It's not even particularly appropriate, as I'm kind of in a good mood today - so far, at least. Stay tuned for changes. The Hate is only an interaction away, I'm sure.
But, part of why I'm in such a good mood was last night's meeting of many of the DC WFLers for an evening of steak and blow jobs.
Mr. and Mrs. -Que, LizTurtle, Jo, LaChoi, Abs, and yours truly gathered with some other non-bloggers at the District Chophouse to indulge in some good old fashion gluttony and the consumption of much cow. (or crab, in the case of E-que)
Ms. Turtle's rather large mouth is the stuff of legend, and at the end of the meal, the subject turned to that topic and soon 3 blow job shots were placed in front of LT, Rosie-que and me. Rosie-que started us off, and did an excellent job, almost expelling the shot through her nose.

I went next, and had the poorest showing, needing to use my hand, and struggling. I still assert that the rigidity of the glass is what foiled me.

But, the undisputed Blow Job Queen is LT. Dear God. It's really a sight to behold. Sadly though, this picture doesn't capture it.

Congratulations, LT! Your crown is on order, and we will present it at the conference.
It was great to see so many WFLers (and other friends) in one place, on a Sunday night, even!
But, now onto the pressing matters of today: What's For Lunch on this ugly Monday?
Congrats Prez on organizing the steak outing. You deserve kudos depite your poor blow job showing.
It will be a huge surprise to those who were in attendance last night that I am NOT having leftover porterhouse for lunch. No more cow at least for a few days in Jo's belly. I am undecided on lunch but have a strong inkling that half smokes will be on the menu. This is in response to a link CSR shared with Rico and I earlier, I hope he shares it with the rest of you.
I must share this link to an article that E-que brought to my attention last night. Potbelly fans must read it closely. There is a secret world of ordering out there...
Oh and Lizturtle is a freak of nature. And is available for parties...
I was under the impression that blow job shots are like candy in a glass, and can hardly be deemed shots. Never the less, it looks like you need to improve your swallowing technique, madame prez.
I brought a curried chicken salad I made last night with dried cherries, sliced green grapes and slivered almonds. I also have some whole grain bread, a minneola and two homemade peanut butter cookies Ace and I made last night.
A BJ contest at the conference!!!
I love it!
Who will judge?
My beef "extravaganza" was actually kept relatively healthy - no tasty cornbread or samples from the Leaning Tower o' Onion Rings, no martinis, no potato sides - just steamed asparagus, salad and fairly lean beef. And, red wine, which isn't awful. The bj shot was like 5000 calories in a glass though, but it proved once and for all that I am chaste, dammit.
Today I'm not sure... I have cottage cheese and broccoli, and some jello (flavor: lemon), but I'm thinking about an abp salad. I'm not all that hungry at the moment though, so I'm thinking a 1:30 lunch.
hola WFLers!
i clearly had a great time last night since i rolled into work at 1100am this morning. i overslept b/c my alarm clock thought today was sunday...oopsies.
lunch today will NOT be beef (that'll be dinner tonight.) i am most likely going to cleanse my colon today with an abp salad. i will probably accompany prez at 130pm.
I was the only one who didn't take home leftovers! But, I will agree that I have a beef hangover, as I'd not had red meat since before new year's and my tummy was all, "Whoa now! What the fuck is this???!!!"
Lemon jello is interesting. Not my favorite, but when I looked in the cupboard this morning, it called to me. Peach is my favorite, followed closely by any of the reds (cherry, black cherry, raspberry, mixed fruit, strawberry, strawberry banana). I like lime too, but it reminds me of a jello salad my grandmother used to make with carrots and celery, and cabbage - if I remember correctly.
Today I vow only that I will eat no eggs. I ate an embarrassing number of ova last week.
Speaking of eggs, the Josephus household went through about a dozen this weekend. I made a cheesy egg thingy on saturday morning that was soso. But I followed it up on Sunday with a delicious egg scramble with spinach, chicken sausage, onion, and three kinds of cheese (swiss, colby and cream). Delicious.
I forgot my leftover lamb rosa marina today, so I'm in the market for a really good salad.
I used to hate eggs too, hater. I don't know when I converted. I will say I eat a lot of crap with mine, and usually in the form of veggie omelettes or egg salad. Rarely do I eat them plain. And, when I'm not being at all health conscious, I'm a huge eggs benedict fan, though I prefer it maryland style, with crab instead of canuckistani bacon on top. I could drink Hollandaise sauce... mmm.
yeah, i either read or heard from someone that your taste buds change every 5 or 6 years. therefore, the foods that you used to detest as a child, you could love now.
i was like that with water and milk and lima beans. as a kid, i LOVED milk and just hated drinking water. now, i couldn't even imagine drinking that much milk. and lima beans...i just love all beans now in general.
Veggies cover the taste. Along with the Eros Pista (Hungarian hot pepper sauce), sour cream, ketchup and/or salsa... and lots and lots of cheese. Eggs are just a vehicle to deliver all the other tastiness.
In egg salad, it's all about the mayo and onions and mustard and vinegar.
