Yesterday we found out that there are a couple things that piss the OWFL family off on a daily basis. Just a few things (175 comments).
Today, let's take a suggestion from yesterday and try to think positive.
What makes you smile or laugh when wading through what seems to be a deep muddy of annoyance everyday.
When you get off the phone with that a$$hole from the carpet installing company what is guaranteed to make you smile or giggle and forget your worries, even if just for an instant?
For example, whenever things get a little too annoying in my office I play an audio file of the theme to "Chico and the Man". It is scientifically impossible to be pissed after hearing that song.
Maybe for you it's the singing homeless guy you can see from your window.
Maybe it's remembering that one of your high school enemies is in jail...
I know two things which should be on everyone's lists: Lunch and this blog.
So share with us some of your daily mood enhancers (and please try to stay away from anything less than legal. I'm looking at ...well just about everyone.)
And of course, tell us WFL.
DC WLFERS: Don't forget the Happy Hour for Lachoi's homeland trip and Abs' birthday tonight at 5:30.
Rocky & Bullwinkle piss me off. Ha ha! Just kidding! After getting off the phone with the carpet guy (fuckers didn't show up - I'm shocked - shocked! - that they didn't), the only thing that made me smile was watching the latest episode of 'the Bachelor' - man, he really has no personality - and the last couple episodes of Scrubs. I love that show.
My Excel used to crash at work all the time. I had my sounds set up so when that happened, it played a sound (that I believe came with my computer) called 'Noseman'. I'd be furious, but laughing at the same time, b/c it was like some guy playing his nose. God, it was fucking hysterical. If I knew how to attach a sound to this, I would.
These days, I have my 'the Onion' page-a-day calendar. Hysterical! From today: The Anti-SUV Movement Decried as gas-guzzling road hazards, SUVs are also under fire for supporting terrorism by increasing US dependence on Mideast oil. What do you think? "Yes, the average US automobile has doubled in weight since 1990, but so has the average US citizen." -Amy Benton, Teacher. "Yesterday, I flipped off a guy who was driving an SUV. See, I'm doing my part to save the world." -David Orr, Custodian. Ha! Genius!
Oh my God, Rico, is it really JCVD? B/c you need to find that on the net & post it for all to see.
Oh, right, lunch. Not sure yet. Had 1/2 my mom's Egg McMuffin when she came over (to sit & wait for the furniture-moving-fuckers), so should probably get a salad. Also b/c I will be HHing with the DCers.
Rico sent me that clip once and it made my entire day. It is classic funny.
if rico wants to post the JCVD thing online for all to see, i have a way to do it. just let me know, and it shall be done.
and man, that clip makes me laugh everytime i see it too.
other items that make la choi happy:
- lunch (given)
- this blog (given)
- french bulldogs
- my friend alma
- HH
- fine wine
- compliments
- korean bbq
- anti-depressants (they are legal, you know)
- the beach
- driving
- and my wonderful friends!!!!
I keep a picture of Ace on my desk that I took when he was about a year and a half. His eyes are enormous and so blue they look like you could dive right into them. They have since turned green and are equally beautiful, but there is something about those blue eyes that soothe me. He also said his first word about 2 seconds after that picture was taken, "camera." It makes me all soft and melty inside whenever I think of it.
jade, i think that is the sweetest thing ever. what you just said made me all warm and fuzzy inside.
Engines of our Ingenuity
Wait Wait Don't Tell Me
Fluffer Nutters and Black and Tans
My iPod and Podcasting
My crackberry
Mr. T
Jo - I need any funny clips. They go around here at work all the time so I have a recently funny Blackberry one. I can also use some more.
oh and of course this blog and lunch. :)
I'm a big fan of sunny days, especially 60 degree days in January and February, DC can kick it nice sometimes.
I like jokes made at the administration's expense, and there are just SO many of them, and more all the time.
Big fan of my wife, she makes me smile. (cheesy I know)
Which reminds me of another: cheese.
And garlic, and chocolate.
And of course, S E X....
Yes! Post the JC dancing for us all! Please!! I tried to google-video it, but no dice.
Anyone seen that clip of the poor little penguin walking along the ice & then falling through on his face? Sometimes there's a totally fake penguin that sticks his leg out & trips him, sometimes the same fake penguin is behind him & smacks him on the head. The net effect is the same. Every time I watch that clip, it gets funnier & funnier until I have tears streaming down my face. I think you can google it - look for dodo.mpg. God, I may have to pull it out now.
