Well, its a balmy 88 degrees here in upstate New York today...I look forward to tomorrows forcasted 96 and sunny.
Somebody kill me.
Whats everyone eating on this hot as balls day?? (In other words WFL??)
Monday, July 31, 2006
Friday, July 28, 2006
Sick Midget
My midget man was sick this week. I got a phone call on Tuesday from his school alerting me to his condition and requesting that I come pick him. On my way to his school, I stopped at the grocery store and picked up what I consider to be the quintessential sick child supplies: cherry flavored children's Tylenol, real fruit popsicles, strawberries, orange juice, Vernors and a mylar balloon. I also bought him a new Hot Wheels, but that wasn't a mandatory item. I realized that those were the same things my mom used to feed me for lunch when I was sick as a child. And as soon as I was feeling better she would buy me a Happy Meal for lunch. Ace is better, but I skipped the post illness Happy Meal because I watched Supersize Me recently and I found is so thoroughly distasteful that it might be a long, long time before I eat at the golden arches again.
So, my fellow lunchers, what did you eat for lunch when you were a sick kid? And, WFL on this hot, hot July day?
So, my fellow lunchers, what did you eat for lunch when you were a sick kid? And, WFL on this hot, hot July day?
Thursday, July 27, 2006
World Lunch Program
July 27, 2006

My first journey abroad (to the Philippines, where I met the lovely Mrs. WD) opened my mind to a myriad of new sights, sounds, smells, and yes...tastes. Some were mildly pleasant: rice rice rice, so much frickin' rice.
Some wildly repulsive lunch items to a young WD:
Ox tongue? blech!
Whole octopus in a bowl of broth? GAG!!
But I learned that my little lunch world of PB&J's and caprisun packs was only a small slice of what was out there. What may seem utterly disgusting to me, was actually something others considered totally awesome.
And this phenomenon is not just limited to the visits of other countries. A lunch visit to my next door neighbor's house in Detroit led to similar startling lunch discoveries:
chitlins? Whatya talkin' about?
collared greens? You mean now i gotta worry about MORE vegetables?
Duck a la 'orange? What happened to hamburger a la' ketchup?
So when was the first time you discovered that mac & cheese was not all that existed in the lunch world? Tell us about bizarre lunch items you've come across in your life.
Perhaps even speculate whether the OWFL blog should start a World Lunch Program where we bring our favorite lunch items to the little boys and girls of the world.
And of course, tell us what's on tap for today's fare....