I love succotash. Always have.
I've never been a milk drinker. I'll do it, but I would never ask for a glass of milk. If you add shit to it, I have no problem. But milk on its own is just silly to me. I do like eggs but I usually pile a whole bunch of stuff on them. If there are no other mixing items however, I am perfectly happy to eat a couple eggs fried over easy (light) with some wheat toast. WFL trivia: Rico has never eaten eggs on their own.
CSR do you hate all mayos?
Do you like miracle whip?
csr, it's a testament to how welcoming and open minded we are that we let you continue to be a WFLer. Hating Mayo is just... wrong.
That said, I not only used to hate eggs, but I also hated bacon. Couldn't even stand the smell. Now, however I have a different tune. Bacon is fantastic. But, I didn't eat it for years. There are loads of things I didn't used to eat that I love now, and vice versa, so I think there might be some creedence to that taste buds changing theory.
I am running in the Conoco Phillips Rodeo Fun Run. Yes, its a mouthful, yes the first 2 miles of the race is through horse kaka.
Regardless, that has kept my lunches to a dull roar as of late. Today was 4.5mi of running, some weights, and Turkey Sand, carrots, fruit cup, and water.
Yes friends, there is a hell.
Regardless, I was craving the soup last night (it was actually cold and rainy here in Houston .. could like 60 degrees). So I made my Papa Cabe's Somewhat Homemade Rehash soup.
1 can 98% fat free cream of mushroom
1 can New England clam chowder
1/4 cup milk
2 fresh potatoes
2 tbl spoons margarin
2 pinch of rosemary
4 pinch paprika\seasalt mix
Heat margarin in a pot until melted. Throw in all spices, turn up heat until bubbles appear, throw in diced potatoes. Don't fully brown just sear. Throw in soups. Add 1/4 cup milk and stir until bubbling again. Serve in freshly baked sour dough bread.
due to all the talk about egg salad earlier, i caved in and got an egg salad sandwich on olive bread with arugala. the egg salad has sundried tomatoes in's so tasty.
i also did a two stop lunch, b/c i had a craving for abp soup. corn chowder...still eating it now.
bacon is amazing. i think it makes everything taste better. yesterday, while watching the play offs, my friend made homemade chili and corn bread where he put the bacon grease IN the corn bread batter. all i can say is yummmmmm.
yeah, as a child, i just didn't like water b/c it didn't taste like anything.
Jury duty is your civic duty. You should not shirk it. I will turn you in if you do.
Yeah, Rico, what's the problem? I was totally looking forward to jury duty - I could get up later than normal & then you get a free lunch & best of all, you don't have to go to work. But they never called me up so I didn't have to get out of it. Sad!
I had an enormous burrito today. I didn't have breakfast, was starving by 11:30, but didn't make it out for lunch until after 1:00. I basically deep-throated the thing.
So let ,,, you're saying you're like a fish ... bony plates in your throat?
Or is there just that much muscle? More like a snake?
"Deepthroating burritos"? Lizturtle and Rico are going to get along famously.
was there sourcream on the burrito Lizturtle?
I CAN NOT wait for the conference when LT and Rico meet over burritos.
The elevator told me that some English twit has “mathematically proven” today, January 23, 2006, to be the gloomiest day of the year. Ahhhhh. I was wondering what was going on. At least I fit in!
I sent a personal package from the office mail room this a.m., and just when I was leaving for lunch someone in accounting told me that I had accidentally paid $6 too much and gave me the bills. Extra lunch for me! Ordered the Baja Ensalada from BF with shrimp, as well as a steak tayko. They asked for my name…I couldn’t resist. She was like, “Uncle?” “Yeah.” “Sparkle?!?” “That’s right.” “Okaaay.”
The caller guy looks at the ticket and maybe half smiles and shakes his head. “Order for Uncle Sparkle.” I go up there, and the guy just hands the bag to me and gives me a “don’t be cute, kid” look. I think I made one of the trixies who was right there in line a little nervous because it seemed like she made a point of walking a little further away from me as she headed for the soda fountains. In the process, she somehow bumped another passerby’s tray and spilled the passerby’s water onto her tayko platter. I then noticed that the passerby looked gloomy. Just like the elevator said!
Can’t argue with math.
You know, I don't know how or why I was chosen to be blessed with this gift. I only know I am distressed that I discovered it so late in life.
Jo, there was all kinds of caesar sauce gooshing out all over. (Blackened Chicken Caesar Burrito from California Tortilla). Let's just say my blue dress will never be the same.
I’ve never been called for jury duty. I’d love to get on one.
I swear I can taste water.
Why were you summoned for jury duty 30 miles away?
And, there will be burritos. I've seen the tentative schedule of events, and burritos take place simultaneous to the wet t-shirt contest.
We should use burritos to wet the t-shirts!
Say you're prejudiced against all minorities.
It is your civic duty and it is wrong of you to shirk it.
I love jury duty. Which works out since living in DC, one gets called every month or so.
I never get picked though...
