So, I turn to my fellow lunching experts and ask, do you enjoy dessert with lunch? And if so, what is your favorite?
Oh yeah, WFL? And don't forget to pick up a cookie or two.

16 servings of cheap pilsner last night? Attracted to a 6” seafood sandwich you saw being ordered and need someone to talk to? Feel like something pasta-y, but not exactly? This is what terrorizes our nation’s workers every day. It is ever-present, in the back of our minds--riding on the train, up the elevator, in that meeting. But these are simply facets of the one great question. The answer to which must be provided before we can ever grasp contentment. What’s for lunch?
First a quick note to the "Contributors" of the blog. You need to contribute. Some of you have yet to author a post and others have been in cruise control for what seems like months. The way we keep things fresh is by having a diversity of people setting the day's agenda. Get with it!
As for dessert I usually don't have any with lunch, but if I do, it comes in the form of a big chocolate chip cookie. I have also been known to indulge in post lunch snacks of payday bars and gummi bears.
Not sure wfl today, I just had a chili-cheese half smoke walking down the street, so I'm thinking a 2:00 late lunch sandwich.
I need to know what these half smoke things are. I have heard it mentioned several times and am still clueless.
And I second Jo's petition to get more posts from a variety of contributors.
E-QUE is my new favorite person!!!! Seriously, this could prompt me to bake cookies to return this favor, and I never bake. Seriously, I've not once used the shiny blue Kitchen-Aid on my counter. Now, this is not because I don't make excellent cookies - I do, but it's because I'm just not inclined to bake for only me. However, I would be more than happy to whip up a batch of snickerdoodles, peanut butter, chocolate chip, coconut chocolate treasure (these are amazing) - or the cookie of your choice in repayment.
Lunch is a lettuce wrap turkey pastrami "sandwich", a hard boiled egg and maybe some cottage cheese, followed by jello. Which, is my sweet treat preference these days. I too like cookies, and any kind of artificially flavored, sweet "fruity" candy (though, I'm not really a fan of actual fruit), however, I'm trying to be responsible.
Easy on the Rachael Ray hating. I so want to make out with her. I dig her mouth.
Sorry Jo, its been a bad week. I am in oklahoma city.
Oh, dear, NoTwitty. Jo's going to love that you used the word 'spunky.'
Her "personality' is what I hate most. Her food I like.
She might be better if she were more "spunky" (wink, wink) and less spunky.
Good question about the half-smoke Jade, I have to admit I never really knew the real answer to the question except that it is a delicious encased meat that is usually spicier and bigger than a hot dog.
Some quick research tells me I was right, but that the "half" refers to the sausage being half pork and half beef. The "smoke" refers to the fact that it is smoked.
By far the most famous place to get half-smokes is oft mentioned Ben's Chili Bowl.
I have never seen half-smokes outside of the DC metro area. But I suspect they may be popular in Baltimore and perhaps throughout Maryland. HT probably knows more about that than I do.
HT used to be spunky...
Take care of your bizness dizko. When things cool off let's get you posting.
Actually, the half smoke is all DC. The Baltimore meat specialty is Pit Beef
A chili cheese half smoke with cheese fries from Ben's is heaven at 2am. For some reason, the half smoke - more than any other encased meat - lends itself to being smothered in chili and cheese.
By the way, DCers, breadline is now featuring a daily sausage menu.
Jo, I think you should further explain "spunky" to Ms. NoTwitty.
I used to like you NoTwitty until the fat free ricotta and Splenda heresy you have embraced of HT's.
Can I do more than make out with her before you kill her? Assuming she is cooperative and all.
The DCite known on this blog for a short time a "awreck" (he can no longer login from work) but better known as Reno is proposing a DCWFL lunch at Cafe Asia. Any interest?
On another note I added a link on the blog homepage to Seems right up our alley.
notwitty, "spunky" is a nickname I have for HT that refers to my belief that she is enamored with 'spunk'.
She thinks my belief is unwarranted.
Sorry, Reno is proposing lunch TOMORROW (Friday) at Cafe Asia
You can do anything you'd like to her, Jade. In fact, if you can keep her from talking, I could even give her a stay of execution.
