Friday, December 29, 2006
Year in Review - Part I
(Sorry in advance for not having specific links to these - you'll just have to scroll down to the appropriate day).
Friday, January 13 The hottest chick in the airport bar with man hands who will soon, without her knowledge, be immortalized on t-shirts across the nation.
Monday, January 23 The birth of the national obsession with blow job shots, and the birth of a legend (what do you mean 'what legend'? Me and my big mouth, dumbass).
Wednesday, February 1 HaterTot's, er, hoagies, get cut down to mere burgers.
Wednesday, February 15 Most responded to posting of the first 6 months of 2006 - 175 from the Bride's post!!! And, naturally, it's about pet peeves (is it any surprise that the Bride used to be known as Hater??). We are nothing if not a bunch of pissed-off bloggers.
Friday, February 24 OWFL goes way international - all the way to the home of kimchi.
Friday, March 3 OWFL commenting possibly hits an all-time low with 7 comments.
Wednesday, March 8 The first discussion (possibly?) of street vendor food.
Friday, March 17 Another legend is born as LizTurtle's muff makes it's first appearance at a BB HH.
Monday, March 27 The first animal blog. Aw, kitties are so cute!
Monday, April 3 Yet another OWFL legend is born - this time having nothing to do with LizTurtle! Yes, it's . . . UNI'S ASSCAKE!!!!
Friday, April 7 The first offical OWFL conference begins in Washington, DC. (See Thursday, April 13 for full recap with pictures.) Items on agenda: Watchdog welcomed as full-fledged OWFL poster. Schedule, the bane and nirvana of many people's blogging existence.
Tuesday, April 11 One of my personal favorites - lots of pictures to look at - lunchbox posting!
Sunday, April 16 Longest. Post. Ever. And who says HaterTot doesn't have a soft spot?
Monday, May 8 Short-lived experiment with 'Side-Order' posting begins.
Monday, May 22 First post entirely in a different language.
Friday, June 16 BONNAROOOOOOOO!!! Also, combined posting makes people think HaterTot had invaded Lady A's body with all the cursing & effing the czar.
Saturday, June 17 LaChoi returns and kicks TAFKALC out on her (juicy) ass!!!
Monday, June 19 Madame Presidente plots and commits a coup d'etat - deposing the czar, but graciously allowing him to return from exile in Tennessee or wherever the fuck Bonnaroo is held.
Wednesday, June 21 Best. Post. Ever. What was it? Peep ham plank?
Ok, you know what? I've been working on this post for an hour and I know I didn't even scratch the surface of the first 6 months of this year. So I will let someone else review the 2nd 6 months (b/c hey, this year ain't over yet - we still got NYE to do). So tell us, y'all - what was your favorite OWFL moment this year? What was your favorite post? Or hell, your least favorite? What new catch-phrase has been burned into your mind forever because of us degenerates (and, you're welcome!)? And, of course, the burning question we all live for, WFL on this final business day of 2006?
Thursday, December 28, 2006
Missing Miso
I have no topic for today, just want to get the ball rolling for any of you guys actually working this week. Today will be a hectic day, we are at the end of the year so we are flooded with last minute donations from all the rich folk who want to get a last minute tax deduction. And all I can think about right now is that I will be in desperate need of a drink post work. AND for the DC crew we only have a few short days before this fine city goes non-smoking. I feel the need to indulge in lots of cigarettes indoors while we can. Who's in??? Angles?
Of course don't forget...WFL????!!!!
Wednesday, December 27, 2006
Dial-up? Seriously?
The technological backwater of my mother's house is begging to be incorporated in to some tenuously related lunch post. Something along the lines of: "What sort of things did you think were perfectly acceptable, maybe even cool as hell, ten years ago that you cannot even countenance now?" or "Is there any place you like to go for lunch from time to time specifically because it takes forfuckingever to get what you want?"
But, that's not what I came to talk about. I came to talk about down home.
Today, I end my visit home to coastal Georgia by taking a little half-day drive up to that great big Capital City known as Atlanta. Of course, I'm only driving up there because I have a flight to catch tomorrow morning that will take me to Austin where the better part of a week of New Years celebratin' will give way to a three-day Austin-Biloxi-Atlanta-DC road trip to ease me back in to the new working year.
With all that driving ahead of me AND so much of it through God's Country, I have a whole mess of roadside barbecue joints on my mind. As a starter list, there are these places across the state, which includes a joint right down the road from my mom's house that gives me the shits every time I go there (but tastes SO good that I keep going back). Once out in Texas, I guarandamntee at least one of my hangover brunches will stand on the shoulders of the royal figure mentioned first in this article. I won't pretend to even begin knowing what sort of unfamiliar wonders await me as I spend three days cutting across Texas, Louisiana, Mississippi, Alabama, Georgia, the Carolinas, and Virginia, but I'm all sorts of excited to see it.
So, how about you, OWFLers? Any down-home roadside establishments that you would cross county lines for? Any favorite haunts you visit every time you make that drive to Michigan or downstate? And, of course, WFL, y'all?
Monday, December 25, 2006
Fuck Christmas... eh... Nevermind
I wonder how many of my fellow OWFLers will be checking in, and if we're lucky sharing tales of their Christmas feasts.
As everyone by now knows, I hate Christmas. And, holidays in general. (excepting of course the Fourth of July and my Birthday, and Easter) However, my Christmas hatred has degenerated into plain, old, boring apathy. While the strains of another shit-soaked Christmas ballad are likely to get my hatred going, for the most part, I simply don't care. Other than the animated steaming coffee mug in the corner of the screen, I could be watching Footloose on VH1 (as I'm doing now) on any Saturday afternoon at any time throughout the year. The only difference is today I'm home in Pittsburgh, wearing pjs and a sweater, freezing my ass off and later I'll eat steak and lobster in an effort to pretend to be festive.
So, I'm feeling rather blah, blah, blah; less "Eff Jesus" and more, "Jesus who?"
If any OWFLers are out there, share with us tales of your holiday eats, holiday travels, holiday travails or whatever else is going on. I know that at least two of you are blissfully free from familial obligation this holiday, one of you making turkey legs, the other making rosemary chicken. What is everyone else doing?
Merry Christmas OWFL, or whatever... WWJHfL? (What Would Jesus Have for Lunch?)
Friday, December 22, 2006
diz is a cruisin'
diz: can you post for me?
la choi: ok. about what?
diz: just tell them i'm on a cruise.
la choi: so, tropical foods? where you docking at?
diz: cabo, puerto vallarta, etc.
i don't know what the friggin' topic is actually. let's just talk about where we'd rather be now and what we'd rather be eating at that magical place we all want to be at.
WFL suckas?
Person of the year
I mentioned it a comment yesterday, but I think we deserve a post on the topic.
We are Time magazine's person of the year.
We are bloggers (and to a lesser extent youtubers)
Congratulations OWFL. This is the highest honor we could get with the exception of People's sexiest man alive and that jack ass George Clowney already took the 2006 honors for that.
SO as the person of the year, what kind of treatment would you expect? What will the person of the year have for lunch today?
Is anybody out there?
Thursday, December 21, 2006
And I am not prepared with an interesting just let the wild rumpus lunching discussion begin!
If anyone has a certain topic in mind then throw it out there!
WFL bitches???!
Wednesday, December 20, 2006
I'll Devour Any MC As If He Were a Snack !!

