It's 12:47 AM and I am still not sure how happy I am.
The TN Senate seat was just called for the Republican.
MO and MT are still far away from being called.
VA looks like it is headed for a recount as the guy I want to win is only up by about 3,000 votes.
Your Czar is very happy to report that the House of Representatives has been very politely returned to his beloved party after a 12 yr loan to Hatertot's folks.
This is good.
On the other hand everyone here at OWFL is very upset for a good friend of the blog and her betrothed for having lost an extremely hard fought campaign in Western New York.
We hope he will be back and we promise to work harder for him next time.
So what now?
What do you dine on when you don't know how you feel?
What food can fill the empty pit in your belly that will soon be filled by extreme joy or disappointment?
Help me and others who are feeling like me answer this question on what is turning out to be a gorgeous, beautiful Wednesday.
And also tell us, of course...
Okay, they just called Missouri for McCaskill so I am closer to fine...
If the Senate is Blue .. I'll stop holding my breath.
till I'm blue.
I usually go for the light reflective\alone meal. I am usually very sure of what I think (read: bullheaded). So when I have those moments where I feel unsure (read: touched in the head), I usually go off to a corner to sulk (better to be in a negative mood than any at all :) ).
ooo, today I'm not sure .. its either the lunch I brought or maybe a hamburger from Christian's Tailgate.
Who knows?
I am the Spam King.
So between current news buzz and last night’s ramblings of those who are borderline mentally retarded and happen to have a news show:
"What does the shift in power mean for America"
Talk about not knowing how to feel. I hope for positive change in the coming years and i feel there is nothing better for that than an incumbent enema… but as i've survived this long in America and my head not up my ass that entire time, i have the strong suspicion nothing will change.
and that makes me sad
and apathetic
what do i eat when i don't know how to feel? well, usually foods that reflect that mood. i'll eat for the sake of eating and possibly to ward of starvation. ritz crackers, ramen soup and water... bland flavorless and starchy.
well that is for the first bit of not knowing how to feel. Then comes liquor. and that will keep coming til i don't realize that i was ever confused.
here's to change.
Oh BLogger. I vote against you.
Jo, I ususally go with what's easiest. you have a costco card, I'm sure you have something laying around that you don't have to think about to eat.
today is too much work day. i am having a turkey sammie for lunch with sweet & hot mustard.
i have to poo.
go dems!
Ugh, of course nothing will change. Except the intensity of the hatred. I can tell you what's going to happen over the next few weeks in VA - apparently the presumptive loser can't call for recount until the vote is certified, which won't be until 11/22 or something. Then he'll call for a recount, and then the lawyers will get involved & we won't have a senator until sometime in December & then for the next 6 years, every time somebody mentions Senator [Whoever], there'll be muttering under his breath about how he stole the election. It's like deja vu! Except without Katherine Harris. Ugh. I'm not looking forward to it. Siiiiiigh. And 57% of my stupid fellow statesmen decided that we need to have bigotry written into the VA constitution. B/c there being like 3 laws on the books against gay marriage isn't enough.
And it's ugly rainy & crappy out & I have to go out for lunch. Maybe I'll order in - not from that thai place, though. I've been craving that stupid 'Brooklyn pizza' from Domino's. Damn commercials. They work on me every time.
Update on that which Jo has mentioned: Though both CNN and Fox News called it a victory for the opponent, our friend has not conceded yet. It seems that there are something like 13,000 paper and absentee ballots. And, our team is only down by just under 4,000 votes. So everyone keep your fingers crossed.
Lunch today is bitterness and vitriol, not over the election at all, as I always think change is good, and this time around I needed my party to lose to still retain faith that maybe they'll straighten themselves out, but rather I am a very, very cranky HT today for other reasons I shan't bore my fellow OWFLers with. I might go to the gym, but the weather, from what I can tell, is miserable, therefore I might spend today on the couch.
I had jury duty yesterday; that was fun. Of course, as a "non-minority", with a close relative in law enforcement, chosen for selection for a murder trial they could have not wasted my entire day, and just dismissed me in the morning b/c we all know there was no way in hell any defense atty. was going to put the likes of me on the jury. My lunch yesterday was terrible, as Jo was gracious enough to blog for me.
Anyhoo, sorry I missed the fun at the Newton House. I was feeling quite ill by that point in the day. How were the pies?
Oh, but no matter how glad I am that the House went blue, the words "Speaker Pelosi" will forever make me gag. Her politics aside, she's as dumb as a bag of cats and I'm pretty sure, were she accidentally hit in the face with "her" gavel, it would shatter into a million botulism infected pieces.
Ooooh, well, let's keep our fingers crossed for our friend in NY.
The pies were fab . . . mmmmm . . . caramelly.
Top notch pie. Top notch.
It was good pie.
And, of course things are going to change. Didn't you listen to any of the victory speeches last night? The people have spoken, and the people's attention span always lasts longer than an election-contesting process.
