Don't think for even one split second that I have forgotten about you, because nothing could be further from the truth. In fact, I miss you guys and checking in with OWFL comments at regular intervals throughout the day. I will be sitting at my desk wondering if it is too early to tap into my tasty salad and I'll think La Choi would completely understand my dilemma of being so hungry but not wanting to eat too early and be craving a second lunch in the late afternoon. Or something incredibly raunchy or some obscure pop culture reference will pop into my head and I'll think "Jo, needs to hear this," or a walk to the White Hen will produce an encounter with a fellow man that will fill me with temporary rage and I just know HaterTot and Hater would empathize. And for several days, I've needed to tell "Uncle Sparkle" that I do NOT approve of the recent name change.
But as you well know, I am grounded. It does appear as if the situation is temporary, but for the time being my posts and comments will be sporadic at best. I do not however, want you to even contemplate for a second that I do not take my OWFL duties seriously or that you made a mistake when you offered me a contributorship position. Therefore, I will be giving a nightly recap in the comments section which will include details of my daily lunch, a brief synopsis of the days comments as well as what I would have contributed to the discussion. Have faith friends, I have not gone away and I will not be forgotten, damn it!
And remember, a pleasant, satisfying and nutritious lunch is not the privilege of a select few, but it is a basic right for all free Americans. So go forth and eat well. And then share the details.

What is for lunch?
That'll do Jade....that'll do.
I say la. La la la la. La la la la. La la la la la la la la la la la.
Now I say it all fucking day long. Thanks.
Don’t worry about being sporadic. You’re here even when you think you’re not.
I’m lost as far as spicy tuna rolls goes. Perhaps I’ll have lunch.
who was it that i was talking to about the breakfast club, anyways? was it one of you dc WFLers? i was blanking on the character's names:
i only remember claire. who are the others? i am ashamed that i've forgotten one of the best movies ever!
jade, we miss you terribly!
um, lunch? undecided as of now. i was going to try to eat light since i picked out after yoga yesterday. i also watched the 40 year old virgin...does anyone else think that's one of the funniest movies ever???
god, i meant "pigged" out after yoga. i think i'm gonna be the one with the spelling problem today.
Claire, Bender, Brian, Andy, Allison, Principal Vernon and Carl the janitor. I love that movie. Especially when it is [flippin] dubbed for TV.
I think that AMH's delivery of "physics club" is one of the greatest moments in cinematic history.
I and my problematic name are getting to work now!!!!!
Yay, 'merica!!!
I am very hungry today. I'm thinking about a trio salad from Corner Bakery or Vie de France with some soup.
R.I.P. Chris "Nice Guy Eddie" Penn.
Just watched the Reservoir Dogs DVD the other night and saw an interview he did.
I think Chris would've liked this site. Or at least the topic.
Eric Roberts's best movie is undoubtably "Star 80". Saw it when I was a kid and immediately fell in love with Mariel Hemingway. Probably because she was naked through most of the feature.
sibling celeb not mentioned:
kevin dillon.
thx josephus.
I'm not even sure if this counts any more, but the River Phoenix and Jaoquin Phoenix siblings are my favorite. I was devestated when River died, and then Jaoquin proved to be amazing in his own right, and may have even eclipsed his older brother now. But, only because he is dead.
I'm off now. Have fun kiddies, look for my recap later.
And ... GO STATE! Ann Arbor is a WHORE!
I just watched Saw 1 the other night. I can't wait to see the sequel.
For Hater...Natasha and Joely Ricahardson.
I love Kevin Dillon in Entourage. He's so perfectly in denial & yet egotistical.
Hm, has Joseph Fiennes done anything since Shakespeare in Love?
So hungry. May go out soon & get a softball-sized tuna on bagel. No breakfast. Again.
Don't start with me BJ Queen...
Maybe it should read 'Ricahardons'
so, we received this e-mail that said lunch was catered and we get to pick our sandwiches, etc. i got really excited.
then i saw that it was for our staff retreat, which isn't until next week...DAMN! talk about lunch let down. :-(
Oh, man, if I ever got an email saying that our lunch was going to be picked up, I would be veeeeeeery suspicious. Like the time in 4th grade when I came home from school & Mom said "Come sit with me in the kitchen. Would you like a Diet Coke? I wanted to talk with you about where babies come from. Why don't we start with you telling me everything you know."
True story.