Man i really loved the Fat Boys back in '86. It's sad to say that this was probably my introduction to hip hop and well, beat boxing. It wasn't, however, my introduction to eating. It was just a good excuse to sit down to Disorderlies and plow through a large pizza and a cheeseburger.
There is something about music themed around food. It's never very serious. Why is that? Can't I shed a tear for that perfect steak AND heartbreak?
So i ask you today to come up with some of your favorite songs about the eats and give us some of their tantalizing lyrics to wash our daily sammy down with.
And while you're at it, WFL???
Tuesday, December 19, 2006
Down-time lunching
As this is one of those really dead weeks, it might be a good time to take longer lunches and go to places that normally are so busy you shy away.
For me, I like those Potbelly sandwiches, both for taste and price, but damn in that line isn't literally out the door of the establishment. So I think i'll get one of those this week.
Also, in the spirit of the holidays, perhaps its also a good week to have a beer or other drink with lunch.
So on these down weeks where lots of people are out of the office, how will you alter your lunching habits?
And what are you doing today?
Monday, December 18, 2006
Well, let's see. Talk about portable food. Food for the on-the-go, wo/man-about-town. What kinds of foods do you eat when you're wandering around? On the road? Running errands and too busy to stop and sit down for a proper meal?
Me? I lead a life of leisure. I always have time to stop and eat. Plus, I'm way too uncoordinated to eat and walk at the same time.
And, WFL?
Friday, December 15, 2006
What are some of your odd eating habits that have disturbed others to the point of claiming that you have just lost some serious cool points for delving into some culinary oddity? FYI - if you ever hang out with earthquake, don't eat dill pickles dipped in bleu cheese dressing and buffalo wing sauce.
And of course...WFL???
Wednesday, December 13, 2006
Hooky Eatin'
So I'm taking today off of work. The nice thing about playing hooky from work is that you can just straight up say "I'm taking Wednesday off. No, no reason. Just gonna walk around, do some touristy stuff while there's none of those pesky tourists around, maybe do some Christmas shopping, have a beer with lunch (oh yeah)." There's none of the fear of being caught. Which, maybe, makes it not worthwhile for some of you (you know who you are). Yes, we all love the exhileration of getting away with something. I can't be bothered to deal with that much stress, and it's much easier to say "I'm taking the day off" instead of trying to fake a cough/losing my voice in the morning. Which I would have to continue trying to fake the next day, b/c this cough/voice-loss that's going around sounds like a bitch to get a rid of. Anyways, the point is: what's a good hooky lunch? Since I'll be in the District, I'm going to take the opportunity to patronize at least one eatery I rarely have the chance to hit up. If I'm lucky, maybe I'll make it 2! While you're reading this (uh, for some of you), I'll be eating waffles at the soon-to-be-defunct Waffle Shop with our very own HaterTot (anyone want to meet us there at 10:00, you're more than welcome!). What's for lunch then? Probably a late lunch, as we're eating a) breakfast and b) eating it pretty late. So maybe around 2 we'll hit Ben's Chili Bowl or Ollie's Trolley. Or maybe the famous Breadline. I know nothing first-hand of these eateries. Yes, it's sad. So what's your favorite hooky lunch? Do you prefer the dive-type place or the sit-down special occasion place? Or maybe just that half-smoke cart you've never gotten to around the corner? And should I have 1 or 2 beers? And, of course, WFL today, you poor working stiffs?
Tuesday, December 12, 2006
holiday eats
i know i haven't been as active on the blog lately. most of this is due to "the man" keeping la choi down. anyway, today is our work holiday potluck, and i brought one of the ultimate comfort foods: 5 cheese mac - a stick of butter, monterrey jack, sharp cheddar, mild cheddar, velveeta, muenster, half and half, and some egg went into making this beauty. it is a cholesterol lovers dream come true. however, i cannot take credit for this recipe as it was featured on oprah from the one and only patti labelle. damn, woman knows how to cook!

anyway, this got me to thinking about holiday eats. when you go home for the holidays (xmas, hannukah, winter solstice, kwanza, festivus), what do you have to have? what dish does your family/friends/loved one(s) make that causes you to drool uncontrollably with just the thought of devouring it? please tell us in great detail. consider this the holiday food porn post.
and also, don't forget to tell us WFL on this fine Tuesday in your neck o' the woods.
Monday, December 11, 2006
Meal Deals
On Friday, I went to HH@BB and our friendly server, Bob gave us great deals on drinks. He gave us the regular happy hour prices and he threw in a few free drinks. He also gave us some of the best mixed nuts I've ever gotten in my mouth. He had them imported from Lebenon.
Saturday I went to Tonic and they have a great wine deal. Order 2 entre's and you get a free bottle of wine.
On my birthday proper, Little Miss Sunshine took me out to brunch at a place called Georgia Browns. It was great. There was a fantastic buffet with Fruit, Freedom toast, potatoes, grits, bacon, sausage, slow roasted turkey, ham, roast beef, lil' egg benedicts, made to order omlets, desert table, chocolate fountain. Now that buffet was wonderful on its own, but the real deal is that you also get to order a full on meal and they gladly prepare it to go. I got the fried chicken, and it was the best I've ever had.
I bring this up because I want to ask you, the respected bloggers here at OWFL what are some good meal deals that you know about. Get 10 sandwiches, get a free one? Free delivery with order of over $12.00? Free toy with over priced burger, fries, and small coke? Nickle pitcher night? Bottomless breadsticks? Please tell us of the meal deals you know about and let us know what You'll be having for lunch today.
And Happy un-birthday to us all.
Friday, December 08, 2006
Wanna get away?
Get the f*ck out of town.
Way the f*ck out: San Diego.
I'm going to get away... most people vacation to get somewhere.
- "Oooh, I've never been to Paris, let's go to France!"
- "Elvis was a god! Nashville, here I come."
- "I live for boobies and sin—how much did you say that flight to Las Vegas was?"
- "Why can't these foreigners learn english?"
I could go on forever but I guess I'll save a few for actual comments. So tell me, my fellow OWFLers, what have been your most memorable meals on vacation? What's your opinion on fish tacos? Do you know where my Birth Certificate is? And of course. . . WFL???
Thursday, December 07, 2006
I'm on 'E'