My first journey abroad (to the Philippines, where I met the lovely Mrs. WD) opened my mind to a myriad of new sights, sounds, smells, and yes...tastes. Some were mildly pleasant: rice rice rice, so much frickin' rice.
Some wildly repulsive lunch items to a young WD:
Ox tongue? blech!
Whole octopus in a bowl of broth? GAG!!
But I learned that my little lunch world of PB&J's and caprisun packs was only a small slice of what was out there. What may seem utterly disgusting to me, was actually something others considered totally awesome.
And this phenomenon is not just limited to the visits of other countries. A lunch visit to my next door neighbor's house in Detroit led to similar startling lunch discoveries:
chitlins? Whatya talkin' about?
collared greens? You mean now i gotta worry about MORE vegetables?
Duck a la 'orange? What happened to hamburger a la' ketchup?
So when was the first time you discovered that mac & cheese was not all that existed in the lunch world? Tell us about bizarre lunch items you've come across in your life.
Perhaps even speculate whether the OWFL blog should start a World Lunch Program where we bring our favorite lunch items to the little boys and girls of the world.
And of course, tell us what's on tap for today's fare....
Wednesday, July 26, 2006
The Steel Hasher - Episode 1
Ok, this isn't a real competition but let's just pretend it is for the sake of blogland. Your ingredient is cucumber (since it's so bloody hot). Now create a 3 course meal (ok, you can make up one if three is just too damn much)using this ingredient to create a lunch worth bragging about. Hopefully something will come up worthy of an entry on our recipe page. You can make something up or pull from your vast knowledge.
The winner (if i have time today to decide) will win nothing but the pure admiration and respect of Chairman PeeP.
And while you are competing for the recognition of Chariman PeeP, tell us Whats For Lunch????
Tuesday, July 25, 2006
This is a test, only a test...if this were a real emergency...
I'm not sure what is going on with blogger today, but it there seem to be some tech. difficulties.
So rather than put up a late post, consider this the appetizer....start nibbling and hopefully the main course will come out sooner than later!
W-F-L people!!
So rather than put up a late post, consider this the appetizer....start nibbling and hopefully the main course will come out sooner than later!
W-F-L people!!
Friday, July 21, 2006
While the Prez is Away...Pet blogging, yacht rocking and the land/sea equation
Right about now the unduly elected President of this blog is heading off to the exotic Hawaiian isles and I'm sure we all bid her a safe journey and a wonderful trip free of any pitfalls and unscheduled bunker(er)s.
By the luck of the draw this first day of her departure happens to be the day of my first official scheduled post since the very unceremonius coup d'etat that took place while I was at the OWFL Music Festival (Bonnaroo) last month.
Being the statesman and gentleman that I am I will not attempt to return the favor and make a power grab while Hatertot vacations. It simply is not my way.
But since it is MY day, I do plan on having little fun. So to start off...
How about some good old fashioned OWFL Pet Blogging: Josephus style!
Next how about some song lyrics?
Can you guess the song and the band?
Clean this mess up else we'll all end up in jail
Those test tubes and the scale
Just get them all out of here
Is there gas in the car?
Yes, there's gas in the car
I think the people down the hall
Know who you are
Careful what you carry
'Cause the man is wise
You are still an outlaw in their eyes
Do you recognize that dark lyrical sarcasm?
Stop googling wookie!
Now onto the subject of lunch.
El Presidente's voyage across the ocean reminded me of something.
I have long wondered if is possible to bring the beasts of land and sea together in a delicious sandwich.
Usually when I have made attempts it has involved Bacon, the Henry Clay or "Great Negotiator" of the lunch kingdom and salmon, which is kind of like the Lord Marbury of the sea (West Wing reference think of a drunk somewhat annoying Ambassador who seems to know the solution to everything).
But I wonder if there is any other way to succesfully marry terra firma (beef, chicken, pork, etc.) and Atlantis (waterfowl, seafood, shellfish...) into a sandwich?
Think on this question friends and then share with us your answer to that riddle and of course tell us...WFL?
By the luck of the draw this first day of her departure happens to be the day of my first official scheduled post since the very unceremonius coup d'etat that took place while I was at the OWFL Music Festival (Bonnaroo) last month.
Being the statesman and gentleman that I am I will not attempt to return the favor and make a power grab while Hatertot vacations. It simply is not my way.
But since it is MY day, I do plan on having little fun. So to start off...
How about some good old fashioned OWFL Pet Blogging: Josephus style!
Next how about some song lyrics?
Can you guess the song and the band?
Clean this mess up else we'll all end up in jail
Those test tubes and the scale
Just get them all out of here
Is there gas in the car?
Yes, there's gas in the car
I think the people down the hall
Know who you are
Careful what you carry
'Cause the man is wise
You are still an outlaw in their eyes
Do you recognize that dark lyrical sarcasm?
Well if you guessed "Kid Charlemagne" by Steely Dan, you were right!
Way to go Peep!
Now for some trivia:
Name the 1986 movie in which Steven Bauer (Scarface) played a Police Detective, Dan Hedaya (Clueless) played a Police Captain, Jimmy Smits (NYPD Blue, LA Law, West Wing) played a drug lord, and Joe Pantoliano (The Sopranos) played a street hood named 'Snake'.
Stop googling wookie!
That was an easy one, it was of course "Running Scared" starring my main man Gregory Hines (R.I.P.) and some other guy named Billy Crystal.
Now onto the subject of lunch.
El Presidente's voyage across the ocean reminded me of something.
I have long wondered if is possible to bring the beasts of land and sea together in a delicious sandwich.
Usually when I have made attempts it has involved Bacon, the Henry Clay or "Great Negotiator" of the lunch kingdom and salmon, which is kind of like the Lord Marbury of the sea (West Wing reference think of a drunk somewhat annoying Ambassador who seems to know the solution to everything).
But I wonder if there is any other way to succesfully marry terra firma (beef, chicken, pork, etc.) and Atlantis (waterfowl, seafood, shellfish...) into a sandwich?
Think on this question friends and then share with us your answer to that riddle and of course tell us...WFL?
Thursday, July 20, 2006
Asleep at the switches...
Wednesday, July 19, 2006
Humiliations Galore!

