Yesterday I went to the to-remain-unnamed fast-food chinese/japanese/asian restaurant. I had had some leftovers for lunch already, but they weren't very filling, so I decided to supplement with an egg roll or dumplings or something. We got there and I saw the egg rolls & saw that they were the smaller kind and the menu up above said "Egg Rolls (3) - $2.99". So great. I'm getting 3 egg rolls. Awesome. I ordered 'egg rolls, please' and I grabbed a soda, b/c it was hot as blue blazes and there was no way I was making it back to the office without sweating half my body weight off. So this is your typical fast-food place where you don't actually take control of your food until after you've paid. So after I paid, I picked up my egg rolls & I realized I only had 2. Now, not wanting to cause a scene (really!) I say to the cashier "Um, the menu says 3 egg rolls." The lady over behind the food counter (obviously the lady in charge) kind of yells over "$1.25 for egg roll!" And I'm standing there going "Did I just pay $2.50 for 2 egg rolls instead of getting 3 for $2.99?" So I went over to the food counter lady & said "Um, the menu says 3 egg rolls for $2.99." And the lady says "Yeah, I charge you $1.25 for 2. You get good deal!" And yes, I am an idiot, but I didn't know how much the soda was (so who the hell am I to be quibbling over 50 cents when I could be paying $3 for a soda or $.75), so I didn't realize what a cheap deal I had gotten. So the upshot is, I left the place feeling like an asshole! Seriously - I ordered something off the menu, where did this 2 egg rolls for $1.25 come from? It wasn't like it was opening day or like I go there all the time & she wanted to give her regular customer a special treat (not that I will expect any treats from her anymore . . . whoops!). Any other stories of tragicomic lunch miscommunication out there? Or am I the only asshole on this blog? And, as always, WFL?
Everytime I go to Cap Grounds I end up having no idea how they come up with the final tally. Since I always order extra shit I never know if the cashier knows to add 50 cents or a dollar here or not. In the end I trust her judgment and figure I am probably breaking even over time.
But speaking of clusterfuck ordering, can someone please explain to me how that Just Fresh place works?
I'm feeling either chinese or braunschweiger for lunch.
Just Fresh should be called Just Yelling. It's horrible. I really enjoyed my food from there, but I needed a fucking Xanax to get through the ordering process.
Jo, if you're up for it, we can meet up and go there. Actually, wouldn't mind doing that today.
I'm down to brave Just Fresh.
Does anyone know of a free reverse phone number look up service that works for cell phone numbers? I need to do some stalking.
Hm, sorry Jada. I assume you tried google, which apparently doesn't work for cell phones anyways. That was my only suggestion!
Lunch today: not sure. But v. v. hungry all of a sudden. Maybe a Quizno's or Listrani's salad. Oink.
Hm, sorry Jada. I assume you tried google, which apparently doesn't work for cell phones anyways. That was my only suggestion!
Lunch today: not sure. But v. v. hungry all of a sudden. Maybe a Quizno's or Listrani's salad. Oink.
hmmm...deadly deadly pipian peanunt sauce....
i brought food today...tofu stir fry with garlic and ginger with wild rice. yummers.
i am tempted to go to just fresh with yinz...yes, i'm inviting myself. perhaps get some of that delish banana pudding.
when i go to the zillions of lunch places around us that are all owned by my people, i ever now and then get a wink and a discount. it's ever so loverly.
jade - i used to have a reverse look up site that i used...lemme think about it and get back to you.
DAMN, HT AND THE CZAR WENT WITHOUT ME! i am going to cry now...
HT's fault.
Nice post LT. It brought back a tragicomic tale that is epic, one for ages, and would probably take a whole post to describe what happened, but i'll try to do the short version:
2am, Burger King Drive Thru, E.L. Michigan.
The ordering of the food thru the speaker box went pretty well, considering what happened next. The BK guy in the window had the "cat that ate the canary" look about him. And spoke in a weird tone of voice. "right with you guys..." Behind him, a guy in a full S&M outfit, complete with a dog collar and chain, was led past the window by a BK employee who was pulling on the dog leash. Jaws agape for me and my friend in the car. Then the guy gave us that weird stoned out of his gourd voice "would you guys like some ketchup?". I think we stammered an "okay", he then proceeded to fill the BK big to the brim with ketchup packs. Not kidding, there must have been over 100 packs in our bag. He handed us the bag and we sped off.
Probably the scariest thing of all is that we actuall ate the food. Guess that shows you what starving college kids will do...
Thanks, WD. Great story! And freaky! Yes, it is scary what college kids will eat. I ate at a place with a 'B' sanitation rating once! Don't ever tell my mom - she would freak.
watchdog, is there a chance you were tripping and imagined that whole thing?
You in the ball gag??? Or you holding the leash???
Not tripping and I had a witness, otherwise I would have thought I HAD to imagine it.
LC was in a meeting behind closed doors when we went. I had some sort of wrap with roast beef and artichoke spread. It was really good. The slaw was kind of bland.
Avoiding the crowds was smart, b/c ordering was much less scary than the last time, but there was still so much yelling.
I'm hungry again.
I had another Quizno's salad - the grilled chicken with honey mustard. I'm just not a honey mustard fan. Now I need a really crappy day when I can justify getting the antipasto "salad" & I will have hit all 4 of them bitches! Yummm... I also just had a fireball for dessert. And chewed the hell out of it. And I got a postcard from my dentist reminded me I'm due for an appointment. I'm afraid my molars are going to be all cracked to hell from my fireball chewing.
I had that experience today at Taqueria Arandas . Turns out she thought a 20 was a ten.
Oh well, the Cali Burrito was today. So I need to find a place to sleep after 8Lbs of burrito.
Been busy, but am leaving Schenectady NY for DeKalb IL tomorrow.
I think the entire way that I get my lunch is a tragicomedy every day.
Imagine 147 9 year olds on their own for the first time. Then place them in a cafeteria where instead of having the lunch lady slop the eats in a compartmentalized tray for them, they have to choose something, then serve themselves. It is further proof that kids are no good at everything.
Lunch todeay was gummy bears, Chicken patty sammie, waffle fries and a slice of the Meat enthusiast's Pizza.
Sunshine, you gonna make it to chicago at any point during this trip?
Dipso, I may, but it is tough to tell if I'll get time away from the young'uns
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