And, in the real news, did you hear about Britney and K-Fed?
It's strange. When I just thought about what I would eat when I don't know how I feel, I pictured a bowl of corn chowder with crushed saltines on top. Then, I thought about a story described in John Irving's A Widow for One Year entitled The Sound of Someone Trying Not to Make a Sound, and that image made me smile even more than the corn chowder.
Today, I am having leftovers from last night's dinner. It's pretty much the same thing I made on Sunday night, only without the scallops (which were delightful, in case I didn't mention it). So, zuchinni, yellow squash, baby portobellos, white onion, tomato, fresh basil in a light white wine sauce over fusili.
Damn. I might just have to eat right now...
Yesterday was a big victory for traditional republican values like fiscal responsibility, so cheer up HT.
Today i'm eating some leftovers, chicken and rice, but if I had my druthers i'd get a big bacon classic with cheese from wendy's. yummy shit, too bad there's not one around my job
I think I got two new cavities from eating one piece of pie.
Go Indies!
I want chili again...and the last time I decided that I couldn't find any...
That's encouraging news about our friend HT. Fingers and toes are firmly crossed and I hope the picture of the day represents a future one for our friend.
Just got into work.
Late night election watching and a fire at a neighboring building made my "slightly late start" turn into a 1/2 vacation day.
And look it's lunchtime already.
I have decided to stick with the chili from downstairs as it seems to have been good luck for the elecetions and I hope that luck continues.
In fact i will try to eat a cup of chili everyday until all the outstanding races are resolved as a sign of solidarity.
HT, though I'm sure it won't help your vitriolic mood I should tell you that my "minority" sataus and my lack of links to law enforcement have still not gotten me on a criminal tril...though the fact that I lived 2 blocks from the scene of the crime might have played a part in one of the cases.
Speaker Pelosi is definitely smarter than Mr. Dirty Mitts.
Heartening news on the friend-of-the-blog front. I'll keep my fingers crossed.
Sorry LT, my careful voting instructions to my mother did not make up for the collective biggotry of the other 57% of your state.
Lunch today was a tuna fish sandwich. And I just realized that I'm out of gum. Gus no one will be sitting next to me at my afternoon meeting.
I don't know, Speaker Mr. Dirty Mitts has a nice ring to it.
-- Defense Secretary Donald Rumsfeld is stepping down, sources tell CNN.
Yeah, JO, I looked for you on the 8:57 S1 this morning. No Josephus.
Just got back from the Potbellys that I have heard so much about.
They make a good 'wich. Plus there was an awful guy playing 'music' to make the lunch seem like more of an event. I liked it and would return to Potbelly, if my temp assingment is ever around there.
HT, that is the greatest victory of all.
Rummy... You're outta here!!!
just got back from "Look See" a restaurant specializing in north new jersey's view of "Modern Chinese Cuisine".. the food is actually pretty good except for some reason the fried rice takes of maple syrup. I had the General Tso's chicken in deference to the fakeness of the general menu..
here is the cool part of it though... it looks like a converted bigBoy from the outside with a bright white and blue roof and a pervasive "brokendownness" to it... you get inside and eveyrthign is dark wood and deep purple walls with oddly scattered track lighting... it is kinda like a dirty strip club to the untrained eye... cool place though..
oh shite..
did you hear:
Rumsfeld is stepping down!
god... if he hadn't resigned with everything else going on i am scared to hear what reason he has for doing it at this point..
that made my week.
Newsflash: a coworker told me what happend with rummy:
M [1:08 PM]:
i wonder waht he got caught doing
W [1:08 PM]:
i didnt think that would really happen
W [1:08 PM]:
gd only knows
W [1:08 PM]:
probably was the one recocunting the votes in VA
W [1:08 PM]:
ripping up all the democratic ones
W [1:08 PM]:
and then masterbating on them
W [1:08 PM]:
w/ a monkey watching
W [1:08 PM]:
and a baby on his back
M, are you talking about Rummy or Foley?
Monkeys are illegal in Virginia.
It was probably a macaca.
The President was asked about proposed legislation that would give the citizens of D.C. a voting member in congress.
The President said that:
A) He hadn't heard of any legislation and...
B) ...he'd be happy to read it but he's been really busy with "the Indian deal and the Viet Nam deal..."
Every citizen of the district just did a double take, rolled their eyes and went back to our daily lives as second class tax-payers.
You may carry on.
I felt that moment of almost counting. I just thought it was gas from all the beer last night, but it turns out that it was the brief feeling of hope.
Quickly extinguished.
I've been giving it some thought - if us getting a vote, means Utah gets an extra one... I'm not sure - it's kind of a toss up - we get one, but the crazy Mormons get one more? Maybe I'll continue to vote in PA forever.
Kind of a mid term lull in the blogging today huh?
Rummy was just a little tearful as he gave his resignation speech. he also had a good jab along the lines of
'Criticism has served to focus me,
And I have never had a lack of it.'
come back miso.
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