Yesterday I went to the to-remain-unnamed fast-food chinese/japanese/asian restaurant. I had had some leftovers for lunch already, but they weren't very filling, so I decided to supplement with an egg roll or dumplings or something. We got there and I saw the egg rolls & saw that they were the smaller kind and the menu up above said "Egg Rolls (3) - $2.99". So great. I'm getting 3 egg rolls. Awesome. I ordered 'egg rolls, please' and I grabbed a soda, b/c it was hot as blue blazes and there was no way I was making it back to the office without sweating half my body weight off. So this is your typical fast-food place where you don't actually take control of your food until after you've paid. So after I paid, I picked up my egg rolls & I realized I only had 2. Now, not wanting to cause a scene (really!) I say to the cashier "Um, the menu says 3 egg rolls." The lady over behind the food counter (obviously the lady in charge) kind of yells over "$1.25 for egg roll!" And I'm standing there going "Did I just pay $2.50 for 2 egg rolls instead of getting 3 for $2.99?" So I went over to the food counter lady & said "Um, the menu says 3 egg rolls for $2.99." And the lady says "Yeah, I charge you $1.25 for 2. You get good deal!" And yes, I am an idiot, but I didn't know how much the soda was (so who the hell am I to be quibbling over 50 cents when I could be paying $3 for a soda or $.75), so I didn't realize what a cheap deal I had gotten. So the upshot is, I left the place feeling like an asshole! Seriously - I ordered something off the menu, where did this 2 egg rolls for $1.25 come from? It wasn't like it was opening day or like I go there all the time & she wanted to give her regular customer a special treat (not that I will expect any treats from her anymore . . . whoops!). Any other stories of tragicomic lunch miscommunication out there? Or am I the only asshole on this blog? And, as always, WFL?
Tuesday, July 18, 2006
If they can't make it... how do any of us stand a chance?
Yes, it's true. That couple that we were all so sure could make it last - from the engagement announcements with the pair made up like corpses, to the MTV show chronicling their engagement and wedding, to the wedding itself - Carmen Electra and Dave Navarro were sure to beat the odds.
They've split. And my world is crumbling. Jen and Brad? Jessica and Nick? Nicole and DJ AM? Paris and Paris? Are Kiki and that Gyllenhal kid still together? (okay, he's obviously SO freakin' gay, but whatever - that's no reason for a relationship not to work; just ask TomKat) These were couples that, along with Carmen and Dave were built to last. What's next? Are Brit and K-Fed going to tell me THEY can't make it work anymore???
This is all so terrible. Where are the role models, people? Who's a girl supposed to look at and say, "I want that. Relationship Bliss. They're going to make it work,"? All I can say is I'm putting all my eggs in Avril Lavigne and that dude who looks like all the other dudes in those bands that all sound the same's basket. They're my new hope.
So, what's for lunch today on this saddest of days? Do couples that lunch together, stay together? Is that where Carmen and Dave went wrong? (does a smoke and some blow count as lunch?) What do you suppose Carmen and Dave are having for lunch?
Oh, and for those of you who, like me, are trying to diet, see below for an appetite suppressant. This could be explain why Carmen and Dave met their demise.
They've split. And my world is crumbling. Jen and Brad? Jessica and Nick? Nicole and DJ AM? Paris and Paris? Are Kiki and that Gyllenhal kid still together? (okay, he's obviously SO freakin' gay, but whatever - that's no reason for a relationship not to work; just ask TomKat) These were couples that, along with Carmen and Dave were built to last. What's next? Are Brit and K-Fed going to tell me THEY can't make it work anymore???
This is all so terrible. Where are the role models, people? Who's a girl supposed to look at and say, "I want that. Relationship Bliss. They're going to make it work,"? All I can say is I'm putting all my eggs in Avril Lavigne and that dude who looks like all the other dudes in those bands that all sound the same's basket. They're my new hope.
So, what's for lunch today on this saddest of days? Do couples that lunch together, stay together? Is that where Carmen and Dave went wrong? (does a smoke and some blow count as lunch?) What do you suppose Carmen and Dave are having for lunch?
Oh, and for those of you who, like me, are trying to diet, see below for an appetite suppressant. This could be explain why Carmen and Dave met their demise.

