I'm in the red. The little arrow on the Czar's gas tank is squarely on E and I can't wait any longer for Miss Miso to post.
As I said up top, my tank is dry and I am walking out to fill it as soon as I publish this post. Unfortunately this means I will probably grab the first edible thing I see and start noshing, or I'll get to a place and spend way too much on way too much food as mine eyes grow exponentially with the emptiness of mine tummy.
Tell us what you eat when you get into the red, and what you're eating today.
And give miso a nice jab for deserting us while you're at it.
I was about to post saying "I think maybe I'll go for some sushi for lunch . . . with a side of miso soup. Yeah, miso would be great right now. Maybe I'll bag the sushi and get only miso. Or not."
Hey, Miso, wtf? First Dipso, now all of us??
Miso hungry.
When i'm hungry that I exclaim the above, I want MEAT. Either in sandwich or burger form.
Today I think i'll have a salad from Ye' Olde Cafetorium. Got lots of work to do and it looks like a lunch at the desk kinda day.
that'll do e-que, that'll do.
Snap. I'd've put up a provisional post, but I did that yesterday. I don't want my creative juices to dry up before my actual scheduled post on Monday.
I was thinking about hooking up with little miss sunshine for lunch today, but I may just fly solo and read the Express. Not sure what I'll be dining on. Will report back.
WOw, the Puerto Rican Rap Sensation e-que, throws down.
2-Live indeed. Well done
I'm having mushroom soup. It's mediocre. And, Lady A didn't have such a good go of it with its companion, the chicken tortilla soup.
They put a lot of salt in this bitch. My lips are burning.
And Jo.
WHere I come from, "I'm on E" means something other than I need food.
The image I have is of Jo, fluttering his eyes, telling everybody how much he loves them and him looking for somebody to give him a massage. He'll probably end up at a club dancing all night and swearing that he can not only hear the music, but taste, see and feel it too.
E is dangerous, and dammit, it never gets as good as your first time.
Wasn't Gerardo (of Rico Suave fame) the Puerto Rican rap sensation? Is E-Que the heir to his throne?
Way to say "Eff the Schedule," Miso!!!
Just for that, I'm gettin' a burrito.
I miss my mis-spent youth.
LT got me on a sushi tip.
ima get some of that raw fish and rice action. Word.
Thanks for posting for me yesterday, Sunshine. It took me a while to get back from Jersey, where I, along with my colleagues, was verbally abused by a bunch of angry townsfolk. The only things missing were pitchforks and torches.
Today for lunch I had a salad from the caf. When my tank is on E, it's usually whatever's closest.
Annnnnd . . . speaking of Puerto Rican rap stars, I once stayed at the same hotel as Geraldo. It was the summer after his one-hit wonder status had faded out, and, while a little of the lustre may have worn off his gold record, his long, luscious locks were as shiny as ever. There must have been a gallon of gel under that bandana (or he could no longer afford to buy shampoo).
nothing brings the needle away from e faster than a cigarette. i hate to say it but in the shortrun, it is much more effective for quelling hunger.
miso prolly had to choose between posting and a cigarette break and chose the cancerstick.
fucking addict.
so today i think i realized how easily advertising is absorbed into my reality... i went out for sushi with mau and saw a new roll on the menu.. the "Yummy Roll"
within seconds i was convinced that i had to have it as it was obviously yummy.
they didn't even post the ingredients under it.
but it was labeled "yummy" dammit.. it must be spectacular!
so i got it.
it actually was pretty good.. asparagus and spicy tuna wrapped in yellowtail..
mmmmm... but now i'm approaching E again. maybe some freestyling by the owflers will make me less hungry.
as for the company fight song, i work for a fortune 500 transportation company so yeah.. we have no excuse other than corporate geriatrification... here is a verse from the song.. maybe someone can guess the company:
"Then it's hi hi hee in the brown shirt cavalry, shout out our message loud and strong!
"Where'er you go you will always know our brown wagons go rolling along"
i'm sure the nazi reference was inadvertent
m, that's a good union company you work for.
we are down with the brown.
he he
The brown shirt cavalry?? That's hysterical!! Wow!! Did anyone notice that the Germans in the '04 Olympics marched into the stadium in the opening ceremonies wearing . . . brown shirts? My mom & I were speechless, but nobody else seemed to notice.
I totally should have gone for sushi. I'm trying to eat the other half of my 1/2 pound burger from last night (of which I'm suspicious - it doesn't seem quite that big). It has bacon & 'blue cheese butter' on it. It's disappointing for several reason: 1) blue cheese butter, not just straight up blue cheese, you can hardly tell it's there.
