WFL? (and no one say dog, or else i may have to bitch slap ya...)
16 servings of cheap pilsner last night? Attracted to a 6” seafood sandwich you saw being ordered and need someone to talk to? Feel like something pasta-y, but not exactly? This is what terrorizes our nation’s workers every day. It is ever-present, in the back of our minds--riding on the train, up the elevator, in that meeting. But these are simply facets of the one great question. The answer to which must be provided before we can ever grasp contentment. What’s for lunch?
I'll be in a meeting from 11am - ???.
Where are going through a group reorg and it will just another step in "The Great Career Backslide"(TM) that I am in right now.
But hey, its definitely not the year of the tiger .. LaChoi I got a red envelope in my pants for ya :)
This morning I was thinking that I'd like to start spending less money on lunch, and thought, "too bad, that could have made a good new year's resolution." Hey, it still can be!
But I might do 65 Chinese today. S&S chicken and shrimp fried rice.
i may have to do asian as well...though on lunar new years eve, i ate a shite-load of homemade dumplings at a party some friends of mine threw.
holidays = eating your face off.
I made homemade chicken and vegetable soup yesterday and packaged it into little single serving containers and froze most of them so I could take them for lunch. Last night I also made a nice little salad and wrapped up a homemade chocolate chip cookie to go with my soup. They are currently sitting cozily in the refrigerator at home.
I have a wicked head cold. I feel like I am under water. I need to go home and go back to bed, but that seems like a highly unlikely scenario at this point.
By the way, OWFL has myspace and friendster profiles, so the rest of you better have them, too.
Hater don't get yourself into trouble, recant your vernors statement immediately and we'll all just move on.
Salad day for me.
Uh oh, knocking the Vernor's is just plain wrong. Them's are fighting words.
Oh, Hater - I am with you on Vernor's. I just don't like it. Granted, I had a bad Vernor's experience as a kid, but I just can't do it. I keep some around the house though, cause I'm a great hostess like that.
I'm eating now. I'm in a bad mood, and I feel like eating. I suspect I'm going to be hungry again later. Could I be doing 2 lunches today???
Drinking Vernor's actually burns. If I wanted to drink something that burned, I'd drink cheap whiskey like normal people.
I'm not kidding people, I'll show you what hate looks like!
so, the year of the dog is supposed to influence your luck this year according to your chinese zodiac sign. check it out, if you're curious.
now now, settle down folks. vernor's is tasty in my opinion, but also i can see it being an acquired taste. it also makes abs sneeze and burp a lot. it's cute to watch this from my desk.
lunch, i haven't decided on the asian joint i'm going to. what to do, what to do...
Hater you really shouldn't continue down this road. We know that your betrothed is a Vernors lover. Stop now.
It very well could be a product of my Michigan childhood. I mean I am a Lions fan, as well. But I just love the Vernor's. Loooooooove it. In fact, I would love some right now to help take the rasp out of my throat. I suppose I could just stop smoking for a little bit, but I think that might actually kill me.
i'm not a michigander, but i love the vernor's too. and that "synthetic" taste, hater, is due to it being "barrel-aged" like a fine wine. who knew you could barrel age ginger ale?
this is a dumb question but do you barrel age beer at all? my knowledge is only of wine and not beer, though i consume both heartily.
growwwwwwwling stomach. must...find...food...NOW!
When I was a kid, and I was sick, my mom would take care of me. This involved watching tv in bed and eating lunch in bed too. Lunch, for sick little HT, involved things like tomato soup, grilled cheese and tater tots and always, always Tom Tucker Mint Ginger Ale.
Well, one day, little HT was home sick, but instead of Mom, Dad had to take care of me. Now, he tried his best - he really did. Chicken noodle soup, a jumbo sandwich (yinz call it "bologna" I believe) with a Kraft single, but... he didn't go out and get the Tom Tucker. He simply substituted it with what he thought was "close enough."
Tom Tucker is sweet, and slightly minty, and clear and delicious. It's refreshing. A thing of beauty, actually. Now, when a sick little girl is expecting this magical elixir, always given to her by her mommy, and daddy, who's done fine on the food portion of lunch, presents her an opaque plastic glass of something, a (stupid) little girl, trusts that it is her beloved Tom Tucker. Wrong. That shit hit my mouth, and it was all over. I didn't get sick, but that taste, combined with the fact that I was expecting something wholly different and sweet and delicious. Well, it did nothing to help my upset little tummy. And, I never trusted my dad to pour me the right beverage again.
To this day I associate Vernor's with evil. Oddly, I remember the exact date of the day: April 12, 1981. The day of the first launching of the Space Shuttle Columbia. And, the day that Vernor's and I had our first and last interaction. Dad still loves the stuff. I just can't get over it.
Sometimes [read: almost always] I find unwrapping a new pack of reds to be one of the most erotic acts in my daily life. It's the anticipation, the suspense, the knowing there will soon be pleasure and satisfaction. Wow. Yeah, I haven't gotten laid in far too long.
My mom was like an uncooked potato. God forbid one gets thrown at your head. And, definitely an acquired taste without some seasoning.
