They've split. And my world is crumbling. Jen and Brad? Jessica and Nick? Nicole and DJ AM? Paris and Paris? Are Kiki and that Gyllenhal kid still together? (okay, he's obviously SO freakin' gay, but whatever - that's no reason for a relationship not to work; just ask TomKat) These were couples that, along with Carmen and Dave were built to last. What's next? Are Brit and K-Fed going to tell me THEY can't make it work anymore???
This is all so terrible. Where are the role models, people? Who's a girl supposed to look at and say, "I want that. Relationship Bliss. They're going to make it work,"? All I can say is I'm putting all my eggs in Avril Lavigne and that dude who looks like all the other dudes in those bands that all sound the same's basket. They're my new hope.
So, what's for lunch today on this saddest of days? Do couples that lunch together, stay together? Is that where Carmen and Dave went wrong? (does a smoke and some blow count as lunch?) What do you suppose Carmen and Dave are having for lunch?
Oh, and for those of you who, like me, are trying to diet, see below for an appetite suppressant. This could be explain why Carmen and Dave met their demise.

Do you mean, bear witness to love, or be around it/in it yourself? The former can make me want to vomit, but the latter... well, let's just say that if I ever get married, I'm going to need a lifetime subscription to the Weight Watchers website and a gym membership, along with that engagement ring.
That picture is the visual equivelant of the vomit furnace blast that peep described yesterday. ugh!
Anyhoo, don't fear the marriage world. They always say half of all marriages end in divorce, but that means half of all marriages work out, which is pretty amazing when you've got celebrity nut-jobs skewing the average.
People in love are nauseating. Especially people like Navarro & Tommy Lee. Ugh! Speaking of gay - Oprah is denying she is with her friend Gayle. Hmmm! I hadn't ever thought about them being gay together, but now I am!
I think you're right about the smoke/blow combo for lunch for them.
Lunch today for me will be the rest of my mediocre bbq ranch crunchy chicken salad from CA Tortilla. Unless someone is going somewhere better. B/c I could totally be talked into something better. God, I'm starving. I swear, I know they say 'eat breakfast - it's good for you blah blah blah', but I get hungry so much earlier when I do. It's like it primes my stomach for lunch so it wakes up earlier or something. Gah. Screw that. When I'm done with this box of cereal, I'm off breakfast again. 2 coffees do me just fine, thank you.
wow, i was hungry until that pic. thanks HT.
i'm having what i had yesterday: couscous with roasted squash. then for my second meal, a frozen pad thai thing from TJ's. mmm mmm good.
i'm so happy i have central a/c.
Lets face it Miu, Carmen and anybody could be cute... it would be better if she dated and ugly fatter guy because then you wouldn't think that she had to settle for a bi-sexual guy just to get blow and a steady basis.
Regardless, today I'm doing the liquid version of Blow-in-a-can (aaahh Rock Star Energy how I love you). So, I'm going to get some red beans and rice later and I think I'll follow it up with a hunk of "butter cake" ... maybe that is what Tommy and Dave call each other (pet names are necessary but really one of the most nauseating things about couples that I know .... and I should know).
Cheers ... oooo sorry about the post but I was dealing with issues the other day .... I sorta got the job? .. but only sorta... I thought big companies were supposed to be professional.
oh .. great post btw ... very funny
I really need to get better at typing ... I dyslexic on the keyboard I think.
Peep - you should go!!! Since everything (and much, much more) I could tell you appears here, I'll just direct you there.
I'm jealous, Peepster. I'd totally be out there with you, were I in Chicago.
Unfortunately, I saw the picture *while* eating lunch, so it wasn't so much an appetite suppressant as an inducement to bulemia. (Thanks, HT!) In addition to the baby carrots I almost spewed all over my keyboard as a result of the Navarro/Lee lovin', lunch to day is a turkey sandwich from home. It's all very dull.
Oh, and I'm putting all my faith in the Kidman/Urban union. If those two crazy kids don't make it, I'm giving up and joining a nunnery.
Ah, that salad didn't do it for me (apparently I ate almost everything except for the black beans, which I'm not a huge fan of), so I was left quite hungry even after eating early, at 11:45. So I went out for egg rolls b/c a couple guys were going for Panda Maxx (the extra 'x' is for 'x-tra' msg). Watch tomorrow's posting for a recap of that crazy experience (plug plug plug). But don't get your hopes up. It's not that crazy. Anyways, it hit the spot for about an hour and now I'm hungry again. WTF?!? I blame this on breakfast.
And . . . congratulations? . . . Diz . . . ? I guess? Big companies are weird.