Monday, July 17, 2006
heat wave
HT's computer died, so i am posting today and she'll post tomorrow...look how flexible the OWFL-ers are!
so, today's topic: what to eat during the heat?
apparently, across the US, this week is going to have unbearably hot weather...a "heatwave" that hasn't been experienced in DC since 2002. (incidentally, i was here 2002, but i don't remember it being that bad. but then again, i may have blocked it out of my memory due to it being so traumatic. my california sensitivities are unable to stand the humidity you all grew up with.)

therefore, OWFLers, wow us with suggestions on what to eat that won't add to the sweat already dripping off of our brows. and yes, do not forget to tell us WFL where you are.
so, today's topic: what to eat during the heat?
apparently, across the US, this week is going to have unbearably hot weather...a "heatwave" that hasn't been experienced in DC since 2002. (incidentally, i was here 2002, but i don't remember it being that bad. but then again, i may have blocked it out of my memory due to it being so traumatic. my california sensitivities are unable to stand the humidity you all grew up with.)

therefore, OWFLers, wow us with suggestions on what to eat that won't add to the sweat already dripping off of our brows. and yes, do not forget to tell us WFL where you are.
Saturday, July 15, 2006
Market Fresh
If you have a farmers market near you, you should go there now. I went this morning and picked up some of the sweetest juiciest tomatoes along with some radishes, onions, garlic, lemon basil, peaches, raspberries and a walnut wheat bread boule. I'm set for some good eats this weekend!
I came home and sliced and toasted some of the bread while the mister poached some eggs. I topped the toast with sliced tomatoes, placed the egg on top and sprinkled some of the fresh basil and salt and pepper over it. So simple, but so delicious. The egg was done perfectly so the yoke ran and soaked into the bread, and the tomatoes tasted exactly how I wish they tasted all year round. I can't wait for lunch - tomato, basil and mozzarella sandwich (of course using the walnut wheat bread again). For tomorrow's breakfast I plan to make some polenta flavored with the lemon basil, smother it with sauteed onions and chopped tomatoes and again top it with a poached egg, or maybe I'll go sunny side up.
Anyone out there this weekend?? Anyone else having a lunch inspired by the season's bounty of fresh produce?
Friday, July 14, 2006
In Diz's stead...
Don't know where Mr. Dizkonekid is today, so here I am. Uh, what's for lunch?
I'm having leftover sausage and homemade sauce, when I eventually get to eating.
So, WFL this lovely Friday?
(Out of curiousity, I'd also like to know who else got a call from the lovely girl who found our good friend Jada's phone.)
I'm having leftover sausage and homemade sauce, when I eventually get to eating.
So, WFL this lovely Friday?
(Out of curiousity, I'd also like to know who else got a call from the lovely girl who found our good friend Jada's phone.)
Thursday, July 13, 2006
Lunchtime Inspirations
So, you've got a hankerin' for something new and exciting...but what??
Your fellow OWFLers have thrown their suggestions out but nothing has you drooling yet. You even checked out your coworkers and friends lunches and still nothing sounds quite right....so, what now?? Who do you turn to for lunch advice?? Do you have a backup plan?? Perhaps....a favorite cookbook, magazine or TV cooking show??
(I heart Alton Brown)
Does Rachel Ray's new '30-Minute' spinach panini sound good?? Did that shrimp pasta 'Emril' ccoked up last week look too good to be true?? Are you intereted in finding out if 'Iron Chef' Morimoto's saffron-caviar-mint chocolate chip ice cream (ok, so I made that last one up...but I wouldn't be suprised to see it on the menu, they put together some WEIRD combinations) was as tasty as the judges made it out to be??
Who inspires your lunches when the rest of us just aren't pullin our weight??
And WFL????
Your fellow OWFLers have thrown their suggestions out but nothing has you drooling yet. You even checked out your coworkers and friends lunches and still nothing sounds quite right....so, what now?? Who do you turn to for lunch advice?? Do you have a backup plan?? Perhaps....a favorite cookbook, magazine or TV cooking show??
Does Rachel Ray's new '30-Minute' spinach panini sound good?? Did that shrimp pasta 'Emril' ccoked up last week look too good to be true?? Are you intereted in finding out if 'Iron Chef' Morimoto's saffron-caviar-mint chocolate chip ice cream (ok, so I made that last one up...but I wouldn't be suprised to see it on the menu, they put together some WEIRD combinations) was as tasty as the judges made it out to be??
Who inspires your lunches when the rest of us just aren't pullin our weight??
And WFL????
Wednesday, July 12, 2006
Lunch, in the year 2000....

