I just be one of the guest judges & eat it all??
If I have to come up something - I'd go full-british & have Pimms & lemonade with cucumber & butter sandwiches. Crusts off, of course. And to start: a salad made of shaved cuke slices (thinner the better) + a dash of sesame oil and some rice vinegar.
I really like the idea of a cucmber martini right now . . . it's gross out & I don't wanna work (but what else is new).
I'm at home (again). Help me decide what to order for lunch.
I've done the mango/cucumber salsa before, but maybe I would try a strawberry, peach, cucumber salsa seasoned with fresh lime juice and mint.
Then like HT do the melon/cuke combo, but do thinly sliced cucumber mixed with cantaloupe and honeydew ribbons with fresh dill and a drizzle of honey. Maybe even mix up a yogurt and honey dressing to dollop on top.
And then for fun I'd deep fry them...anything fried is good, serve it with a side of sour cream dill sauce.
...and I'd use panko bread crumbs for the frying.
peep beat me to it.
Peep schmeep...I'm diggin' the hot servant boy!
Pizza, gyro and greek salad from Manny & Olga's for lunch.
Actually it'll be for lunch, afternoon snack, dinner and late night snack.
So, I was across the Atlantic for a couple of weeks, and I recently realized that not driving for two weeks makes me feel a little out of sorts. I'm doing my best to correct that so lunch today looks like it will be a little cruise around northern Virginia by-ways, half a dozen Camel Lights, and David Allan Coe's Live at Billy Bob's.
Unless there's a drive-thru that snags my attention.
Or a hot servant boy.
For the record I am still wearing my pj's.
I have the stereo on npr (Kojo in the community!) and tv's on in two different rooms (espn in one on mute and the other one is on a movie channel, last I checked Popeye was on). I've also got 5 internet windows open and I'm not really paying attention to any of them.
When the food gets here I'm thinking about watching a dvd of Season 1 of the Justice League cartoon.
I love staying home.
Deep fried pickles! with Cool Ranch dressing.
that's right diz...i was just about to ask if pickles count since they are just cucumbers all in brine.
wow, the cucumber recipes are all sounding way fancier than what i'd make. i actually have a preference for seedless cucumbers. i also like japanese cucumbers b/c they are smaller and sweeter and have a great crunch. i would make my mom's famous potato salad with those jap cucumbers, i'd make an awesome cucumber margarita like the one i had in nyc last summer (it was so refreshing!) and i'd also make my famous tsatsiki but with less garlic this time...i have a whole bunch at home, and i cannot even finish it b/c it's so damn garlicky.
today for lunch is the same as yesterday. and i'll be working out.
btw, if you want something extremely funny to read, you should check out miss chibi's site because that shit be funny.
Nachos, Flanders-style.
Bonnaroo flashback!
Leftover chinese. I wish I had an egg roll though.....*snap snap* "Oh Servant Boy!!"
Hot servant boy is killing me!! softly! with his song!
Miu - HT made awesome red bull margaritas - I don't see why you couldn't make a red bull-cucumber margarita. Of course, it would have to be just a splash of red bull, else the cuke would be overpowered.
Fuck me - this guy is moving into the cube straight behind me. I do not want him there. I don't want anybody there, but him especially, b/c I know he will make comments about me blogging every time he turns around & I am doing so. Fuck!!!
I was in line for my gyros, and the woman in front of me ordered a hot dog with ketchup and lettuce, and a fruit punch.
That's not for lunch.
You can kill me, miu, if it will help.
Miu, that plan is perfect, except that he's former military. Damn!
super busy today but must share my new avatar and the crazy cool new trinket that HT bought for me in hawaii...it's FOB-ulous!
I just had surf and turf border-style!
mmmm fajitas and shrimp ....
So, free lunch is good. Sorry everyone else is hot. I'm enjoying the weather ... its warm here but raining which means we are in the high eighties to low 90s.
I'm in a good mood. I'm finally working in the new jorb (homestarrunner reference). I've given my old supervisor the boot and now I'm working for the international division: Russia, China, Brazil, (uuuhh and West Africa ... but that is such a downer).
I should be going to Malta this next month. WOOOHOOO!!! Good to be a sellout.
Just be sure to shut your office door Dipso while enjoying gyros. You don't want to offend the delicate olfactory bulbs of your coworkers.
Wookie, the best thing about your new avatar is the used tissue that is in the background.
Jobs suck. We all need to focus on winning the lottery so we can travel the world & see what kind of lunches people in other cultures eat.
The chairman is so witty.
Yeah, I've been shut in my office for a good hour and a half, Jade. It's getting a little hot and stuffy in here.
Yeah, I don't think people can see what exactly I brought TheWookie back.
It's truly amazing.
I have only three words: Spam, Sushi, HelloKitty
I thought it looked like sushi, but I could make out a face. What the hell does spam have to do with it, though??