So who watched Hell's Kitchen last night?!?! What a great show. Especially all the bleeping.
We're missing Jo, Jada, Uni, ad many others ... is it just the fact that it is too hot or are people traumatized by the pic on this post?
LT, thanks ... it is just such a let down ... my current boss said he will, "Let me go over" after I've finished training all the replacements to fill my job and that I finish two projects which were never ever ever ever on my personal plate to begin with.
Jo's in an airport surrounded by a church group. They've handed him a pamphlet and are watching him read it.
Can't speak for the others. Maybe they've melted?
Oh, update: The Church Group has left.
Stay tuned for more exciting adventures of Jo.
The Czar had chicken salad on a jalapeno and cheddar bagel.
That would make a great rock and/or roll song: 'Smokes and Some Blow'
by Justin Timberlake.
Got myself a plethera of salads and veggies from the overpriced cafe downstairs.
And I hate my job.
I have three (not so) secret shame songs this summer:
Stars Are Blind by Paris Hilton
A Public Affair by Jessica Simpson
Sexy Back by Justin "I do all kinds of shit behind closed doors" Timberlake
I'm also really digging the new Luda/Pharrell single, but I'm not feeling as shameful about that.
Hm, I still haven't heard the Paris song, so I will withhold judgment until I do.
Yeah, Justin's a pussy. If you're such a bad-ass, do it full-out in the middle of the dance floor, boyeee! I assure you, getting arrested will only enhance your street cred. And come on - it's not like you're ever going to work anywhere you need a clearance! Or run for office or anything!
Sweet and sour chicken (sauce on side) and pork fried rice w/ a small hot and sour soup.
Maribel's exit was completely predictable. Now it gets interesting. Until yesterday, I'd've said Keith was next.
Yeah, I wasn't surprised about Maribel. She was too "Oh, I miss my husband and kids!" Like, what did you think you were signing up for? And how long are you away? Like a month? C'mon, you pansies. As my mom pointed out last week, think about the guys who didn't have a choice about being sent to Iraq for 18 months. Babies!
Yeah, Keith, to paraphrase Keith, rocked it yesterday. And by 'rocked it', I mean, 'did better than usual'. I actually thought there was an outside chance that Sara was going to get it b/c of the attitude she pulled. God, she's so passive-aggressive. Her voice drives me up the wall.
And until yesterday, you thought Garrett was going to win it!
I stand by my Garrett pick.
This is old, Miu, but here's some insight:
Bad Candy Messageboard
Someone lovely and divine brought salt water taffy in, and I've been snacking on that all day. I am terrible.
lemon? were there ever lemon jolly ranchers? i totally don't have any memory of lemon. Hmmmm.
Indeed there were, LT. According to that link, the originals were Watermelon, Cherry, Grape, Lemon and Apple, but they swapped out Lemon for Blue Raspberry some time ago.
Hey kids, I was thinking, what if I put out a call on craigslist for a complete set of yard jarts in the Chicagoland area for the conference?
Would one of you Chitowners be able to do the follow up?
I really want to play yard jarts on the beach. How sweet would that be? Do you suppose there are ordinances against that?
You know, I guess I just never ate Jolly Ranchers all that much. I was never much for those candies that took forever to eat. And it would inevitably wind up stuck in your molars for like an hour. Nope, give me good old easily gobbles Smarties or chocolate. For a challenge, I like atomic fireballs. Lemon drops are good, but only b/c they're small enough you can chew them up & they won't get trapped in your teeth.
I have bocce, two sets one regular one with light-up balls (heh heh heh)...maybe I could try and pack the yard jarts...what's the worse thing that could happen?? I guess they could take them away, but I could find more.
We could also have a "Make your Own Yard Jart" contest.
Oh, and lollipops are the worst - if you just suck on them, the stick starts disintigrating & then you've got a mouth full of paper bits. That must have been the worst!
Uni, I take it you're not checking luggage b/c if you're checking, there shouldn't be a problem. You can check most anything except guns, explosives, ammo, etc.
What? Did you have some jarts on back order?
oh sorry. i get it. me confoozed. and now embarrassed. :-(
why are they called yard "jarts" and not "darts"???
eating second lunch now. me not happy lately.
Well it seems as people's brains melt into non-existance then the hard-core (HAHA!) of their sexual-ID is left.
I need to take a piss. Did Jo get pics of any hot grrls?
I don't know the official reason why jarts r called jarts. I just assumed it was a combo between darts and javelin.
So a quick search reveals that the current going rate for a complete set of Yard Jarts (slider, or non-slider) is about $90.
What the fuck, people?!
Uni and Mr. Uni must have LUCKED out.
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