Wednesday, July 12, 2006

In the year 2000...the sandwich will be a relic of times long passed...replaced forever by the whichsand, which features a slice of aged (and extraordinarily expensive) wonder bread placed between two hunks of reprocessed partially hydrogenated meat-product…in the year 2000....
In the year 2000....people will no longer go to "restaurants" for "lunch" rather they will watch holographic shows of Nigella jr. bites while soylent green is pumped into their veins intravenously....in the year 2000...
….in the year 2000…the OWFL blog will become the most popular non-porn website on the internet…making it number 350,825 overall….in the year 2000….
Okay, 2000 came and went (Y2K suckas!), but you get the idea. What is your vision of the future of lunch? What do you picture yourself eating in 10 years, 20 years, 50 years? What will our great-grandchildren be eating after the world’s ecosystem collapses and most of the food chain is wiped out? And of course, what will YOU be having for lunch…in the day 12 July?
(I’m posting early as I kinda blew my last scheduled post)
Tuesday, July 11, 2006
FELLOW OWFLer's band playing in the DC area!!!

Ok, he hasn't posted in a while (jackknife) but he does have OWFL at heart and a warm outreach by our DC crew could bring him back in full force. These are very close friends are all wonderful peeps. And to boot, they put on a pretty good show!! If any or all of you could make it out to their show I'd be honored. Oh, they love to get fucked up and be nutso so you'll fit right in.
Notes and Scratches
Jul 15 2006
the Galaxy Hut
Arlington, VA
No Substitutes!!
so yesterday i was making a sammy and i busted out the new jar of organic mayo from Trader Joes to top it off. You know, i'm feelin' a little excited. I mean, any sammy with mayo is a winner in my book. PLUS, it's organic...i'm saving the world with my sandwich making. This is awesome.
Well, I take one bite and i swear I almost dropped dead. DEAD, i said! This supposedly wonderful product I purchased to give my sammy the life it needed TASTED LIKE FRICKIN' MIRACLE WHIP!! I HATE MIRACLE WHIP MORE THAN GWB!!!
I mean, it's not mayo. It's like adding vinegar to my milkshake.
So, what are you a stickler with? What are some of those surprise additives that will absolutely ruin your wonderful dish?
And while your here...WFL????
Monday, July 10, 2006
Fantasy Lunch Companion
You know those fantasy games where you choose who you want to have dinner with or go out drinking with for a night? You can pick anyone famous, alive or dead, and create a little hypothetical ultimate round table. I thought it would be fun for us to play it, but of course we all would be having lunch with our objects of fascination.
Mine is easy and really shouldn't come as any surprise:

Just Mr. Yorke and no one else at my fantasy guest lunch. I would even forgo meat and eat vegetarian as to not disturb his delicate sensitivities.
So who would you ideally dine with today? And WFL?
Mine is easy and really shouldn't come as any surprise:

Just Mr. Yorke and no one else at my fantasy guest lunch. I would even forgo meat and eat vegetarian as to not disturb his delicate sensitivities.
So who would you ideally dine with today? And WFL?
Friday, July 07, 2006
Top 10 Reasons to go to Chi-town - Sept. 1
10. It's Labor Day weekend! We're all hard workin' folk! AND Jo can be our union rep.!

9. OWFL Anniversary

8. So I can hand deliver my resume to the Foodnetwork's corporate office.
7. Honey 1

6. So La choi and I can get our picture taken here:

5. Cloud Gate - me likey

4. So Jada can suck these down!


(Sorry peep, I couldn't get your pic to come up correctly so I'm paying homage to PBR. And I thought the green teletubbie was Dipso...but it's Dipsy...whateva'. Rico...well...it's not as schnazzy but I couldn't find the other one)
2. I don't know what this is...BUT it is on West Wacker Drive...heeheeheee

and the number #1 reason to go to Chicago......
To get the hottest girl in the airport bar to sign my f'ing t-shirt!!!

oh yeah....and WFL????

9. OWFL Anniversary

8. So I can hand deliver my resume to the Foodnetwork's corporate office.

7. Honey 1

6. So La choi and I can get our picture taken here:

5. Cloud Gate - me likey

4. So Jada can suck these down!


(Sorry peep, I couldn't get your pic to come up correctly so I'm paying homage to PBR. And I thought the green teletubbie was Dipso...but it's Dipsy...whateva'. Rico...well...it's not as schnazzy but I couldn't find the other one)
2. I don't know what this is...BUT it is on West Wacker Drive...heeheeheee

and the number #1 reason to go to Chicago......

