Courtesy of CSR...
This was followed by a text from Rico:
I SO wish I was there... but as a spectator, not a participant.
(text from Rico)
(I can't stop laughing, I need to leave the office, now)
Sorry HT, but that just replaced the grinch hat as my screen's background.
That's the greatest thing I've ever seen. I am tempted to head to the airport and just go.
This beats the grinch hat, and pretty much everything else I've seen.
I hope he told her that 2006 was the year of his dick...
I'm dying. I seriously don't know if I can stay in my office.
why do we have to protect horsecock's identity anyways? though i do say the random black box across his eyes is funny...
This makes me want to go to church and worship something.
a haiku to the guys:
horsecock is real drunk
welcome to miami jo
CSR have fun!
Oh my God, that's hysterical.
Man, this post is going to seem so lame, but I feel the need to warn DC WFLers. Do not under any circumstances go to Coeur de Lion in the Henley Park hotel (926 Mass Ave). It took us over 2 hours to be finished. It took over 10 minutes after we were seated to get a drink order in (and we had to flag down the maitre d'!) My black forest cake was no better than what you could get in the grocery store. Seriously. Like, it tasted good, but like $7-for-the-whole-cake-at-Giant good, not $7-a-slice good (I'm just guessing at the price - we did restaurant week - thank GOD - it's a pricey restaurant). And our waitress was practically non-existent & apparently obsessed with just getting a tip, not that she did much for it (seriously - half the time we were flagging down the maitre d' for water refills, the bill, etc. The ladies next to us actually got up and gave their to him with some snotty, but justified, remark about how they were afraid it was never going to get picked up!). We were splitting the bill & one of the ladies I was with wrote down what to put on each card and how much was being paid in cash, so bring back this much change, etc. And the waitress actually said "So that's not including tip?" Appalling! Half the point of a fancy restaurant is pretending like the money part of it doesn't exist! It was most-the-way-around a horrible experience. Although the rest of my food was good, but nowhere near good enough to go back & deal with that bullshit.
And then we caught a psycho taxi who drove us through Georgetown to get us to Arlington. WTF?? Also turned right from the left lane at about 35 mph. Crazy! But cheap - only charged us $11 instead of the $12 he quoted at first (fucking meter system).
Great Haiku LaChoi!
Jo just informed me that he has just landed and is stone sober. He hasn't hooked up with the other two yet.
He's in for a treat.
I wish that I could just be a fly on the wall for that scene.
Yeah, it's funny that Rico's identity is concealed but the random girl's is not.
wow, LT, i even thought about going there last night too since it is usually around $50 a plate or so. sorry to hear about your shit-tay experience. that is one less place that i'll visit.
i think that the fancy places know that restaurant week draws the "riff-raff" so they are less nice. i think that is a stupid way to look at things since you're just losing potential customers. snobbery does not make any sense.
Yeah, no joke! Like maybe I'll actually consider coming back another time if it's worth it! Like on Monday night I went to Teatro Goldoni, and I can't say enough good things about it. The only slip-up by our waiter was I asked for a glass of Zinfandel and he brought me white zinfandel. Shudder. Do I look like a rose chick to you? But he took it back immediately and brought me a new glass of something else. He didn't wait for twenty minutes & then be all pissy b/c I made him take an extra trip to the bar. He got a good tip. Fantastic, actually - I was going to give him a big tip anyway, but I made a math error in his favour. I can't do math in my head. So sad, this reliance on automated adding machines! And I was a math major! Ha!
King; South; lunch counters.
Service at Coeur de Lion
would be no better.
Hey, first drag queen sighting!
Oh gee, I didn't notice the hands. Good eyes, Jack. I feel so catty jumping on this, but they kinda look like starfish. Man hands is such a bad thing to have on a woman.
man hands make me think about that hillarious episode on seinfeld where he's at the restaurant with his date who has man hands and then she starts breaking bread and wiping shit off of his face. that ALWAYS makes me laugh.
seriously, sarah jessica parker? i've never noticed, but now i'm going to be looking out.
well, WFL-ers, have a fantabulous weekend! i'm going to be hanging out in a cabin deep in the woods of West Virginia. (cue the banjos...)
see you all next week.
I have consulted csr and rico on the man hands issue.
Apparently she was hot, and did not have man hands and was perfectly doable.
Rico just said:
Rico and CSR were wasted, what do you expect them to say?
CSR was pretty defensive. But, they were stopping at BK and getting on the road. I can only hope Jo was driving.
Oh, and while I do not have man hands, and do make fun of man hands, I have midget hands and people make fun of me. So, I should be nicer.
I don't think man hands are a disqualifier, in fact they could come in handy [hee hee] if you have a flat tire and no AAA. That said, she is doable. I'd hit it.
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