2) ordered it medium well & got it medium rare (although 1.5 min. in the nuker seems to have helped with that).
3) oh my god greasy (prolly the butter)
4) it won't stay stacked.
we need to schedule a double entendre day for owfl.
followed closely by a "that's what she said" day.
your mother is a double entendre
That hot burger was not satisfying at all. I need something else tasty to put in my mouth. Anyone got any suggestions? (How was that for a first attempt, Jo?)
i also say that if i'm on E, i will eat my lunch pretty damn early BUT i'll buy extra shit to have later in the day b/c i know it'll wear off.
internet is working properly today. (you'd think i lived in a developing country for crying out loud)
veggie chili and 1/2 arizona chix sammie from abp lto and some chili mayo sauce or something. they tried to say that the arizona chicken sammie doesn't count as the official 1/2 sammie for the combo deal, but i convinced them otherwise. thank god b/c i think i would've thrown a mini hissy.
if you eat a shitload right before you go to bed, are you hungrier the next morning? or is that just me?
from m?
about my mom?
after I praised UPS?
do I need to get all tyrese from real world up in here?
Lachoi, I'm with you - eating a shit-ton the night before guarantees I'll be extra hungry the next day.
Hey, nobody ever specified what Hobbit Sticks are. You Michiganders, fess up.
Bilbo's homemade bread stix smothered in garlic butter and topped with parmesan cheese.
Served with Creamy Dill Dip or Pizza Sauce
oh mt god. i want some hobbit stix.
Sushi Taro, Roughly in Dupont (really on 17th street, but there's so much gay themed stuff around there it might as well be included in the fruit loop, 2.5 blocks west) in Capital city.
I had a spicy tuna roll, an arizona roll, which was a shrimp tempura roll, and a yellowtail nigri. It was all very good. Pricy, but good.
I saw something I have never seen before in my life while there. There was this fat Englishwoman, still wearing her work name badge like a status symbol. Dork. I'm a member of the society too lady. Nobody is impressed you work at National Geographic. (sorry if anybody is offended by fat, english, or dork) We'll call her FED. This FED was eating her sushi with a knife and fork. She cut every piece and with what must English manners, gracefully put the pieces of pieces in her mouth. Gawd! it irked me so much, i was this close to stabbing her in the neck with my chopsticks, but then my sushi came and I was soothed, and no blood was spilled.
I mean I've seen people eat it with chopsticks, obviously, and with their bare hands. I've even seen people both scoop with a spoon or fork, and stab with a fork, but I've never seen somebody cut sushi.
I hate that lady.
I used to like Blossom's friend Six.
now sunshine how did ye know she was english?
I had a refried bean buritto from the guy at 17th and K again.
The FED sounded all English. I mean there's a chance that she was from some other English speaking place where they fuck up our language and sound like asshole dorks, but I can recognize Aussie, Kiwi, South African, Scottish, Irish, Southern, and Massachessutes accents. Maybe she was welsh or jamaican or something dumb like that, but the point is she sucks.
'ye'? He didn't say the lady was a pirate, Jo.
Sunshine, if I'd known you were going to Sushi Taro, I might have come up & joined you. I also would have counseled you to order the Rainbow Roll. It's expensive, but Oh. My. God. If I could only eat one sushi item for the rest of my life, that would be it. I admit to using a fork with sushi (take-out sushi from like the grocery store & I forgot to check that they put chopsticks in my bag, but no, all they put it was a plastic fork), but cutting it? Wow. I would have said something. Although I would have done it in a passive-aggressive way. (loud voice) "Sunshine, you know what really annoys me? When people go to an ethnic restaurant and don't eat appropriately. Like asking for a knife & fork at an ethiopian restaurant. Or, I don't know, a sushi restaurant. What kind of a dork would do that?!? Oh, sorry, lady."
Turtle, with you by my side, the next visit to Taro will be much less annoying.
Passive - aggressive. I like that. Not something I have in my tool bag, nor is it something that I respond to, but I see the value in it. Maybe I should learn more about this technique.
I'm up for a k-zoo trip.
Didn't we talk about Six at Barneyroo?
Yes we did.
The poor kids next door were so confused...and topless.
Speaking of, it's never too early to start getting commitments for the 2007 OWFL Music & Lunch Festival!!!
When?: Sometime in June
Where?: Manchester, TN
Who?: TBD
Who's coming with me?
cornhohle, music, drinks, food, other stuff....