I'm in the red. The little arrow on the Czar's gas tank is squarely on E and I can't wait any longer for Miss Miso to post.
As I said up top, my tank is dry and I am walking out to fill it as soon as I publish this post. Unfortunately this means I will probably grab the first edible thing I see and start noshing, or I'll get to a place and spend way too much on way too much food as mine eyes grow exponentially with the emptiness of mine tummy.
Tell us what you eat when you get into the red, and what you're eating today.
And give miso a nice jab for deserting us while you're at it.
Wednesday, December 06, 2006
The value of good service
With yesterday's celebration of OWFLs favorite server, it brings us back to the question of service quality.
Does that plain burger taste better when your Hooter's waitress winks at you?
Is that wonderful steak less great if the waiter is a jerk?
How does the service at your lunch joint impact the quality of your lunch?
We've probably discussed this before, but I just thought it would be appropriate after yesterday's celebration.
Tuesday, December 05, 2006
I still hate the schedule...
Who’s in charge of reminding people when it’s their turn to post!?!?!? I require at least two day’s notice.
Peeso totally blew me off this weekend. It was in my city for several days. Ummm...who got peeP to start coming to the blog in the first place, where he met his fiancée/fiancé (which one's the dude?) Anyway, not even a lunch. Boy do I feel appreciated.
Please admonish Peeso and tell them WFL?
(Sorry about the lame post, folks. Well, not really. Wait until I find out whose fault this is…)
Monday, December 04, 2006
Celebrate an OWFL Legend
Bob, the gentle man server at the famed Bravo Bravo is havng a drink with us to show his respect to his favorite customers. What an honor this is. Please make some time in your schedule to come by and enjoy a drink with the guy that keeps us coming back week after week.
We are meeting him on Tuesday December 5 between 5-5:30 in the bar of The Indian Experience (formerly known as The Ascot).
For those of you who don't know it is located on the corner of 17th and L Street NW.
See you there.
No comments please
Slippery Slopes

We're good people. Really, we are. We never set out to let things get out of hand:
- "I'll stop by and have one beer."
- "It's just a summer fling."
- "Why shouldn't I have my own photo shoot? He promised it would be tasteful."
- "That blog is so dumb."
But, we are good constantly evolving people; the future tense and the past tense rarely match up exactly:
- "Gimme two fucking jumbo slices, goddammit."
- "Of course you should move in with me!"
- "Please. Just don't get it in my eye."
- "Announcing the PeeSo wedding."
In keeping with my tradition of confessional posts, I want to share something with you, my comrades-in-lunch: I hate mustard. I really, truly hate mustard, especially that godawful, unnaturally colored yellow shit. What viler substance could one create to inflict on otherwise delectable foodstuffs? When I was a little kid, I always dreaded those occasions when someone else's parents would procure McDonald's meals for me. My cheeseburger always showed up with mustard (and pickle! but that's another story), and the mustard would make me gag. I couldn't eat a burger with mustard on it. I couldn't eat anything with mustard on it. Sure, I suppose part of it was being a picky eater, but I remember how strong my reaction to that taste was. I really couldn't stand to have it in my mouth, much less long enough to chew it and swallow it. In my adult life, I have explored (usually by accident) various other offerings of the mustard class, and I have consistently found them to be unacceptable. Mostly, because I hate mustard.
Or, so I thought.

You will recall that I made one of my semi-annual pilgrimages to Chicago for my family gathering around the Thanksgiving feast. You may further recall that I drove a friend of mine to Milwaukee that Wednesday evening in order to keep from overdosing on family too early in the game. (Let's here it for pressure-relief valves!) On the drive back from Milwaukee, I realized that I had missed most of the dinner windows at relatives' houses in the Greater Chicagoland Area so I decided I should pick something up on my way in to town. I decided to hit the Portillo's near Old Orchard. I wound up in the drive-thru because it was so crowded inside, and I wanted to keep my order simple since I'm not intimately familiar with the menu and didn't want to clog up the line like the stupid bitch in front of me kept doing. I briefly weighed my options and ordered a jumbo dog with everything on it.
And, to my shock and dismay, I really really liked it, mustard (and relish!) and all.
So, lately I've been reevaluating my food prejudices. At the same time, I've been scaring myself by peering down the long path on which my hot dog epiphany may have started me. (Sweet Jesus, please tell me there will never be a day when I consider a deviled egg to be something worthy of being put in my mouth.)
My consequent question for you today is: have you ever had any similar breakthroughs (perhaps setbacks) with a food item? Ever wake up one day to discover that your taste buds were not the buds you thought you knew? Did that lead to an uneasy detente or an exponential progression? Any items that you will swear up and down today that you will never ever love?
And, of course, WFL?
Friday, December 01, 2006
The First OWFL Wedding...
so, what kind of lunch spread would everyone like to see at peep and miso's wedding??
P.S: Thanks to all of OWFL for all of the teasing, the advice, the trying to sneak up and take pictures of us kissing but missing and getting the plant instead, and the love (yes HT, thats LOVE)...
love you guys, miso & peep!

