Are there conference matters that need to be discussed today?
And more importantly, what are YOU having for lunch today?

16 servings of cheap pilsner last night? Attracted to a 6” seafood sandwich you saw being ordered and need someone to talk to? Feel like something pasta-y, but not exactly? This is what terrorizes our nation’s workers every day. It is ever-present, in the back of our minds--riding on the train, up the elevator, in that meeting. But these are simply facets of the one great question. The answer to which must be provided before we can ever grasp contentment. What’s for lunch?
Halibut, dammit!
You added a picture! I love it. Good job. I will not be interfering with anyone's order today, I promise.
Our Executive-in-Hate provided tech support.
(Sorry LaChoi, but nice game Sparty.)
i think i'm going to have lunch with an old boss today. not sure what we'll eat. suggestions?
Rico, you can most definitely join us at The Berghoff, but we are going early. I would love for you to join us in fact. Of course, I don't remember getting an invite to South Florida, either.
MSU is starting to really turn it on. I love those boys.
With regard to the conference, it would be helpful to have a headcount of who is seriously planning to attend. If people could weigh in on that. Also, LaChoi will be drafting a large survey, not only to determine where we wish to lunch during the conference, but also to assess the lunching habits and preferences of the WFLers, in general. If you have any questions you'd like to see asked, please submit them to:
We have the old post regarding the conference that seems to sum up all the spots for consideration, but along the way, I know some additional suggestions have been made. We need to consolidate all of those in one spot so all options are offered. Also, I think we should include in the survey interest in things like a TP tournament, a Mr. Show marathon, baseball (it's the Cubs home opener weekend, so I'm thinking that's not going to happen - but we should consider if that's going to impact our lunching/dinnering/drinking plans) etc. Also, are there any bars that are "Must Drink At"s?
Lastly, be thinking of agenda items. Anything you'd like to discuss with the group? Changes you'd like to see?
I would request that all of the above answers be sent to the email above, so it's collected in one central place, unless anyone objects.
Lunch? Dunno. But I've got jello.
I think I would always get either the bratwurst or the corned beef. You can't really beat good corned beef. I envy you Chicago WFLers. Please give the Berghoff an appropriate sendoff. And have at least two beers damnit.
Now I've got Corned Beef on the mind.
Shit. Okay. The email link in my comment won't work. But that is the correct email address. Sorry, you'll have to cut and paste!
Oh yum, they do have good corned beef and cabbage. I also really like the veal. I'm so hungry because I only ate a cup of blueberry yogurt for lunch, so I think I am going to really eat and drink it up at lunch. I will for sure have at least two beers, just for you, Jo.
I think Carol's pub is a must place to drink, as long as it's late at night. It's like the after hours bar, it's not too far from my apartment, they usually have a kick ass house band, and sometimes they have karaoke per Miss La Choi's request. And it's just a good old dirty dive bar, Chicago style. HaterTot will LOVE it.
Baseball is almost 100% off the agenda unless you mean watching the game on TV. Tickets to opening day at Wrigley are insanely difficult to get and I'd rather blow my money on food and drinks than baseball that weekend. I don't think we have any Wrigleyville locations on the possible agenda, so we should be in the clear on that front.
IF, and that's a big IF, we include any baseball during the conference it will be a White Sox game.
Reason #1 They have amazing food so it is a Lunch excursion (Wrigley serves slop).
I have spoken.
The Sox are away that weekend, Jo.
Let me reiterate though, please email all this stuff to me, so that we can be inclusive as possible in the survey and subsequent agenda setting.
(sorry, I'm really cranky. It sounds like in the next year and half, they're moving our office to the burbs, which means I'm out. I don't do the fucking suburbs.)
reverse commute driving girl.
Heeeeeeyyyyy, I didn't bring up the Cubs/Wrigley, I merely responded to HaterTot pointing out it was Cubs home opener. I was trying to point out that we shouldn't even consider going there. And you are right about the food being slop there, by the way. I say we focus on food, drinks, food and more drinks.
If they are away, then NO BASEBALL!!!
I really want to go to Berghoff today.
e-que - sickness of any kind means fluids, fluids, fluids! Hot tea with a bit of lemon, chicken broth [with or without matzoh balls] fresh squeezed orange juice and lots of room teperature water. And don't forget the Michigan miracle cure, Vernor's! Zicam is also good.
I debauched 2 much last night so today will be recovery day. I took it off before because I'm going down to register for classes.
Any suggestions on what would make a good cure for my woes while standing in lines?
Feed a cold E-que!
Ha-Tot you might end up in an office park with a cafeteria! And daily specials!
Sounds exciting.
