This weekend was filled with alot of things to do and physical exercise. The fiance' and I ran a 10K for the Houston Rodeo and then treated ourselves to one of the best restaurants in Houston (Brennan's). I know That I was dreaming about that place even before we physically exerted ourselves.
Aside: Brennan's is one of the premier Cajun establishments in the country. "Mama" created wonders such as the Corn Bread pound cake. That is like Corn Bread ... with pound cake goodness.
So, after day dreaming I did on Saturday I have some questions. What causes your the "best" of your cravings? What spawns those day dreams? Is it physical exercise? Is it the process of finding good food? Is it places you have been? Places that you are going to?
What really turns it on for you?
Oh, and What's For Lunch?
That beer dipped snickerdoodle was good.
I guess the smell of food turns me on. As soon as I can smell a co-worker's lunch it's over for me. I'm one of those people who will hunt down the smell and then interrogate the luncher about the dish.
Also, like many others have confessed on this blog, I am guilty of double lunching at times. On at least three occasions during the 1 1/2 block walk back from buying a sandwich at Cap Grounds I have succumbed to buying a cheesey bean burrito from the vendor on the corner. Again the smell gets me first, but I'm a sucker for signage and seeing the booth and the clearly written "Burritos" signage that then lists the different variations of tortilla and stuffings...well it gets me.
Not sure about today's lunch yet.
Congrats on your first post Diz!
Hmmm. Talking about sushi makes me crave sushi. Thinking about sushi makes me crave sushi. The smell of food makes me crave whatever the smell is. I'm basically a little piggy & want to eat whatever smells good. Right now I want a dunked snickerdoodle. Ha! Just kidding. I will never want that. Working out actually reduces my appetite, for awhile, at least. I tend to eat healthier after working out, b/c I don't want all that hard work going to waste. And right now I'm craving another cuppajoe b/c I'm about to fall asleep. Yawn.
"Hey, you got your snickerdoodle in my beer!"
"You got your beer on my snickerdoodle!"
"Two great tastes that taste great together!"
Hey WFL people...yeah...the beer dipped snickerdoodle...WHO KNEW???!! I think it took me back to dunking my popcorn in 7UP and fishing them out with chopsticks as a kid (as a kid..ha ha..I still do that now!!)...also french fries dipped in a chocolate shake. Oh, and a major THANKS to HT for making 9 dozen of the best cookies at Bravo Bravo HH.
It really doesn't take me much to crave food of any variety...I'm a total food whore. I love everything about food...shopping for it, preparing it, smelling it, seeing it, of course eating it...I seriously will sit down and read through cookbooks like a novel sometimes. I guess my mood can definitely alter my cravings...hung over-really want a fountain coke and a steak and cheese topped with a runny egg...just got done working out-a salad and grilled wasabi-ginger glazed salmon...need comforting-a homemade lasagna made with my grandpop fiore's sauce and garlic bread with melted mozz.cheese...feeling indulgent-a thick rare prime rib and a crusty baguette to sop up all the juices with a bottle of cabernet.
OH..and congrats to LC and HT for venturing to the Grubb deli over the weekend (sorry..just catching up on yesterday's blog)...I am jealous! We need to plan a WFL breakfast outting there...I too am a fan of latkes, lox and eggs...they also have a breakfast special sometimes..Eggs Chesapeake, basically eggs benedict with crab cakes instead of canadian bacon...the pancakes are too die for as well!
Oh God, I just read Uni's post. Now I'm hungry for everything she mentioned - especially the garlic bread w mozz . . . mmmmmm . . . oink . . . .
Special note of thanks to rosie-que who just made my boss's day...
Notwitty, rosie-que is our resident animal expert should you have any puppy questions.
Thanks all, bad grammar aside. I will try even harder next time. I was trying to get it out quickly. So my "freshman" post will be improved upon.
Thanks e-que for noticing. I've had Mardi-gras on the brain down here in H-town.
Snickerdoodles and beer .. that is like carb-heaven :)
Welcome Rosie-que. Its good to have you posting.
Today: I was wondering why the lunch was heavy - not just one drink .. but 3 red bull, water, and diet coke. If she included one of those coffee tragedies from Wolfgang Puck then I would have the whole lot.
Cheers all.
The snickerdoodle dunking at Angles was done in Budweiser.
And it was delicious.
I'm not sure what brings on cravings for me, but I get them. Some of you may remember the Maggie Moo's Better Batter incident of a few weeks back. (LaChoi certainly does)
I don't know wfl today. I'm cranky and as such, have little appetite. If my mood improves, perhaps I'll grab a bite of who knows what.