I did Cafe Asia yesterday. And, I brought lunch today.
Are we doing a DC HH at BB?
NoTwitty - your creation sounds excellent, though I tend to skip the cocoa part, as I'm not much for the chocolate. I have recently been using ricotta, splenda and lime zest/juice, and a smidge of vanilla extract. It's awesome.
What are you training for? (I'll regret asking this, as unless the answer is a 96 hour Magnum PI marathon, it's going to make me feel lazy)
Oh, I can be down for tomorrow lunch at CA.
I probably can't do lunch tomorrow, as I left early for a dental appt. Tuesday & am leaving in about 45 minutes for a dr. appt today for my stiff neck. Yep, I got a stiffie (for more than 4 hours!). Hey, what goes well with muscle relaxers?? Here's hoping . . . I checked on my insurance website to see if they cover therapeutic massages & it sounds like . . . maybe. They have this big section of what works/what doesn't thing & massage is under 'needs more study'. Muscle relaxers were under something like 'not the best option'!! WTF?!?! Gah. I haven't slept well in days. So I doubt I will be making the BB HH tonight either. Here's hoping I ge muscle relaxers & go home & sleep for a couple of hours this afternoon.
Lunch today was 1/2 a tuna wrap from Manhattan Bagel Bakery with a bag of "Dirty" potato chips - garlic & herb flavour. Yummy! Also a Diet Coke, so I hopefully won't fall asleep on the drive to teh dr.
Oh, and cookies are always appropriate. I want dessert 24/7. But I am already bigger than I'd like, so I don't eat them very often. Sigh! Oh, that reminds me - Girl Scout cookies are in! I need to go write a check! Mmmm . . . Thin Mints are the best. Anyone who says otherwise is a big fat liar. Oh yeah. I said it. Bring on the contrarians!!
Rico, you are wrong, wrong wrong.
I haven't seen the Rachel Ray show. Is she as perkily annoying as Katie Couric? B/c I'd like to punch her out. Jade, does Katie Couric's mouth do it for you?
Okay, NoTwitty, I'm with you. People around these parts are all about "healthy weight loss." And by people, I mean everyone but me. Though, I'm doing it "right" this time. (but, if you're interested, on the front page of this blog is a link to the Master Cleanse. I've found it to be a miracle, though only the first time I did it. Subsequent times have led to weight gain at the sight of food following the end of the cleanse. You can apparently really only do it once a year or so, rather than every 3 months, as I was attempting.
Having said that, I have two boxes of Tagalongs in the freezer at home. But, I just a new vat of ricotta to prevent weight-gain-by-girlscout-cookie.
I'm in for DC in April, by the way. Rico says he needs to check his calender to pick a weekend. I think Dipso can be convinced, as well. Looks like the conference is on! Are you guys ready fo us?
That is awesome news, Jade!! We will certainly ready ourselves for the occasion. I have promised Dipso that I would make okonomiyaki for everyone, as I've been practicing. (though, LaChoi might object, since it's Japanese) If it's cold enough, I'll do a Hungarian night, but paprikas and gulyas in anything over 50 degrees is just wrong.
SS - I have to say that your RR info actually makes me like her more.
DCers - Should we move BB HH to tomorrow?
Cafe Asia lunch & BB HH tomorrow works.
As for the conference that is great news if you all can make it. Is Dipso on board? And are we considering a different weekend?
How about for everyone else? Is an April DC conference still in the cards?
LaChoi and I both are off on April 7, since we already put in for vacation that day.
That weekend isn't great for Jo, either, as I recall. LaChoi and I can likely change our vacay, though, it will look suspicious, but whatever.
If it is in DC I will be available whenever.
Let's do (ugh) a poll of dates again when lachoi gets back.
Cookies...I love cookies...especially making them...does anyone else have a birthday or breast reduction planned?? I can do cookies this time to celebrate with at HH tomorrow night at BB if that's still on!
And e-que...I have totally witnessed some serious e-que/cookie monster moments!! I remember I brought you some cookies for your b-day last year and it was like you were 5 years old!