Hawaiians love Spam. And, there are these Spam sushi things, which appear to just be spam on sushi rice, wrapped with nori. But, I think it's served warm. So, that's what it is, a HelloKitty Spam Sushi phone charm. OH, and b/c it's one of the HelloKitty in Paradise series, specially made for Hawaii, Miss HelloKitty has a Hibiscus behind her left ear, which I think means she's taken.
hahahaha the guy from iron chef. hahaha. hey, did you know that iron chef morimoto is opening a restaurant in williamsburg? pre-tty cool. by the way everyone, check out my blog. i've updated it. cool.
also, i agree with wookie. all of those foods are yummy. go famous choi potato salad!
oh my god, that is fabulous on so many levels. i can't wait to see it!
I think spam is what's left over after they make hot dogs.
Mcdonald's in hawaii as an extra value meal with spam and rice.
there's a close up version of it on my blog if you want to see it...it's still blurry, but you can see more of its magic.
yay miss chibi!!!!!! that one of the asian chick dancing is really disturbing though i can't keep my eyes off of it!
When I saw the dancing chick I had to close down that window lest I get no work done today . . . and also lest my new neighbor see it & start making snarky comments. Rgh. He's already joined in one conversation when someone came by my cube.
Spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam Spammity spam! Wonderful spam! Spam spam spam Spammity spam! Wonderful spam! Lovely spam!
So the bad news is that we've dropped to #7 on the google search list for quiznos salads...but the good news is that we also have the #8 spot with sunshine's 7/6/06 post.
I think we need to make our mark with "SPAM"
uh, straight into the garbage can & then order out for pizza?
I jest. Spam has never been in my house.
spam: cut into half inch slices, pan fry . cool on both sides so that the edges crisp and slightly brown. then crack an egg over the slices and let cook. then put on a bountiful bed of white rice and eat with pieces of seaweed.
'cause that's how the chois roll
seriously...we grew up on that shit. it's an asian thang.
we also had it stir fried with sesame oil, onions, mushrooms, carrots, squash and a touch of soy sauce. serve with sticky white rice. enjoy!
one time i tricked my best friend into eating it b/c i was too embarassed to tell her what it was. she's like "wait a minute...this is SPAM, isn't it!?" i was embarassed then, but i am PROUD now! ALL THE SPAM LOVERS IN THE HOUSE HOLLLAH!
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We didn't have spam often, but I definitely have had it a few times in my childhood. I did love that canned deviled ham stuff though. I may take that up again...and liverwurst, I miss eating unidentifiable meats.
i was just re-reading josephus' post with the cat. oh man i can't stop laughing. she has this intense eye contact. the second pic looks like she is an old lady picking up her skirt, who is about to square dance or something. hahhaa. just needed to comment on that again. it was really funny.
Oooooh, I loved the deviled chicken in a can. I'm not sure if I ever had the deviled ham, but that chicken . . . mmmm. I actually bought some to make a sandwich a few years ago & after I got home I read the nutrition info & was horrified. So I never ate it. I think it might still be in my cupboard. Hm!
My co-worker is meeting up with me in Old Town after work today. I'm not as worried as I was about whether or not he wants sumpin from me. Hm. Still curious what it is he wants. And, to answer Miu's question from like 2 days ago, it wouldn't be so bad, except a) never thought of him like that, b) starting to go through a divorce, and c) I have an inkling it's going to be ugly. So I don't know. Anyways. We're grabbing food & there will be beer drunk. B/c if there's one thing I know about this guy, it's that he likes his beer! Bad beer, but beer nonetheless. Hm. It's too bad there's not a Brickskellar type of place in Old Towne.
Hey, DC WFLers - do people want to have a restaurant week lunch during restaurant week?? It's 8/14-8/20 - I could do Mon, Tues, Wed. (Gone for that weekend, dammit!) Also, I have 2 of 4 (Mon & Thurs) dinner services that I'll be here for booked. Anyone want one of those other 2 days??
Hee hee - I was just writing an email to a friend & I almost wrote "I ham board."
Yes to restaurant week.
2 1/2 weeks till the Dan.
Speaking of birthdays, August 9th is right around the corner...
What are you getting OWFL for it's first b-day?
I'm buying OWFL lunch.
Miu, that's another great idea, but my beer-goggles are almost always super-hornified, so I know what that result would be with 99% accuracy. Seriously. I have been so repulsed by some of the guys I hooked up with whilst beer-goggled. Shudder. I hate to think of them. Ugh.
I propose Oya for the OWFL RW lunch. It's super-expensive (basically my only criteria for RW) & in Chinatown - is that relatively close to people??
By the way, miu is buying the first round of jaeger shots in Chicago...
Oya is close enough for a cab or metro. We can do it.
Jager Bombs!
Miu, you know that jager bombs are made with red bull right? And they don't really taste like jager. They just give you wings and make you kick ass!
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