that's right, i'm doing a mega-early ass lunch post today from the motherland of amazingly delicious foods: KOREA!
words cannot express the fantastic meals that i've had all week. most of them homecooked by TheGrandma, who makes THE BEST kimchi that i've ever laid lips on.
today, we went into sanbon (suburb of seoul) to eat at an authentic bbq restaurant where you take off your shoes and sit on a warm wooden floor on low tables and just get served tons and tons and tons of ribs. along with the ribs are a gazillion number of ban-chans - small side dishes of delicious little goodies like kimchi, bean sprouts marinated in sesame oil and red pepper flake, greens, raw garlic, hot bean paste, and leaves of lettuce. then you take a little bit of everything and make a lettuce wrap and shove the entire thing in your mouth. i'm telling you, it is the most heavenly mixture of tastes. and then the ban-chans keep on coming -- soups, squash deep fried in egg, rice, and of course soju and rice wine liquor that we kept pouring for each other. by the end of the meal, we were all stuffed and drunk. not bad for a family lunch out!
so, please, if you work near a korean establishment, i say run over and order yourself a delicious plate of bulgogi and dig in. or, try to find the nearest place this weekend and enjoy. it's truly a lunch altering experience.
as i bid you all adieu, i just want to ask WFL?????

La choi!!!
Great to hear you're having a ball.
I wish I could say today's lunch was dedicated to you but...fuck it...DC WFL lunch at Cafe Asia in La choi's honor!!!!!
Are there any Korean restaurants in downtown DC?
LC what are you bringing us back? Will kimchi travel well?
And I hope you are getting recipes because you have promised some of us that you will be preparing an authentic motherland feast upon your return...
By the way, LC is on vacation 7,000 miles away and still showing love to OWFL.
May the Lunch G_ds keep her in their favor.
Yay LaChoi! Way to show your commitment to OWFL! That lunch sounds heavenly, I wish I could have been there. I Looooove some kimchi.
I won't be blogging much today because of the Tucker Max book signing which I will be heading off to in about an hour. I probably won't also be eating lunch until late.
I will check back later, I hope to hear a report about HT's cookies. I was an e-witness to their production last night and it was quite the experience. My favorite was an IM I recieved from HT about her Kitchen-Aid that said "HOW DO I TURN THIS THING OFF??????????????????" High comedy.
Don't fret, DCers - the cookies are, in the parlance of Ms. Ray, "Delish!"
Many thanks to Jade for guiding me through the use of my kitchen appliances.
What time is the DC Cafe Asia lunch?
I am having a bit of work crisis, so I'm not sure I can make it, though, it's not so much a crisis as I sort of fucked up and now I sort of have to make up for it.
On the LaChoi front, I actually got to speak to her last night. She phoned me to tell me that she has many, many stories to tell of her time in the Motherland. And to tell me that she's eaten so much, her pants are tight. She sends her love and misses everyone, and will be back full time, sometime next week. (she's a little confused as to when exactly she'll be back. Sounds like maybe Sunday or Monday...)
Lazy? I don't think so. So I have a green field for lunch today. I think I'm stopping off at my fav irish-like pub and getting the Jack Daniels stew. The beef served in it is marinated in Jack Daniels and then smothered in brown sugar and then put into a stew. I could use comfort food right now. Its been a tough week.
That said, La Choi you f_in rock! Sweet you are a champ because when I was there I was so busy and bustled around everywhere by my hosts I barely had time to get my work done much less get the blogging done. Cheers to you.
Jada, sounds like fun.
Jo, you lazy mo fo , WFL?
No lunch at Cafe Asia DCWFLers!!!
Focus on Happy Hour at Bravo.
I'll be there before 5:00.
Damn, NoTwitty, I'm jealous of your lunch. Although I may be less jealous here soon. I just got back from the doctor's (hooray! I got in!) & gave me two prescriptions for drugs and a prescription for a massage! I just took the first of what may be many muscle relaxants. Anyone know how long before it'll kick in? It's been about 15 minutes. I'm waiting for the "drowsiness, dizziness, lightheadedness or blurred vision" to kick in. Oh, and the muscle relaxing. Not too psyched about the possible constipation, though . . .
Lunch was the 2nd half of the tuna wrap I got yesterday. Tasted ok, except that it was wrapped in foil & the wrap tasted a little metallic. Weird - I've never had foil taste come off on food before.
Will try to make BB HH tonight! I'll have to see if I'm "fatigued" or "constipated". Or maybe I'll have "dry mouth" & will need a drink! Oooh, that's bad. Woah, I think I just had a little mini-wave of dizziness. Awesome!