NoTwitty - I saw your comment about the Foodnetwork...blasphemous...I could watch TFN all fact Mr. Uni thinks I'm crazy, but it's my favorite channel to watch while I'm running on the treadmill!
Does anyone live near, or have access to a Wegman's grocery store? There is one near Dulles airport for you DCers...if you like half-smokes go buy t Zweiglers brand of red and/or white hots...pretty similar to a half-smoke -bigger, fatter, tastier hot dogs...
I don't know what I'm doing for lunch yet...I ate a big fat chicken sandwith from pollo sabrosa last night with a huge side of fried about some indigestion this morning...I may need some veggies.
NoTwitty - drunk and irritated is a lifestyle choice that I've wholly embraced. It's a way of life.
Uni, you can bring any baked good you'd like to HH tomorrow! I'm thinking I might even get in on the action so as to express my gratitude to E-Que.
josephus is wracking his brain trying to remember the last time he was given baked goods...
does jo = chopped liver?
No, Jo - and, I was anticipating your response. I did once bring you tasty treats from ABP, though I did not bake them myself.
But, since I'm feeling giving, and will have the ol' Kitchen Aid out, what would you like me to make for you? I will bring you the cookie of your choice tomorrow. Or if you outline the types of things you'd prefer, I will concoct a Josephus Special Blend Cookie, just for you.
Hmmm...I recall making a couple of fabulous cakes, chocolate dipped pretzels and what not, on different occasions to be shared at your place Jo for different festivities....
I've also brought Jo many gifts (I seem to remember a lasagna drop, and I don't think I've made it since), but I agree that I've not repaid the tremendous kindness he has shown me over the last several weeks during my recovery. So, I've got no raisins from E-Que... Jo, what's your pleasure?
I always thought
jo = liverwurst
Notcie how unicorn said "for different festivities" (read: for the missus).
No need to bake for me ladies. I'll just assume the love is there...
However since you asked...Chocolate chunk!
Jo = liverwurst makes liverwurst look bad....I love's been forever since I had a sandwich with it...but it was one of my childhood favorites.
For the record: HT has never failed to be generous with gifts. (peppers, sodas, food etc.)
Unicorn on the other hand...
So, liverwurst chocolate chunk? Done.
This is a cookie day!!
I just got an e-mail that my girlscout cookies that I ordered are in...I heart samoas, thin mints, tagalongs, peanut butter....!
Let's see how generous I am when you ask me to sneak you a smoke when we're out tomorrow night!!
Hey everyone! The MS150 opened up their links for donation today. I am going to bug everyone to donate a little. I'm riding my butt off. I know this is a little forward, but hey! It is a write off!
unicorn has loaned me one or two cigarettes...
I just now noticed how Jade finessed the title of her post to not be "Happy Endings" (which, to my mind, would be the only thing RR's mouth would be good for, though I have that on no authority - it's mere speculation on my part)
Or, maybe that never occurred to her. Though, I find that hard to believe.
I'm off to eat some Mixed Fruit jello before my 4pm meeting!
It was a play on "Happy Endings" HT. And of course, I went for the play on a dirty joke. Good catch.
Jo doesn't call me "spunky" for nuthin'. Oh, actually, yes he does.
Every day is a day of belly worship when you are friends with The Jade. I especially like to blow raspberries on peoples tummies. It makes Ace laugh like nothing else.
By the way, had anyone seen life signs from Dipso and/or Peep today? Even my emails are going ignored.
But how do your co-workers feel about said raspberries, Jade?
I'm outta here. Taking Advil, vino, making a relish plate. And maybe picking up raspberries for dessert, now that I'm thinking about it . . . .
December 18 is no time for cooking baking as it's dead in the middle of the worst time of the year. Stupid effin' holidays...
I'm going home to bake now. NO raisins, and chocolate chunk/liverwurst.
See yinz tomorrow!!
March 28: Something on a stick day, used to HT's day, as she was known as "Tits on a stick."
Sadly, I haven't been known as that in a long time, Jade. My ever expanding hips/ass have made sure that nickname never pops up again.
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