To get the hottest girl in the airport bar to sign my f'ing t-shirt!!!

oh yeah....and WFL????
Thursday, July 06, 2006
7/6/06 how late is breakfast, how early is lunch?
So as I come off of a week of 18 hour work days and go in to 5 weeks of the same, I took a little personal time this morning. I slept in. It was wonderful, but now I have the dilema of food needs. The ol' belly needs grub, but what kind? It is used to eating egg, bacon, fruit, scrapple, oatmeal, coffee, hashbrownsm and all other likes of Breakfast food, but it is after 10:00, so McDonalds and many other food joints have a cut off for serving breakfast. I am not quite ready to think about a buffalo chicken sandwich, or a salad. What is a man to do? I don't want to be fenced in by breakfast hours, but I might not be able to make it until actual lunch time. What would you do in my circumstances? Find a greasy spoon and have them make me breakfast, or suck it up and have lunch early? I don't know, but if perhaps you let us know what you're having for lunch today, it will help me make a decision and get out of bed.
Wednesday, July 05, 2006
Donde esta E-que?
Ok, so we got a letter from Mr. Uni's family about his annual family reunion in NY in a few weeks. This year apparently they are having a campfire cook-off. They gave five ingredients in which at least three of them MUST be used: marshmallows, chocolate, meat, cheese and fruit. The rules are a bit unclear so I am under the assumption that the majority of the food prep. is supposed to be done using outdoor cooking equipment. I had a bit of trouble and was perplexed for a good while of how to incorporate at least three of those ingredients. Chocolate, meat and marshmallows...gross. Cheese, fruit, meat...maybe. Marshmallows, cheese, chocolate....hmmm. Meat, cheese, marshmallow....blecch. Right now I'm shooting for the chocolate, marshmallow and fruit trio.
My idea: Mexican s'mores. Chocolate bars and marshmallows wrapped up in a burrito and deep fried in a dutch oven, sprinkled with cinnamon sugar, topped with a scoop of vanilla ice cream (made fresh in my camping ice cream maker ball) and then drizzled with a fresh raspberry puree sauce of some sort. What do you think? What would you make with those ingredients?? I need some help and input people!
and of course.....WFL????
Ok, so we got a letter from Mr. Uni's family about his annual family reunion in NY in a few weeks. This year apparently they are having a campfire cook-off. They gave five ingredients in which at least three of them MUST be used: marshmallows, chocolate, meat, cheese and fruit. The rules are a bit unclear so I am under the assumption that the majority of the food prep. is supposed to be done using outdoor cooking equipment. I had a bit of trouble and was perplexed for a good while of how to incorporate at least three of those ingredients. Chocolate, meat and marshmallows...gross. Cheese, fruit, meat...maybe. Marshmallows, cheese, chocolate....hmmm. Meat, cheese, marshmallow....blecch. Right now I'm shooting for the chocolate, marshmallow and fruit trio.
My idea: Mexican s'mores. Chocolate bars and marshmallows wrapped up in a burrito and deep fried in a dutch oven, sprinkled with cinnamon sugar, topped with a scoop of vanilla ice cream (made fresh in my camping ice cream maker ball) and then drizzled with a fresh raspberry puree sauce of some sort. What do you think? What would you make with those ingredients?? I need some help and input people!
and of course.....WFL????
Tuesday, July 04, 2006
Goddamnit. I fucked up and totally forgot to post this morning - I was even up!!! LT and I even discussed it last night at Angles.
Lunch today has been some potato chips and edamame, to be followed by some burgers and/or chicken and/or sausage. Mmmmm... sausage.
So, for those of you near a computer - WFL on this most patriotic of patriotics?
(fyi, I am not pleased with the weather report. This is my favorite, non-birthday, weekend of the year and it's 105 out, with thunderstorms forecasted for tonight. Bastards)
Lunch today has been some potato chips and edamame, to be followed by some burgers and/or chicken and/or sausage. Mmmmm... sausage.
So, for those of you near a computer - WFL on this most patriotic of patriotics?
(fyi, I am not pleased with the weather report. This is my favorite, non-birthday, weekend of the year and it's 105 out, with thunderstorms forecasted for tonight. Bastards)
Monday, July 03, 2006
Check one, two. Check. Is this thing on?
Oops. Texted with LT who is off househunting, and am throwing this up, 2 hours past the lunch hour. Is anyone even working today?
I just finished watching the Tour with a salad. Boring.
What was for lunch, kids?
Oops. Texted with LT who is off househunting, and am throwing this up, 2 hours past the lunch hour. Is anyone even working today?
I just finished watching the Tour with a salad. Boring.
What was for lunch, kids?
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