Receiving gifts that cost nothing.
Lots of movie trailers.
No makeup.
A dog or cat who likes me more than other people.
No idea on lunch. Something at J. Alexanders. Chicago OWFLL!!
(Peep, I don't think I can make it tomorrow. Co-working thingy.)
Relish trays always improve my mood.
Did notwitty say "favourite"?
Perchance she's from "Wee Britain"?
i will post the JCVD for all to see. i may again need diz's technical assistance.
watchdog, i hope that the cheese, garlic, chocolate and sex aren't all mixed up together. it would probably make me throw up. unless, it were mole sauce. that is magical, and i'm positive it is an aphrodisiac.
lunch is probably breadline salad. i couldn't make myself a sack lunch today due to a late night of wine selling and friend visiting.
Wee Britain! Hee hee! Sigh. I love and already miss Arrested Devm't. I'm definitely buying the dvds. And if they move to Showtime, I guess I'm getting another movie channel.
i have HBO and showtime, LT. we can have viewings at my place.
plus, i need to do a free screening of r. kelly's trapped in the closet for everyone. that dvd is so great.
My best friend, The Biz, can ALWAYS be counted on to make laugh. That girl is outrageously funny. I have a collection of awesome emails saved from her in case I can't get a hold of her.
I also have a voice mail saved from TSB that does wonder for mood improvement. Of course, listening to it usually leads to masturbating. But, that is in and of itself a guaranteed good time. I am a masturbating fool.
Dunkin' Donuts makes insanely good coffee. It is the only place where I put cream in my coffee though, for some reason. Otherwise it is all black all the time. Coffee doesn't really improve my mood though, it is a requirement for proper functioning.
last night: boneless dry aged ribeye from whole foods. I marinated it (I always do) with some worcestershire and soy and then crusted it with mix of tasty spices. Broiled it to med. rare and ate it with an avocado salad and some sauteed spinach and onion. Finished eating at 8:00.
1 beer during preparation, two glasses of vino with dinner.
Heaven in my belly.
and now, for all of you to enjoy.... JCVD in "breakin".
Please note: that it's a little slow at first, but then it goes to regular speed.
The Food Network...especially the bake-off specials and the original Iron Chef.
An incredible book that I just can't stand to put down.
That game show "Distraction" on comedy central.
That Elf Bowling game that got passed around cyberspace about five years ago...especially when the elves pull their pants down, moon you, spank their ass and say 'Who's your Daddy' *smack smack smack*!!
Camping anywhere...
Going out and knowing that you are going to be out just late enough and drink just enough alcohol, that a giant slice of hot cheesy pizza is going to totally hit the spot.
The beach with a thermos of bloody marys and a bag full of junk magazines and yahtzee.
Oh...and DD coffee must have crack in it!
WFL = breadline salad but this time with persian chix salad/cous cous instead of the curried chix/cous cous.
my analysis: not as good as the curry chix/cous cous combo, but a good enough substitute.
abs and choi - I can't be a fan boi and say John Stewart, but he makes me laugh. When the work buddies are at lunch we try to make each other laugh when taking a drink so we can see them spew or get it through the nose.
i was so hungry when i got my salad that i started wolfing it down. in my overzealous state, i completely chomped on my cheek (by the molars so more toward the back) and took a huge hunk out.
i'm probably bleeding profusely in my mouth. i just hope i don't chew on my cheek again when i try to eat something else.
LT, you lovin' the JCVD or what????
i think the cheek has stopped bleeding, but when i run my tongue over it, it feels like raw meat.
so gross....
Speaking of raw meat, I always have to order steak tartare if it's on the menu.
I love that shit.
Bride - The Kite Runner by Khaled Hosseini...The Red Tent by Anita Diamant...I also tend to enjoy most books by Tom Robbins.
Things that make me happy: alright, well, let's rephrase. Things that make the hate go away, even for just a moment.
Cupcakes and Champagne. (or substitute cake, or even better, Battenburg cake, for cupcakes)
My stupid, but immensely pliable kitty cat, Barney.
A dirty vodka martini at the Mayflower Hotel.
Cocktails outside in the afternoon.