You are not funny Jo. I am very upset about this. I can't even do some aspects of my job right now, because I can't convincingly speak to the place that could potentially fund this relocation. It sickens me. I'm disgusted by the whole idea. I hate Northern Virginia and everything it stands for. (sorry, LT - I love you, Old Town IS nice enough, but I can't deal with this) It's one thing to hook up with the Teet there (but, I'm getting one in my own, nice CITY neighborhood soon) and to even enjoy a meal or cocktail there from time to time. But to actually be employed there is another slimy, pus-filled, sore-covered, oozing beast.
My apologies Prez, but is this really going to happen? Aren't you managemnet now? Don't you have some influence over the boss people? You sound defeated already, this is not the HaterTot we know and love, this is certainly not the WFLer who we have chosen to lead us...
I'm facing powerful resistance from both my Prez and the VP here, as they are both VAites. I've been compiling a list of legit reasons why this move should not happen (I'm not even including the impact it will have on my lunching and happy houring) and will be fighting the good fight over the next several months to put a stop to it.
Hell NO, I Won't Go!
Thanks Jack!
But are you referring to Miami or Key West? I am an admitted novice at all things south of Panama City.
And that place was horrible.
HaterTot I totally agree with you. I had a few interviews in the Lombard/Downers Grove area and it just totally sucks compared to the city. Not to mention lunch options are a joke. You can only eat at Panera so many times.
I've lived in Miami going on 21 years now and I have to say that South Beach is a pretty bad barometer of food in South Florida. I live south of downtown (Pinecrest area) and the real food gems are found outside of the downtown/beach area. Not to mention the beach is incredibly overpriced.
When I used to eat normal people food and wasn't on this crazy ass diet I would go to Casola's (Not Casoli's) off of NW 17th Ave and US-1 for a $3 slice of pizza that is as big as your head.
Sloppy Joes is a landmark. It's still alive and kicking w/ old sea hags and tourists.
I love the Clevelander. I hate, hate, hate South Beach and that whole scene - it's antithetical to everything I am, believe in and stand for, but the Clevelander is a good little bar.
And, is the Green Turtle on Islamorada still there? It's been a long time since I did that drive, but I remember stopping there with my parents everytime we drove down. Good conch chowder and as I remember, it's a totally old school place.
And, is anyone else weirded out that Sabrina the Teenage Witch just had a baby?
Tot- I hate south beach to. The people, the atmosphere, and way too many guys in thongs, it's just too much. I usually only go there when friends visit or when i want the world's best chicken wings (Mangos on 8th and ocean).
delicious delicious breadline! i'm starting to really enjoy their tomato saffron soup. they didn't have the curried chicken salad though, which is my usual go to.
we are NOT moving out to VA. absolutely not. i will stage a sit-in if this is the case. T-tot and i will fight!
e-que: lots and lots of tea and chicken soup like the jade says.
james: greasy foods are the key to any hangover situation. plus, i've been told of a miracle drug that will solve all of our hangover problems forever. (or at least for as long as our livers can filter out massive amount of toxins effectively)
ok my friend is going to brussels this weekend and eating at the most amazing restaurant.
a sample of their "irresistable dishes":
“feuilleté” of Scallop to marjoram, basil, pieces of tomatoes and hearts of fresh artichokes – Half young pigeon "ready to eat" roasted on a bed of smoked foie gras , olive olio perfumed with white truffles and balsamic, poached pear with cinnamon..."
i'm drooling with jealousy.
Went to ABP with a co-worker.
Small Corn Chowder and a ham and swiss on multigrain.
Okay, this is probably going to disgust a lot of you.
For lunch I had the container of cottage cheese, that I accidentally left out at home all day yesterday. It hadn't been opened, so I popped it into the fridge when I got home and ate it today. It wasn't as tasty as "fresh" but I think I won't get sick.
Now I'm eating jello. Sweet delicious, sugar free jello. The kind in the little cups, that's pre-made, so it's extra gelatinous. One cup of peach, and one of watermelon. Both, so tasty.
HaterTot, why do you tell me things like that? It makes me all kinds of queasy. But I feel so bad about your works impending move that I will ignore it. What the fuck? The burbs suck! You are not having a good week, Madame Prez. Sorry!
I however had a lovely lunch at The Berghoff. I dined on the sausage trio, sauerkraut and hot German potato salad, plus TWO lagers. Divine. A Chicago classic. Why why why are they closing this place? Lester made the good move and got there at 11:00, so I was able to walk in and wait for maybe 2 minutes. The line was literally out the door and down the block. Apparently we weren't the only ones with the idea to get a Berghoff fix in before it closes. He also gave me his pickle which I thoroughly enjoyed. And I stole a butter dish as a memento. I will miss that place.