That whole expectations v. reality is what ruined it. It's like I always say about skittles and m&ms. I love both. But when I'm expecting an m&m and I get a skittle, you can be damned sure that it's getting spat out, preferably in the direction of the asshole who duped me.
Well, its official. I'm now just an administrator and no longer an engineer.
I can't get the shit-bomb of an application called blogger to write to my home server anymore and I didn't get my lunch-break workout today.
They forced us into eating Turkey Mufflettas (black crappy olives not calmata olives) on greasy pan bread with a cookie.
I almost threw up in my mouth when I said, "I see alot of opportunity ahead of us in Administration."
And then I had to eat that crap sandwich.
Can I get some sympathy here? :(
went across the street to the sketchy buffet place that is underground...but they have kimchi and other asian treats! woof woof everyone. i'm about to dive in.
did i mention i got a mess of food for under $7? soho charges twice that much. i just hope i don't get sick.
what diz...that blows chunks. not only did you get a career ass kicking, you also had to eat a bad lunch. i'd so be PO-ed right now.
So sorry to hear that shite Diz. For that you deserve a liquid lunch at least. A fuc%ing turkey muffaletta? Horrible.
The Executive Council, with the consult of the several members of the Executive Committee, and those for whom this is geographically relevant, have made a change in the Spring Conference.
The Spring Conference, to be held April 7-9 will NOT be taking place in Chicago, as previously planned. Instead, the Inaugural Conference will take place in Our Nation's Capital.
While we recognize the culinary superiority of Chicago, due to the large number of OWFLers here in DC, the abundant housing for the out-of-towners, and what some believe to be the greater potenial for a "rollicking good time," we've decided to have it here.
This isn't to say that we won't keep you fed and drunk for your time here. There are more than enough culinary delights in our fair city to keep everyone "fat and happy," if you will.
Now, we welcome discussion on the issue, and we hope that you will all be able to join us.
I need to be away from the internet for awhile, but rest assured Jo, CSR, and Uncle Sparkle will be happy to field your questions and comments. I'll be back in an hour or so.
Uh...questions anyone?
goldfish, falafel.
Never go with the weird Starbuck's fair. That shit weirds me out. Is that actually real bread they serve it on?
I submit their bread is actually rejected brownies.
chief ike's isn't like what it used to be. but if the entire WFL crew takes up the place, then it's sure to be fun. plus, it's close to my house, so that makes it easy for ms. la choi to stumble home without having to pay for a taxi.
i say falafel, goldfish.
i'm kinda into starbuck's breakfast sammiches, though i can't be quite sure how i feel about the stupid sayings they put on them like "epiphanies are rarely over toasted bread". that shit is so dumb.
whoa, james vernor...ginger ale was the most popular soda for seventy years? wow, i wonder how true that factoid is.
wierd tuna? i wouldn't trust it goldfish. falafel is at least fried so there are no germs living in it after it is served.
I am wholly and emphatically opposed to moving the conference. I demand to know the reasons for why this move was MADE, not PROPOSED mind you, MADE. I do not buy for a minute it is merely a matter of there are more DCers. Everyone had an opportunity to VOTE on this matter MONTHS ago, and now a FEW have decided to change it for ALL! We decided on Chicago and now some people have gotten uppity and decided to destroy the Democratic process of OWFL.
Please don't take this post as me kidding. Because I am not.
I was going to say cry me a river on the getting laid thing, but then I just got good and rogered by the rest of the executive committee. Bulldozed. It was a freight train of procedural inadequacies. I got killed. I'm sorry. It happened so fast. I'm still reeling.
I don't think this is right. I say we stage a protest. I'm not kidding. I am mad.
Is your email broken, jade?
Rats, goldfish. We were throwing you a surprise conference.
Ahem. Well Jaded I was under the impression that you had been consulted by the President and that in fact extraordinary measures had been discussed to make sure you could attend.
Uncle Sparkle was involved in the discussions as well and said he could make the change. Rico said the same thing.
There are several reasons why a change of venue make sense, and while it would have been ideal to have a democratic election to decide the matter, time was of the essence, so the wflers most affected were consulted and since the date was being changed an executive decision was made in committee.
Jade were you not consulted?
Goldfish, the First Annual OWFL Conference is being held on the weekend of April 7-9 and the venue has been changed from Chicago to DC. All OWFLers are invited.
I was consulted, but I don't recall agreeing. I said it was possible for me to make it but I was opposed to it. I still haven't heard any reasons other than "it makes sense."
valid gripe indeed. i am ok with it being here in DC, but i was also looking forward to taking a little trip outta here. yes, josephus, please list out to jade the reasons that you gave me when i asked why the conference was moved?
First of all, I will say to all of you what I said to the Exec. Council and The Jade, off-blog. I do not have a dog in this fight. Despite DC being geographically convenient for me, Chicago would be my first choice.
That said, the move makes sense to me for reasons of geographical convenience for the majority of potential attendees, and better weather at that time of year (okay, that one's personal), and wealth of accomodation options here. Having it in DC means that more WFLers can participate.