Thursday, November 30, 2006
Pavlov's Lunch
Wednesday, November 29, 2006
In the beginning…there was lunch.
But have we ever thought about the lunch that started it all, that lunch being the very first one that you can remember. Surely there are hundreds, if not thousands, of lunches you had when you were little, but simply can’t recall. Somewhere in that brain of ours is the first lunch. Like all early memories it should appear in soft focus, with the latest Enya album playing softly in the background, and everything moves a bit slower.
For me it was in an elementary school cafeteria. I got served a fish sandwich with some goo on it. I asked the lunch-lady man what it was, and he said it was tartar sauce, and I had better eat it. I took a bite, and that tartar sauce was greeted as an alien invader, I quickly gagged and spit out my bite. I didn’t touch tartar sauce again until my 20’s. I suppose I remember that tartar sauce experience due to the horrible traumatic effect.
Another early lunch I can recall had nothing to do with lunch itself, but I know it was in the cafeteria during lunch-time. A spider was dangling from the ceiling over my friend’s head, and when I told him to “Watch out!!” he looked up and the spider dropped right into his mouth. It seems to good to be true, but that’s what my head remembers having happened.
Those early lunches were a time of wide-eyed wonderment, when every meal involved taking a big risk, so you had better strap in and take the G's.
What is the first lunch that you can remember? What about other exciting “first” lunches? And pretend you have amnesia, what’s your “original” lunch going to be today?
Tuesday, November 28, 2006
Sorry GG
Lunch begins in 17 minutes, what pray tell does this community suggest that we eat for lunch?
Monday, November 27, 2006
You Deserve a Medal.
Friday's Post:
I am at my Parent's home.
I'm bored, drunk and awake and there is an ancient springer spanial gently snoring to my left. . .
I warn you this post will be long. Possibly painful. It is likely there will be grammatical errors and allusions to the National Debt and argyle. . . For those who may read no further: Tell me about your odd Thanksgiving day experience, what made your holiday different from every other OWFLer? and of course: WFL?
(and now to the verbose post)
Welcome to the day of sloth.
Congratulations for making it this far.
I know.
It's been a hard week.
I am truly proud of you.
It all started with that damn Monday. A day that specializes in grabbing you by the gonads and dragging you back from your weekend bliss and into the perpetual drudgery that seems the definition of selling your soul (I won't argue with those of you that think you love your job—argument just doesn't look good on me (I'm a spring)).
Then came that Tuesday, another blindingly painful series of hours echoing with the phrase “It's my Thursday, ha-yuck” and the inner-child-kicking reminder you haven't even made it half way through your abbreviated week.
Ahh, then that Wednesday: the day taunting you with it's proximity to that luscious sweet spot of the eleventh month.
Ahh, then that Wednesday: “The Biggest Drinking Day of the Year” (or so I've heard, I've been Googling up and down trying to find out if there is any truth in this (as counter-intuitive as it may be) but other than a few statements from those unworthy of my bibliography, I haven't found any verification).
Yes, you've proved you are ready for the Gastrointestinal Games: having spent between five and twelve hours eating on this most holy of holidays. You drank whatever was placed in front of you, regardless of your proximity to the hot stove and boiling potatoes. You smiled politely, even when a well meaning relative implied that you have yet to do anything productive with your life.
Hell, you had seconds.
Now that you've been given a day without responsibility, tell me what made your Thanksgiving your own. Anything shocking occur when your girlfriend came home to your parents for the first time? (Really, you should have known they would call her a whore). Did anyone have their first significant other Thanksgiving (away from parents or in-laws)? (HA! You didn't know it was the neck at first either!) What surprised you culinarily on this traditional meal?
More succinctly, what made your yesterday different than every other OWFLer's?

and of course:
(Bonus points if you do not eat leftovers. . .)
Thursday, November 23, 2006
Wednesday, November 22, 2006
Typically, the day before Thanksgiving many people are finishing up the trip back home. Alot of people got in last night .. some are still arriving today. If you are traveling back to the place you grew up ... you sit down and take it all in. Landmarks may have changed, people that you saw regularly may have moved, etc etc... But, it is always the same feeling, that weird feeling of not quite fitting back into the space that you once occupied, either the vaccum has closed up or maybe even widened .. almost as if you were on a soul diet (changing may even mean the loss of being "bigger" and "gregarious" or the transverse ... that you are bigger or grand).
It is sometimes are weird feeling.
Well, that brings me to a certain "Homecoming", the fall of 1997. I was packing up a Pontiac LeSabre (my dad took my huge but reliable .. newly rebuilt Buick). I was leaving home (Texas at the time)... hopefully in time to make it up to Boston (in two days) to make Thanksgiving Dinner for Rochelle. I took off in the evening and drove straight through till morning to Oakridge, TN (just about half-way). I sacked out at my Grandparents house for about 6 hours .. hugged my cousins and my grandparents and took off all the way through to Boston. You see I was going home. I pulled up to Ro's brownstone .. parked the car illegally (is there a legal free parking spot in Brighton, MA?). And rung the doorbell. The next thing I know I'm being tackeled and smothered in kisses and hugs. That was a great homecoming.
I'm looking forward to that time here soon. When I get back. I hope the vaccum didn't change much.
Most people are spending today waiting for our feast and enjoying our warm homecomings. Do you sit down and have that sandwich and a glass of milk with friends or family? How do you feel today and What's for Lunch?
Tuesday, November 21, 2006
The Morning After
It seemed like such a good idea at the time, but now I feel like I am weighed down by a gallon of canola oil and my apartment smells like fried. We've all shared plenty of discussions about fried food. What we enjoy the most, what is the weirdest thing we've had fried, what we really should try and fry. It is not a foreign topic to the OWFL, and in fact I believe it is most often held in the highest regards after a particularly rough night of drinking. Fountain sodas and fried food....ahhhh...a cure for the common hangover.
But now it is the morning after a night of excess fried food consumption and I feel dull, sluggish and a bit queasy....FF hangover. Ok, so if you eat fried food to help with an alcohol hangover, do you drink alcohol to cure a fried food hangover? Will a salad do the trick, or do I need something carby to soak up all the excess grease floating in my belly? How do you get rid of the fried food blues?
And of course, WFL???
Monday, November 20, 2006
Eat it like the movies!
Dominick DiNapoli: Maybe I AM crazy. Is it crazy to hate yourself?
Dominick DiNapoli: Get the honey, junior.
Dominick DiNapoli: [to a picture of his mother] How you loved to feed me! Look at your chubby baby now, ma, I'm a fat, fat man, a damn fatso. I can't stop the fat!
Sonny: Did you ever suck the jelly out of a jelly doughnut and then fill it with chocolate swirl ice cream?
Antoinette: You ate the "ony"!
Frankie: You love bread, I don't love bread, I only LIKE bread!
Dominick DiNapoli: Mrs. Goodman, would you be my chubby checker?
Dominick DiNapoli: Lasagna for you, broiled chicken and kale for me, no bread.
Sonny: How'd you like to stuff one of them in a doughnut!
Dominick DiNapoli: Give me those keys or I'll cut you down to your balls!
Frankie: Dom, what's happening to you? Don't you remember? "Da, da, da, da"?
Dominick DiNapoli: "Da, da, da, da" your ass! Give me those keys!
Dominick DiNapoli: [to Frankie] You know what your problem is, Junior? You don't know how to run your plate. See? You gotta make the bread come out even with the eggs.
So, let's dig deep. Let us know what your favorite eating scenes are. I've got a busy day so sorry for the brevity.
Oh and WFL??
Friday, November 17, 2006
My Scarlet Letter is L