I am also half nekkid on my blog today, in case you lunchers want to show me some love.
Gave you his pickle did he...?
Tell us about the sauage trio.
I just had to get my photo taken for our company website, right after lunch. The photog’s like “big smile.” No problem. He snaps a few. Then he’s like “Alright, let’s do a solemn one.” Okay!!! “Um, you’re still smiling.” Okay!!! “…still smiling.” OKAY!!!
Jesus. I’ve got a belly full of schnitzel and lager and you want me to be solemn!??!
Good lunch.
A brilliant exhibition of line management, if I do say so myself. FYI to any and all, if you try to do the Berghoff between now and closing, factor in a significant line. I never sat in the main dining room at the Berghoff. And I probably never will again. Weird. I always did the stand up bar, which I’ve heard from at least one drunk is still going to be there after the restaurant’s gone.
Love given, and I knew it was you who would be most disgusted by my lunch. It wasn't bad really... I just couldn't bring myself to throw something away that wasn't even opened.
But, I did have the most delicious, moistest chicken I've ever experienced last night for dinner. I can't describe how heavenly it was, and I couldn't believe I actually made it. AND that it was boneless/skinless - which is usually never as good as the one with skin and bones. No steaming this time. Braised (browned in olive oil, then popped in the oven with chicken broth made from the remnants of last week's steamed chicken) with baby portobello mushrooms and cauliflower. So, that makes up for my sub par, possibly vomit-inducing lunch.
Moist? Really? Moist chicken. I don't think I want my chicken moist.
Solemn? Where the hell do you work? A funeral home? Who wants pictures of "solemn" employees on its website??
My work ID photo looks like a mugshot. Actually, I've taken mugshots that are more flattering. I was desperately hungover on my first day of work here, and it shows in that pic. I'm oddly proud of it.
And yes, moist. Juicy. Delectable. Delicious.
God damn it Jo, I just knew someone was going to take my innocent remark about Lester giving me a pickle and turn it into a dirty joke. I always set myself up for them. I just would have more likely expected it from HaterTot than you.
The sausage trio was bratwurst, knockwurst and a smoked thuringer. Beef and pork, veal and pork sausages respectively, I think. The thuringer, which I know was the pork, was my favorite as it was quite flavorful and had a nice tight casing and good firm texture and went well with the kraut. I wasn't sure which was which of the others, but Lester identified the one I didn't particularly care for as the bratwurst. It was a little too tender and bland for my taste, but not bad, and just not at all like what I normally expect when I order a brat. It was a very fine lunch, indeed. Really good beer, as well.
ME?! Jo's the one who makes everything dirty all the time! I AM the innocent one!
How did my image get so tarnished?!
I did a little research and it seems that coriander is frequently present in thuringer sausages. Does that sound right in retrospect?
Spoilsport, I expected at least a little Sox support from you.
And Jade your lunch post was dripping with innuendo for me to grab on. I just took the lowest hanging fruit.
Good job on the 2 beers.
Is coriander another word for cilantro? Is it cilantro that has been dried? If so, I don't think it was present in my thuringer.
It needs to be aknowledged that today is B-E-autiful day in Chicago. It is warm, bright blue skies and the sun is shining. You would never believe it is January in Chicago. My ride to the office on the brown line through the loop was a real treat, as I usually am underground on the red line.
Thanks for the corriander explanation e-que. I like parsley, and I think I am alone in that opinion on this board.
whoa, i didn't know coriander came from cilantro??? you learn something new every day...
I don't think necessarily agree, e-que. I've never thought coriander tasted like cilantro. Jade, if you were discounting my coriander-thuringer theory on the basis that you got no cilantro effect, I urge you to rethink.
I don't discount it Lester, but the problem is if it doesn't taste like cilantro than I don't think I could identify it because I don't know it. But I can say, the thuringer was very tasty and my favorite of the three.
coriander has actually more of an aromatic spice to it. i agree that it doesn't taste like cilantro, but i could see how it would have some qualities.
See you next Tuesday kids.
UPDATE: My surgery has officially been rescheduled, but rather than the 17th, it's been moved up to Feb. 1, and I will be staying overnight in the hospital, as I won't come out of post-op until like 10:30.
Turns out the Dr's sister is a total flake and called a couple days ago to say she's getting married the evening of the 3rd. If the liar bitch scheduler had just told me that yesterday, we wouldn't have had a problem. Anyway, 20 days and counting...
Have fun boys! Hey, how does rico feel about watching a gay guy eat a burrito?
Have fun guys! Be safe, be good and don't do anything I wouldn't do - which should still leave you lots of room for mayhem and debauchery. I expect to see pictures, especially in the boobie shirts, upon your return.
Huh? Wha? What the hell is going on?
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