Oh, LT, suck it up and be a trooper. Maybe I'll pop a Perc before heading over, so we can be hopped up together. But, that constipation thing is no joke. Seriously. Bad fucking news.
And, I want to have lunch with NoTwitty.
I have to cobble together lunch with things I have here, or run downstairs. I haven't decided what to do yet.
Did you read Jack's message?
I'll be a suuuuuper trooooooper beams are gonna find me but i won't feel blue like cookie monster. i can't get him out of my head b/c he's staring at me as i'm typing...
no, the pill hasn't kicked in yet. :-(
2 half smokes
1 with chili/cheese/raw onions/ketchup.
1 with ktchup/mustard/cooked onions.
Fruit Punch Gatorade.
I've been working and e-mailing today.
I love kimchi.
Didn't the Bo-Dean's sing the Friends' song?
They're still alive?
Wasn't the Friends song by the Rembrandts? God, I can't believe I know that.
BoDeans were Party of Five, people.
And hooray for me, it's finally kicking in. Woooooo! You are right to be jealous, Twitty. The only way this could be more decadent would be if I had Godiva. I will have to make do with Girl Scout cookies.
I have never delivered puppies. But I've seen it on tv. That's close enough, right?
Do puppies have to be delivered?
Are dogs totally reliant upon humans now?
LT - I baked 9 dozen cookies for HH tonight - you HAVE to come.
I never delivered puppies, but I have delivered rabbits. NoTwitty, do you have puppies on the way?
I just ate cheese, which tastes... off. It's kind of old, and a piece was moldy, but I cut that off. I think I missed a spot. (I dedicate my moldy cheese consumption to LaChoi, as she is my partner in eating quesionable foods)
Holy crap! 9 dozen cookies! Well, I will have to put in an appearance, then. I will be about due for another pill then, too. Ha!
Yes, Jo. Dogs are entirely dependent on humans. We have to squeeze them to make them poop, too. True story: friend of a friend had a dachsund who had surgery for something, which left him temporarily paralyzed in the hind end. So one day some people are talking about going out or something after school & FOAF says "I can't. I have to go home & squeeze the shit out of my dog." HA HA HA HA HA HA!!! Trust me, this story is very funny to me at the moment.
Oh, if any DC people (or people from outside DC area who want to travel in specially) are interested, I'm watching the finale of the Bachelor, starring that guy I was in a couple of math classes with. It's Monday night. Let me know if you want to come. It should be funny if nothing else...
Hey La Choi!! Good to hear from you!! Spread lots of love and kisses around my hometown!!
My day (like my week) has been much to hectic for my liking and I haven't had time to think about lunch yet...I just hope it's not like yesterday when I was eating lunch at 4:30...WTF???!! Looking forward to HH DCwfl..and cookies!
LT - I'm totally in for watching the Bachelor finale on monday!
I am loathe to quote Sex & the City, but one of my favorite, favorite, favorite lines from it was, "Elizabeth Taylor got gangbanged in the Park?!" I was just reminded of that.
You MUST provide us with puppy photos!! What kind of dog? (sadly, you weren't with us for all the talk of Itchy-Butt - how is the itchy butt, Jack?)
Congrats notwitty!
Name one of them "lunchie"!
I was just reminded of another story...
When I was in 8th grade, a friend of mine was babysitting and the kid's poop got "stuck" kind of half in/half out. And he screamed for my friend to come "GET IT OUT!!! GET IT OUT!!!"
Somehow she talked him through squeezing it out himself. Too bad you couldn't do that with the dog...
e-que, this is when rosie-que's expertise would come in handy...
I feel bad for these poor little tiny puppies getting gangbanged in the park. It seems so unpleasant to me.
My dog was a Beagle/German Shepherd mix. I can only hope that the Shepherd was the mom.
Her name was Midget, and I had her fixed, so I never got to declare that "Midget was gangbanged in the park." However, if that's your thing, I'll admit, I've got some videos.
Poor Sophia Loren! Do you know how many puppies you're expecting?
Sorry SS!!! I have a stomach of steel, so I sometimes forgot to mind my lunch blog manners!! Many apologies!
So someone in the office brought in girl scout cookies that she got somewhere outside the dc metro area (CT, I think?). That Tagalongs are called "Peanut Butter Patties". How weird is that?!? Also, all the cookies are "100% Trans Fat Free". But the GSC I got aren't. Interesting, eh? I don't understand the Peanut Butter Patties thing. Does 'Tagalong' mean something else in CT? Something vile? Something you wouldn't want associated with GSC? These are the questions I am facing today.
I've heard about this! I've also heard that they call Samoas "Caramel Delights" or some shit.
Can anyone confirm or deny this intel?
My feet hurt. Why did I decide to wear boots with four inch heels? I'm hungry and a little crabby.