In the course of catching up last night, I asked about D's college roommate (whom I will call C). C recently left her husband for a student, with whom C was having an affair, in the graduate department where C teaches. After an intricate exchange of facts and realizations, D and I discovered that the student with whom C was having an affair and for whom C recently left her husband is my good friend from college (whom I will call H).
Talk about a small world.
Over coffee this morning (I'm working from home today.), D and I spent some time talking about that moment in a relationship when the excitement of flirtation becomes the treachery of cheating. D and I have a tendency to run off at the mouth when discussing such topics. We're both a little wordy and (if I'm to be generous) a little literary in our debates, particularly about topics that are more conceptual and less concrete. Consequently, I will spare you the more arduous details of our discussion.
Still, it got me to thinking. In most cases of "the other man" or "the other woman" that you see in stories, be they on the page or the big or small screen (or, yes, mikeysunshine, in your latest contribution to the realm of Star Trek: The Next Generation fan fiction erotica), such relationship indiscretions often happen over lunch: a long lunch break from the office at a place that isn't too close to the "regular" place but IS close enough to a motel where you can retire for a little Afternoon Delight.
So, my questions to you today, OWFL, is this: what do you order when you are lunching with the Forbidden Fruit? Or, coming at it from the other side, where do you take someone else's wife to lunch?
And, of course, WFL?
Thursday, November 16, 2006
Stand By Me: Directors cut - Sunshine edition
Gordie: Alright, alright. Mickey's a mouse. Donald's a duck. Pluto's a dog. What's Goofy?
Vern: If I can only have one food (for lunch) for the rest of my life? That's easy. Pez. Cherryflavoured Pez. No question about it.
Teddy: Goofy's a dog, he's definitely a dog.
Gordie: I knew the sixty-four thousand dollars question was fixed. There's no way anybody can know that much about opera.
Chris: He can't be a dog. Wears a hat and drives a car.
Gordie: Wagon Train's a really cool show. But did you ever notice that they never get anywhere? They just keep wagon training.
Vern: God, that's weird. What the hell is Goofy?
MikeySunshine: Wait a GD Second here. Vern asked a damn good question. What would you eat if you could only have one kind of food for the rest of your life? I mean, you got to think about a lot of things before comitting to something monumental like that.
Teddy: Like what Sunny?
MikeySunshine: I told you. Don't call me Sunny, that ain't my name.
Teddy: Whatever.
Vern: Yeah, Sunshine, what do you have to think about?
MikeySunshine: Well Vern, this is the food you have to live on for the rest of your life. Think about your answer for a minute lardass. Seriously, your teeth would rot out and I don't even want to think about what would be falling out of your ass if all you eat is Cherry Pez.
Gordie: Yeah, you'd have pink hershey squirts Vern-o .
Vern: Shut up man.
MikeySunshine: Like I was trying to say, you gotta think about the repeatability, and the nutrition of the food. I mean Hot dogs are great, but you don't get nothing green, unless you eat them with relish, but that shit tastes like barf.
Chris: Hey, I like Relish.
Teddy: You would.
Chris: What's that supposed to mean?
Teddy: Nothing man, just forget it.
Gordie: Sunshine, you've obviously thought about this, what would you eat?
MikeySunshine: Pizza. No doubt. It's got all the food groups, and I already eat it like 4 times a week... and Goofy is a retarded donkey.
Narrator: None of us mentioned Ray Brower but we were all thinking about him.
The question for today should be clear: If you could only have one type of food for the rest of your life, what would it be? If you can only have one lunch today, what will it be?
Wednesday, November 15, 2006
Where's the Beef?

On this date in 1969, in GimletGirl's hometown of Dublin, Ohio, Dave Thomas opened the very first Wendy's Restaurant.
I feel like Wendy's is always running in third, behind McDonald's and Burger King, which never made sense to me, because of the three, if I had to choose, I'd pick Wendy's every time. I've always been a big fan of Wendy's chili and thus, their taco salads, and I like their fries better than those at either McDonald's or Burger King. I do think it's absolutely stupid that Frosties are only chocolate, but I've been known to break down and eat one from time to time, particularly as a "dipping sauce" for my fries.
Wendy's also used to have pretty good fried chicken, though I think they've stopped selling it. In reading about Dave Thomas' life for this post, I learned that that's probably because upon Dave 's return from duty in Germany during the Korean War, he worked with Colonel Harlan Sanders to turn around 4 failing Kentucky Fried Chicken franchises.

So, Happy Birthday Wendy's! Go get yourself some chili and a baked potato, or a square burger to celebrate! So, let's talk about Wendy's, or if you must, fast food in general. Also, feel free to share your experiences at any of the Wendy's International owned chains, which in addition to Wendy's include Cafe Express and Pasta Pomodoro, and up until very recently Baja Fresh, and up there in Canuckistan, Tim Hortons.
And, of course, WFL?
Tuesday, November 14, 2006
Who delivers
SO I am liad up with terrible back pain again today and lunch ain't making itself. So My question for the community is this:
When you don't want to make food, who do you call, and what do they bring?
Friday, November 10, 2006

As I was walking from the metro to work this morning, I passed a guy with a shirt that said 'English Muffin' & it had a little union jack on it. It made me laugh. Thinking about it, that shirt would be more descriptive on a girl, but whatever. He was hott. Also, it made me happy b/c I didn't have a good idea of what to write about today - and does it matter much anyways? Is anyone even at work? Am I the only one? So if you could make a custom food shirt what would yours be labeled? During my mold problems in my condo I almost had a shirt made that said "Got Mold?" (like the milk ads! geddit? geddit??) and had a little mushroom on it (yeah, yeah, I know, mushrooms are fungi, not mold, blah blah blah), so I guess I'd go with that. Or, if I were back in college, when I was known for making the most ridiculous pool shots (not from skill, mind you, just from hitting as many balls as hard as possible-ah, good times. when cheese counted) & I was known as the Velveeta Queen, so I guess I'd get a shirt with that on it.
Happy Veterans Day to all the vets on our little blog. Which I guess means Shorty. ;-p
WFL, y'all?!
Thursday, November 09, 2006
The dream is over...
With the Democrats taking over the House and Senate, it looks like there's a new sheriff in town. Some you may recall a littls scandal around Jack Abramoff (AKA the Hamburglar) which brought to light for about 3 seconds the largesse afforded to our elected representatives in Washington, D.C. The CYA backlash in DC included ethics proposals limiting the amount that could be spent on free lunches for politicians and their staff. The legal limit had been $50 for a lunch. The proposed changes would have brought the limit down considerably...
Trent Lott's (R- MS) response to some of the proposed ethics changes:
" is outrageous," Lott said. "I mean, now we're going to say you can't have a meal for more than 20 bucks. Where you going to -- to McDonalds?"
Of course Trent could choose to eat wherever he pleases, but then he'd have to pay for it on his meager Senate salary of $183,500 a year. So on the crazy chance that the Dems will opt to limit themselves to an "outrageous" $20 free lunch per day, where are they going to eat?
As Trent so helpfully pointed out, McDonalds is indeed one option, in fact you could get a veritable feast there for $20. But is there any where else in this town where you could get a decent lunch for under $20? Is this the fate of our humble leaders?
Has the hamburglar ruined lunches for Congress?
I personnally think that the free lunch in Washington is here to stay, the enjoyment of kickbacks is one thing that both parties could agree on. So if you had a queue of lobbyists lining up to spend $50 on you for lunch every day, where would you go? What would you eat when they sky was the limit? Is there such a thing as a "free $50 lunch from a lobbyist"?
And what's for lunch today, oh sorry electorate?
Wednesday, November 08, 2006
Election Hangover

