dare i do it 2 days in a row? i may just have to...it didn't wreak havoc on my system as i thought it would. maybe ben's chili is magical?!?!
also, i was fighting a cold and thought i had won. then i woke up this morning, and clearly, i have lost the battle. hopefully i can kick its ass again with zinc and overdosing on Emer'Gen-C...this shit has 1,000 mg of vitamin C, 32 mineral complexes and B vitamins. yeah, let's kick this cold's ass!
i hope ben's chili has enough spices to allow me to breathe again. i'm so stuffed up.
oh, yeah, so WFL?

I hear sitting in a Hot Tub helps :)
oh, and i forgot to mention that i did bring a salad...now that's going to be an interesting evacuation process.
oh, and i'm also staying away from hot tubs for a while...it's like taking a soak in a cesspool of germs.
Mmm...Ben's. Another fine DC establishment. Even though I can't make it there over my lunch hour today I will find some chili-cheese halfsmokes in Ben's honor.
Get the double chili burger, and the chili fries. That's some good stuff down at Ben's. I've never ate there in the PM hours, its always been about 2 or 3am.
I think I may do a salad, or the food bar across the street has all sorts of options to roll with.
I don't know about any one else, but those pictures of the chili pots just made me feel sick to my stomach. I'm not even really sure why, they just looked very unappealing.
I just ate a huge bagel with cream cheese, so it will probably be a light and late lunch for me today. Maybe a salad from Metropolis. I wish there was a corner bakery near my office.
yes, i am playing with fire on this one, but i cannot help it. i just have so much of it, and i hate to waste. i still have 5 servings at home, but i stuck that shit in the freezer. three days in a row may just kill my innards completely.
so cuddles, why the name change? it's just such an extreme opposite of hate that it is surprising me a bit.
and yes jade, those are kinda nasty pics of the chili. i was wondering who would mention that first. i couldn't find a better. fortunately, it tastes a lot better than it smells...especially when it's on a half smoke.
Yeah, those pots of chili . . . well, it's put me off chili today. Not sure what's for lunch. Though I am hungry & also fat. Moo. I had a ginormous burger instead of the salad I planned on last night. Although I didn't eat the whole thing. Hm. It's cold. Maybe Mr. Hibachi.
On an entirely non-lunch-related note for the DC WFLers: I have 2, and possibly 3, extra tickets to the St. John's - Georgetown game tomorrow night at 9pm. Anyone interested? Don't make me invite the one person I know who went to G'town. I don't like her very much. Warning: you will have to hang out with me and my weird friend. He is funny, but very weird. He would fit right in with this crowd, actually . . . .
Rico hates rainbows, but Everybody Loves the Sunshine!
LT, I can't do the game but how's about a DC WFL lunch on Friday?
Cuddles is full of love!
I support the change cuddles, as I am always in favor of embracing the love and releasing the hate. But, I must profess particular fondness for the original picture you had of the crazy smoking guy flipping the bird. That was priceless.
Blast, Jo! And I can't do lunch this Friday! I will either be watching the guys install my carpet (ha ha ha ha ha ha ha) or taking a recruit to lunch. :-( Dangit. I could probably do Thursday, though.
Mmm...Ben's...I'm drooling like Homer right now....chili half-smoke, chili-cheese fries all washed down with a Ben's chocolate milkshake! I'll have to settle for my couscous veggie burrito for lunch though. I'm typically NOT a fan of pre-made frozen fare...but Amy's Organics does a decent job w/their burritos, I'll probably to get some sort of soup though on the side...it's friggin' cold out!!
uugggh feeling sick to my stomach too. Hot tubs and chili. Sounds like a frat party. uuggh
frozen foods are great, but i never seem to be full after eating them. i always have to eat more.
i'm still not hungry yet...could this be the cold taking over? or perhaps it's the massive amount of liquids i've consumed in the past 4 hours? hmm...
HA! You are totally right Cuddles..'frozen organic'...Things that Make you go Hmmmm...
What is really scary though are those tofu-meat like patties...like the tofu 'buffalo wings'...it's just not right!
Tof-anything, really. I just have a hard time with it. The only way I really like it is a) diced in soup (especially hot & sour mmmm) or b) fried & in sauce, which kind of negates the whole 'eating healthy tofu' kind of thing.
Oh my god Cuddles, that sounds *fantastic*. But I'm a big fan of funky rice & coconut milk. I had this black rice once . . . god it was good. And my little brother *threw* the excess into the *sink* after dinner. I was furious! Especially b/c it was the rest of my black rice!! It was this gorgeous eggplant color & so chewy. Mmmmm. Cuddles, you have totally given me an idea for dinner. And by extension, lunch tomorrow.
Mr. Chen's off of Conn. Ave offers Royal Purple fried rice dishes...very tasty...I have La Choi to thank for the introduction to Mr. Chen's and their crab rangoon! Hmmm...I just rememberd I bought some purple peruvian fingerling potatoes the other day...I only got them because they made me laugh at the store...they looked like a pile of poop! I shall eat them tonight!
Where is HT?
Good question diz. I just left her a message. Has anyone on OWFL talked to her today?
LT maybe we could get HT and her new friends out for lunch on Thursday...
Ooh, that would be awesome, Jo. It could be a mini (no pun intended) coming-out party for the new guns!
I haven't talked to her either, but I was wondering the same thing. But when you said, her "new friends" I was like, "she's having friends stay with her right after the surgery?" Yep, I'm taking the short bus home today.
My sleep patterns are all kinds of fucked up. My natural tendencies to stay up all night, combined with finding even the smallest exertion tiring mean that I'm up for a couple of hours in the morning before sleeping for most of the afternoon. Then up again for a lot of the night.
I have no way of coming to lunch, my car is downtown and I don't know about taking the bus yet. Maybe I'll cab it. Where's lunch going to be?
I was just lying on the floor of my office under my desk for some amount of time just staring out the window at the snow swirling over Michigan Ave. against the backdrop of the Doral building.
I order a grilled cheese. “Can I get tomatoes on it?” “Yes.” By “Yes,” apparently he meant, “Yes, in theory, you could, but only if I really cared enough to hear your request and process what it meant, which would have afforded me at least a CHANCE of following through and constructing your sandwich accordingly, which I will proceed to do right now, omitting, however, the tomatoes altogether, even though the sound waves that accompanied your completely reasonable and somewhat common order have not yet audibly dissipated.”
Lunch will be wherever you want HT. We could even come into your hood...
It's snowing in Chicago?
I forgot snow existed.
(After making the above comments I fully expect a blizzard to hit DC tonight which means the region will shut down and I will be blogging from home through the weekend. So blizzard or none, it's a win for me!)
My hood is far for everyone but me. Anywhere along the D6 is good for me. As long as I don't have to be dressed up - sweats have to be appropriate. Tell me where and when and I'll get there.
Since I'm home all day, and catch bits of weather news, it did (is?) snowing in Chicago, and they've mentioned it for here. Yeah, right.
cuddles, I ALWAYS move on the hottest day of the year, always. Last summer was no exception and we had a scorchingly hot summer last year.
I respectfully request that DC lunch be somewhere along a metro line. Preferably orange, but anywhere along a metro line. Where does the D6 go? I have never been on a DC Metro bus in my life.
We need a snow day bad. Siiigh. I heard 'flurries Friday into Saturday'. No good. No good at all. All I need is for metro to be shut down. 8 measly inches. Can a girl get some love??
And HT, are you in the mood for anything?
My only cuisine request is that it involve protein and lots of fiber. LOTS of fiber. I'll most likely be taking a cab (who am I kidding with this bus stuff) so anywhere is good for me.
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