My drive to work. I have been blessed with a fantastic "commute" down Constitution Avenue, between the Cap. Bldg. and the White House. This is the second time that I've had a terrific commute, the other was when I lived in CA, took Hwy. one along the Pacific, until I went "over the mountain" and got to see the fog rising off the resevoir every morning, before taking the back roads through Woodside to get to the office. Which brings me to...
The beaches in Northern CA. Specifically my old town, El Granada - though any of the coast towns from Santa Cruz to SF would do.
Fall in College Park, MD.
A good song on the radio.
Getting a great bargain. Alternatively, spending the money for something I really, really want.
Magnum PI
Those are just a few. And, on that note, I need to get back to the Estate and check on Higgins.
Yeah cats do it for me. I woke up this morning with two cats curled up under my chin.
Hard to be grumpy in that circumstance.
Going to the barber at 3:00.
Drinking at 5:30.
What a busy newsday this has been!
In the past five years I have always been able to count on baseball season to cheer me up.
In six weeks I will be able to turn on the radio every afternoon just about everyday for 6 months and hear a baseball game.
ham & swiss club with chips and a V-8.
happy memories are nice.
I had a bacon and swiss burger, fries and 2 Amstels at J. Alexanders with Rico and Dipso. The fries were great, really thin and crispy, but Rico was right about their mashed potatoes being killer. Very attractive hostess, but she spoke so softly I needed Rico to translate for me. I also got some fantastic books for my b-day from Dipso, Rico and Jo. Jo's choice made me laugh out loud and I am still marveling at it and cannot to read it.
As far as book suggestion from me to the bride, I'll go with some lesser known gems that I loved:
Mama Day by Gloria Naylor. I LOVE this book, but I will warn you that it made me cry and cry.
Wide Sargasso Sea by Jean Rhys. It tells the story of Rochester's mad wife from Jane Eyre.
Just got this on the blackberry:
RoEsq - "You said your fucking blackberry and you didn’t say me!!!
Shit man, there is some real need to re-evaluate your priorities."
Then she called and said, "You didn't even say the dog."
Sorry, but its true. I love the dog and the grrl but I didn't think we were listing things we needed to live.
I just thought it was stupid things. So, my bad, I need air, lunch, water, my grrl, and the damn dog:
Good point dizko, I second it.
Thank G_d the missus doesn't read this.
Good place, J. Alexanders -- it smell like somewhere I used to work. Either Houston's or Wildfire. Hostess was a knockout. My chicken club had a little problem with "fall apart." Poorly engineered, in terms of avocado placement – why not just mash it and spread it instead of big clumpy slices that just squish out the sides? Fries were indeed good – Jade’s burger looked terrific. Rico ordered “no tomatoes” on his club, and Jade removed hers completely from her plate. For some reason, I now have a bit of a sweet tooth. Stopped by the video store and picked up a couple piss poor looking new releases…I can’t even remember what they are.
Peep, I am planning on making it over to the Gin Mill on Saturday. Hopefully, I won't get kicked out like the last time I was there.
Dipso, wow, very impressive on the tomato observations. I only like tomatoes when they are perfectly ripe and fresh from the garden.
I think it should be aknowledged that I was the only one of the three to drink at lunch. And considering that I had had nothing to eat today when I arrived at the place, that first beer left me a little tipsy.
It is rainy, cold, foggy and downright miserable in Chicago today.
Yes the bride. Where you were hit on by the guy who shit in rico's fridge.
NoTwitty [stealing that from HT] we have the same taste in men. I thought I was one of the only women in America that prefers short men. Cocky is my number one turn on in a man.
J. Alexanders is the restaurant we went to for lunch. It was my first time there, and I was impressed. It is very dark and it does indeed have an attractive staff. I felt underdressed when we walked in, but once we were seated it was a non-issue.
Um, I think I need more details about the guy shitting in Rico's fridge, Jo.
It's 60 degrees in DC.
That's the good news.
The bad news is I just got my hair cut by a guy who looked like the long lost identical twin of the Jewish Barber Shop customer played by Eddie Murphy in Coming To America. Except my guy was older and legally blind. I could have stayed there for 4 hours and he still wouldn't have gotten my hair right.
I cannot wait to start drinking.
Oy notwitty your British tongue confuses me.
J. Alexanders is a spot in Chicago. Good looking staff. 1/2 block from rico's office.
jade that is a rico story.