It's 12:47 AM and I am still not sure how happy I am.
The TN Senate seat was just called for the Republican.
MO and MT are still far away from being called.
VA looks like it is headed for a recount as the guy I want to win is only up by about 3,000 votes.
Your Czar is very happy to report that the House of Representatives has been very politely returned to his beloved party after a 12 yr loan to Hatertot's folks.
This is good.
On the other hand everyone here at OWFL is very upset for a good friend of the blog and her betrothed for having lost an extremely hard fought campaign in Western New York.
We hope he will be back and we promise to work harder for him next time.
So what now?
What do you dine on when you don't know how you feel?
What food can fill the empty pit in your belly that will soon be filled by extreme joy or disappointment?
Help me and others who are feeling like me answer this question on what is turning out to be a gorgeous, beautiful Wednesday.
And also tell us, of course...
Tuesday, November 07, 2006
Forgot my lunch.
p.s. i miss you guys!!
Monday, November 06, 2006
Lunch-ku: Part Deux
syllables to describe your
lunchtime joy today.
That's it. That's everyone's assignment. Due to some demand last week, and the fact that I have no good ideas for my post, please describe todays lunch (or other random musings) in haiku form.
So? WFL?
Friday, November 03, 2006
What's for lunch today?
What are your plans for the weekend? You going to Lady A's cake party on Saturday?
Do these pants make me look fat?
Thursday, November 02, 2006
The Incredible Edible Bread