The dog/pet delivery stories got me a little tweaked. Birth is the most natural process in the world and the female instinct kicks in and takes over if you allow it to. You do not need to wipe them up and clean them up so they can breathe or coach them along and tell them to push. Even I delivered and 8 1/2 pound baby without drugs or intervention and hardly any assistance from a doctor. I would have done it at home except I wanted some one else to clean up the mess. A dog is an animal. Do you think they were never able to deliver their offspring without human intervention? Fine, some dogs like bulldogs need to be delivered by C-section because they have fucked up heads that are to big for the birth canal, but that is a direct result of humans sticking their nose into the gene pool and manipulating nature. Animals are animals, they'll do fine.
Which leads me to another rant. I hate people who get all bent out of shape about animal cruelty but ignore human suffering. I wanted to dry gulch every single person I heard going on and on about the abandoned pets in NOLA after Katrina but expressing no sympathy for the PEOPLE there. They try to retort that animals are more innocent. Bullshit. They are fucking animals and I will eat them and wear them as I see fit. People who care more about animals than people are fucked in the head. Especially if they are sobbing about stray cats and dogs and then turn around and eat a hamburger for lunch.
But puppies are really cute. Congrats NoTwitty.
On my GSC boxes there are two "names".
"Do-si-dos - Peanut Butter Cremes"
"Tagalongs - Peanut Butter Patties"
I don't see anything about trans fat.
Listening to "Violet" by Seal.
Puts me completely at ease.
I'm gonna send it to dip-si-dos.
If you type "i have been laying in the tanning bed and i have severely dry skin from it what kind of moisturizer can i use" into ask jeeves, the first result you will get is my blog. And once there, you will get no satisfactory answer.
The signing was good. It's funny to watch some of his latent homosexual fans go nuts for him and just kind of lurk and stare. And it's really entertaining to watch 18 year old girls try to throw game at him. Kung Fu Mike is awesome. I enjoyed just sitting and talking to him. Jojo showed up in white face makeup and a blond wig and demanded "Say something funny!" We all just about peed our pants.
Any one can do any thing they want with their money. I just don't even begin to comprehend people who value animals over people. Or why one species is more special than another. I'm not for animal cruelty, but I don't see why a dog is more special than a rat or a pig or a chicken.
Well, for anyone seeking something mindless to do this afternoon, I have finally updated my blog with tales of cookies and Post Op photos, and the super cute Lilly blazer I'm wearing right now!!! (yes, I'm shamelessly promoting myself, but it's 4:15 on a Friday, people might be bored enough to be interested)
I have to say, I tend to have more sympathy for animals, because I like them (as a population) more than I like people for the most part. That said, I eat them and wear them, and don't feel bad about that. And, I give my money to everyone, though, I evaluate charities based on things most people never consider. (occupational hazard)
Anyhoo, give us a book signing update, dear! And, you'll find it amusing to learn that I offered up some of the 9 dozen cookies to my coworkers, one of whom said they were delicious and wanted to know where she could BUY SOME!! Like it's so difficult to fathom I made the damn things!! I'm domestic dammit!
I was unaware TheJade was so egalitarian... we'll have to discuss this over many drinks.
I am also going out tonight with a friend of Rico's. I need everyone's best thought and wishes that this one goes better than the last one.
I discovered a FABULOUS boutique yesterday and bought a pair of pants, three skirts and a little top for an absurdly low amount of money. I went back today and bought two more skirts and three tops. I cannot wait for Spring so I can wear all my new girly treasures.
I devoured an antipasta salad and drank an RC, so my mood is improving. Taking off the boots helped, as well.
He is gorgeous. Truly, a phenomenally beautiful feline, but he is a terrible cat. Yeah, the name is no good, but The Ex named him.
Jade - it's the name. He was cursed from the start with that one.
We love the tuxedo cats!
My mom just found out their dog probably has developed a heart murmur. That poor dog. She's a purebred Basset Hound. She is also a cyst factory. This is why people should get their pets from the pound. Poor thing. She's so sweet, too. I suspect this may be the last straw for my mom. Siiiigh. But that being said, Word, Jade. I love animals . . . they're delicious (delish?). And I also have no problem with animal experimentation for medical reasons (am I opening up a can of worms? Ah, poor worms. Confined in a cramped, probably lead-lined container, only to be released at our whim...). I think us humans can suffer testing for our hair products/cosmetics, though.
I'm out of here before this blows up in my face. Yawn! Happy weekend, one & all!
Wait, LT - are you coming to HH???
Thanks, NoTwitty! (I changed my icon to reflect my new look) Now, if only resizing my ass were as "easy"...
I think I love NoTwitty.
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