Welcome back Rosie-Que!!! I'm glad you're back safe and sound - you were missed this weekend!
I just had the best . . . thing. I'm not sure what it is. I think it's some sort of yoghurt product. It's called skyr.is & is Icelandic. And it's "High in Protein; Naturally Fat Free". So I guess it's like a fat free yoghurt (which I usually avoid like the plague). I got vanilla flavour, but they also had blueberry. I bought it at Whole Foods & I can't wait to go back to try the blueberry. Mmmmm.
Man, I kind of want a shortstack now. Even though I'm not hungry at all, after my skyr.is & my salami-goat cheese-arugula sammich on 10-grain bread. Mmmm . . . chewy bread.
hola wfl-ers!
congrats on your first post diz. it is an excellent question.
working out makes me crave food. i'm the opposite of LT; if i work out, i say "hey, why not eat more! i just worked it off anyways!"
smells do it to me too. the smell of my grandmother's korean cooking makes my mouth water.
watching food being cooked, aka, the food channel always does me in. if they are preparing something tasty on that show, i start getting hungry even if i've already eaten,
i'm sick today, and i have been sleeping all day. i ran out of my meds and having them delivered. my asthma is acting up and i ran out of my inhaler, hence, the sleep has been sporadic interrupted by my wheeziness. also, i keep getting calls from work b/c we're launching a survey tomorrow. it's ok, since i know it's my job and all, but i'm SICK! and to add insult to injury, i have to work at the wine store tonight. bummer dude.
i have no food in the house for lunch. i just made a bunch of pasta and threw some sauce on it. that was my lunch today. boo. maybe i'll make dinner a tasty treat since i'll be up and working by dupont...lovely goodies like chipotle, alberto's pizza, thaiphoon...it is fat tuesday, so i will indulge as suggested.
I'm going insane. This woman in my office is coughing like a lung is about to come up. It's seriously gross. She's coughing so hard she's almost making gagging noises like she's going to throw up. Ugh! I'm so grossed out. I mean, hey, I understand people get allergies (which is what she ascribes it to), but holy god, if you're coughing that badly, maybe it's time to see the dr. & start getting some allergy medicine. She does this year-round, too. I'm feeling a little nauseated at the sound of it. Ugh.
Poor La Choi! Feel better! The amazing thing about my not being so hungry after I work out - it's totally my body that's not hungry, not like I'm telling myself not to eat. Usually my body is like "More! More!! Hey, lady, I said MORE!!!" but even when I say "Hey, I can indulge, I worked out" it's like my stomach shrinks or something & I don't eat as much.
I really need to hit the gym. When I went to the dr.'s they weighed me & the results were shocking. And disturbing. I seriously think I've gained 10 pounds since my last dr. visit & that was less than a year ago - like 8 or 9 months. Gah! Moo! Oink!
I never, ever in a billion years thought I'd ever say this, but I can't wait to be able to workout again. I don't know why, but I've really been wanting to. Probably all those weeks of lying on my ass...
I have not had a morsel of food, or a drop to drink today. Not even a Diet Coke. And, this is insanely stupid as I become a practicing Catholic during Lent and therefore have to fast tomorrow.
That said, typically I give up all critter (seafood included) for Lent. However, last year, I discovered that this was almost impossible to do without becoming carborific or eating all broccoli, all the time. I also fasted all day on Ash Wednesday and Fridays.
So, this year, I have about 7 hours to decide what I'm giving up. Lent kind of snuck up this year. So, WFLers - any ideas? What should I give up? I'm still going to do the Friday fasts, because I like to fast and because it makes me feel Holy. But, I need something else. (the first one of you to suggest I give up drinking gets a swift kick in the ass)
HT, give up cupcakes...and spunk.
Both of those are so totally easy, Jo. The former will be more difficult than the latter though. But still, that's hardly even trying.
I am fairly certain that I am dying. I stayed up all night throwing up and evacuating and had the most horrendous cramps in my calves where I could feel balls of rock hard muscle spasming. Ace went to school, and I threw up several times walking home and had to sit down twice when I got dizzy. I have slept almost all day. I ate 5 strawberries and a glass of OJ to boost my vitamin C. I'm so dehydrated my lips got all chappy. My neck hurts. I think I have the first case of Asian bird flu in the US or the most wicked case of food poisoning ever. I'm hurting.
LaChoi's sister would say that you have the Evian Flu.
Take care of yourself!!
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