Ahhhh...bread...soft, chewy, crusty bread. The essential ingredient to making the ever important sandwich, a staple amongst most lunchers on a daily basis. Without bread, would our lunching be the same? Would our favorite sandwich be our favorite sandwich without it?
And the variety!! The variety of bread out there is just amazing nowadays (loafs, rounds, pitas, bagels, wheats, whites, whole grain, beer etc.) and so many specialty sandwiches depend on using a specific type of bread. Would a reuben be a reuben without two slices of rye? Would a cheesesteak be the same if it were between two slices of wheat instead of a sub roll? What would a gyro taste like on white bread instead of pita? What kind of bread makes it or breaks it for you? Have you ever had a disappointing lunch because it was made with the wrong type of bread?
So let's talk about bread today my friends and of course WFL?
Wednesday, November 01, 2006
Lonely Kid Lunch
So you're the new kid. The other kids at the other tables whisper. Some may outright laugh. Some throw food (I wish more people had thrown food because its HellaFun(tm) to start a food fight or simply that my mom's packed lunch sucked so I'd have rather thrown it).
I remember moving from Chattanooga, TN to Houston, TX when I was six years old. We moved in August so I wasn't able to make many friends on my street when school started (I'd only met a few kids and they had taken to calling me "Hayseed" ... anyone see the irony here?... I'd busted at least one of their lips .. note to self: not the way to develop friendships).
I vividly remember having to sit at a table by myself the first day of school. Not being a natural joiner (and possessing no grammar skills) I didn't start looking for friends nor was I naturally receptive to people wanting to talk to me. I wouldn't describe myself as the old school version of the trench coat mafia because a) I think highly of myself .. really highly b) I like women and "emo boys" like trench coats are total wussies.
I ended up making friends with Max Cortez, Choo Choo Lawson, Terrance Washington and a few other people that I found out later were considered "unruly". Likely due to the fact that they were from the "Quarters" which was government tract housing put up close to the elementary school where we lived in Sugarland, TX. These people were good as friends and better about having fun, getting into fights, making trouble, and having alot of the same sort of "pig's ass in between two pieces of bread" kinda lunch that I was used to. This set a precedent for me. The people that are the most cast out by their peers tend to stick together themselves. Kind of a band of bad brothers.
Later, after many years, I quit the highschool band my Jr. year of Highschool, I didn't play football, so the only affiliation I kept was Academic Decathlon. So, I was somewhat "unaffiliated" around my Jr and Sr year of highschool. I went to rockstar-like parties at other highschools (Sugar Land is filled with priviledged-bored-rich-kids), dated the Cpt. of the Drill team at another close high school, and went to more Proms than I care to remember (I think the total was 9 after all said and done). However, unaffiliated at my school, I would sit in the lunch room reading the whole time (Stranger in a Stange Land, Xanth Series, Bio of a Space Tyrant, etc). It was only at this point that I made friends with more criminals that my brother was affiliated with (and a few of them were my friends). I believe one of the guys is now a porn star in Austin and a few others I lost track of after they lived in people's attics smoking pot for summers on end.
Uuuuhh was there a point to this?
Well, yeah. I've never been really all that hip on groups. Alot of them are filled with people who like to be nice all the time. I can't hack it. Matter o' fact I find it insipid sometimes (only when I have my man-period or if you prefer "Manly Time of the Month" ... note to self: does anyone make "Man-pons"?). Everyone on the this blog is cool ... some of you are haters very like me.
So imagine my suprise when I feel like the lonely kid at lunch when I didn't get a posting spot in the new rotation! It was clearly horked (my word) by THA MAN(tm)(f the man!!!).
So someone stole my lunch posting spot (very like stealing my lunch ... its pig's ass ... but its mine damnit).
What would you do in my circumstance? What have you done in the past? Is anyone else out there a self-described sociopath like me? Who are you having lunch with? How was Halloween? Were you ever a lonely kid? Most important, What are you stealing for lunch?
Tuesday, October 31, 2006
Happy Halloween Lunchers!!
Trick or Treat, Smell My Feet!!
So growing up, I never got to dress up in costumes, go trick or treating or decorate our house with spiderwebs and jack-o-lanterns...usually it was a night at Chi-Chi's with bad tex-mex food ending with a sombrero on my head and a bunch of servers singing a god awful "mexican" version of happy birthday to me. Anyways, so I missed out on the bags and buckets of candy, sweets, treats and more candy. My mom was good at making sure we had a stash of candy around on a regular basis anyways, but she'd always keep out an extra big bowlful during halloween. So I was always able to pack a few treats in my lunchbag so I could participate in the standard "swap candy with your friends ritual" after the big night...but in some ways it just wasn't the same *sigh*.
I want to hear what halloween was like for you guys! What was your favorite costume? Did you buy them or did you make them? Favorite candy? Favorite tricks? Did you trade your Baby Ruths for 100 Grands during lunch? Let me live vicariously through your halloween experiences!
And of course, what kind of devilishly delicious lunch will you be having today????
Monday, October 30, 2006
Not So Fast, Make It Last
So, yesterday I had plans to meet up with some friends for a little Sunday lunch. (Well, I also had plans to go downtown to cheer on some other friends as they ran the Marine Corps Marathon, but the cheering plans were derailed a bit by the "Is it four AM already? Again?" night the night before. I hold Josephus responsible.) We decide to go to the falafel joint that I (wisely) decided not to visit eight hours earlier.
I walk over and stick my head inside to make sure they aren't there already. Since I have just enough coffee in my system to hold my hangover stomach's hand over the bridge from nausea to hunger, I briefly consider knocking down a falafel while I'm waiting for them to show and then doubling up once they arrive. I decide against it because, hey, we all have an upbringing to live with.
Just as I'm beginning to reconsider my lunching chivalry, the first of my three lunching companions arrive. We stick our heads back in to make sure the other half of our party didn't sneak by while I was down the block getting coffee. For the second time, I stand in line for a minute before going back outside.
After another ten minutes, the other two finally show up. We go in to stand in line in earnest at last. Lunching Companion #1's cell phone rings. She looks at it to realize that Lunching Companion #3 is calling her, only LC3 is standing next to her and is not on the phone. Upon answering, LC1 discovers that LC3 dropped her phone on the street on the way to lunch, where it was recovered by a well-meaning passerby who was taking pains to return it to its rightful owner.
"OH, GOD DAMN IT!" says I, as I yet again turn away from the line to go on a thirty-minute hike back to the car to meet the Giantess Samaratin. (Did we all need to go? No, but I don't get to see these people all that often.)
But, the difficulties and delays in acquiring a much-needed lunch got me to thinking in the course of that walk: is all of this nonsense going to make this lunch even better? I eventually got my falafel, and it was remarkably tasty. (That may, of course, be due to the fact that it was the first time I had ever gone there in daylight and sober.) I concluded for that particular experience that my lunch was heightened by the slow, at times maddening, ascent to the table, as it were.
So, my question to you, fellow OWFLers, is this: do you engage in any lunch foreplay? Do you ever stretch out your approach to lunch so you can savor the anticipation? Are there any times when you think you should? What's the best way to intensify your lunch experience by what you do (or don't do) beforehand?
And, of course, WFL?
PS - I had a couple of other gem illustrations, but Blogger is being a little bitch this morning. Or, I'm dumb. One or the other. Damn it.
Friday, October 27, 2006
What do they do?
Headin' off to Rochester today to see ol' Miso (I'm sure her busy ass sends her love) so I'm doing this the day before.
Today is a research day. It's Friday, you certainly don't feel like working so why not educate your lunching brothers and sisters with a bit of worldly lunching knowledge. Maybe this will inspire OWFL to reach other lands (beyond Russia and Mexico) or move an existing OWFLer to travel to Tuva for some fermented ox milk to wash down his bologna sammy.
For example, this is what i found out about a typical Polish Lunch:
A typical lunch is usually composed of at least three courses, starting with a soup, such as barszcz (beet) or żurek (sour rye meal mash), followed perhaps in a restaurant by an appetizer of salmon or herring (prepared in either cream, oil or vinegar). Other popular appetizers are various meats, vegetables or fish in aspic. The main course may be the national dish, bigos (sauerkraut with pieces of meat and sausage) or kotlet schabowy (breaded pork cutlet). Meals often finish with a dessert such as ice cream, makowiec (home-made poppy seed cake), or drożdżówka, a type of yeast cake. Other Polish specialities include chłodnik (a chilled beet or fruit soup for hot days), golonka (pork knuckles cooked with vegetables), kołduny (meat dumplings), zrazy (slices of beef), salceson and flaczki (tripe). Many dishes contain quark.
So take some time, do a little research, pull from your ethnic brains, make something up...just make our lunch knowledge the best in the world. OWFL should our prowess as lunch aficionados. If it's a regional American tradition, throw that in there too.
I hope you all have a wonderful lunch and PeeP will see you on Tuesday.
Much love.
Oh, and WFL????
Thursday, October 26, 2006
Suck it, Trebek
“Lisa Stewart, says here you’re a soup fanatic. Tell us about that.”
“That’s right, Alex. I love soup. My friends always laugh about how much soup I eat.”
I heard this exchange on Jeopardy the other day during that very special portion of the show where Alex gets to know the contestants better, based on some fact they share with the producers about themselves. Most of the time, it makes me want to stab the contestants, and I imagine the bloodbath after I’ve slaughtered Trebeck and then wait to hear about how Earl has a garden and he grows TOMATOES, and Susan went to a mall once, and Steve – wild and crazy Steve – he’s the Jenga champion among his friends and family.
So, let’s pretend we’re on Lunch Jeopardy. That time when you have to share a little something about yourself with the Alex and the viewing audience. What’s your lunch factoid? Tell us something we may not know about you and lunching (or, you in general).
“So, OWFL, it says here that you really like lunch.” “Yes, Alex, that is correct.” “Tell me more about this ‘lunch’ of which you speak.” “Shut the fuck up you bitch ass, and tell me WHAT’S FOR LUNCH MOTHERFUCKER???!!!”
Wednesday, October 25, 2006
futuristic foods
our office just had a fire drill, my apologies for posting a tad late. i hate it when they do it so early in the AM b/c i'm hardly awake and the blaring bells just really piss me off.
but it got me thinking about what to post today. and i thought, what would be a good topic? and i thought, hmm...let's do futuristic foods.
so, in the year 3020, what kinds of forms do you think foods will come in? in pill form just like on the jetson's? or maybe like those dippin dots? (meh, they freak me out, man) also what do you believe would be your favorite futuristic lunch? make it up and be creative.
and don't forget to tell us WFL this fine balmy wednesday.
Tuesday, October 24, 2006
Guerilla Bologna
I wanted to put up a list of the ingrediants that are in the standard issue Oscar Mayer balogna, but that has proven hard to come by on the internet befroe catching my bus to work. Heaps of lists of what is in fresh, or the make it at home version of this food product, but nothing that explains how that pinkish substance gets its Zing.
WIth the failure to acquire the information I needed for today's post, I am going to turn you loose in a project lunch meyhem assignment.
For your lunch break today, I want you to pay attention to what is going on around you and report it back to the OWFL. This assignment will ahve you eavesdropping on those enjoying lunch around you.
Listen in on a conversation and report back to us:
1) the main topic of discussion
2) the viewpoints of the people involved
3) what they were eating
4) any good quotes
5) your thoughts about the people and conversation.
Hopefully with so many OWFL agents out there monitoring lunch conversations, we'll run in to a group of people talking about what goes in to a good bologna.
After letting us know what's going on with other folk, tell us what you're having for lunch.
Monday, October 23, 2006
Lunch with our Guests
And, we wouldn't be having any kind of meals, if it weren't for the fact that God, our Lord, Benevelent Jehovah, created the world on this day, six thousand, ten years ago today. Happy Birthday, Earth!
Friday, October 20, 2006
How would you like your swine?
Yes you.
I don't care what you look like, who you screw, what idiot you vote for, how you decide to worship, or even if you choose not to worship anything at all.
Ok, maybe love is a strong term, let's just say I'm with ya. I get it. It's cool. Free to be you and me and all that. You and me are copacetic.
So forgive me if today's topic offends you.
I love the stuff.
You can try and tell me that it "roots in and eats it's own shit" I promise you it won't sway me.
Share some some old rules that mattered back before refrigeration and I still won't be convinced.
Bah humbug.
Pork is great.
Man's best friend even.
Just take a gander at a few of the magical things you can do with it...