NOW, I will say this: we will have the next conference in Chicago. I don't think this is up for a vote. Though, since everyone seems to be all for democracy around here today, it can be if the people wish it so.
(I stand by my contention that democracy is not only the most inefficient method of governance, but also NOT the superior method, but I digress)
Also, I apologize that this feels like a decision was made "behind closed doors." Those consulted had their positions taken into serious consideration and we are making every effort to accomodate everyone, so that everyone can participate.
A few reasons:
1) By having the conference in DC we are guaranteed to have a higher attendance rate. No way to get around that.
2) Any out of towners who come in for the DC conference (and I believe we already have 5 confirmed) are guaranteed comfortable lodging at the home of a DC WFLer.
3) In DC we have access to several apartments that can comfortably host the entire conference crew for blog discussions, late night tommfoolery and potluck meals.
4) The burden of planning the conference no longer rests on the shoulders just one or two people who each have very busy lives. Now there is a whole team who can be called on to handle preparartions and anything at all that is needed.
5) Fewer people paying for big travel means more cash can be spent on food and drink.
6) This is the first conference and having it in a location that is central to more wflers means lass headache.
Who exactly is the exceutive council?
Last thing from me. I said that if it was the decision, that a post should be made later in the week. This would have allowed for the appropriate amount of deliberation and a thorough vetting of the issues. The rest of the council had a very odd sense of urgency on making the decision. It would have staved off the resulting eruption. Disappointed.
I'm Uncle Sparkle, and I'm running for President.
The "exec council" refers to the four wflers with the most seniority and administrative priveleges.
You know what, US - you can have it. I don't fucking want it. I don't have time for any of this, thus the urgency. Which, was explained, off blog.
Sorry everyone's not happy. I don't actually give a shit.
Have fun, Prez Sparkle.
The executive council is james vernor, josephus, hatertot and myself.
Point of clarification: I give a shit that people are unhappy. I do not give a shit where the conference is.
With regards to Chicago posters:
Uncle Sparks
Did I miss anyone?
well, I had the trio salad from Corner Bakery with the DC chicken salad, the tuna salad and the tomato salad. Lemonade and a chocolate chip cookie.
I'm stuffed. Still digesting the ribs from Alero last night.
Hot in
So hot it here
So hot in
I was like, good gracious ass bodacious
Flirtatious, tryin' to show patience
Lookin' for the right time to shoot my steelo
Lookin' for the right time to flash them keys
Then um I'm leavin, please believe in
Me and the rest of my heathens
Checkin out a lot at the top of the Four Seasons
Penthouse, roof top, birds I'm feedin'
No deceivin', nothin' up my sleeve, no teasin'
I need you to get up up on the dance floor
Give that man what he askin' for
'Cos I feel like bustin' loose and I feel like touchin' you
And can't nobody stop the juice, so baby tell me what's the use
I said
It's getting hot in here
So take off all your clothes
I am gettin so hot, I wanna take my clothes off
Why you at the bar if you ain't poppin' the bottles
What good is all the fame if you ain't fuckin' the models
I see you drivin' sportscars, ain't hittin' the throttle
And I be damned I do a hundred, top down in goggles
Get off the freeway, exit 106 and parked it
Ash tray, flip gate, time to spark it
Gucci collar for dollar, got out and walked it
I spit game 'cos baby I can't talk it
Walls, sweatin', it's hot up in this joint
Vokal tanktop on at this point
Your with a winner so baby you can't lose
I got secrets, can't leave Cancun
So take it off like your home alone
You know, dancin in front your mirror while you're on the phone
Checkin' your reflection and tellin' your best friend
'Like girl, I think my butt gettin' big'
(Chorus) x2
(Let it hang all out)
Mix a little bit a ah, ah
With a little bit a ah, ah
(Let it just fall out)
Give a little bit a ah, ah
With a little bit a ah, ah
(Let it hang all out)
With a little bit a ah, ah
And a sprinkle of that ah, ah
(Let it just fall out)
I like it when ya ah, ah
Girl, baby make it ah, ah
Stop pacin', time wastin'
I got a friend with a pole in the basement (what)
I'm just kiddin' like Jason (oh)
Unless you gon' do it
Extra, extra spread the news
Nelly took a trip from the Lunar to Neptune
Came back with somethin' thicker than fittin' in sasoons
Say she like to think about cuttin' in restrooms
(Chorus) x4
whoa, i leave for a bit and i see it's an all out civil war up in here! for some comic relief, i offer this fine blog to make some people laugh...people are creative, i must say.
my breath smells like kimchee.
Maybe we should have it in St. Louis?
That makes two "resignations" today!!
I also withdraw my candidacy and offer my resignation from the executive council.
What a day.
And so it died. Not with a bang, but with a silly whimper.
i'm sad. is this what it comes down to? everyone fighting about the conference and then not blogging about lunch ever again?
remember everyone, this is supposed to be fun! now everyone is mad.
can't everyone just get along????
Holy crap. I've been super-busy. This is the first I've looked today. Hm. Hmmmmmmmmmm.
I had leftovers from lunch yesterday for lunch today. It was middling.
La Choi, that website is genius. Genius!
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