For lunch I had two chili-cheese and onion half smokes (sausages) with Honey BBQ "Rap Snack" potato chips (Lil' Romeo on the bag) and a purple Vitamin Water. Got it all from a vendor on the corner on Connecticut and L.
I love Rap Snacks!!!!!!
I am now eating my lemmon jello, made with Fresca rather than cold water, for a special kick. Yummy. Lunch was a Med. Chicken Salad.
SS - that would have elicited all manner of sighs and possibly elbows, because I'm passive aggressive like that.
And, my mom hated water not because it was tasteless, but rather because she didn't like the taste.
rap snacks are hilarious. i think i gave the bbq lil' romeo ones as a gift once. they're too funny, and tasty if i recall.
egg salad on olive bread is just the tastiest. the sun dried tomatoes mixed in just enhances its deliciousness. i've never kissed anyone right after they ate egg salad though. but, in high school, i kissed someone after they sucked on a nitrus balloon, and he tasted like old fish. it was disgusting. needless to say, i've never had the urge to try nitrus ever after that experience.
in fact, the war against drugs should appeal more to people's vanity and sexual attractiveness. some kind of slogan like "kids, if you do drugs, you'll taste like old fish, and girls will not want to make out with you."
What does Jack Lemmon taste like?
Yeah, yeah, I spelled it incorrectly. I realized it after it was up.
But really, Jo - do I point out your spelling errors to the world? Sheesh.
It was actually a serious question.
I bet he tasted stammery. Like leeks.
Isn't he dead?
Whatever, freak. Keep fantasizing about how Jack Lemmon tastED.
I'm usually a stickler for spelling and whatnot, but unless a mistake is really funny, I don't usually point it out among friends. But, that's just me. Apparently though, when it sets Jo's brain to fantasizing about A Grumpy Old Man, it needs to be put up for public scrutiny.
That's okay, I can take it.
And, I agree with abs, I don't really want to be slathered in burrito.
I got attacked in 3/4 comments in a row!!! Even Abs attacked me!!! Josephus LLLOOOOOOOVVVVVVVEEEEESSS this!!!!
And I can't wait for the sour cream filled burrito wet tee shirt contest!!!
Maybe if there were a nice guy around, he might defend you.
Jack Bauer will be killing more baddies on 24 tonight. Josephus will be watching.
Jo, I just read your comment as "Jack Bauer will be killing more babies on 24 tonight. Josephus will be watching," and thought, "I need to watch that show!"
Hater - LizTurtle knows The Bachelor. LT, I think you need to do some sharing.
i just got into 24 recently. that show is awesome. though i have to say, if i experienced that much drama and bloodshed in a 24 hour period, i'd be in a mental institute. that's just too intensity for one day!
sour cream belongs in burritos and not on women. wet t-shirts belong on fat and hairy men (especially the ones with back hair) at the beach or by the pool. sorry, but it's the truth.
i meant to say "too much intensity" in that last comment. "too intensity" makes me sound like a fucking FOB.
Poor Hater doesn't know how to maximize the power of DVR...sigh
FOB = fresh off the boat.
and so quickly the student has become the master...
Yeah, I sort of do!! He was in a couple of my math classes in college! I always thought he was way hot, but he was in one of the cool frats, so I thought he ignored me b/c he thought he was so much better than me. But now I know it's that he really had no personality! I mean, I'm sure he's got the book smarts & all, but man, what a drip. He was a year ahead of me, and came back my senior year to do interviews for his company at the time (before he went to med school). I was wearing a wrap drass in a navy pinstripe, so I thought I looked very professional. So I had only looked at myself standing up in the dress. As soon as I sat down in the interview (after wiping my hand on my skirt b/c of his dead-fish handshake), the top gaped open (wrap dress!) and the slit in the skirt slit open (wrap dress!!!!). I spent the whole interview holding my notebook on my lap trying to keep my thigh-highs from showing (as I didn't wear panty hose back then - HATE) & also leaning way back trying to keep the gape up top from happening. Ladies, you know what I'm talking about. I'm a little offended I didn't get a call-back interview.
But seriously, the little that I actually talked to him, leads me to believe that no, he really is that vanilla.
Oooh, will have to tape both Bachelor & 24. Love how soap-opera-y the Bauer-ness has become! If only they'd killed off his annoying daughter, too.
Hater, Rico said "brocery"!
And as much as you ladies try to hide it, I think we all know that you'd all be very happy to have sour cream filled burritos "pelted" at you while wearing an oversized white tee.
Imagine all the sour cream, refired beans, tomatoes, guacamole...
Wait until you see LT deep throat a burrito, rico.
I like to browse at the grocery store. An average visit for me is somewhere in the realm of 90 minutes, minimum.
If Hater and I were in jail I'd most likely be dead. I doubt the other inmates would allow her to survive long and out of some outdated male thing I'd feel the need to defend her (which she would hate).
I dig grocery shopping. I just always spend too much and never buy enough for more than one or too ridiculously tasty meals.
What are ya, chicken? It doesn't matter. My talent is reserved for the worthy.
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