Center cut chop...


Roast on a spit...

Ham & Cheese...

Double Cooked...

And His majesty Bacon...

And yes I know it starts out looking like this:

But it is even cuter in our bellies.
So today we reflect on the noble Pig.
If you don't eat it, as I said before, I respect you, love you even, and invite you to share with us your reason for depriving yourself of it's deliciousness.
Do you ever cheat?
If so, when?
And how would you eat it if you could?
As for the rest you happy pig eating fools, How do you like your swine?
While you're at it maybe share some of the more novel ways you have eaten "the other white meat" in the past.
And, of course, all of you better tell us, WFL?
Wednesday, October 18, 2006
Dining Like a Native
I know what I'm having, but for the rest of you: WFL?
Tuesday, October 17, 2006
Daredevil Olympic Lunch

Happy Birthday to:
Robert Craig Knievel
AKA Evel Knievel, Daredevil and one-time action figure
Born: October 17th, 1938. Robert Craig Knievel turns a very young 68 today. And under President Decider’s new plan, is now able to start collecting social security. So unless ol’ Evel invested well, looks like its Alpo, figs, and rock candy from here on out.
But back in the day the professional stuntman ate meals filled with risk and danger.
Breakfast at Evel’s was a thick-cut bacon steak with deep-fried eggs and scrapple on a hot-buttered croissant. The danger!! The excitement!!
An afternoon snack at the Knievel residence was known to be pop rocks and coke. Shit dawg, your head a-splode!!
For dinner, puffer-fish and taco bell. No Evel!!! Don’t do it!!!
But for lunch, no one knows what Evel ate that surely made his friends and family exclaim, “Oh I can’t watch!!”
Share with us what you think an appropriate lunch would be for a professional daredevil. What would you eat if you’re feeling dangerous and want to shock and awe your fans?
If OWFL ever had an Olympics, or some sort of food eating competition, what kind of feats of daring should we include? And I’m not talking about Fear Factor bullshit eating of pigs’ uteruseses. I mean real food, but nonetheless daring in some way or another.
(For example, I’m thinking Lady A could concoct some sort of cake that could deliver 5000 calories per slice. )
And of course, what’s for lunch for the little dare devils of the world? Oh, and I better not here anything about Ben Affleck’s “Daredevil”, i'm blogging in your direction Jo!
Monday, October 16, 2006
Fish Tank, Drunk Tank, Think Tank
When I was a little kid, I used to dream of diving into my fishtank and living out my days swimming around, happily diving and playing in the water. Even now, when I’m at an aquarium or zoo, I have an almost uncontrollable desire to dive into the artificial aqueous environments and swim around with whatever makes its home there. I even think it would be fun to make my diet off of the raw fish that would be flung at me by my keepers. (Kept woman fantasy and all) I’d also like to learn to break oysters and clams over a rock I held on my belly a la the sea otter, but that seems like some pretty advanced sea livin’ skills.
It was christmas eve babe
In the drunk tank
An old man said to me, wont see another one
And then he sang a song
The rare old mountain dew
I turned my face away
And dreamed about you
(Sorry, Jo)
I’ve never spent Christmas eve in the drunk tank, but not so for Christmas day. You’ve all heard the story by now. But you mightn’t have heard about the Christmas spent in
When you leave the greater DC area and tell people you work at a think tank, it’s fun to watch the expressions on their faces as they try to form a mental picture of what that is. Occasionally someone will make a joke indicating that they understand, sort of, conceptually, kind of, but usually people stare blankly and/or ask what it is that people do there and why. Over the last several years, I’ve spent a lot of time in and around think tanks. When I think of think tanks, I think of eccentric, gruff, middle-aged men dozing off in their office “Dogs Playing Poker” Laz-y Boys, listening to the Blind Boys of Alabama on their Bose Waves. I also think of the east end of
So, what’s the point? I’m not sure. I have an interview today at yet another think tank, but didn’t want to do “interview food” as it’s been done, and I won’t be having any. (though, word on the street is this joint has a great dining room and free muffins and cookies) I think that “lunches one might consume in various tanks” is a little limiting, but if you can work with that, go for it. I was hoping that in typing this, I’d get to a point, and, I think maybe I’ve arrived at one. Brain food. What do you eat when you’re hard at work on a challenging, thought-intensive project? What do you eat when you need to appear smart to the folks your dining with? (I stay away from things that I’m not 100% sure of how to pronounce) What foods help get your creativity and intellect churning?
And, of course, what are you eating today? (smart or dumb) WFL?
Friday, October 13, 2006
happy world egg day!!!!!!!
aptly titled: last of the moh-egg-cans (this guy is such a rock star)
1) how do you like them prepared? (scrabbled, sunny-side, over-sleazy)
2) what's your favorite place to get your eggs? (your hometown diner, ihop, your mom's house, etc.)
3) what is your fondest egg-related memory?
4) impress us with your own cooking talents. tell us how you use eggs in the kitchen and the best dish that you feel features them prominently.
5) finish this phrase: eggs are to chickens as...
6) how many eggs does it take to fit into the trunk of a car? think about it.
7) egg-splain me this: why does the U.S. bleach their eggs white and not leave them their natural brown?
8) during that o' so strange egg binge sometime in january, guess how many eggs HaterTot ate in 1 week?
9) what came first: the chicken or the egg?
10) WFL??? (and it better have eggs in it)
*if you do not like eggs, then you are a loser. if you are allergic to eggs, then i pity you b/c your genetics have forced you into not liking eggs. nevertheless, you should just answer the survey anyway pretending that you like eggs OR substituting the word "eggs" with some kind of food item you do like...though you are a loser, i don't necessarily want you to feel left out.