On the light side, I think this is going to be a cool movie:
speaking of Joseph Fiennes!
ha james, we were just discussing this flick. i just don't understand how they're going to do the darwin awards in a movie format? i guess i'm just not cinematically creative.
on other news, got my favorite curried chicken and cous cous salad from breadline. me so happy.
Yeah, but, who knew they could make the picture book "How to lose a guy in 10 days" into a movie, too? Or a Disney ride!
Anyhoo, I can't decide if it sounds funny or stupid. I'm leaning towards stupidly funny.
Just had an enormous bagel with salami on it. It was ok, except the salami tasted more like bologna. It also had a ton of oil on it, from olives & artichokes. I'm stuffed. Moo.
I'm going to change the display name. The new nick will be dizkonekid or just diz for short. This reflects my personality because it is basically L33t speak for disconnected ... which means my thought patterns do not move in the manner of most people. Definitely not linear.
What does the group think?
I don't want anyone accusing me of being a stalker again. I don't want any angry people.
??? WFL?
I love mandarin oranges .. had a bowl of them today.
LT, nice Liberty Meadows reference.
I have to audible on lunch. Sushi’s not going to cut it anymore. The game’s on ESPN “U” tonight, which I do not have. This means my whore ass is going to have to go the bar to watch it. ***Sigh*** And I’m not drinking 16 servings of cheap pilsner on a little rice, seaweed and mercury. Maybe I’ll do baja. I feel like I need to patronize them more frequently ever since I stole that bottle of cholula.
When I caught the 5150 tour at the Joyce ACC, Alex Van Halen stole the show with his drum solo. I kid you NOT!
diz it is. i second it. if someone wants to first and third it.
dear god, MJ has seriously gone off the deep end. he's not only dressing in bahraini gear, but WOMEN bahraiini gear??? how much more can the man insult the arab world????
i'm so full, i want to sleep. i did yoga yesterday, and i'm sore and want a nap. i wish that we had a nap room like LT's office. that's brilliant.
alex van halen??? i didn't even know he existed. WFLers are all kinds of knowledgable in the world of celebrity siblings.
wow, your mascot was an ace??? my friend's HS mascot was an acorn. how's that for lame?
la. la la la la. la la la la. lalalalalalalalalalaahhhh
"Go you Mighty Trojans!!"
Jade and I shared a high school mascot (and a high school).
Our fight song was the same as the theme from Coach.
We are the Trojans marching onward
Under the Blue & White
You can see us Fight
We are the Trojans marching onward
Under the Blue and White We Go!
James go with Diz.
What is Kapaun?
Hello everyone! Sorry I've been MIA - my Directore duties are taking away from OWFL time.
Lunch was my magically moist chicken, with asparagus, mushrooms, onions, tomatos, broccoli and cauliflower, and some strawberry jello. I am full, and abs and I have to go to a work dinner thing in a couple of hours.
HS mascot was a Tiger; college was a fighting Terrapin. As for the acorn, isn't Stanford's a tree? And, Virginia Tech's "Hokie" ie castrated turkey, is pretty bad, too. (going to a school with a turtle as a mascot, one bones up on school's with shittier mascots then one's own)
Hater - TheJade's midget is called Ace - so I'm sure she's going to love yours. (well, maybe not so much the part about kicking Ace...)
And, all day with no mention of the Baldwins or the Arquettes, or Helen Slater (Super Girl AND Legend of Billy Jean are classics...) or Charlie Murphy?! More obscurely, Mackenzie Astin comes to mind... (brother of Sean... played Andy on the Facts of Life, after they moved out of the dorm over the kitchen at Eastland and into the back of Edna's Edibles... actually, by the time Andy got there, Edna's Edibles had burnt to the ground and had become Over Our Heads, and Mrs. Garrett was outta' there, replaced by Beverly. But, I digress.)
I expected more from you guys on this front.
Cloris Leachman is an American Treasure.
There's the pres! I know. Day's almost over and we're barely at 50.
Where the hell is Brian? What happened to that sinecure person? Was goldfish a one-hit wonder?
Nobody here is a scientologist, right?
Brian is training at his fancy new job. I expect his return soon.
Jo - where the hell IS sinecure??
And, Jack hasn't been around lately - I owe "that person" an apology, as I'd been harboring under some false illusions regarding "their" gender.
Also, spoilsport isn't as vocal these days...
By the way, I'm hoping to make a fun (?) OWFL announcement tomorrow, or the next day, if I have time to pull it together over the next couple of evenings. Stay tuned!
Hater, I was with you right up until Silkwood. That movie scared the shit out of me. Putter of course is now the voice of Lisa Simpson. I LOVED that movie though.