I've just emerged from the shower. It takes me like 2 hours to get ready to leave the house if showering is involved.
I will again be attempting to take a cab downtown (the new girls just aren't bus ready yet; see yesterday's pet peeves comments for more information).
Therefore, I expect to be at the bar sometime between 5:30 and never. I'll keep you posted. Oh, and my friend TheSupermodel is meeting us. Jo, I think you're the only one who's met her, but if I'm not there yet, keep an eye out for a tall (6'2") young (23), thin (size 2ish), blonde.
Back to the process of getting ready...
Oh my God, La Choi, I finally was able to get back onto blogger & see your posting. I can't stop laughing. And I am working on that dance. What the hell is he wearing?!? A unitard?? Was that ever popular amongst the breakers? Of course, I wouldn't have thought that 'Flashdance' outfit that lady has on would have been, either . . .
Some books - DaVinci Code (I know, I know. It's an easy read, though - and relative mindless). And I love A Treasury of Royal Scandal. Oooh, the Hot Zone or the Cobra Event, both by Richard Preston. Awesome, and scary. Maybe not the best book for vacation.
Oh, Bride - for books, specifically very mindless vacation books - I like Tim Dorsey. He's sort of like Carl Hiaasen on crack. They all deal with the world's most endearing (and sociopathic) serial killer, Serge, winding his way across Florida. Serge is a Florida trivia afficianado though, so he's often sidetracked from his killing to see the sights.
Not for everyone, but I suspect we have a similar sense of humor, and they're easy mindless beach reads.
I also second Uni's Tom Robbins suggestion, and will specifically recommend my favorite, Skinny Legs and All, since TR, like me, recognizes that there really is no such thing as an inanimate object. (E-Que will second the greatness of this book)
Oh, and I forgot: for lunch - leftover salad & pasta with tomato sauce with shrooms & chicken (like 2 tiny strips). Someone had a lunch meeting. Hooray! And I am happy to report (or at least, slightly less irritated) that my place is finally done! Of course, now comes the part where I have to go through stuff & get rid of all the crap I have, but at least my bedroom is carpeted & the furniture is back in there. Huzzah! I fucking hate contractors! But today is about the love. I love my new carpet. It's so pretty & clean & has that new carpet smell. I love my new comforter set. I just need to sew up the bedskirt so it will fit my full bed (instead of the queen that it currently is). I love that I can sleep in my own bed! And I'm sure my friend loves that I am back in my own place & she has hers to herself again, too! So I love that I'm not getting on her nerves anymore, assuming I ever was.
And I love all of you OWFLers! Love, love, love! All you need is love! And some vodka! Ah!
Some favorite Tom Robbins quotes...
"Humanity has advanced, when it has advanced, not because it has been sober, responsible, and cautious, but because it has been playful, rebellious, and immature"
"Religion is not merely the opium of the masses, it's the cyanide"
"It is never too late to have a happy childhood"
"Equality is not in regarding different things similarly, equality is in regarding different things differently"
"True stability results when presumed order and presumed disorder are balanced. A truly stable system expects the unexpected, is prepared to be disrupted, waits to be transformed"
...I could go on!
Is it 5:30 YET?????? I'm leaving at 5 and drinking by myself.
I saw a great bumpersticker the other day that made me smile:
Dear God, please save me from your followers.
By the way..I made cupcakes for HH...
Good quotes uni, and I'll be at the bar around 5:02.
Jade that quote you cited is on a refrigerator magnet in our apartment.
so thirsty...20 minutes...
Jade that quote reminds me of the movie "Saved" with Mandy Moore and Maculy Culkin...if you haven't seen it...don't let the M.M.'s turn you off...the movie is freaking hilarious!
Bride, I've got odd tastes when it comes to my reading choices. My library looks like it could belong to a serial killer, an Eastern European history prof, a right-wing true believer, or a vapid Trixie/Marina Chick/what have you, depending on your city.
Serge is my hero though. He joins Dick Cheney and Martha Stewart on that very short list.
I'd also like to recommend The Collector Collector by Tibor Fischer for fans of Skinny Legs and All. First of all, he's my peeps (big ups to the Magyars), but it's another one about not-quite-inanimate objects.
Alright, I need to get a move on. See yinz guys soon!
yay, booze countdown! how can i sneak out ever so quietly???
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