Jo, I may not be a decent OWFL special events coordinator, but I can plan a mean expedition to Manchester. If I have a job (with Benefits & vacation), and it is not in a school, or if it is in a school we are already out for the summer. I'm down with the Roo. We'd be like 5th year seniors this year. Since we'll have been there for 5 years... and we're totally older than about 90% of the kids there. But we're not as old as those "trying to reclaim their Youth guys"
ah jo, calling someone a double entendre is a compliment... it means a beautiful woman with tiny feet.
i think.
and said brown company should be put in its own basement.
m is full of rage.
still pink tho
not green
M. Never forget that you are represented by a blood thirsty killer green robot.
You can be pink all you want, as long as your attack robot does it's job
Pink??? We got commies on the owfl???
Jo, aren't you skipping ahead past the 2007 Big Easy OWFL conference? What's up with that? Are we still doing it? B/c we totally should.
LT are you volunteering to spearhead the Big Easy conference with Events Coordinator Sunshine?
I'll add support, but if I were spearheading a conference, I'd totally make it in the Conch Republic (the FL Keys)
Dude, just hang in there - it's practically dinner time! You'll only have to go outside once!
Hey Y'all
I know it's late, but maybe some DC folks will check this some time before leaving their computer today.
Going to have a few drinks at Bravo Bravo tomorrow. For those of you who don't know that is HH@BB in OWFLese.
Jo is on record as being down... how about you?
Nice 4:20 post, Sunshine. I'm a definite maybe.
unintentional, but I saw that and smiled.... and jonesed to pull some tubes.
Put me down as a 'maybe' as well. A definite maybe.
I always liked two things about Six:
1) She was named after the number of beers her mom had before she was conceived, and
2) Her real name was Jenna Von Oy.
EQue - were there other Von Oy family members at your school?
Six had a big ole butt.
In fact I am willing to bet money that she once had a convo like the following:
"Damn girl where'd you get all that ass?"
"My mom. Some guys say I've got a ghetto booty."
"No doubt...bring that over here."
That was the first installment of Dirty Cousin Jo's home porn theater. HT provides all the voice overs.
Indeed, Jo - indeed.
I posted my glowing review over yonder on my blog.
IMDb tells me that Ms. Von Oy (her real name - kinda - seems her guardian angel came to her when she was a little kid named Jennifer and told her she was meant to be called Jenna. Somehow, she convinced her parents to legally change it.) is currently pursuing a career in country music. Hee haw.
I can get behind a Yee Haw, but Hee Haw, is a show that I wasn't allowed to watch. My folks thought it would make us retarded, cuz it was so dumb.
I saw it one time and it turns out my folks were right.
"Those aren't condoms! They're balloons! For a party!"
"Those aren't balloons! They're condoms! For a party!"
Hee Haw was television magic.
Also never saw Blossom. Not that it was as bad as Hee Haw, but It never apealed to me.
The only thing I remember about Miam Byalic, or whatever she was called, is that she was one of the first fake nude celebrity photos I saw on the young web
Oh, and I wasn't allowed to watch the Electric Company because apparently it made me hyper. I'm still too scared of my mom to watch it.
Ew. She's high on the list of celebrities I don't even want to think about nekkid. Yuck.
I loooove Ms. Von Oy, simply because she was the one who was literally dying to belong in the most awesomely bad sororities-are-evil made-for-tv movie ever made. Also, coincidently titled "Dying to Belong." Also featuring a pre-Oscar Hilary Swank, that chick from Night Court as Hilary Swank's mom, Mr. Zach Morris, and that blond chick who's in every Lifetime movie ever (the girl who claimed Steve Sanders date-raped her freshman year on 90210). I think many on the blog would enjoy it.
And I'm a definite maybe for HH tomorrow, where I can discuss "Dying to Belon" further, if they're interest.
Oooooh, that chick was bad. Didn't she later try to seduce Steve again or something? Or try to worm her way into their little group? Which reminds me - I saw that season 1 of 90210 is out on dvd now! Do I Netflix it??
She freaked out when Brenda got the lead in Cat on a Hot Tin Roof. She was Brenda's understudy (she actually got the part b/c Brenda flubbed the audition, and then it was insinuated that B went to the director's house and "convinced" him (wink, wink) to cast her in the lead). Anyway, the blonde chick was Steve's g/f and she wigged out and threatened to kill herself by jumping from the lighting rigs to the stage.
Oh yeah! Ah, good times. She was a great psycho.
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