We can’t afford to be innocent
Stand up and face the enemy
It’s a do or die situation
We will be INVINCIBLE!!
There's Jack and goldfish!
See? Prayer does work.
Wait - so Prayer Good - Prozac Bad?
Good to see Ms. Jack and Ms. Goldfish! Jack, I had no idea of your gender until Sunday night. Jo pointed out that no man would talk about his dog's itchy ass - but I contend that is simply not true. We did after all spend a good amount of time talking about anal glands and ass dragging.
No man would refer to their dog, repeatedly, as 'itchy butt'.
Greasy pad thai is just a fact of life. Whoa! The McKeons! That JUST came to me!
goldfish says that yesterday was the most depressing day of the year, but I distinctly remember other wflers saying that the most depressing day was Monday.
Who's wrong?
hater's a chick. she said "smelly".
Hater if we didn't know before, you discussed skin care products with WAY too much authority yesterday to be a dude. And, Goldfish, you know too much about crackers. That much cracker knowledge is totally a chick thing.
24 is truly a great show.
I simply relayed what the elevator, and Ms. Wet Taco Platter's face, said about Monday being the most depressing.
We can call it a draw. Neither day really rocked my world.
Who can be depressed with Uncle Sparkle and that glitzy avatar around??
Aw, shucks.
HT least we forget the Cusaks .. who are classic nepotists whores.
Regardless, it was a good day. I haven't met this "Jack" character yet .. but welcome back all the same (lack of man-hood and all).
Cheers everyone its hump-day .. so go get humped!
I think I figured out Hater was a girl when I said I'd be impressed if she grew that beard in a weekend and someone else made a point of saying they would be *really* impressed if she grew that beard.
I'll see your McKeon's, and raise you a Justine Bateman.
My high school (Dep't of Defense, so public, school!) was home of the Crusaders, too. I can't understand why my school got bomb threats during Gulf War I.
Oh, HT, a Hokie is a castrato turkey?? Woah! I never knew that!
My favorite non-school-I-went-to mascot is the UC Santa Cruz Banana Slugs.
Okay, LT - but remember when it was JASON Bateman who was the lesser of the two Batemans? I always thought he would never amount to anything more than Teen Wolf 2.
We who hail from LMC.
Cheer our team to victory.
Listen to that Laker roar.
We want them to raise that score.
When we go to every game,
Our spirit you will see.
We want to tell all Michigan
That we are from LMC.
HT, too true! He did go through a long dry spell. Hm, I'm trying to think of other celebrity siblings who have done the fortune flip. Ack, all I can come up with is the Cusacks, but they tend to teeter around the same level.
See Uncle Sparkle!!!
Prayer works!!
OK, I went to Metropolis for lunch today [again] and I had a bowl of split pea soup with ham and a small mediterranean salad. The soup was so hot it burned a portion of my esophagus which is just a really nasty thing.
I don't like the correcting people's spelling nonsence that is floating around. Spelling errors in the main post is one thing because spell check is available, but in the comments it's nit picky. Unless it is actually comical or a Freudian slip I think they should be ignored.
I know it's been up for awhile but hater's avatar cracks me up every single time I see it.
"as for the ace, while i think it's bizarre, i don't think it's necessarily terrible." This line cracked me up for reasons having nothing to do with what hater was talking about. Some of you who know me and my real name should be able to discern why.
As Jo pointed out, we went to the same highschool, so I am a trojan, too. I also happened to be a cheerleader for a couple years. We used to have this cheer that went, "Give me a T! Give me an R! Give me an O! Give me a j-a-n-s! You should have been a trojan, [hoo hoo hoo] you should have been a trojan!" But some of the nastier schools in our league [Sexton] used to sing it back to us and would say, "Your daddy should have used a trojan!" That wasn't always fun.
I knew Jack was a chick, but I was tipped off by Jo when discussing holiday menus.
I assumed goldfish was a girl because the name and avatar are so girly.
I was also tipped off to hater's female gender by Jo. Man, Jo sure does break the "anonymity" a lot on this blog for someone who is SO into privacy that he doesn't like to let his coworkers see what he is eating for lunch.
24 rules, but I avoid all talk of it while it is airing because I like to watch it in a marathon weekend on DVD.
I LOVE LOVE LOVE Jason Bateman. I know he is a fictional character but I think Michael Bluth is my ideal man. Seriously, I would forsake all others to have a shot at that man.
I am depressed about the State game.
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